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发布时间:2024-06-24 07:28:35

『壹』 小班科学活动《疯狂动物城》教案






































拓展内容: 《疯狂动物城》影评





『贰』 楂樹簩鑻辫瑿harlieChaplin鏁欐


銆銆Teaching aims and requirements


銆銆Teaching important and difficult points

銆銆1銆俉ords and phrases

銆銆Appearance锛 film锛 correction锛 line锛 set锛 storm锛 mouthful锛 theatre锛 director锛 stage锛 bury锛 actress锛 setoff锛 in the air锛 in a short while锛 as if锛 in a hurry锛 be uncertain about锛 (one鈥檚)search for锛 intend to do锛 put on

銆銆2銆侱aily expressions

銆銆Intentions and wishes

銆銆What do you plan to do next? We intend to work hard next January?

銆銆I hope it will be very successful銆 It will certainly be very 鈥︺

銆銆What are your plans for the future?

銆銆3銆 Grammar

銆銆Revise the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause



銆銆1銆 閫氳繃浠ュ硅瘽缁冧範锛屼簡瑙i噰璁块棶棰樼殑璁剧疆鍙婇棶绛斻

銆銆2銆 缁冧範浜虹墿浼犺扮殑鍩烘湰鍐欐硶銆




銆銆Lesson 17: 瀛︾敓涓や汉涓缁勶紝鍒嗗埆鎵婕旇拌呭拰瀵兼紨鐨勮掕壊杩涜岄噰璁裤

銆銆Lesson 18: 閫氳繃鍋氱瑪璁版帉鎻¤炬枃鍐呭广

銆銆Lesson 19: 閫氳繃Part3鍜孭art4鐨勭粌涔犲綊绾抽潪闄愬畾鎬у畾璇浠庡彞鐨勭壒鐐广

銆銆Lesson 20: 绗斿ご缁冧範锛氬﹀啓绠鍗曠殑浜虹墿浼犺般


銆銆鏁欏笀鍦ㄦ暀瀛︾敓浠澶嶄範鍜岀悊瑙i潪闄愬埗瀹氳浠庡彞鏃讹紝瑕佸弽澶嶅己璋冨摢浜涘紩瀵艰瘝鍙鐢ㄤ簬闈為檺鍒跺畾璇浠庡彞锛屽悓鏃舵暀甯堝彲鐢ㄩ檺鍒跺畾璇涓庨潪闄愬埗瀹氳浠庡彞鐨勫规瘮鍜屽尯鍒嗭紝濡傦細which锛 that 锛宎s 锛寃ho锛 whose绛夊紩瀵艰瘝锛屽湪缁冧範鍜屼妇渚嬩腑璁╁︾敓浠寮勬竻妤氥


銆銆鏈鍗曞厓鐨勫硅瘽涓昏佹槸绠鍗曞湴浠嬬粛鑷宸辩殑琛ㄨ揪璇濡傦細I鈥檓鈥︼紝I do鍙婅㈤棶瀵规柟鎰忔効What do you plan to next? 鍜岃〃杈捐嚜宸辨剰鎰垮強甯屾湜 I plan鈥︺傘傦紝 I wish that鈥︺傜殑浜ら檯鐢ㄨ銆傞槄璇昏句富瑕佹槸浜嗚В鐢靛奖鍠滃墽澶у笀鏌ョ悊路鍗撳埆鏋楃殑鐢熷钩鍜屼粬鐨勭數褰便傛湰鍗曞厓浣跨敤鐨勮瘝姹囪緝涓轰赴瀵屽傦細direct锛 act锛 set off锛 appearance锛 bring up 锛宧onor锛 as if锛 intend銆傞潪闄愬埗鎬у畾璇浠庡彞涓鍏崇郴浠o紙鍓锛夎瘝鐨勪娇鐢锛屾槸鏈鍗曞厓鐨勯噸鐐硅娉曢」鐩銆


