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发布时间:2024-04-14 01:53:44

⑴ 鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鐢靛奖

1. 璇蜂互鈥滄垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖鈥濆啓涓绡囪嫳璇浣滄枃

Charlie and his chocolate factory I love Charlie and his chocolate factory are an extremely interesting movie, inside the movie character are lifelike, as if with reality in type. But this story said is willy wonka has a chocolate factory he because has been old, did not want to manage, therefore he has set up a petition, won the human to be possible to have this factory finally Charlie has won, therefore Charlie has obtained this chocolate factory. 鎴戣嚜宸卞啓鐨勫洜涓烘垜鐨勮嫳璇鑰佸笀涔熷彨鎴戝啓鎵浠ョ粰浣犵敤銆

2. 鑻辫浣滄枃锛氭垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖


There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life . Unluckily.his father was killed one day.He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.He lost the touch with his family since then.His o pals helped him to lead a new life .His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to e back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkeyHe returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last . He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!銆

3. 鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鐢靛奖鑻辫浣滄枃锛堝悗闄勭炕璇戯級

My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. Ilove this film very much .

鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖鏄<锛涙嘲鍧﹀凹鍏嬪彿>锛.瀹冩槸涓涓鍏充簬鏉板厠鍜岄湶鏂鐨勭埍鎯呮晠浜.浠栦滑鍦ㄥお鍧﹀凹鍏嬪彿涓婄浉閬.浠栦滑瑙佸埌瀵规柟鐨勭涓鐪煎氨鐖变笂浜嗗规柟.鍦1912骞4鏈15鏃ョ殑鏅氫笂锛屾嘲鍧﹀凹鍏嬪彿鍦ㄩ┒鍚戠編鍥界殑閫斾腑閬囧埌浜嗕簨鏁.鏉板厠锛岄湶鏂鍜屽叾浠栧緢澶氫汉閮芥帀鍒颁簡娴烽噷.浠栦滑寰堝虫曪紝鍥犱负浠栦滑鎬曞け鍘诲规柟.鏈鍚庯紝闇叉柉寰楁晳浜嗭紝浣嗘槸鏉板厠鍗存讳簡.闇叉柉寰堟偛浼. 鎴戦潪甯稿枩娆㈣繖閮ㄧ數褰便

4. 鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖鑻辫浣滄枃甯︾炕璇

My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Beause it's very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city. So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie's lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shorting, perhaps you only know your shorting, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.



5. 璇蜂互鈥滄垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖鈥濆啓涓绡囪嫳璇浣滄枃

Charlie and his chocolate factory

I love Charlie and his chocolate factory are an extremely interesting movie, inside the movie character are lifelike, as if with reality in type.

But this story said is willy wonka has a chocolate factory he because has been old, did not want to manage, therefore he has set up a petition, won the human to be possible to have this factory finally Charlie has won, therefore Charlie has obtained this chocolate factory.


6. 浠ユ垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖涓洪樺啓涓绡囪嫳鏂囦綔鏂,瀛楁暟150宸﹀彸

I Remember Mama is my favourite American movie. Ecation has been a primary concern in many traditional families. In I Remember Mama, Martha and her hu *** and Lars show high respect for ecation. Especially Martha, she plays an influential role within her family. She tells her children that knowledge is priceless. They invite Mr. Hyde to read them books in the evening. Although Mr. Hyde has left them a collection of his books without getting paid a couple months of rents, Martha does not get angry with him. Instead, she tells her children that the value of all of his books have greatly exceeded the total amount of his unpaid rents. Nevertheless, Martha and Lars always encourage and support their children to keep on pursing their ecational goals.It is very important for children to understand their family values銆

