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发布时间:2024-04-16 02:05:43

⑴ 电影《唐山大地震》的导演是谁

电影《唐山大地震》的导演是冯小刚片 名:唐山大地震 唐山大地震 英文名称:After Shock Tangshan-Earthquake Aftershocks 导演:冯小刚 原著:张翎 编剧:苏小卫 作 曲:王黎光 出 品:华谊兄弟 领衔主演:徐帆张静初 李晨 陈道明王子文 馨宜旗 张子枫张家骏 联合主演:陆毅吕中 张国强杨立新 刘莉莉咏梅 特别演出:陈道明陈瑾 拍摄基地:大南湖 全球首映式 2010年 7月12日晚上(全国公映前10天),取材自1976年唐山大地震的电影《唐山大地震》 全球首映式 在唐山市体育场举行全球首映式。 省政协主席刘德旺,国家广电总局副局长张丕民,省委常委、唐山市委书记赵勇,省人大常委会副主任黄荣,副省长孙士彬,省政协副主席孔小均等和15000名观众观看了电影首映。 电影《唐山大地震》改编自华裔女作家张翎的小说《余震》,讲述了一个“23秒、32年”的故事:1976年7月28日凌晨,一场大地震将唐山在23秒之内变成一片废墟。一位年轻的母亲在面对两个孩子只能救一个的绝境下,无奈选择了牺牲姐姐而救弟弟。这个决定改变了整个家庭的命运,也让幸存者陷入一个难以弥合的情感困境,但终究在2008年汶川大地震时释怀。本片导演冯小刚说,希望观众从《唐山大地震》中看到一个如何让心活下来的温暖故事。 经典台词语录 “倒塌的房子都盖起来了,可我妈心里的房子永远盖不起来,三十二年守着废墟过日子”——心灵的废墟上,我们看到一座叫做希望的城,尽管曾经的创伤无法让生命变得完整,我们却看他们依然怀揣着梦想努力前行........ “我是唐山人。我是从拉尸体的车里爬出来的。我边上躺着的是我的爸爸。”——这是那个在地震中死里逃生,倔强的唐山女孩方登在告诉男朋友自己怀孕时说的一句话,正因为这句话她毅然放弃了医大的学业,做了单身妈妈!——许多年前妈妈为了救弟弟放弃了她,而当她面对着选择时,她选择了生命。 震后很多年后,当儿子问起妈妈元妮为什么一直单身时,妈妈说“我也不是没人要。我的命是你爸救的,这个世界上哪还会有用生命爱我的男人?”——为这样的男人守一辈子,值得! 许多年后,元妮一直不愿搬家,每次烧纸时她都念叨着家里的地址,她害怕那孤单的灵魂不认得回家的路,她怕她最爱的人迷了路,回不了家。——亲人永远都是亲人,就算是阴阳两隔,也是至亲的人! 方登给养父买了一件棉袄,穿上后才发现袖子长了“我一直以为你很高呢,怎么袖子就长了呢?”——我们只顾着自己长大,却忘了父母也会衰老! “没了,才知道什么叫没了。”这是元妮最后悔时说的话。 “我不是想不起来,而是忘不掉”方登在最后的时候对自已养父说了这一句话,是的,有些东西是不愿想起的,但并不代表可以一辈子忘掉。 最搞笑台词 小河:你别激我,小心鸡飞蛋打。 方达:你也别激我,鸡有的是,蛋也不缺。 在电影结束的时候,我看了看自已身边的那个他,只见他满脸是泪水,而自已也是泪流满面,由于他是四川人,在电影放到08年汶川地震的时候,我紧紧的拉了一下他的手,他抖了一下,电影里一位母亲为了让救自已女儿的官兵们的安全(压女儿腿的板,上面的柱子,撑着整座楼房,如果要移开板保住女儿的腿,那救援官兵的生命就会有巨大危险)而把女儿的脚据掉,在这一秒我再也忍不住了,母爱是多么伟大的啊!当我们面对无法控制的自然灾害时,我们只能选择,选择弃舍!做这样的决定要付出多大的代价! 被人收养的方登长大成人后,离开养父母家杳无音信的很多年,当她再次出现在养父眼前时,那个暮年的老人责问女儿为什么不回家,女儿怕父亲担心时,年迈的父亲愤怒而激动的大喊“我每天都在担心……”。——这就是父亲,你以为他在远方,你却从没离开过他包容的心! 票房 新影联副总经理高军对《中国企业家》透露,“该剧票房目前已突破3亿元,保5争6不是问题,更何况档期或将覆盖整个8月。”《唐山大地震》还将在未来半个月的档期中独孤求败,这一次,中国商业片之王冯小刚又有什么样的吸金法则? 一个司空见惯的现象,观众一边骂冯氏电影的商业味十足,一边心甘情愿的掏钱贡献票房,从《手机》到《天下无贼》,从《非诚勿扰》到当下这部《唐山大地震》。 