銆銆1銆 be known for锛 be known as 鍜 be known to

銆銆be known for=be famous for鎰忎负鈥滃洜鈥︹﹁屽嚭鍚嶁濓紝浠嬭瘝for琛ㄧず鍘熷洜銆

銆銆Guilin is known for its beautiful scenery銆

銆銆be known as=be famous as 鎰忎负鈥滀綔涓衡︹﹁屽嚭鍚嶁濓紝浠嬭瘝as鎸囦富璇鐨勮韩浠芥垨鍚嶇О銆

銆銆Mr銆 Zhang is known as an English teacher銆

銆銆be known to 鎰忎负鈥滀负锛堟煇浜猴級鎵鐭ユ垨鐔熸倝鈥濓紝浠嬭瘝to鍚庢帴浜恒

銆銆As is known to all锛 she is always ready to help others銆 浼楁墍鍛ㄧ煡锛屽ス鎬绘槸涔愪簬鍔╀汉銆

銆銆2銆 search锛 search for 鍜 in (one鈥檚) search for/ of

銆銆search=try to find by looking锛 鎰忎负鈥滄悳瀵烩濄佲滄悳鏌モ濄俿earch鐨勫捐涓鑸鏄琚鎼滄煡鐨勪汉鎴栨煇涓鍦烘墍锛岃屼笉鏄鎵瑕佸绘壘鐨勪笢瑗裤

銆銆The policeman searched the thief to see what he had in his pockets銆傞偅涓璀﹀療瀵瑰皬鍋锋悳韬锛岀湅浠栧彛琚嬮噷鏈変粈涔堜笢瑗裤

銆銆search for鐩稿綋浜巐ook for銆俿earch for鐨勫捐涓鑸涓鸿佹壘鐨勪笢瑗匡紝鑰屼笉鏄琚鎼滄煡鐨勪汉鎴栧満鎵銆

銆銆The villagers were searching for the missing boy銆 鏉戞皯浠姝e湪瀵绘壘閭eけ韪鐨勭敺瀛┿

銆銆娉ㄦ剰锛欼 search a place for a person=search a person in a place锛 鎰忎负鈥滃湪鏌愬湴鎼滃绘煇浜衡濄

銆銆in (one鈥檚) search for 鍜 in search of閮芥剰涓衡滃绘壘鈥濄佲滃绘眰鈥濓紝鍦ㄥ彞涓鏃㈠彲浣滅姸璇锛屼篃鍙浣滆〃璇銆傛敞鎰忎袱涓鐭璇浠嬭瘝鐨勬惌閰嶏紝濡傛灉鍚嶈瘝search鍓嶅甫鏈夐檺瀹氳瘝a锛宼he鎴杘ne鈥檚锛屽悗闈涓鑸鐢ㄤ粙璇峟or锛屽傛灉search鍓嶄笉甯﹂檺瀹氳瘝锛屽悗闈涓鑸鐢ㄤ粙璇峯f銆

銆銆The husband joined the wife in her search for the unknown element(鍏冪礌)銆

銆銆Some birds fly south in search of winter sun銆

銆銆Could you explain exactly what to do? 浣犺兘纭鍒囧湴瑙i噴涓涓嬩綘鐨勫伐浣滃悧锛


銆銆He explained to us how the machine was used銆 浠栫粰鎴戜滑璁茶В杩欐満鍣ㄦ庝箞浣跨敤銆


銆銆He gave me a pen銆 ( =He gave a pen to me銆 )

銆銆He bought me a pen銆 ( =He bought a pen for me銆 )


銆銆He explained the matter to me銆 (姝)=He explained to me the matter銆

銆銆He explained me the matter銆 (璇)


銆銆announce瀹e竷锛宑ommunicate浼犺揪锛宒escribe鎻忚堪锛宔xplain瑙i噴锛宔xpress琛ㄨ揪锛 introce浠嬬粛锛宮ention鎻愬強锛宲oint out鎸囧嚭锛宺eport鎶ュ憡锛宺epeat閲嶈堪锛宻ay璇达紝shout鍠婏紝鍙锛泂uggest寤鸿銆

銆銆At the end of this period we put the play on in a theatre銆傛帓缁冧竴缁撴潫锛屾垜浠灏卞湪鍓ч櫌涓婃紨杩欏嚭鎴忋

