㈠ 娴峰簳鎬诲姩鍛樿嫳鏂囧彴璇嶃佹垜浠瑕佹瘮璧 鎬ョ敤锛侊紒
[26:24.20]-Bonjour. -Aah! 鎱㈢偣,灏忓朵紮,鍒鎷呭績 娌′粈涔堝彲鎬曠殑
[26:25.47]Slow down, little fella. There's nothing to worry about.
[26:29.31]-He's scared to death. -I want to go home. -浠栧揩瑕佸悡姝讳簡 -鎴戣佸洖瀹
[26:32.58]Do you know where my dad is? 璋佺煡閬撴垜鐖哥埜鍦ㄥ摢?
[26:34.65]Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store. 浜茬埍鐨,浣犵埜鐖 鍙鑳藉洖瀹犵墿鍟嗗簵浜
[26:37.45]Pet store? 瀹犵墿鍟嗗簵?
[26:38.65]Yeah, you know, like, I'm from Bob's Fish Mart. 鏄鐨,姣斿傝, 鎴戞潵鑷椴嶆尝楸煎競
[26:41.39]-Pet Palace. -Fish-O-Rama. -鎴戝湪楸煎 -楸肩被瓒呭競
[26:42.99]-Mail order. -Ebay. -鎴戞槸閭璐 -缃戜笂
[26:44.49]-So, which one is it? -I'm from the ocean. -閭d箞浣犱粠鍝鏉? -鎴戜粠澶ф捣鏉ョ殑
[26:47.22]Ah, the ocean. The ocean? 澶ф捣 ,澶ф捣?
[26:49.19]Aah! Aah! Aah!
[26:51.13]He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques! 浠栦竴瀹氭槸杩樻病鏈夋秷姣掔殑 铏捐櫨!
[26:53.86]-Oui. -Clean him! -浠涔堜簨 -娑堟瘨!
[26:55.23]Oui. 閬靛懡
[26:56.80]-Ocean. -Ooh, la mer. Bon. -澶ф捣 -澶ф捣,寰堝ソ
[26:59.27][Accordion music playing]
[27:01.07]Voila. He is clean. 濂戒簡,骞插噣浜
[27:05.68]Wow. The big blue. What's it like? 璇翠竴璇,澶ф捣浠涔堟牱?
[27:08.98]-Big and blue. -I knew it. -灏辨槸寰堝ぇ寰堝ぇ鐨? -搴熻瘽
[27:13.05]If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. 瀛╁瓙,鏈変簨灏辨壘婕傛紓澶у┒, 涔熷氨鏄鎴
[27:16.29]Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo. 鎴戜笉鍦,鍙浠 鎵炬垜鐨勫瑰,浜浜
[27:19.42]Hi. How are you? 鍡,浣犲ソ鍚?
[27:21.23]Don't listen to anything my sister says. 涓嶈佺浉淇℃垜濡瑰逛换浣曡瘽
[27:22.79]She's nuts. [Laughs] 濂规槸鐤瀛
[27:24.66][Muffled] We got a live one. 鍙堟潵浜嗘椿鐨
[27:25.80]-Can't hear you, Peach. -I said we got a live one. -娌″惉娓,灏忔 -鎴戣村張鏉ヤ釜娲荤殑
[27:28.87]-Boy, oh, boy. -What do we got? 娌¢敊,浜嬫儏杩涜屽埌鍝浜?
[27:30.87]Root canal--and by the looks of those x-rays... 閽抽櫎鐗欐牴--浠嶺鍏夌墖鏉ョ湅...
[27:32.44]it's not going to be pretty. 浜嬫儏濂藉儚涓嶅お濂藉姙
[27:33.94][Drill whines] Aaah!
[27:35.67]-Dam and clamp installed? -Yeah. -姗$毊鏀句簡鍚? -鏀句簡
[27:37.14]-What did he use to open? -Gator-Glidden drill. -鐢ㄤ粈涔堝櫒姊伴捇鐨? -楦$墝鐗欓捇
[27:38.98]He seems to favor that one lately. 鏈杩戜粬鎬诲枩娆㈢敤閭d釜
[27:40.68]I can't see, Flo. 鎴戠湅涓嶈佷簡,浜浜
[27:43.65]PATIENT: You're getting a little too--Aaah!
