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发布时间:2024-03-29 22:29:06

『壹』 憨豆先生英文介绍

Mr. Bean is a British comedy television series of 14 half-hour episodes starring Rowan Atkinson as the eponymous title character. It was written by Rowan Atkinson, Robin Driscoll, Richard Curtis and Ben Elton. The self-titled first episode was broadcast on 1 January 1990, with the final episode, "Goodnight, Mr. Bean", on 31 October 1995.

The series followed the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body",[1] in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process.

During its five year run the series gained large UK audience figures, including 18.74 million for the 1992 episode "The Trouble With Mr Bean", and was the recipient of a number of international awards, including the Rose d'Or. The show has been sold in over 200 territories worldwide, and has inspired two feature films and an animated cartoon spin-off.
The title character, played by Atkinson, is a slow-witted, sometimes ingenious, and generally likeable buffoon who brings various unusual schemes and connivances to everyday tasks. He lives alone in his small flat in Highbury, North London, and is almost always seen in his trademark tweed jacket and skinny red tie. Mr. Bean rarely speaks, and when he does it is generally only a few mumbled words. His first name (he names himself "Bean" to others) and profession, if any, are never mentioned, though he has been shown in the first episode to have a strong knowledge of trigonometry. (In the first film adaptation, on his passport "Mr." appears under the "first name" field and he is shown employed as a guard at London's National Gallery. In Mr Bean's Holiday, "Rowan" is seen on his passport name field. In a Blind Date parody, when asked of his first name, he responds "Mr.")

Mr. Bean often seems unaware of basic aspects of the way the world works, and the programme usually features his attempts at what would normally be considered simple tasks, such as going swimming, redecorating or taking an exam. The humour largely comes from his original (and often absurd) solutions to any problems and his total disregard for others when solving them, his pettiness, and occasional malevolence.

At the beginning of episode two onwards, Mr. Bean falls from the sky in a beam of light, accompanied by a choir singing Ecce homo qui est faba - Behold the man who is a bean. These opening sequences were initially in black and white in episodes 2 and 3, and were intended by the procers to show his status as an "ordinary man cast into the spotlight". However, later episodes showed Mr. Bean dropping from the night sky in a deserted London street, against the backdrop of St. Paul's Cathedral; later, in the animated series, he was shown to be an alien. Atkinson himself has acknowledged that Bean "has a slightly alien aspect to him".

『贰』 憨豆先生影评英文50词

Mr. Bean has a funny face, the odd behavior, as well as the singular way of thinking, can make people laugh. However, such a comedy role was not too popular: he egoistic, crowding out otherspaces, grab the old seat in the hospital, with an inflatable doll do double line, the cute actchildish things, even in the hotel next door to cut through the wall just to enjoy the bath room; he also like intentionally with others, as long as he stared at, whether you like it or not, he would bedangling in front of you, do you like but not stop it, or sync your behavior, or to show him than you have more advantages, in the face of intolerable gaze, he is a proud of you face; he isin fine, simple to mess things up, in order to hide in front of the mistakes had more trouble to conceal.

『叁』 请各位看过《憨豆先生的大灾难》的朋友们,帮忙把电影名字和概括内容用英文表达一下,下面也要中文解释

Mr. Bean catastrophe
A fully display British humorous a good film, British people familiar with TV star, comedy masters, who stars "four weddings and a funeral" and promoting 007 LuoWenYi undersecretary had starred in a smile of Mr Bean tails off. Originally awkward Mr Bean is a British museum exhibition halls of guards, he was as a royal art collection representatives sent to the USA for a painting of the region, he performed many others make people laugh farce. This film also irony in Britain and the United States of bureaucracy. The film in Europe when put in popularity, box-office prevails.