銆銆put on

銆銆1) 涓婃紨锛屾紨鍑

銆銆The new play will be put on next week銆 杩欏嚭鏂版垙灏嗕簬涓嬪懆涓婃紨銆

銆銆They put on a concert for us銆 浠栦滑涓烘垜浠涓捐屼簡闊充箰浼氥

銆銆2) 绌夸笂锛屾埓涓

銆銆He put on his cap and went out浠栨埓涓婂附瀛愬嚭鍘讳簡銆

銆銆3) 鎵撳紑锛堢伅銆佹敹闊虫満绛夛級(=turn on)

銆銆Let鈥檚 put the light / radio on銆


銆銆put on airs 鎽嗘灦瀛 put on the air 鎾閫乸ut on the clock one hour 鎶婇挓鎷ㄥ揩涓灏忔椂

銆銆The timing is very important锛 not only for the movements but also for the lines of the dialogue銆傛椂闂寸殑瀹夋帓闈炲父閲嶈侊紟杩欎笉浠呭逛簬鍓ф儏鐨勫彉鍖栵紝鑰屼笖瀵逛簬瀵圭櫧涔熸槸濡傛ゃ

銆銆not only鈥but also鈥︽槸杩炶瘝璇嶇粍锛岃繛鎺ヤ袱涓鐩稿悓鐨勭粨鏋勩

銆銆1) 杩炴帴涓昏

銆銆Not only you but also Jack has been to Hangzhou銆備笉浠呬綘锛岃繕鏈夋澃鍏嬪幓杩囨澀宸炪


銆銆Not only Tom but also I am an engineer銆備笉浠呮堡濮嗭紝鎴戜篃鏄宸ョ▼甯堛


銆銆Tom can not only sing锛 but also dance銆 姹ゅ嗕笉浠呬細鍞辨瓕锛岃屼笖鑳借烦鑸炪


銆銆I saw not only Tom but also Jack in the park銆傛垜鍘诲叕鍥閲屼笉浠呰佸埌浜嗘堡濮嗭紝杩樿佸埌浜嗘澃鍏嬨


銆銆We study English not only at school but also at home锛 not only in class but also after class銆傛垜浠涓嶄粎鍦ㄥ︽牎锛岃屼笖鍦ㄥ堕噷涔熷﹁嫳璇锛涗笉浠呭湪璇惧爞涓婏紝鑰屼笖鍦ㄨ惧悗涔熷﹁嫳璇銆


銆銆Lu Xun was not only a writer but also a thinker銆 椴佽繀涓嶄粎鏄涓浣滃讹紝鑰屼笖鏄涓鎬濇兂瀹躲


銆銆Zhou Lan was elected not only monitor锛 but also League branch secretary銆 鍛ㄥ叞涓嶄粎褰撻変负鐝闀匡紝杩樺綋閫変负鍥㈡敮閮ㄤ功璁般

銆銆not only 鈥but also杩樺彲杩炴帴涓や釜鍒嗗彞锛屼絾绗涓涓鍒嗗彞鐨勪富璇鍜岃皳璇瑕佸掕呫傚傦細

銆銆Not only did the teachers take part in the English evening party锛 but also they sang songs at the party銆 鑰佸笀浠涓嶄粎鍑哄腑浜嗚嫳璇鏅氫細锛岃屼笖杩樺湪鏅氫細涓婂敱浜嗘瓕銆

銆銆At the age of eight锛 be joined a group of child dancers锛 and at seventeen he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors銆 8宀佹椂锛屼粬鍙傚姞浜嗗効绔ヨ垶鍓у洟锛17宀佹椂锛屼粬璺熶竴浜涘枩鍓ф紨鍛樺幓浜嗙編鍥姐

銆銆1) 骞撮緞琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡锛

銆銆He was a boy of sixteen銆

銆銆When he was sixteen锛 he went to college銆

銆銆By the time he was ten锛 he had built himself a chemistry lab銆 鍗佸瞾鏃讹紝浠栧凡寤烘垚浜嗚嚜宸辩殑鍖栧﹀疄楠屽ゃ

銆銆At (the age of ) twelve he began to sell newspapers on the train銆 鍗佷簩宀佹椂锛屼粬寮濮嬪湪鐏杞︿笂鍗栨姤銆