更不用提《唐山大地震》这部背负某种重大意义的影片所遭致的文化质疑。单从票房角度,冯小刚已经为华谊兄弟2010年业绩提前呈上了一味定心丸。毕竟,作为中国电影第一股,2009年底登陆创业版的华谊兄弟2010年中期报告业绩预示惨淡,一季度营收、净利润更是同比分别下降33.0%、56.9%。上半年的影视业务歉收全部押注于分别于7月、9月、10月、12月上映的《唐山大地震》、《狄仁杰之通天帝国》、《西风烈》、《非诚勿扰2》上,有“中国商业片之王”之称的冯小刚无疑开局完胜。 截至目前,《唐山大地震》首日票房高于3620万已被广电总局电影局方面予以确认,而冯小刚于个人微博上透露“不是我不厚道,7月22日-7月27日的票房合计为24612万元”的数据,在新影联副总经理高军看来还是“略显保守”。“该剧票房目前已突破3亿元,保5争6不是问题,更何况档期或将覆盖整个8月。”高军对《中国企业家》透露。 截止八月二日,唐山大地震上映十一天票房已达到4亿。 在植入广告与艺术间周旋 当然,冯小刚对于财报上错综复杂的数据并没有多少耐心,对于今年10月30日576万股解禁前的市值变化也并非有多少敏感——有那工夫,他更需要去研究剧本,看看又被广告商与制片人植入了什么元素,敲定哪个绝对不能要,哪个还需周旋,哪个需要自己妥协。 尽管如此,植入广告还是一如既往的成为舆论对《唐山大地震》诟病的最大罪状:《天下无贼》中开篇亮相的男女主角敲诈而得的宝马轿车,旋即以3系、X5两款分别亮相于《唐》中主人公创业发家以及汶川地震抢险两场戏中,而在《非诚勿扰》中备受冯小刚本人懊恼的对葛优摸出招商银行卡买单的特写处理,也被复制到《唐山大地震》中养母临终前从枕头下摸出的工商银行存折LOGO。 “电影院里许多人都在哭,但突然有人笑了,一开始我不解,最后才发现是电影中的嵌入式广告,有酒的,有保险公司的……做任何事情动机要纯洁,掺一点假,人们都会发现的。”SOHO中国董事长潘石屹在微博上如是说。他不得不承认,对于揣摩观众心理与广告植入这两个矛盾因素的杂糅,冯小刚拿捏得令人欲罢不能。 广告植入无疑对冯小刚的电影造成遗憾,执行起来也颇为拧巴,不过抛开这些艺术上的纠结,事实上,该举使得《唐山大地震》在尚未公映之前便开始回收成本了。根据华谊兄弟年报披露,2008年包括《非诚勿扰》在内的3部影片仅在植入广告、贴片广告两项就为全年创造了4480万元的营收,占据2008年整体票房收入1.8亿元的几近25%。据高军透露,《唐山大地震》通过广告植入获得的现金则高达4000万,若算上相关的衍生收入,有业内人士预估该项或创收过亿。 “提前回收成本,何乐而不为?”冯小刚向来不忌讳从商业角度去谈自己的创作,对他来说,这也是一门生意,只有让投资人赚了钱,才能令电影重新步入朝阳产业。而他需要做的,则是在商业与艺术中进行周旋,适度坚持,适度妥协。 政府资金与商业资本的双重“护航” 另一部分质疑来自于此次《唐山大地震》投资方中唐山地方政府的亮相。根据协商,影片1.2亿元的投资成本分别由唐山市、华谊兄弟、中影集团按照50%、45%和5%比例出资。再算上2009年介入的浙江影视集团、英皇影业、寰亚三家公司与华谊兄弟分摊45%,华谊兄弟实则投资3152万元。 有政府资本与商业资本的双重护航,华谊兄弟在《唐山大地震》的投资额只及2008年《非诚勿扰》5000万的五分之三,并不差钱,何必还要在这样一部主旋律影片中充斥商业元素? 有必要为华谊兄弟算一笔账:根据华谊兄弟2009年 “招股说明书”中注明的分配方式,《唐》剧的发行总收入在扣除发行代理费以及返还电影集团制片分公司的投资款和固定投资收益、华谊传媒投资款、唐山公司15%的投资款后,余额由华谊传媒和唐山公司平均分配。这意味着,唐山市政府作为最大的出资人,最终将于华谊对半分成。 在票房分配方面,院线和电影院通常拿走55%,影片制作拿到45%,尽管华谊兄弟正在快马加鞭地补充院线短板,旗下首家影院——重庆百联上海城影院也于6月24日开业,但由于势单力薄,真正落入制作方腰包的实则有限。若以5亿票房的保守数字估算,最终华谊兄弟可以分得不到8000万元的票房利润,仅占票房总收入的16%。 