『肆』 求憨豆先生的英文简介(请附上中文译文)

比恩是英国喜剧电视连续剧14集半小时节目主演罗恩阿特金森的标题的特点。不同的事件写的罗恩阿特金森,罗宾德里斯科尔,理查德柯蒂斯和一个由Ben埃尔顿。自我命名的首发是英国独立电视台播出的关於1990年1月1 ,最后的节目,晚安,比恩,对1995年10月31 。

基於特徵制定的罗恩阿特金森在大学,这一系列之后,它讲述的是比恩,阿特金森描述为“一个孩子在成长男子的尸体” , [ 1 ]在解决各种问题提出的日常工作,而且往往造成破坏在这一进程中。

在其五年运行一系列大型英国观众获得的数字,包括一千八百七十四点〇万的1992年事件“的问题,比恩” 。 [ 2 ]该系列已接受了一系列国际奖项,其中包括玫瑰之或,并产生了持久的影响,流行文化。展会已销往全球200多个地区,并激发了两个电影和动画分拆。 [ 3 ]

其性质比恩最初开发时罗恩阿特金森时,他正在研究在牛津大学硕士。示意图采用的字元正在履行在爱丁堡边缘艺术节於80年代初期。 [ 4 ]的性质类似的呼吁罗伯特盒,发挥阿特金森,出现在一次性电视连续剧1979年罐头笑声,其中还包括日常使用的电影版。 [ 5 ] 1987年,一个比恩最早的表现发生在“只是笑”喜剧节在加拿大魁北克蒙特利尔。当计划统筹安排阿特金森到了电影节的计划,阿特金森坚持说,他执行的讲法语的法案,而不是讲英语的计划。没有对话,在他的法国所有的行为,计划统筹无法理解为什麼要执行阿特金森对法国法案。事实证明,阿特金森的行为在艺术节是一个测试平台为比恩性质和阿特金森希望看到如何沉默特徵Mr. Bean was a British comedy television series of 14 half-hour episodes starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character. Different episodes were written by Rowan Atkinson, Robin Driscoll, Richard Curtis and one by Ben Elton. The self-titled first episode was broadcast on ITV on 1 January 1990, with the final episode, Goodnight, Mr. Bean, on 31 October 1995.

Based on a character developed by Rowan Atkinson at university, the series followed the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body",[1] in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process.

During its five year run the series gained large UK audience figures, including 18.74 million for the 1992 episode "The Trouble With Mr. Bean".[2] The series has been the recipient of a number of international awards, including the Rose d'Or, and has had an enring effect on popular culture. The show has been sold in over 200 territories worldwide, and has inspired two feature films and an animated cartoon spin-off.[3]

The character of Mr. Bean was first developed when Rowan Atkinson was studying for his MSc at Oxford University. A sketch featuring the character was being performed at the Edinburgh Fringe in the early 1980s.[4] A similar character called Robert Box, played by Atkinson, appeared in the one-off 1979 ITV sitcom Canned Laughter, which also featured a routine used in the film version.[5] In 1987, one of Mr. Bean's earliest appearances occurred at the "Just For Laughs" comedy festival in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. When program co-ordinators were scheling Atkinson into the festival program, Atkinson insisted that he perform on the French-speaking bill rather than the English-speaking program. Having no French dialogue in his act at all, program co-ordinators could not understand why Atkinson wanted to perform on the French bill. As it turned out, Atkinson's act at the festival was a test platform for the Mr. Bean character and Atkinson wanted to see how the silent characte

『伍』 我想要憨豆先生的介绍,包括本人和角色两方面,要全英文的

憨豆原名是罗万·阿金森(英文原名好像是Rowan Sebastian Atkinson),
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, UK
《戆豆先生》——英国BBC的招牌电视喜剧的剧名,也是该剧的主角名字。英国喜剧泰斗罗温·艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)饰演憨豆先生、同时也是该剧制片及编剧之一。大家可千万别小看这颗“豆豆”,他在英国可是号称有1850万观众,在其它语系地区也是赫赫有名、所向披靡。他的幽默内敛、充满平常惊奇和对生活情趣的触觉,已冲破语言障碍,有望成为卓别林之后的幽默大师。他创造了一种英国式的无厘头。一般人的喜剧都要笑中有泪,或笑中有针贬社会时事,《Mr.Bean》的笑中只有笑,没有政治,也没有批评社会,但一点不令人觉得单纯搞笑。