銆銆When he was in his early / middle / late thirties锛 he began to learn Russian銆 浠栦笁鍗佸嚭澶达紡涓夊崄浜斿叚锛忓勾杩戝洓鍗佹椂寮濮嬪︿縿璇銆

銆銆2) set off =set out锛 start锛 leave鍔ㄨ韩锛屽嚭鍙戯紱绫讳技鐨勮〃杈炬湁锛

銆銆start for A 鍔ㄨ韩鍓嶅線A鍦 leave B for A 绂诲紑B鍦板墠寰A鍦

銆銆set out for A鍑哄彂鍓嶅線 A鍦 set off for A 鍔ㄨ韩鍓嶅線 A鍦

銆銆sail for A 璧疯埅鍓嶅線 A鍦 head for A 鍚 A鍦拌繘鍙

銆銆make way for A鍚慉鍦扮Щ鍔


銆銆set about鐫鎵嬪仛锛宻et up 鎼璧凤紝寤鸿捣锛宻et sb銆 free閲婃斁锛 set out 鍑哄彂锛涚潃鎵嬶紝set an example to sb銆 缁欌︹︽爲绔嬫滄牱锛 set fire to 鏀剧伀

銆銆3) child鍎跨ヨ垶韫堝憳child鍚嶈瘝浣滃畾璇锛屼慨楗板彟涓涓鍚嶈瘝鏃堕』鐢ㄥ崟鏁般傚傦細two book stores 涓ゅ朵功搴 three shoe shops涓夊堕瀷搴 their boy friends 浠栦滑鐨勭敺鎬ф湅鍙

銆銆娉ㄦ剰锛歵wo men doctors 涓や綅鐢峰尰鐢 three women teachers 涓夊悕濂虫暀甯

銆銆As early as his second film锛 Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting锛 the one that was too become world famous銆 鏃╁湪浠栨媿绗浜岄儴褰辩墖鏃讹紝鍗撳埆鏋楀氨褰㈡垚浜嗚嚜宸辩殑琛ㄦ紨椋庢牸锛屽氨鏄闂诲悕浜庝笘鐨勯偅绉嶉庢牸銆

銆銆1) his own manner of acting =his own acting style浠栬嚜宸辩殑琛ㄦ紨椋庢牸锛

銆銆manner (n銆) 鎸囨枃鑹轰笂鐨勨滈庢牸鈥濇垨鈥滄墜娉曗濄

銆銆2) the one鏄涓嶅畾浠h瘝锛屽湪鍙ヤ腑浣渉is own manner of acting鐨勫悓浣嶈锛岃宼hat寮曞肩殑浠庡彞鏄瀹氳浠庡彞锛屼慨楗皌he one銆

銆銆3) was too become 鎰忎负鈥滃氨瑕佹垚涓衡濄傝繖绉嶇敱[be+鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅畾寮廬鐨勭粨鏋勭浉褰撲簬be going to do sth銆傦紝 甯哥敤鏉ヨ〃绀衡滄寜璁″垝鎴栧畨鎺掑皢瑕佸彂鐢熺殑鍔ㄤ綔鈥濄傚傦細

銆銆All these things are to be answered for銆 鎵鏈夎繖涓鍒囬兘鏄瑕佸伩杩樼殑銆

銆銆We are to meet at the school gate at six in the morning銆 鎴戜滑瀹氫簬鏃╀笂鍏鐐瑰湪瀛︽牎闂ㄥ彛闆嗗悎銆

銆銆Because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed銆傜粰鐢靛奖閰嶉煶鐨勮惧囪繕娌℃湁鐮斿埗鍑烘潵銆