[27:45.82]PEACH: Now he's doing the Schilder technique. 浠栧湪閲囩敤鏂扮殑鎶鏈
[27:47.05]BLOAT: He's using a Hedstrom file. 鐢ㄧ殑鏄娴峰痉鏂鐗欐埑
[27:48.49]That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex. 涓嶆槸娴峰痉鏂鐗欐埑 鏄鍏嬪紬娲涘厠鐗欐埑
[27:50.72]It has a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a Hedstrom. 浠栫殑鍓栭潰鍍忓唴鑲 褰撶劧鏄娴峰痉鏂
[27:53.39]-No, no, K-Flex. -Hedstrom. -鍏嬪紬娲涘厠 -娴峰痉鏂
[27:54.93]-K-Flex! -Hedstrom! -鍏嬪紬娲涘厠 -娴峰痉鏂
[27:56.66]There I go. A little help, over here. 鍣,鎴戞紓璧锋潵浜, 蹇甯甯鎴,鏉ヤ汉鍚
[27:58.83]DEB: I'll go deflate him. 鎴戝幓缁欎粬鏀炬皵
[28:03.07]DENTIST: All right. Go ahead and rinse. 濂戒簡,婕卞彛鍚
[28:05.27]Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place. 浜哄槾鐪熸槸涓鑲鑴忕殑鍦版柟
[28:11.04]-Hey, Nigel. -What did I miss? -鍡,澶у槾楦 -閮藉仛浜嗕粈涔?鎴戞潵鏅氫簡鍚?
[28:13.01]PEACH: Root canal--a doozy. 閽抽櫎鐗欐牴,闈炲父绮鹃噰
[28:14.21]Root canal? What did he use to open? 閽抽櫎鐗欐牴鏄鍚? 鐢ㄤ粈涔堟墦鐗?
[28:15.88]-Gator-Glidden drill. -He's favoring that one. -楦℃帓鐗欓捇 -浠栨渶鍠滄㈢敤閭d釜
[28:17.95]Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. 浣嗙敤浠栬兘鐢ㄥ墿涓嬬殑濉鏂
[28:20.99]-Hello. Who's this? -New guy. Ha ha ha! -浣犲ソ,浠栨槸璋? -鏂版潵鐨
[28:24.12]The dentist took him off the reef. 鐗欏尰鍦ㄥぇ娴锋姄鍒颁粬[28:25.49]An outie. From my neck of the woods, eh? 澶栨潵鎴,鍜变滑鏄閭诲眳?
[28:27.89]Sorry if I ever took a snap at you. 澧ㄨタ鍝ョ殑鐪烘湜绾
[28:29.43]Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. 楸煎湪姘翠腑娓, 楦熷湪澶╀笂鍚
[28:30.86]Hey! No, no, no, no! 涓嶈!涓嶈!
[28:32.60]They're not your fish. They're my fish. 浣犱笉鑳藉悆杩欎釜 杩欐槸鎴戝吇鐨
[28:34.23]Come on, go. Go on, shoo! 璧板紑...蹇鍘
[28:38.37]Aw, the picture broke. 闀滄嗘憯纰庝簡
[28:40.07]This here's Darla. She's my niece. 杩欐槸杈惧滅殑鐓х墖 鏄鎴戜緞濂
[28:42.17]She's going to be eight this week. 鍒氭弧鍏宀
[28:43.67]Hey, little fella. 鍢,灏忎笢瑗
[28:45.18]Say hello to your new mummy. 杩欐槸浣犵殑鏂颁即渚
[28:46.98]She'll be here Friday to pick you up. 鍛ㄤ簲灏辨潵鎺ヤ綘鍥炲堕噷
[28:49.48]You're her present. Shh, shh, shh. 浣犳槸濂圭殑鐢熸棩绀肩墿
[28:51.35]It's our little secret. 杩欏彧鏄鍜变滑鐨勫皬绉樺瘑
[28:53.45]Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets up... 濉斿厠鍏堢敓,浣犺繕瑕佺瓑涓浼氬効...
[28:55.02]I'm going to see a man about a wallaby. 鎴戝嚭鍘讳竴涓,杩欏氨鍥炴潵
[28:58.82]Oh, Darla. 杈惧
[29:00.76]What? What's wrong with her? 浠涔?濂规庝箞浜?