虽然憨豆先生的智商号称只有“007”,但艾金森本人可是拥有牛津大学的电机工程学位。能够扮得那么白痴,绝对是精湛的演技,而非“本色演员”。英国人认为他创造了近年来最重要的喜剧角色,而且认定他天生就该吃这碗饭。其实,成名之前,他默默无闻地耕耘了相当长的一段时间,直到80年代初,借助《非9点新闻》(Not The Nine O'clock news)一剧,他才开始崭露头角。在1984年的《黑蝰蛇》(The Black Adder)一剧中,他饰演言辞尖刻、爱冷嘲热讽别人的爱德蒙一角,显示了他能说会道的才能,而“憨豆先生”则展示了他肢体喜剧演员的天份,难怪有人说他那张脸就是他的财富。


“憨豆先生”究竟有多红呢?看看有关他的商品就知道。除了剧片的录像带、VCD以外,还有印着他“傻冒像”的明信片、电话薄、贺卡,以及包括“蒙娜豆莎”造型在内的各式T恤。相关书籍也有好几本,有剧本、剧照集及艾金森的传记等。最精彩的应该是那本《憨豆日记》,里面收入了憨豆生命中极隐私、极重要的点点滴滴,我们可以看到他“诗歌欣赏课”的老师哀求他改选别的课,虽然他是按时交作业的好学生,但他老是强迫别的同学听他朗诵作品,结果人家不是呕吐,就是吓得不敢睡觉,班上学生跑了一大半。还有他的成绩单,给了他35分的历史老师给他的评语是:“He has no sense of history.But then,of course,he has no sense(他没有半点历史感,然而,当然,他什么感也没有)。”标准的非常戆豆式的评语。对于人们来说,不管欣不欣赏这颗“豆子”",通过他来了解保守冷漠的英国人的文化和民族性,倒也挺不错。


2003 - Johnny English 憨豆特工(憨豆007)

2002 - Scooby-Doo 狗狗震

2001 - Rat Race 疯狂世界

2000 - Maybe Baby 宝贝喜临门

1997 - Bean 憨豆先生(豆豆秀、比恩先生、豆子先生)

1994 - Four Weddings and a Funeral 四个婚礼一个葬礼

1994 - Lion King, The 狮子王 (配音)

1993 - Hot Shots! Part Deux 反斗神鹰Ⅱ

1990 - Witches, The 巫婆

1989 - Tall Guy, The 高个子(高佬先生、长腿家伙)

1989 - Mr. Bean 豆子先生5:不可能的任务

1983 - Never Say Never Again 007之永不说不(铁金刚勇夺巡航导弹)

路云·雅坚逊(Rowan Atkinson)

出生英格兰东北部纽卡素的路云雅坚逊,是英国着名喜剧演员。早在1977年,路云在爱丁堡艺穗节(Edinburgh Festival)的演出已引起注目,翌年他在Hampstead剧场的表现赢尽好评,成为英国广播公司(BBC)的NottheNineO'clockNews节目其中一位创立者。该节目获空前成功,更连续制作了四辑,录音副产品的销量超过白金纪录,书籍在销售榜名列前茅,并于蒙特勒(Montreux)艺术节获银玫瑰奖(SilverRose),就连艾美奖(Emmy)及英国影艺学院(BritishAcademyAward)也有路云的踪影。节目大受欢迎,路云被英国广播公司封为年度名人(PersonalityoftheYear)。