相较而言,广告植入高达4000万的纯利润占据了票房利润二分之一的重量。依照4月28日华谊兄弟总股本扩充一倍后的3.36亿股以及其一季度每股收益0.03元计算,总计1.2亿元的利润或可为华谊兄弟第三季度带来每股0.38元的收益,为一季度的12倍。 “电影投资是个很残酷的行业,2010年上半年全国亏损率达到70%,华谊兄弟能够留下来,正是因为它是一家商人气息很浓的公司——商业化运作、最求利润最大化,同时追求诚信。”高军表示。 “避震”下的票房暖春 不能忽略同期各大影片推迟上映所营造的票房暖春。据星美国际影城、UME国际影城、新首都影院等院线负责人透露,《唐山大地震》预计上映40天-50天,超出普通影片上映两周的规律,将近赶上上映60多天的《阿凡达》,而同期上映的诸如《全城戒备》、《恋爱通告》、《龙凤店》等国产影片则挤进了八月中下旬的档期。 另外,动画片《怪物史莱克4》作为史莱克系列的最后一集,久经国人期许,也推迟到八月中旬上映。鉴于该片自5月21日在北美上映以来1.83亿美元的票房收入,很难说是发行方中影数字公司的“避震”之举,还是基于中影、华谊在《唐》剧合作下的刻意让位。 毋庸置疑,《唐山大地震》还将在未来半个月的档期中独孤求败。 [编辑本段]导演简介 冯小刚,中国电影编导、导演。1958年出生。自幼喜爱美术、文学,1985年他调入北京电视艺术中心成为美工师,先后在《大林莽》、《凯旋在子夜》、《便衣警察》、《好男好女》等几部当时很有影响的电视剧中任美术设计。冯小刚作品风格以京味儿喜剧著称,擅长商业片、在业界享有有贺岁片之父的美誉。2009年9月27日,证监会创业板发行审核委员会公告,华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司(首发)获得通过,这意味着华谊兄弟成为了首家获准公开发行股票的娱乐公司,冯小刚持有该公司2.28%的股份。 上映影院 《唐山大地震》(IMAX2D版)计划从7月22日起在以下IMAX影院放映: 1. 北京UME华星国际影城 2. 北京石景山万达国际影城 3. 上海和平影都 4. 上海星美正大国际影城 5. 上海万达国际影城 6. 杭州百老汇国际影城 7. 杭州新远国际影城 8. 天津中影国际影城 9. 苏州科文中心 10. 武汉环艺国际影城 11. 长春万达国际影城 12. 长沙万达国际影城 13. 昆明百老汇国际影城 14. 无锡大世界影城 15. 南京横店国际影城 16. 东莞万达国际影城 上映时间 2010年7月22日全国上映。 剧情介绍 电影《唐山大地震》讲述了一个“23秒、32年”的故事。 1976年,唐山,卡车司机方大强和妻子李元妮、龙凤胎儿女方登、方达过着平凡幸福的生活。7月28日凌晨,唐山发生了大地震。为救孩子,方大强死了,方登和方达被同一块楼板压在两边,无论人们想救哪一个,都要放弃另一个。元妮选择了从小体弱多病的弟弟方达,而头脑清醒的方登听到了母亲作出的抉择。 震后,元妮独自抚养儿子,坚强地活了下来,劫后余生的方登被军人王德清夫妇领养,进入了全新的世界。母女、姐弟从此天各一方…… 1976年7月28日凌晨,一场7.8级大地震将唐山在23秒之内变成一片废墟。一个年轻的母亲在面对两个孩子只能救一个的绝境下无奈选择了牺牲姐姐而救弟弟,这个决定改变了整个家庭的命运,让幸存者陷入一个震后32年的情感困境。导演冯小刚说,这部电影的情感力量可以真正传到观众的心灵深处,让人反思在灾难面前人与人之间的情感碰撞和生死考验,是对人“心灵的拷问”。当看到预告片中小女孩从雨中废墟中醒来,周围一片伤亡景象,哭着被人抱走的镜头时,“母亲”徐帆不禁流下了眼泪:“任何一个母亲做出这样的选择都会崩溃,这种情感像喷泉一样从我的身体里爆发出来,很久都难以释怀。”“女儿”张静初在看完预告片后也激动地流下泪水,她表示《唐山大地震》感人至深,是反映中国人情感的动人影片。 对于个人来说,在灾难中生存下来是一种幸运,但不可否认的是,地震所带来的后遗症,不仅仅是震后的生存问题,更可能是伴随终身的心理问题。电影《唐山大地震》表现了人在灾难面前的脆弱,同时也关注了灾后人们如何释怀并摆脱心灵的枷锁。冯小刚透露,电影的结局还是充满了温情,让人从心里感受到温暖,给人带来了生活的希望。