[29:02.66]GURGLE: She wouldn't stop shaking the bag. 濂硅佹槸鎶婅嬪瓙鐢╂潵鐢╁幓
[29:05.40]-Poor Chuckles. -He was her present last year. -鍙鎬滅殑鎭板厠鏂 -浠栨槸鍘诲勾杈惧滅殑鐢熸棩绀肩墿
[29:09.20]BLOAT: Hitched a ride on the porcelain express. 姝诲悗琚涓㈣繘椹妗
[29:11.60][T oilet flushes]
[29:13.40] 濂规槸楸肩殑鍏嬫槦
[29:13.44]PEACH: She's a fish killer.
[29:15.67]I can't go with that girl. 鎴戜笉瑕佽窡濂硅蛋
[29:17.98]I have to get back to my dad. 鎴戜竴瀹氳佸幓鎵炬垜鐖哥埜
[29:19.78]Aah! Daddy! Help me! 鑰佺埜,蹇鏉ユ晳鎴
[29:23.71]Oh, he's stuck. 浠栬鍗′綇浜
[29:24.92]GILL: Nobody touch him. 澶у跺埆纰颁粬
[29:29.39]Nobody touch him. 璁╀粬鑷宸辨潵
[29:31.39][Nemo grunting]
[29:37.09]Can you help me? 浣犺兘鏁戞垜鍚?
[29:38.56]No. You got yourself in there. 涓,浣犺兘鑷宸辫繘鍘,
[29:40.56] 灏辫嚜宸卞嚭鏉
[29:40.60]You can get yourself out.
[29:42.30]-Gill-- -I want to see him do it. -榻愭牸-- -鎴戝笇鏈涗粬鑷宸卞仛,鎳傚悧
[29:44.60]Calm down. Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. 娉ㄦ剰,鐜板湪鍚戠浉鍙 鏂瑰悜鎽囧姩槌嶅拰灏
[29:48.47]I can't. I have a bad fin. 鎴戜笉琛,鎴戠殑槌嶅彈杩囦激
[29:51.31]Never stopped me. 閭e張鎬庝箞鏍
[29:53.51][Dramatic music playing]
[29:57.55]Just think about what you need to do. 蹇冮噷鎯崇潃璇ユ庝箞浣
[30:04.09]Come on. 鍔犳补
[30:09.83]Perfect. 澶濂戒簡
[30:11.06]-Yeah! -You did it! 浣犳垚鍔熶簡!
[30:12.46]Good squirming. Ha ha ha!
[30:14.26]Wow. From the ocean-- just like you, Gill. 浠栨潵鑷澶ф捣, 璺熶綘涓鏍,榻愭牸
[30:17.90]Yeah. 娌¢敊
[30:19.10][Chuckles] I've seen that look before. 鎴戜互鍓嶈佽繃閭g嶈〃鎯
[30:21.51]What are you thinking about? 浣犲湪鎯充粈涔?
[30:23.21]I'm thinking... 鎴戝湪鎯...
[30:25.01]tonight, we give the kid a proper reception. 浠婂ぉ鏅氫笂,鎴戜滑璇ョ粰 杩欏╁瓙姝e紡鎺ラ
[30:28.61]So, kid, you got a name or what? 瀛╁瓙,浣犳湁娌℃湁鍚嶅瓧?
[30:30.31]Nemo. I'm Nemo. 灏艰帿,鎴戝彨灏艰帿
㈡ 海底总动员 尼莫被抓那段英文台词
Hey guys, wait up! Whoa.
Saved your life!
Aw, you guys made me ink.
What's that?
I know what that is. Oh, oh! Sandy Plankton saw one. He called, he said it was called a...a
Wow. That's a pretty big butt.
Oh, look at me. I'm gonna go touch the butt. [sneezes] Whoa!
Oh yeah? Let's see you get closer.
Okay. Beat that.
Come on, Nemo. How far can you go?
Uh, my dad says it's not safe.
Nemo, no!
You were about to swim into open water!
No, I wasn't go out--but dad!
It was a good thing I was here. If I hadn't showed up, I don't know--
Sir, he wasn't gonna go.
Yeah, he was too afraid.
No, I wasn't.
This does not concern you, kids. And you're lucky I don't tell your parents you were out
You know you can't swim well.
I can swim fine, dad, okay?
No, it's not okay. You shouldn't be anywhere near here. Okay, I was right. You'll start school
in a year or two.
No, dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean--
Clearly, you're not ready. And you're not coming back until you are. You think you can do
things but you just can't, Nemo!
I hate you.