1 Bean 2 (2006) ..... Mr. Bean
2 保持缄默 Keeping Mum (2005) ..... Reverend Walter Goodfellow
3 Spider-Plant Man (2005) ..... Peter Piper/Spider-Plant Man
4 The Funny Blokes of British Comedy (2005) ..... Himself
5 Comic Relief: Red Nose Night Live 05 (2005) ..... Peter Piper/Spider-Plant Man
6 Comic Relief 2003: The Big Hair Do (2003) ..... Martin Bashir
7 憨豆特派员 Johnny English (2003) ..... Johnny English
8 真情角落 Love Actually (2003) ..... Rufus, jewellery salesman
9 Mickey's PhilharMagic (2003) ..... Zazu (voice) (uncredited)
10 憨豆先生卡通版 "Mr. Bean: The Animated Series" (2002) ..... Mr. Bean (voice)
11 狗狗震 Scooby-Doo (2002) ..... Emile Mondavarious, Spooky Island Owner
12 The Jubilee Girl (2002) ..... Sir Osmond Darling-Blackadder
13 "The Sketch Show Story" (2001) ..... Himself/various characters (archive footage)
14 亡命夺宝 Rat Race (2001) ..... Enrico Pollini
15 The 100 Greatest TV Characters (2001) ..... Edmund Blackadder (archive footage) (uncredited)
16 I Love Christmas (2001) ..... (archive footage)
17 Comic Relief Short Pants (2001) ..... Neville
18 Making 'Rat Race' (2001) ..... Himself
19 Comic Relief: Say Pants to Poverty (2001) ..... (Popsters segment)
20 The Royal Variety Performance 2000 (2000) ..... Performer
21 宝贝喜临门 Maybe Baby (2000) ..... Mr. James
22 "Full Mountie" (2000) ..... Himself (archive footage)
23 "Laughter in the House: The Story of British Sitcom" (1999) ..... Edmund Blackadder
24 Comic Relief: Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death (1999) ..... The 9th Doctor
25 Blackadder Back & Forth (1999) ..... Lord Edmund Blackadder/King Edmund III/Blackaddercus
26 Wie man die Leute von ihrem Geld trennt (1998) ..... Himself
27 A Royal Birthday Celebration (1998) ..... Sir Edmund Blackadder
28 憨豆先生 Bean (1997) ..... Mr. Bean
29 The Best Bits of Mr. Bean (1997) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
30 The Story of Bean (1997) ..... Himself/Mr. Bean
31 "The Nose at Ten" (1996) ..... Himself
32 Reflections of Mr. Bean (1996) ..... Himself
33 Comic Relief: Behind the Nose (1995) ..... Mr. Bean
34 Full Throttle (1995) ..... Sir Henry 'Tim' Birkin
35 "The Thin Blue Line" (1995) ..... Insp. Raymond C. Fowler
36 Unseen Bean (1995) ..... Mr. Bean
37 四个婚礼一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) ..... Father Gerald (Wedding one)
38 The Final Frolics of Mr. Bean (1994) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
39 狮子王 The Lion King (1994) ..... Zazu the Hornbill
40 Disney Sing-Along-Songs: Circle of Life (1994) ..... Zazu (voice) (archive footage)
41 The Driven Man (1993) ..... Himself
42 Comic Relief: The Invasion of the Comic Tomatoes (1993) ..... Mr. Bean
43 反斗神鹰续集 Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993) ..... Dexter Hayman
44 The Merry Mishaps of Mr. Bean (1992) ..... Mr. Bean
45 Rowan Atkinson Live (1992) ..... Various roles
46 Two Mikes Don't Make a Wright (1992) .....
47 "Funny Business" (1992) ..... Presenter/Various
48 The Perilous Persuits of Mr. Bean (1992) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
49 The Trouble with Mr. Bean (1991) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
50 Mr. Bean Rides Again (1991) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
51 Bernard and the Genie (1991) ..... Charles Pinkworth
52 女巫 The Witches (1990) ..... Mr. Stringer
53 "Mr. Bean" (1990) ..... Mr. Bean
54 The Exciting Escapades of Mr. Bean (1990) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
55 高个子 The Tall Guy (1989) ..... Ron Anderson
56 The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Bean (1989) ..... Mr. Bean (archive footage)
57 Hysteria 2! (1989) ..... Shakespeare's Manager
58 "Blackadder Goes Forth" (1989) ..... Capt. Edmund Blackadder
59 Blackadder: The Cavalier Years (1988) ..... Sir Edmund Blackadder
60 Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988) ..... Ebenezer Blackadder/Lord Edmund Blackadder/Edmund Blackadder, Esq./Cmdr. Edmund Blackadder
61 Live! From London (1988) ..... Himself
62 Hysteria! Hysteria! Hysteria! (1988) ..... Mr. R (uncredited)
63 The Appointments of Dennis Jennings (1988) ..... Dr. Schooner
64 "Blackadder the Third" (1987) ..... Edmund Blackadder, Esq, Butler to the Prince
65 The Grand Knockout Tournament (1987) ..... Lord Knock of Alton
66 Comic Relief (1986) ..... Himself
67 "Blackadder II" (1986) ..... Lord Edmund Blackadder
68 Weekend in Wallop (1984) ..... Himself
69 "The Black Adder" (1983) ..... The Blackadder - Prince Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh
70 巡弋飞弹 Never Say Never Again (1983) ..... Nigel Small-Fawcett
71 Dead On Time (1983) ..... Bernard Fripp
72 The Secret Policeman's Other Ball (1982) ..... Himself/Various Roles
73 Fundamental Frolics (1981) ..... Himself
74 The Secret Policeman's Ball (1981) ..... Various Roles
75 Peter Cook & Co. (1980) ..... Various Characters
76 Canned Laughter (1979) ..... Robert Box/Dave Perry/Mr Marshall
77 "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979) ..... Various roles (1979-1982)