7. 銆婃垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑涓閮ㄧ數褰便嬭嫳璇浣滄枃

Hollywood movies choose war, love and inspirational movie they choose only the audience as well as the Oscar judges art and mercial cinema of the marginal integration to do both good and popular and American film does do a great success 浜嗚В鎴戜汉浠婂ぉ绐侀棿鍙戠幇鎴戝枩娆銆婅倴鐢冲厠鏁戣祹銆嬮儴鐢靛奖瀹氭儕璇т竾鍒嗗弽鏄犵簿绁炲拰鎴戞ф牸鍙嶅樊姝や箣澶 Know I like "The Shawshank Redemption" film extremely surprised, reflect the spirit and my character contrast this big I found today facet 閾惰屽--瀹夎开钂欏啢鍏ョ嫳琚鍒ょ粓韬鐩戠佹棤鏈涘瞾鏈堥噷闈㈠逛粎浠呮伓鍔g幆澧冨嚩鎭跺ジ璇堝吀鐙遍暱鏇村氬唴蹇冪棝妤氬拰浣撳埗瀵逛汉鎬ф帶鍒跺拰宸﹀彸鐩戠嫳闀垮彞鐙犲彴璇嶈兘璇存槑鍒囷細鎶婁俊浠板瘎鎵樼粰绁炴妸鐑傚懡浜ょ粰鎴 Bankers -- Andy was sentenced to life in prison without looking inside to harsh environment only years evil warden more treacherous inner pain and system of human control and left prison sentences are lines that cut: the sustenance of faith to God the bad life to me 瀹夎开鏌斿急鏅烘収褰辩墖鍓嶅皬鏃惰╂垜鐪嬪緱鎷呭績鍘嬫姂鍙鑳藉惊瑙勮箞鐭╅珮鍘嬩笅鍕夊己鐢熸椿鐩戠嫳瑕佸交搴曠(鐏鑲栫敵鍏嬬姱浜哄逛簬鏈鏉ュ笇鏈涜╀滑鍍忔讳汉鏍峰惉鍛界敓娲诲畨杩鏀瑰彉浜嗗垏鏁戣祹浜嗚嚜宸辫繕甯鐩戠嫳鍏剁姱浜虹湅浜嗗笇鏈涚湅浜嗗氬僵鐩戠嫳鐢熸椿浜轰滑鏆傛椂蹇樿颁簡鍘嬭揩銆佹毚鍔涖佹亹鎱岃嚜鐢辩ゥ鍜岀敓娲讳箰瓒g粰姣忎汉閮藉甫鏉ヤ簡甯屾湜瀹夎开灞呯敤浜嗗崄鍑犲勾鏃堕棿鎸栧紑浜嗘湅鍙嬬憺寰风溂瑕佹寲600骞撮毀閬撻庨洦浜ゅ姞澶滈噷 閫氳繃鏉$敓鍛介氶亾500灏烘薄姘寸¢亾閲屽實鍖愬墠杩涘湴鐙卞拰澶╁爞绾夸箣闅旈棿鍖嶅寪鍓嶈繘缁堜簬瀵圭墖婀涜摑澶╃┖鍜屽ぇ娴峰悜寰涓嬪畨杩閲嶈幏鑷鐢卞苟涓斿阀濡欐儵缃氫簡鏈夌姜鍏哥嫳闀跨瓑浜 Andy weak wisdom film hours before let me worry about depression only too observant of conventional standards. under high pressure to pletely obliterate Shoschenk reluctantly life prison inmates in the future that are deadly to life Andy changed everything redeemed himself also help prison the prisoner see hope to see the colorful life in prison people temporarily fet the oppression, violence, fear of freedom peaceful life fun for everyone brings hope Andy in 10 years time g friend Reed eye 600 years to dig tunnels It's raining and blowing hard. night life channel through 500 feet of sewage pipeline bellying through hell and heaven line partment creeping forward finally to the blue sky and sea to down Andy's freedom and clever to punish the guilty the warden et al.褰撲汉琚鏁翠笘鐣屾姏寮冮潰瀵圭粷鏈涙椂瀹夎开--鏂囧急鏅鸿---缁欎簡鎴戜滑濂界瓟妗---鑷宸辨晳璧庤嚜宸 When people are the whole world abandoned in the face of despair when Andy - weak wise, gave us a good answer, they save himself 鎯冲啀澶氳村氱暀鐫鎮蹇电粰鎵炬潵鐪嬬湅鐩镐俊鎴戙婅倴鐢冲厠鏁戣祹銆嬩細璁╁け鏈 Want to say much more suspense to e have a look that I "The Shawshank Redemption" will let down 鍙瑕佸績姝讳汉鏈夊笇鏈 As long as the heart is like dead 蹇冩甯屾湜浠跺ソ浜嬩篃璁稿ソ浜嬪績鎬甯屾湜姘歌繙鏈夊笇鏈涒︹︽棦宸茬粡璧板効浜嗗啀璧拌繙鐐瑰惂鈥︹ Hope good thing maybe good hope hope銆