⑵ 求英文《唐山大地震》观后感(初三水平,100词)





李元妮在片头给过女儿一个承诺,“明天,妈再给你买西红柿。”明天,一个多么平凡的字眼,我们的口中不也是有很多明天吗?——“今天太忙了,明天再回家看父母。” “今天累了,明天再做这些题。” “孩子,明天我再陪你玩。”,有时,我们确实是因为太累了,太忙了,把事情暂搁到了明天,可有时,我们是否是在“明天”真正解决了这些事,我们也许在明天来临时,以另一个理由将事情推到了更遥远的明天,然而我们可曾想过,我们其实就像是那只“明天再垒窝”的小猴子,今日复明日,直到有一天被突如其来的大雨浇个猝不及防。




⑶ 《唐山大地震》用英语怎么说

唐山大地震: Tang Shan Earthquake


希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O

⑷ 谁能将《唐山大地震》这部电影的情节用英文介绍

中文版 《唐山大地震》讲述了一个“23秒、32年”的故事。




电影《唐山大地震》讲述了一个“23秒、32年”的故事。1976年7月28日凌晨,一场7.8级大地震将唐山在23秒之内变成一片废墟。一个年轻的母亲在面对两个孩子只能救一个的绝境下无奈选择了牺牲姐姐而救弟弟,这个决定改变了整个家庭的命运,让幸存者陷入一个震后32年的情感困境。导演冯小刚说,这部电影的情感力量可以真正传到观众的心灵深处,让人反思在灾难面前人与人之间的情感碰撞和生死考验,是对人“心灵的拷问”。当看到预告片中小女孩从雨中废墟中醒来,周围一片伤亡景象,哭着被人抱走的镜头时,“母亲”徐帆不禁流下了眼泪:“任何一个母亲做出这样的选择都会崩溃,这种情感像喷泉一样从我的身体里爆发出来,很久都难以释怀。”“女儿”张静初在看完预告片后也激动地流下泪水,她表示《唐山大地震》感人至深,是反映中国人情感的动人影片。 英文版The tangshan earthquake "tells the story of a" 23 seconds, 32 years "the story.In 1976, tangshan, truck drivers FangDaJiang wife and her fetus LiYuanNi, dragon,The tangshan earthquake with ordinary happiness of life. One evening in July, tangshan earthquake happened. To save the child, FangDaJiang died, and was the same block the pressure on both sides, regardless of slab people want to save, must give up another. Yuan's ailing brother chose since childhood, but the head of the mother put to hear.After raising son alone, ni, strongly survived, left side by WangDeQing soldiers put into the new couple adopted, and the world. Mother asked, from the lives of...The tangshan earthquake film about a "23 seconds, 32 years" the story. On July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake will TangShanZai 23 seconds to become ruins. In the face of a young mother of two children can save a helpless under cornered choose sacrifice sister and brother, save this changed the whole family, let the fate of earthquake survivors in a dilemma of emotional 32 years. Director feng xiaogang's emotion, said the film strength can truly to audience, let a person think soul in the face of disaster between emotional collision and death trial, is to "soul". The torture When he saw the girl from the trailer and woke up, the ruins of the rain, around a casualties were crying out of the lens, "mother" perfect outfit.but couldn't help shedding tears: "any a mother will collapse, the choice that such feelings like a fountain from my body out, a long time hard." "The daughter" zhang jingchu watching trailer shed tears after excitedly, she says the tangshan earthquake is a reflection of the Chinese people, of the moving film emotion.