导演 director1 Comic Relief (1986) .....

编剧 writer1 Blackadder Back & Forth (1999) ..... television series The Black Adder &
2 憨豆先生 Bean (1997) ..... (characters) &
3 The Best Bits of Mr. Bean (1997) .....
4 The Driven Man (1993) .....
5 Rowan Atkinson Live (1992) .....
6 "Funny Business" (1992) ..... (writer)
7 "Mr. Bean" (1990) .....
8 "The Black Adder" (1983) ..... (writer)
9 "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979) ..... writer
10 Canned Laughter (1979) .....

制片 procer1 憨豆先生卡通版 "Mr. Bean: The Animated Series" (2002) ..... co-executive procer
2 憨豆先生 Bean (1997) ..... executive procer

全体团队 crewmembers1 Legacy of Kain: Defiance (2003) ..... voice-over

『陆』 关于憨豆先生的一片英文演讲稿

-Mr. Bean was a British comedy television series of 14 half-hour episodes starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character. Different episodes were written by Rowan Atkinson, Robin Driscoll, Richard Curtis and one by Ben Elton. The self-titled first episode was broadcast on 1 January 1990, with the final episode, "Hair by Mr. Bean of London", on 25 August, 1996.

The title character, played by Rowan Atkinson, is a slow-witted, sometimes ingenious, selfish and generally likable buffoon who brings various unusual schemes and connivances to everyday tasks. He lives alone in his small flat in Highbury, North London, and is almost always seen in his trademark tweed jacket and skinny red tie.

Mr. Bean rarely speaks, and when he does it is generally only a few mumbled words. His first name (he names himself "Bean" to others) and profession, if any, are never mentioned. Atkinson has said, at the time of the first film's release that he imagines Bean's first name to be Julian, thus making Julian Bean a reference to famous guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream. He has been shown in the first episode to have a strong knowledge of trigonometry.

『柒』 憨豆先生的简介(英文的)

有两个 一个是演员本人的介绍,一个是憨豆先生剧集的,不知道你要的是哪个

Rowan Atkinson

Date of Birth
6 January 1955, Consett, County Durham, England, UK

Birth Name
Rowan Sebastian Atkinson


6' 1" (1.85 m)

Mini Biography
Rowan Sebastian Atkinson was born on the 6th January, 1955, in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK, to Ella May and Eric Atkinson. His father owned a farm where he grew up with his two older brothers, Rupert and Rodney. He attended Newcastle University and Oxford University where he earned degrees in electrical engineering. During that time, he met screenwriter Richard Curtis, with whom he wrote and performed comedy revues.