Both have e son go one step further銆

8. 鑻辫浣滄枃鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鐢靛奖缈昏瘧

My favourite movie

When I watched the film 銆妔pider-man銆嬶紝it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help.

If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will bee more and more warmth. People can make getting along well with each other銆






9. 鍐欎竴閬嶅叧浜庢垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鐢靛奖绫诲瀷锛堢戝够锛夌殑鑻辫浣滄枃瑕佺偣锛氱數褰辩嶇被锛

Hi, I am銆

I have many hobbies, such as playing basketball, badminton, taking a walk.I also like watching movies, I like to read science fiction movies, I think the science fiction movies of the device is novel,is also very advanced, the sci-fi film effect is also very good, in a science fiction movie, I pare like "Transformers",which was about the from Cybertron pla robot, and also from Cebota against the enemy. The representative of justice is to Optimus Prime led the Autobots, representatives of evil is a Decepticon Megatron led.鍡锛屾垜鏄銆傛垜鏈夊緢澶氱埍濂斤紝姣斿傛墦鎵撶鐞冿紝缇芥瘺鐞冿紝鏁f暎姝.鎴戣繕鍠滄㈢湅鐢靛奖锛屾垜鍠滄㈢湅绉戝够绫诲瀷鐨勭數褰憋紝鎴戣夊緱绉戝够鐢靛奖閲岀殑璁惧囧緢鏂板囷紝涔熷緢鍏堣繘锛岀戝够鐢靛奖鐨勫奖瑙嗘晥鏋滀篃寰堟掞紝鍦ㄧ戝够鐢靛奖涓锛屾垜姣旇緝鍠滄銆婂彉褰㈤噾鍒氥嬶紝閲岄潰璁茬殑鏄鏉ヨ嚜璧涘崥鍧︽槦鐞冪殑鏈哄櫒浜猴紝涓庡悓鏍锋潵鑷璧涘崥鍧︾殑鏁屼汉瀵规姉.浠h〃姝d箟鐨勬槸浠ユ搸澶╂煴涓洪栫殑姹借溅浜猴紝鑰屼唬琛ㄩ偑鎭剁殑灏辨槸涓濞侀渿澶╀负棣栫殑闇稿ぉ铏.鎯呰妭鍗佸垎绮惧僵锛岃繖浜涘彉褰㈤噾鍒氱殑姝﹀櫒鍜岃呭囦篃鍗佸垎鍏堣繘锛屾墍浠ユ垜鍠滄㈣繖閮ㄧ數褰.銆

⑵ 介绍一部电影的英语作文

你喜欢的电影是哪一部呢?不妨写一篇 英语 作文 介绍你喜欢的一部电影,与大家改禅互相分享。以下是我为大锋歼仔家整理的,介绍一部电影的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。
My favorite movie is Love Me Once More,Mom.

This is a moving story about a mother and her son.The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn't find him.

She was very sad and almost went mad.In the end,the son found his mother .But they don't know each other.

I cried when I saw the movie.All people say it is so moving.The mother is so good and the son is so lovely.I like th e little boy.He makes me strong.I like it very much.It is my favorite.
Today,I saw large areas of the United St ates "Home Alone" with deep feeling.Th e main character is a little boy.Christma s is fast approaching,the little boy was always getting into trouble.As a result,t hey go to a holiday in Paris,but forget th e little boy at home.

