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发布时间:2024-08-21 21:02:32

『壹』 请问电影院在那用英语怎么说

Excuse me, where is the cinema?

『贰』 打扰一下,附近是有一座电影院吗用英语翻译

Excuse me, is there is a cinema near here?

『叁』 电影院英语怎么读

在英语中,有几种常见的表示“电影院”的词汇。首先,"cinema"是其正式且通用的英文名,发音为英式['sɪnɪmə; -mɑː]或美式['sɪnəmə]。其次,"movie"也是一个常用的词汇,其发音在英美两地都为[ˈmu:vi]或[ˈmuvi]。另外,“theater”虽然也可指电影院,但在美国更常见,发音为英式['θɪətə]或美式[ˈθi:ətər]。

在实际使用中,"cinema"通常用于指代大型的电影放映场所,而"movie theater"或"film theater"则是较为通用的说法。例如,可以说"They queued to get into the cinema"(他们排队进入电影院)或"We ripsnorted our way to the cinema"(我们欢笑着走向电影院)。

电影院有时会安排特别的放映活动,如"The film is being double-billed in some cinemas"(一些电影院正在安排这部影片的同场放映)。孩子们也会请求家长带他们去,就像"The little girl kept at her father to take her to the cinema"(小女孩缠着父亲带她去电影院)这样的场景。

最后,一部受到喜爱的电影可能会引发整个电影行业的大庆祝,如"I loved the movie and all of Indian cinema will be celebrating"(我喜爱这部电影,印度的所有电影院都将为之庆祝)。


『肆』 英语单词你想问电影院怎么走三种方式


『伍』 请问去电影院怎么走(六种)用英文

Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the cinema?
Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to the cinema?
Where is the cinema?
How can I get to the cinema?
Do you know the way to the cinema?
I wonder where the cinema is.
I wonder the way to the cinema.

『陆』 6年级英语题求答 10点前要

1,Cinema in the science and technology museum nearby.
2 .In hospitals in the front of the park.
3 there is a library
4 there is a hospital near here? Yes. Is it far from here? No, it is not far.
5, Xinhua bookstore where? In the people's Bank of China next door.
The 6 excuse me, where is the station? It's near the cinema.
7 of our school is next to the post office.
8 How do you go to school, I usually go to school by bus, sometimes by bike.
9 how can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can take the number 15 bus.
10 of your home is on the fifth floor? Yes.
11, we must know the traffic rules

『柒』 请问电影院在哪儿英语

Could you tell me where the cinema is?

『捌』 电影院在哪里英语翻译

Where is the cinema?你是小朋友吧?加紧练习哦!英语很好学的,加油!

『玖』 你想知道电影院在哪,你会问(写出英文句子)

Excuse me,Where is the cinema?
或 Excuse me, could/can you tell me the way to the cinema?



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