Later, he co-wrote and appeared in "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979), which was a huge success and spawned several best-selling books. It won an International Emmy Award and the British Academy Award for "Best Light Entertainment Programme of 1980." He won the "British Academy Award" and was named "BBC Personality of the Year" for his performing on "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979).

Atkinson also appeared in several movies, including Dead on Time (1983), Pleasure at Her Majesty's (1976) (TV) (aka "Monty Python Meets Beyond the Fringe"), Never Say Never Again (1983), and The Tall Guy (1989). He played "Mr. Bean" in the TV series, "Mr. Bean" (1990) but, apart from that and "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979), he also appeared in several other series like "The Black Adder" (1983) and "Funny Business" (1992), etc.

Atkinson enjoys nothing better than fast cars. He has been married to Sunetra Sastry since 1990, and they have two children, named Benjamin and Lily.

IMDb Mini Biography By: Van Whistler

Sunetra Sastry (February 1990 - present) 2 children

Trade Mark
Wide range of humorous expressions.

His characters: Mr. Bean and Blackadder

Has two children with Sunetra Sastry: Lily and Benjamin.

Rides go-karts round his tennis courts and, according to Stephen Fry (his best man), "hasn't got an ounce of showbiz in him".

Has an HGV license.

Owns various fast cars (Aston Martin Vantages, etc.).

Writes articles for CAR (a British car magazine).

Ecation: Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK (electrical engineering); Oxford University, Oxford, UK (electrical engineering)

Races (and also crashes) his Aston Martins in the Aston Martins Owners club series.

His wife, Sunetra Sastry, is a make-up artist.

Attended Cathedral Chorister School, Durham with Tony Blair.

He was awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for Best Comedy Performance in 1982 for the 1981 season.

Once crashed his MacLaren F1, a supercar valued at more than $1,000,000, into the back of a stationary Mini Metro, valued at around $600. The damage was not severe.

He was one of the guests at Prince Charles' and Camilla Parker-Bowles' wedding.

Has publicly opposed the British Labour government's plans to introce new legislation on incitement to religious hatred, arguing that it would undermine free speech and thought (even citing the possible development of mind-reading technology), and that such measures would make political satire - which he considers seminal in a democracy - unworkable.

Along with Tony Robinson and Tim McInnerny, he is one of only three actors to appear in all four "Blackadder" series: "The Black Adder" (1983), "Blackadder II" (1986), "Blackadder the Third" (1987) and "Blackadder Goes Forth" (1989).

Personal Quotes
People think because I can make them laugh on the stage, I'll be able to make them laugh in person. That isn't the case at all. I am essentially a rather quiet, ll person who just happens to be a performer.

[commenting in 2004 on Britain's proposed Racial and Religious Hatred Bill] To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous, but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom. The freedom to criticize ideas, any ideas - even if they are sincerely held beliefs - is one of the fundamental freedoms of society. A law which attempts to say you can criticize and ridicule ideas as long as they are not religious ideas is a very peculiar law indeed.

Mr. Bean is essentially a child trapped in the body of a man. All cultures identify with children in a similar way, so he has this bizarre global outreach. And 10-year-old boys from different cultures have more in common than 30-year-olds. As we grow up, we acquire this sensibility that divides us.


Director:John Howard Davies

Writers:Andrew Clifford (additional material)
Robin Driscoll (writer)
Seasons:1 | unknown more
Release Date:1 January 1990 (UK) more
Genre:Comedy / Family more
Plot Outline:Life is a difficult challenge for Mr Bean, who despite being a grown alt, has trouble completing even the simplest of tasks. Thankfully, his perseverence is usually rewarded, and he finds an ingenious way around the problem. more
Plot Keywords:British / Silent Comedy / Mr Bean / Mini Cooper / Mini Golf more
Awards:1 win & 5 nominations more
User Comments:Great humour and a grand step away from all the crassness and vulgarity of modern humour more



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