There are two thiev es,after a long period of the study,whic h determined that no one at home.Unex pectedly,there is a little devil at home it!The little boy with a lot of smart and witt y way,to finally seize the thief.

His pare nts,Christmas is the day to come back,and the boy's mother hugged tightly.Si nce then,the boy became everybody's f avorite target.

I would like to tell you that the smart mo ney is not unusual in some small inexpe nsive.But in the coming danger,to prot ect their own!
Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free.Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too.Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical.

This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl.

Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical.In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other.

It’s totally a happy ending.I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much.Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.
Today, I read "home alone" with deep feeling. The main is about a little boy. Christmas is coming soon, the little boy is always making trouble. Therefore, his parents go to Paris on vacation, but forget the little boy at home.

Two thieves found that alts do not have at home, like took the opportunity to steal things.

But the little boy is very clever, through a lot of props and finally caught the thief. His parents came back hugged their children. From then on, the boy became all learning goals.

After learning he danger can protect themselves etc.!
ET is Steven Spielberg’s classic for both children and alts. It is about a story that a creature, ET, is mistakenly left behind on the earth and wants to go back to his home. A boy called Elliott, acted by Henry Thomas, hides him in his house to protect ET from the cold world of grown-ups. They become good friends and are so close that they share sorrows and happiness. At last, Elliott and his friends decide to go on an adventure trying to help ET find the way back to his planet.

The film is beautiful and moving. It shows us that friendship and love are the most important things in life.


1. 有关我喜欢电影的英语作文

2. 初中英语作文:介绍你喜欢的电影

3. 我最喜爱的一部电影作文范文

4. 生活英语情景对话:写作与电影

5. 小学英语作文:我喜欢看电影

⑶ 介绍一部电影初中英语作文



Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free. Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too. Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical. This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

我喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。我非常喜欢英语,因此英语电影也是我喜欢看的。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez。他们要一起主演学校的音乐剧。在这个过程中,发生了一系列的故事,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影的原因是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分羡慕。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。


The Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen. The movie stars from mainland and Hong Kong co-star in this film, attracting many movie fans’ attraction. Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading roles. The movie focuses on the legend stories of mutual martial arts ring the Republic of China. In order to truly show the moves and spirits of the four Kung Fu branches, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagrams, Bachi and Ying Yie, the director Karwai Wong collected a large amount of precious materials in the period of Republic of China, visited more than one hundred descendants across the country in three years. Besides, the leading roles went to learn Kung Fu for many years. As a result, we can enjoy a beautifully proced and fantastic Kung Fu movie. I watched it in the cinema, feeling it’s so great that I couldn’t describe it in language. I desperately love this film.



I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.


I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.


⑷ 初中英语作文我最喜欢的电影精选4篇




I likewatching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful lovestory between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward andBella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has livedhundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They areclassmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still choosesto love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choiceto protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.


I likethis movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars init are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited.And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I seeit.



Movieis my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free. Since I like English verymuch, so the English movie is my favorite, too. Among so many films I havewatched, the one I like best is HighSchool Musical. This film tells the stories about two high school juniorsfrom rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and GabriellaMontez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. Together,they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical. In this process,a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great successand Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happyending. I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorfuland amazing, which I admire so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending oflove story.

我喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。我非常喜欢英语,因此英语电影也是我喜欢看的。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez。他们要一起主演学校的音乐剧。在这个过程中,发生了一系列的故事,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影的原因是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分羡慕。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。


Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .

On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .

They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.


Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.Ilike action movie and science movie. My favoriteactor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He hasmany movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These moviesare very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie moviesvery much.


⑸ 我最喜爱的一部电影高中英语作文



My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. Ilove this film very much .

我最喜欢的电影是.它是一个关于杰克和露斯的爱情故事.他们在链悄太坦尼克号上相遇.他们见到对方的第一眼就爱上了对方.在1912年4月15日的晚上,泰坦尼克号在驶向美国的途中遇到了事故.杰克,露斯和其他很多人都掉到了海里.他们很害怕,因为他们怕失去对方.最后,露斯得救了,但是杰克却死了.露斯很悲伤. 我非常喜欢这部电影。


My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because it's very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie's lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress Angelina Jolie, viper Lucy Liu, praying mantis Seth Rogen, hoist crane David cross and monkey Jackie Chan.I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shorting, perhaps you only know your shorting, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.

