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发布时间:2024-08-28 21:41:37

① 美国版花木兰英文经典片段

Mulan: Father, you can't go
Fa Zhou: Mulan!
Mulan: Please sir, my father has already fought bravely--
Chi Fu: Silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue
in a man's presence.
Fa Zhou: Mulan, you dishonor me.
Chi Fu: Report tomorrow at the WuShu camp.
Fa Zhou: Yes, sir.
Chi Fu: The Chu family. The Wen family.
The Chang family. The...
Mulan: You shouldn't have to go.
Fa Li: Mulan!
Mulan: There are plenty of young men to fight for China.
Fa Zhou: It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
Mulan: So you'll die for honor!
Fa Zhou: I will DIE doing what's right.
Mulan: But if you--
Fa Zhou: I know my place, it is time you learned yours.
Grandma Fa: Mulan is gone.
Fa Zhou: What? It can't be. Mulan! No.
Fa Li: You must go after her. She could be killed!
Fa Zhou: If I reveal her, she will be. [Fa Zhou embraces Fa Li]
Grandma Fa: Ancestors, hear our prayer: Watch over Mulan.

First Ancestor: Mushu, awaken!

Mushu: I live! So tell me what mortal needs my protection Great Ancestor. You just say the
word and I'm there.

First Ancestor: Mushu!

Mushu: Hey, let me say something. Anybody who is foolish enough to threaten
our family, vengeance will be MINE. Hrrrrr.

First Ancestor: Mushu! These are the family guardians.

Mushu [dejectedly]: Protect the family.

First Ancestor: And you, oh demoted one.

Mushu: I...ring the gong.

First Ancestor: That's right, now, wake up the ancestors.

Mushu: One family reunion coming right up. Okay people,
people look alive, lets go! C'mon get up. Let's move it, rise and shine.
You're way past the beauty sleep thing now trust me!
Ancestor 1: I knew it, I knew it. That Mulan was a trouble maker from the start.

Ancestor 3: Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family.

Ancestor 2: She's just trying to help her father.

Ancestor 4: But, if she is discovered, Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.
Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate.
Ancestor 5: Not to mention they'll lose the farm.
Ancestor 1: My children never caused such trouble. They all became
Ancestor 3: Well, We can't all be acupuncturists.
Ancestor 6: No, your great granddaughter had to be cross-dresser!
Ancestor 7: Let a guardian bring her back.
Ancestor 8: Yeah, awaken the most cunning.
Ancestor 4: No, the swiftest.
Ancestor 9: No, send the wisest.
First Ancestor: Silence! We must send the most powerful of all
Mushu: Ho, ho, heh, heh. Okay,okay, I get the drift, I'll go. You all don't think I can do it.
Watch this here. Ah, ha, Jump back, I'm prettyhot huh.
Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.

② 刘亦菲的《花木兰》百度云资源,伸手党谢谢


③ 求一个电影《花木兰》百度云资源


④ 迪士尼真人版《花木兰》 女主敲定刘亦菲吗


真人版极具挑战 刘亦菲摘下花木兰真本领说话



⑤ 求花木兰真人版百度云资源





⑥ 电影花木兰演职员表


刘亦菲饰花木兰/花军,甄子丹饰董荣,巩俐饰仙娘,李连杰饰皇帝,李截饰步利可汗,安柚鑫饰陈洪辉,赵家玲饰花李氏,郑佩佩饰媒婆,唐莎娜饰花秀,袁文忠饰霍强,Jun Yu饰蟋蟀,黄谷悦饰田岭,唐辰瀛饰老姚,道阿·茂阿饰孙波,温明娜饰引荐人。

尼尔森·李饰丞相,饶雪晶饰童年木兰,袁之正饰Duba Tegin,Owen Kwong饰高级军官,Arka Das饰Red Fez,乌特卡什·安邦德卡尔饰Skatch,Jen Sung饰Kilifu Tegin,Hoon Lee饰村长。

King Lau饰Bati Tegin,R.J. O'Young饰年轻士兵,Jenson Cheng饰Tulugui Tegin,Maynard Bagang饰皇帝的仆人,Anton Rufino饰柔然勇士。

加里·扬饰Garrison Commander,Adrian Dev饰Red Fire Rouran,Vincent Feng饰隆伟,Chun Kiu Zhao饰孩子,Paul Yen饰朝廷大臣。

Daniel Joseph Cruz饰御前待卫/柔然武士/Tung's Battalion,Cindy Choi饰村民,Jay Neal饰年轻的柔然武士。






花妈妈,配音:Freda Foh Shen、郑建初(国语)。备注:花木兰的母亲。






将军,配音:James Shigeta(原声)、李立宏(国语)。备注:李翔的父亲。


金宝,配音:Jerry Tondo(原声)、邵锋(国语)。备注:与木兰同行的战友之一。

宁,配音:Gedde Watanabe(原声)、郭政建(国语)、张涵予(演唱)。备注:与木兰同行的战友之一。




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