There's--nothing to see. Gather, uh, over there. Excuse me, is there anything I can do? I am a
scientist, sir. Is there any problem?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt things. He isn't a good swimmer and it's a little
too soon for him to be out here unsupervised.
Well, I can assure you, he's quite safe with me.
MARLIN Look, I'm sure he is. But you have a large class and he can get lost
from sight if you're not looking. I'm not saying you're not looking--
Oh my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!
Nemo! What do you think you're doing? You're gonna get stuck out there and I'll have to get
you before another fish does! Get back here! I said get back here, now! Stop! You take one
move, mister. Don't you dare! If you put one fin on that boat..are you listening to me?
Don't touch the bo--Nemo!
[whispering] He touched the butt.
You paddle your little tail back here, Nemo. That's right. You are in big trouble, young man.
Do you hear me? Big...big--
Aaaah! Daddy! Help me!
I'm coming, Nemo!
Get under me, kids!
Ah! Oh no! Dad! Daddy!
Oh! Nemo! Unh! Nemo! Nemo, no! Nemo! Nemo! Nemo! No! No! Aah! Nemo! Nemo!
Whoa! Hold on.
Oh no. No, no. It's gone, it's gone. No, no, it can't be gone. No, no! Nemo! Nemo! Nemo! No!
Nemo! Nemo! No! No, please, no! No, no!
㈢ 关于海底总动员英文对白
Wait a minute..
Stop following me, okay!?
What? You're showing me which way the boat went!
A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went this way, it went this way. Follow me!
Wait a minute, wait a minute! What is going on? You already told me which way the boat was going!
I did? Oh dear...
If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny! And I know funny..I'm a clownfish!
No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry. See, I suffer from short-term memory loss.
Short-term memory loss..I don't believe this!
No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family..or at least I think it does. Hmmm..where are they? Can I help you?
Something's wrong with you, really. You're wasting my time. I have to find my son. [gasps]
BRUCE Hello.
Well, hi!
Name's Bruce. It's all right, I understand. Why trust a shark, right? So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late, eh?
Nothing. We're not doing anything. We're not even out.
Great! Then how'd you morsels like to come to a little get-together I'm havin'?
You mean like a party?
Yeah, yeah, that's right--a party! What do you say?
Ooh, I love parties! Parties are fun!
Parties are fun, and it's tempting but-
Oh, come on, I insist.
O-okay..that's all that matters.
Hey, look--balloons! It is a party!
Ha ha ha! Mind your distance, though. Those balloons can be a bit dodgy. You wouldn't want one of them to pop.
Anchor! Chum!
There you are, Bruce, finally!
We got company.
It's about time, mate.
We've already gone through all the snacks and I'm still starvin'!
We almost had a feeding frenzy.
Come on, let's get this over with.
㈣ 求海底总动员的中英文台词
《海底总动员》英语台词 Nemo: Wake up, wake up! First day of school.
Marlin: I don't want to go to school—five more minutes.
Nemo: Not you. Dad, me.
Marlin: Ok.
Nemo: Get up, get up. It's time for school, time for school.
Marlin: All right, I'm up.
Nemo: Whoa!
Marlin: Nemo!
Nemo: First day of school!
Marlin: Nemo, don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself. I'll do it. Unh! You feel a break?
Nemo: No!
Marlin: Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. Are you woozy?
Nemo: No!
Marlin: How many strips do I have?
Nemo: I am fine.
Marlin: Answer the stripe question.
Nemo: Three.
Marlin: No! see? Something's wrong with you. I have one, two, three—That's all I have? You are ok. How's the lucky fin?
Nemo: Lucky.
Marlin: Let's see. Are you sure you want to go to school this year? There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years.
Nemo: Come on, Dad, it's time for school.
Marlin: Dory, do you see anything?
Dory: Aah! Something's got me.
Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.
Dory: Who's that?
Marlin: Who's that could it be? It's me.
Dory: Are you my conscience?
Marlin: Yeah, yeah. I am your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?
Dory: Can't complain.
Marlin: Yeah? Good. Now Dory, I want you to tell me—Do you see anything?
Dory: I see a … I see a light.
Marlin: A light?
Dory: Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience, am I dead?
Marlin: No. I see it, too. What is it?
Dory: It's so pretty.
Marlin: I am feeling happy, which is a big deal for me.
Dory: I want to touch it.
Marlin: Hey, come back. Come on back here.
Dory: I am gonna get you.
Marlin: I am gonna swim with you. I am gonna be your best friend. Good feeling's gone