銆銆1) add vt銆 澧炲姞锛屽炴坊锛涜ˉ鍏呰淬傚傦細

銆銆If you add 5 to 5锛 you get 10銆 浜斿姞浜斿緱鍗併

銆銆If the tea is too strong锛 add some water銆 瑕佹槸鑼跺お娴擄紝鍔犵偣鍎挎按銆

銆銆鈥淚 am sorry锛屸 he added锛 鈥淚 didn鈥檛 realize it銆傗 鈥滄姳姝夛紝鈥濅粬琛ュ厖璇达紝鈥滄垜涓嶆槑鐧姐傗

銆銆2) add to 澧炲姞锛屽炶繘

銆銆The trip adds greatly to our understanding of your country銆


銆銆3) add鈥to鈥﹀湪鈥︹﹀炲姞锛庡傦細

銆銆Please add these names to your list銆傝峰湪浣犵殑鍚嶅崟涓婂炲姞杩欏嚑涓鍚嶅瓧

銆銆4) add up to鍔犺捣鏉ワ紙杈惧埌锛夆︹︼紟濡傦細

銆銆The figures add up to 180銆傝繖浜涙暟瀛楀姞璧锋潵鏄180銆

銆銆People said gold could easily picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water銆傛嵁璇寸敤涓涓姘寸泦娣樻礂娌抽噷鐨勭爞瀛愬彲浠ュ緢瀹规槗鍦版妸閲戝瓙绛涢夊嚭鏉ャ

銆銆1锛塸ick up 鏀堕泦鍒帮紱鎹¤捣锛涙帴锛涙帴鏀讹紙鑺傜洰锛

銆銆The child picked up a wallet outside the school銆

銆銆He picked up a little French ring his visit to Paris銆傚湪璁块棶宸撮粠鏈熼棿浠栧﹀埌鐐瑰効娉曡銆

銆銆We use a radio to pick up English programmes銆 鎴戜滑鐢ㄦ敹闊虫満鏀跺惉鑻辫鑺傜洰銆

銆銆2) by鏄浠嬭瘝锛屾剰涓衡滀互鈥︹︽柟娉曗濄佲滀互鈥︹︽墜娈碘濄傚傦細by bus锛 by air銆 鍚庤窡鍔ㄨ瘝-ing褰㈠紡鏃讹紝琛ㄧず鈥滀互鈥︹﹀姩浣溿佸仛鈥︹︿簨鈥濄傚傦細

銆銆We can learn English well by listening锛 speaking锛 reading and writing銆傞氳繃鍚璇磋诲啓鎴戜滑灏卞彲浠ュ﹀ソ鑻辫銆

銆銆So far they have been unlucky in their search for gold銆傚埌閭f椂涓烘锛屼粬浠鎵鹃噾瀛愮殑杩愭皵涓鐩翠笉濂姐

銆銆1) so far鍒扮洰鍓嶄负姝锛涘埌杩欎釜鍦版ワ紱鍒拌繖绉嶇▼搴︺傚傦細

銆銆Our lives have been easy so far銆 鍒扮洰鍓嶄负姝锛屾垜浠鐨勬棩瀛愯繃寰椾笉閿欍

銆銆I can only trust him so far銆 鎴戝彧鑳界浉淇′粬鍒拌繖绉嶇▼搴︺

銆銆2) be lucky / unlucky in 鍦ㄢ︹︽柟闈㈠緢骞歌繍锛忚繍姘斾笉浣

銆銆He was unlucky in business last year銆 鍘诲勾浠栫敓鎰忎笉鏅姘斻

銆銆3) In one鈥檚 search for =in search of / looking for鍚庢帴鍚嶈瘝鎴栦唬璇嶏紝閫氬父鐢ㄤ綔鐘惰锛庡傦細

銆銆Mr銆 Smith came in his search for her銆傚彶瀵嗘柉鍏堢敓鏉ユ壘濂癸紟

銆銆They all went out in search of food銆備粬浠閮藉嚭鍘诲绘壘椋熺墿銆

銆銆He makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed銆備粬鎶婂悆鐨闉嬬殑鎯呮櫙婕斿緱灏卞儚鏄浠栧悆杩囩殑鏈棣欑殑涓椤块キ浼肩殑銆

銆銆1) make +瀹捐+瀹捐ˉ锛堝捐鍙鐢卞舰瀹硅瘝銆佷笉甯to鐨勫姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡锛岃繃鍘诲垎璇嶃佷粙璇嶇煭璇鍙婂悕璇嶅厖褰撱傦級濡傦細