⑸ 唐山大地震英文介绍

Tangshan: The Deadliest Earthquake
From Jennifer Rosenberg

At 3:42 a.m. on July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit the sleeping city of Tangshan, in northeastern China. The very large earthquake, striking an area where it was totally unexpected, obliterated the city of Tangshan and killed over 240,000 people - making it the deadliest earthquake of the twentieth century.

Fireballs and Animals Give Warning

Though scientific earthquake prediction is in its nascent stages, nature often gives some advance warning of an impending earthquake.

In a village outside of Tangshan, well water reportedly rose and fell three times the day before the earthquake. In another village, gas began to spout out the water well on July 12 and then increased on July 25th and 26th. Other wells throughout the area showed signs of cracking.

Animals also gave a warning that something was about to happen. One thousand chickens in Baiguantuan refused to eat and ran around excitedly chirping. Mice and yellow weasels were seen running around looking for a place to hide. In one household in the city of Tangshan, a goldfish began jumping wildly in its bowl. At 2 a.m. on July 28, shortly before the earthquake struck, the goldfish jumped out of its bowl. Once its owner had returned him to his bowl, the goldfish continued to jump out of its bowl until the earthquake hit.

Strange? Indeed. These were isolated incidents, spread across a city of a million people and a countryside scattered with villages. But nature gave additional warnings.

The night preceding the earthquake, July 27-28, many people reported seeing strange lights as well as loud sounds. The lights were seen in a multitude of hues. Some people saw flashes of light; others witnessed fireballs flying across the sky. Loud, roaring noises followed the lights and fireballs. Workers at the Tangshan airport described the noises as louder than that of an airplane.

The Earthquake Strikes

When the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Tangshan at 3:42 a.m. on July 28, over a million people lay sleeping, unaware of the disaster that was to befall them. As the earth began to shake, a few people who were awake had the forethought to dive under a table or other heavy piece of furniture, but most were asleep and did not have time. The entire earthquake lasted approximately 14 to 16 seconds.

Once the quake was over, the people who could, scrambled out into the open, only to see the entire city levelled. After an initial period of shock, the survivors began to dig through debris to answer the muffled calls for help as well as find loved ones still under rubble. As injured people were saved from under the rubble, they were lain on the side of the road. Many of the medical personnel were also trapped under debris or killed by the earthquake. The medical centers were destroyed as well as the roads to get there.

Survivors were faced with no water, no food, and no electricity.

All but one of the roads into Tangshan was undrivable. Unfortunately, relief workers accidentally clogged the one remaining road, leaving them and their supplies stuck for hours in the traffic jam.

People needed help immediately; survivors could not wait for help to arrive. Survivors formed groups to dig for others. They set up medical areas where emergency proceres were concted with the minimum of supplies. They searched for food and set up temporary shelters.

Though 80 percent of the people trapped under rubble were saved, a 7.1 magnitude aftershock that hit in the afternoon of July 28 sealed the fate for many who had been waiting under the rubble for help.

After the earthquake hit, 242,419 people lay dead or dying, along with another 164,581 people who were severely injured. In 7,218 households, all members of the family were killed by the earthquake.

