导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 你想邀请朋友去看电影用英文怎么说


发布时间:2024-07-27 14:47:13

❶ 想邀请朋友一起去看电影,用英语怎么说.(要

I'd like to invite some friends to the movies
邀请invite; request
朋友friend; boy friend; girl friend; amigo; companion
一起去go along with
看电影see a movie


你知道要怎么 用英文邀约别人吃饭,或是邀请共进晚餐 吗?学英文的目的就是希望能够用英文跟别人聊天,既然是聊天,难免就会遇到要用英文邀请别人吃饭,出来闲聊。所以用英文邀约吃饭是很基本的,一定要知道怎么祥明表达唷。如果你还不知道怎样用英文轻松邀请别人吃饭、共进晚餐,那就赶快来看这篇英文教学吧!



邀约吃饭、约会,邀请共进晚餐 英文

1.Are you free Saturday evening?你星期六晚上有空吗?


例: Are you free Friday night? 你星期五晚上有空吗?

例:Are you free Saturday night? 你星期六晚上有空吗猜宴正?

2.Are you busy on the 20th?你20号在忙吗?

如果你是要邀请某个特别日期,你就可以用「Are you busy on the …?」这样的方式询问,问对方某天是不是在忙。

例: Are you busy on the 10th. 你十号有穗悔空吗?

3.What are you up to this weekend?你这周末要干嘛?


例: What are you up to this weekend? 你这周末要干嘛?

例: What are you up to next weekend? 你下周末要干嘛?

除了说 What are you up to…之外,你也可以简单的说 What are you doing…。

例: What are you doing next weekend? 你下周末要干嘛?

4.Would you like to go to dinner?要共进晚餐吗?


例: Would you like to go to dinner? 要共进晚餐吗?

例: Would you like to go out to dinner with me? 要跟我一起吃晚餐吗?

5.I was wondering if you’d like to go out. 我在想你是否想跟我约会


例: I was wondering if you’d like to go out. 我在想你是否想跟我约会


例: I was wondering if you’d like to see a movie. 我在想你愿不愿意跟我一起看个电影。


例: If you’re not doing anything, would you like to go to a party with me? 如果你没什么事的话,是否愿意跟我一起去舞会呢?

例: If you don’t have other plans, would you like to go dancing? 如果你没其他计画,要不要一起去跳舞呢?




1.Are you free Saturday evening?你星期六晚上有空吗? 2.Are you busy on the 20th?你20号在忙吗? 3.What are you up to this weekend?你这周末要干嘛? 4.Would you like to go to dinner?要共进晚餐吗? 5.I was wondering if you’d like to go out. 我在想你是否想跟我约会

约吃晚餐 英文, 约吃饭 英文, 约会 英文, 约看电影 英文, 邀约 英文, 邀请 英文, 邀请约会 英文

❸ 我希望你能邀请你朋友一起去看电影英文

我希望你能邀请你朋友一起去看电影 英文:

I hope you can invite your friends to the movies

❹ 请问怎么用英语邀请朋友去看电影

Would you mind my inviting you to go to cinema this evening?

Would you like to go to the movies on Friday night?

you pay for the supper and i treat you to a movie?ok?

❺ 邀请朋友和我一起看电影用英语怎么说

  1. 邀请朋友和我一起看电影 英语表达为 Invite my friends to see a movie with me.

  2. invite表示邀请,请求。





  3. invite作及物动词,用法如下:
    邀请,招待。常用结构为:invite sb to do,invite sb to sth,invite sb+副词或介词短语,表示“邀请某人做某事”,“邀某人去某地”。

❻ 用英语邀请别人去看电影字数200

去看电影 [简明汉英词典]
go to see a movie
go to the movies
went to the movies
LiLei and Tom go to see a movie.
或者LiLei and Tom go to the movies.
1. 去看电影
go to see a film

收藏 | 出自>实用交际英语
2. 去看电影
Going to the Movies

收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(八年级适用)
3. 去看电影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>初级追分片语525
4. 去看电影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>新起点小学英语(四年级上学期适用)
5. 去看电影,
Going to the movies,

收藏 | 出自>新起点小学英语(五年级上学期适用)
6. 去看电影,
Going to the movies,

收藏 | 出自>新起点小学英语(五年级上学期适用)
7. 去看电影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>新世纪小学英语第9册 (五年级第一学期适用)
8. 去看电影

收藏 | 出自>交友900句典
9. 去看电影
go to a movie

收藏 | 出自>英语听力达标 七年级上册 与人教新目标同步
10. 去不去看电影?
What about going to the theater?

收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语-句型手册900句(2)
11. 我去看电影了。
I went to see a movie.

收藏 | 出自>生活英语天天说-描绘与说明篇
12. 要去看电影吗?
Would you like to go to the movies?

收藏 | 出自>生活英语天天说-日常生活篇
13. 去看电影如何?
How about going to a movie?

收藏 | 出自>生活英语天天说-日常生活篇
14. 我们去看电影。
Let's go to the movies.

收藏 | 出自>小学英语第6册(五年级下学期适用)
15. 我们去看电影。
Let's go to the movies.

收藏 | 出自>小学英语第6册(四年级下学期适用)
16. 去看电影如何?
How about going to the movies?

收藏 | 出自>休闲英语会话
17. 我要去看电影。
I'm going to catch a movie.

收藏 | 出自>生活美语抢“鲜”说
18. 我去看电影。
I'm going to the cinema.

收藏 | 出自>初二英语口语
19. 去看电影好吗?
Would you like to go to the cinema?

收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(七年级适用)
20. 去看电影吗?
Will you go and see a film?

收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(九年级适用)

❼ 用英文邀请别人去看电影孔子

1. have you heard of the movie Confucius?
2. are you interested in watching the movie Confucius?
3. would you like to go watch the movie Confucius with me?

或者说 if you have no plan for this weekend, why don't we go see Confucius together? 这样意图就不太明显了吧

❽ 怎样用英语邀请朋友参加看电影活动并说对他有帮助

Do you have time tomorrow? There's a movie going on in our school at 6pm. Would you like going there with me? The movie is in English. You can learn English by watching the movie. And the price is cheap too. Just 10rmb each person.

你明天有时间么? 晚上6点我们学校有看电影。 你愿意跟我一起去么? 电影是原版英文的。 你可以通过看电影来学习英文。 而且票价也便宜。 每人只要10元。



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