我最喜欢的动画电影是“功夫熊猫“。因为它非常有趣,故事是伟大的,背景是美丽的,它真的觉得像一个古老的中国城市。因此,许多人喜欢它。这部动画片电影人物我最喜欢的是熊猫阿波 因为它不仅不寻常的可爱和苦恼指唤前的人喜欢,而且是这个卡通片的主演。但我不否认其他角色也很棒,例如母老虎安吉莉娜朱莉,蝰蛇刘玉玲,亲情,螳螂塞斯罗根,起重机大卫,猴成龙我从这个卡通片中学:每个人都有优点和缺点,也许你只知道你的缺点,但只要你认真看,会发现自己也有优点。


When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help.

If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will bee more and more warmth. People can make getting along well with each other。





⑹ 我最喜欢的电影英语作文带翻译



My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15,1912 ,the Titanic had an accident on the way to America .Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.Ilove this film very much .



Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.



My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Beause it's very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city. So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie's lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.

⑺ 我喜欢的一部电影英语作文

你最喜欢的一部电影是什么呢?大家不妨写一篇 英语 作文 描述一下吧。下面是我推荐给大家有关我喜欢的电影英语作文,供大家参考。

Harry, an boy whose life has become quite the opposite of what you call "normal", discovers himself a wizard who holds the fate of the wizarding world.

During his seven years of life at Hogwarts, he undergoes extreme situations, saves the philosopher's stone, slashes a basilisk, defeats dementers, encounters Lord Voldemort, and faces deaths and true love from all who cares for him.

Along with the help and support of the professors, the magical creatures, his fellow schoolmates and of course, Ron and Hermione, his two best friends, he was able to accomplish the task of defeating Voldemort in the end.

The end or everything was deep sadness, but Harry knew he was loved, that love would conquer even the most evil.

He knew, therefore he lived.
My favourite movie is Transformers 3. This film was made in America.

It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. I like it very much.

This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us.

This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.

It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.
A Nice FilmThe day before yesterday,I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.Before filming,the director spent seven years planning.

There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.

The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.

In their fight for peace,many people lost their lives.

But in the end,justice defeated the evil.The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.

With persistence and courage,you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.

I enjoyed the film very much.It'sworth seeing although it's very long.
My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because it's very funny and interesting.

The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.

So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.

Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie's lead .

But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).

I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.


1. 有关我喜欢电影的英语作文

2. 我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文

3. 介绍一部电影的英语作文

4. 小学英语作文:我喜欢看电影

5. 初中英语作文:介绍你喜欢的电影

⑻ 我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文

你喜欢看电影吗?在你喜欢的电影里面挑一部最喜欢的,写一篇 英语 作文 和大家分享一下吧。以下是我为大家整理的有关我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。

My favourite movie is Transformers 3. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects.

I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us.

This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.

It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.
My favorite movie is mr. & mrs. smith, which is played by julie and pitt. i appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on.

For first reason, julia and pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. it also is reported they two get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. so, i watched it several times.

Secondly, i like the novel story which is told to me. from the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage.

Thirdly, i am fond of the comic plot from the movie. just from the seeing doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and i also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death the moment of truth. that moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.

旁穗Finally, i would like to say it is a worthwhile movie if you have time with your lover.
My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because it's very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.

So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.

Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie's lead .

But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).

I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.
A Nice FilmThe day before yesterday,I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.

Before filming,the director spent seven years planning.There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.

The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace,many people lost their lives.But in the end,justice defeated the evil.

The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage,you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.

I enjoyed the film very much.It'sworth seeing although it's very long.
Everyone has seen a movie. What's your favorite movie? My favorite movie is a comedy called "hands up".