Corpses were buried quickly, usually close to the residences in which they perished. This later caused health problems, especially after it rained and the bodies were again exposed. Workers had to find these impromptu graves, dig up the bodies, and then move and rebury the corpses outside of the city.

Damage and Recovery

Before the 1976 earthquake, scientists didn't think Tangshan was susceptible to a large earthquake; thus, the area was zoned an intensity level of VI on the Chinese intensity scale (similar to the Mercalli scale). The 7.8 earthquake that hit Tangshan was given an intensity level of XI (out of XII). The buildings in Tangshan were not built to withstand such a large earthquake.

Ninety-three percent of residential buildings and 78 percent of instrial buildings were completely destroyed. Eighty percent of the water pumping stations were seriously damaged and the water pipes were damaged throughout the city. Fourteen percent of the sewage pipes were severely damaged.

The foundations of bridges gave way, causing the bridges to collapse.

Railroad lines bent. Roads were covered with debris as well as riddled with fissures.

With so much damage, recovery was not easy. Food was a high priority. Some food was parachuted in, but the distribution was uneven. Water, even just for drinking, was extremely scarce. Many people drank out of pools or other locations that had become contaminated ring the earthquake. Relief workers eventually got water trucks and others to transport clean drinking water into the affected areas.

After the emergency care was given, the rebuilding of Tangshan began almost immediately. Though it took time, the entire city was rebuilt and is again home to over a million people, earning Tangshan the name "Brave City of China."

⑹ 唐山大地震的电影 英文介绍

Description: In 1969, the truck driver Fang Dajiang ushered in prayer their twins sons and daughters: Fang Teng, Fonda. His wife, Li Ni was almost killed because of dystocia, Fortunately, mother and child safe, happy family to leave the hospital, but from ordinary lead a happy life. Time came in 1976, this medium-sized instrial city of Tangshan, a people who, though with only a very small space, but warm and harmonious. Sister Fang Dengming Fonda was more lively than his brother, Fang Dajiang often away from home, finally came back once, siblings are particularly pleased. July ... 1969, a truck driver Fang Dajiang ushered in prayer their twins sons and daughters: Fang Teng, Fonda. His wife, Li Ni was almost killed because of dystocia, Fortunately, mother and child safe, happy family to leave the hospital, but from ordinary lead a happy life. Time came in 1976, this medium-sized instrial city of Tangshan, a people who, though with only a very small space, but warm and harmonious. Sister Fang Dengming Fonda was more lively than his brother, Fang Dajiang often away from home, finally came back once, siblings are particularly pleased. One evening in July, Fangda Jiang returned to his home in the street outside the community, Fangda Jiang and Yuan Ni hiding in a truck affectionate, suddenly - an earthquake.
To save a child, Fang Dajiang dead, Fang Teng, and Fonda is pressure on both sides with a floor, regardless of what people want to save one, must give up another. Yuan Ni chosen small sickly younger brother, Fonda, and the sane side board heard her mother's choice. After the earthquake, Yuan Ni alone raising a son, decide to be strong to survive, the surviving party registration by the military Dwelled couple adopted, entered a whole new world. Mother and daughter, sister and brother from far apart, until 32 years after the earthquake, only trajectories of their lives back together ... ...

⑺ 急需一篇《唐山大地震》的英文简介,250单词左右,外加中文翻译


Tangshan earthquake in 1976 on july 28, is there in china of the tangshan earthquake 里氏 at rest for7.8 class. create 242769 deaths. are the tangshan earthquake, directed by 冯小刚. according to the 余震 a description of the tangshan earthquake in 1976, and a mother can only choose one of saving sister. the mother finally opted for a brother, sister was a miracle, is survived after the adoption of the 32 years after the reunion, waiting for them to mend the cracks of feeling, once again called forth the people to the bitter memories of the disaster of july 12. by 2010, the tangshan earthquake in hebei province 唐山市 a global premier. in addition, television dramas the earthquake of tangshan.Once again called forth the people to the bitter memories of the disaster of july 12. by 2010, the tangshan earthquake in hebei province 唐山市 a global premier. in addition, television dramas the earthquake of tangshan.



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