銆銆The teacher made him repeat it銆 鑰佸笀瑕佷粬閲嶈堪涓閬嶃

銆銆I will make me happy if you can help me銆 濡備綘鑳藉府鍔╂垜锛屾垜灏嗘劅鍒伴珮鍏淬

銆銆What made you so frightened? 浠涔堜娇浣犺繖涔堝虫曪紵

銆銆All work and no play makes Jack a ll boy銆 鍙瀛︿範涓嶇帺鑰嶏紝鑱鏄庡╁瓙浼氬彉鍌汇

銆銆We were asked to make ourselves at home銆 鎴戜滑琚瑕佹眰鍛嗗湪瀹堕噷






銆銆鈶″惈涔変笉鍚岋細as琛ㄧず鈥滄e傗︹︹濓紱褰撻檺鍒舵у畾璇浠庡彞璋撹鏄痓e expected銆乥e said锛巄e known銆乥e reported銆乥e announced绛夋椂锛屽垯澶氱敤as寮曞笺倃hich琛ㄧず鈥滃洜鏋溾濆叧绯汇

銆銆3锛夐潪闄愬埗鎬у畾璇浠庡彞涓嶅彲鐢ㄥ叧绯讳唬璇峵hat寮曞硷紝鑰屼娇鐢ㄥ叧绯讳唬璇峸ho銆亀hom銆亀hose銆乤s銆亀hich鍜屽叧绯诲壇璇峸hen銆亀here銆亀hy鍧囪兘寮曞奸潪闄愬埗鎬у畾璇浠庡彞锛屼笌闄愬埗鎬у畾璇浠庡彞涓嶅悓鐨勬槸锛屽湪闈為檺鍒舵у畾璇浠庡彞涓锛屼綔瀹捐鐨勬暀瀛﹁捐℃柟妗圠esson 17

銆銆Step I Presentation

銆銆1銆俆he teacher and the Ss make up a dialogue

銆銆T: What do you do in your spare time everyday?

銆銆S1鈥︹ S2鈥︹ S3鈥︹

銆銆T: What do you plan to do this weekend?

銆銆S1: I plan to鈥︺

銆銆S2: I want to 鈥︹

銆銆S3: I鈥檇 like to 鈥︹

銆銆T: Good銆 Can you guess what I have decided to do?


銆銆T: No銆 I intend to see a comedy directed by a famous director銆

銆銆2銆俆 tells the Ss Today were going to listen to a dialogue between a journalist and the director of a play銆

銆銆3銆俉 rite the underlined words on the Bb and teach these new words

銆銆direct锛 comedy锛 line锛 particular锛 act锛 actress锛 intend so on銆

銆銆Step II Listening

銆銆Get the Ss to listen to the dialogue with book closed and then answer the question on the Bb銆

銆銆What does this director plan to do next? ( He is going to direct a comedy銆 )

銆銆Step III Reading

銆銆1銆侴et the Ss to read the dialogue as quickly as possible and find the answer to this question銆

銆銆What does a director do in the theatre?


銆銆1)銆 Choose a play and the actors銆

銆銆2)銆 Practise doing the play銆

銆銆3)銆 Tell the actors where to stand and where to move銆

銆銆4)銆 Practise entrance and exits銆

銆銆5)銆 Practise the timing銆

銆銆2銆 Get the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs銆 You may wish to ask one pair to act the scene in front of the class銆

銆銆Step 鈪Oral practice

銆銆1 SB Part 2銆 P銆 25銆 Get the Ss to work in pairs銆 One is a journalist锛 the other is a director锛 using the questions on the left銆 Demonstrate the question and answer practice with a good student銆

銆銆J: What do you do in the theatre?

銆銆D: I鈥檓 an director銆 I direct a play銆

銆銆J: What are you doing at present?

銆銆D: We are practising doing a play銆

銆銆J: What do you enjoy doing most of all?

銆銆D: I enjoy directing dancing銆

銆銆J: What are your plans for the future?