During the Anti-Japanese War movie is about a few rural farmers with Japan, wit and will ultimately drive their story, the plot of the story is very lively, interesting, make people laugh from time to time. Remember there is a plot, there are many small Japan make a donkey camel across a bridge with a big box, box containing a Chinese farmers, small Japan put a bomb in the center of the bridge, when the donkey into the center of the bridge, stopped suddenly, and a bubble urine, will bomb out, Japan on the bridge side blank stare.

At another time, a Japanese guy accidentally drop down the river, a man pulls his pants, don't let him fall, results show the red underwear, when he had to climb much red underwear but drew a cow, as a result, the hapless Japan was cattle chase to chase, appearance can be funny.

"Hands up" although there is no other Anti-Japanese War film that bloody scenes, but it's funny and peaceful atmosphere, let a person look again can remember, no matter go where, as long as a mention it let people have a fresh feeling. Readers, have you seen it? Look at it without looking at it!
Everyone has their favorite person, favorite thing, favorite book, favorite music. I'd like to introce one of my favorite movies to you today. Want to know what movie is? Let me speak slowly to you!

What a great thing that a little spider can save a friend's life! In fact, spider web is a miracle. Everyone can write. Everyone can read. Do you believe that spiders can write and read? The little pig, webber, had to be turned into a ham for help, and other animals were helpless. A spider named charlotte bravely stepped up to help. In order to help it out, the ordinary cobweb became a life-saving net in charlotte's hands. Every word charlotte has woven on the spider's web contains a sincere affection for her friend, which she has painstakingly woven. Finally, the pig webb escaped the disaster of being turned into bacon and ham. The animals applauded the pig, who won the contest.

The little spider, who works day and night, walks to the end of his life and quietly leaves us under the eaves. After seeing it, I couldn't help but cry. That deep friendship, that precious emotion, that memorable scene, and the extraordinary feat of a spider sacrificing life to save a friend. Although the spider looks ordinary, but the heart is great! In reality, spiders catch pests and are beneficial. From the movie, it helps friends and has a mind.

Spiders look small, but they are not small in their hearts. Pig looks stupid, doesn't know anything, but it also has a mind. Under the director's choreographer, the spider became great and the pig became smart.

⑼ 我最喜欢的电影英语作文


我最喜欢的电影英语作文 篇1

I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.

I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.

我最喜欢的电影英语作文 篇2

My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. Ilove this film very much .

我最喜欢的电影英语作文 篇3

I love movies so much that I spend most of my spare time on watching them. Particularly, its useful to improve my English learning with the aid of foreign movies. Among so many films I have seen, the one I like best is High School Musical. It tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. As the hero and heroine, they try out for the leading parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of affairs happened, but in the end, the musical performance achieves great success and the teenage couple----Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because it shows the colorful and amazing high school life, which fascinates me so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

我最喜欢的'电影英语作文 篇4

My favourite movie is The Bucket List. When two complete strangers (Carter and Edward) became roommates in the hospital’s ICU,what they were going to do in their last couple of months? Carter made a bucket list that including his wishes such as: witness something really magnificent, help complete stranger on the good, laugh until I cry, but Edward thought his wishes were too weak, and then he added something like “kiss the most beautiful girl in the world, gosky diving, and get a tattoo. After that, both of them tried to complete their wishes together before they die. At last, Carter and Edward both knew what the life was all about---to bring joy to others.

When they traveled to Egypt, Carter told Edward that before people’s souls entry the heaven, the divinities would ask them two questions: Have you find joy in your life and have you life brought joy to others? Edward can barely answer these questions. However, when Carter died, he realized that he had brought joy to others lives just like Carter did. In the end of the movie, these two good friends lay on the top of the world where they can witness something really magnificent. It’s a happy ending.

The film tries to convey a theme that finds the joy in your life. Say what you need to say. When you die, your eyes were closed, but your heart was widely opened.

我最喜欢的电影英语作文 篇5

My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because its very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movies lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.

我最喜欢的电影英语作文 篇6

Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.

我最喜欢的电影英语作文 篇7

I like movies very much. My favorite movie is “Love Me Once More, Mom”.This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn’t find him. She was very sad and almost went mad. I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.



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