銆銆D: I intend to direct another comedy銆 I hope to put on the play next year銆

銆銆2 Do WB Ex 2 P銆 93 Complete the dialogue in pairs銆 Then check the answers with the whole class and ask the Ss to read aloud

銆銆Step 鈪 Language points

銆銆Get the Ss to underlined these useful expressions銆 Give them some explanations if necessary銆

銆銆1銆 at the very beginning 2銆 at the end of 3銆 practise doing sth銆 4銆 put on a play/performances 5銆 intend to do 6 not only鈥 but also鈥

銆銆Step 鈪Workbook

銆銆Do Ex 1銆 P93 as a consolidation銆

銆銆Step 鈪 Homework

銆銆1銆 Do WB Ex3 P銆 93 in their exercise book銆

銆銆2銆 Preview Lesson 18銆

銆銆鏁欏﹁捐℃柟妗圠esson 18


銆銆Revise the dialogue in SB L銆 17 by asking a pair of students to act out the dialogue they themselves made銆


銆銆1銆俆 will shows picture to the Ss銆 A: Show picture l: Charlie Chaplin on the stage銆

銆銆T: Do you know the figure? Ss: Yes銆 It is Charlie Chaplin on the stage銆

銆銆T: The figure is familiar to the people all over the world銆 It is Charlie Chaplin鈥檚 own manner of acting銆

銆銆B銆 Show picture 2 : Portrait of Chaplin銆

銆銆T: Do you know any information about Charlie Chaplin?

銆銆S1: He was one of the greatest directors銆

銆銆S2: He was one of the funniest actors銆

銆銆T: Charlie Chaplin is considered one of the greatest directors and funniest actors in history of the cinema銆 He is the most outstanding genius artist锛 who made the people all over the world burst into laughter銆

銆銆At last锛 tell the Ss today lets read about the famous actor and film director銆

銆銆Step III Listening

銆銆Get the Ss to listen to the tape of the passage and then answer the following questions銆

銆銆1銆 What kind of films did Charlie Chaplin act in?

銆銆2銆 Which were more popular锛 his early films or his later films ?


銆銆Get the Ss to read the passage quickly to find the answers to the following questions銆

銆銆1銆 How many films did he act in? How many films did he write锛 direct and act in?

銆銆2銆 What did he do when he was five years old?

銆銆A銆 How about at the age of eight? B銆 What happened in 1912?

銆銆3銆 What鈥檚 his own manner of acting?

銆銆4銆 Can you tell me his two most famous films?

銆銆5銆 Which were more popular锛 his early films or his later films?

銆銆6銆 When was he born? When did he die? Where was he buried?


銆銆T organizes the Ss to discuss the two topic in a few minutes( work in pairs )

銆銆1銆侶ow do you think of the Charlie Chapin?

銆銆2銆俉hat do you learn from Charlie Chapin?

銆銆Step 鈪Language points

銆銆1銆 Ask the Ss to underlined the following expressions銆 Give them some explanations銆

銆銆be conferred鈥︼紝at the age of eight锛 set off for鈥set off=departed锛 left锛 the one that was to become world-famous锛 in the air锛 be uncertain about=be hesitant锛 be honoured for

銆銆Step鈪 Note XXX

銆銆SB Page 27锛 part 2銆

銆銆1 On the Bb writes the following:

銆銆Chaplin was born in London in 1889銆

銆銆Born: London锛 1889

銆銆2 Let the Ss do the note XXX indivially銆 Check the answers at the end of this activity銆

銆銆Step 鈪 Practice

銆銆SB銆 Page 27锛 Part 3銆 Check that the Sa understand what they have to do銆 Do the first two items orally with whole class銆 Then let them work in pairs銆 Check the answers at the end銆

銆銆Answers: 1銆 in 2銆 in 3銆 at 4銆 By 5銆 to 6銆 by 7銆 During 8銆 Between9銆 of 10銆 on

銆銆Step鈪 Workbook

銆銆Do WB Ex 2 on P銆 94銆

銆銆Step鈪 Homework

銆銆1銆 Recite the 3rd Paragraph of the text銆

銆銆2銆 Finish off part 3 on P27



銆銆1) choose: play锛 actors and actresses锛 2) practise: where to stand/move; entrances and exits; the actors and actresses; timing so on銆







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