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发布时间:2024-03-03 10:45:12

㈠ 电影(我是传奇) 观后感英文写 200字

Men break the rule ,and the god punished men by illness horribleness and death.it's common in such films advocates The end of the word.But there is something new in this film.I caught the feeling that i dreamed about sometimes.A whole city was left and others were disappeared,so everything belongs to me only.I am not so crazy,in my dreams i just want others disappear, not die.But at least ,the dreams come ture.Then you would find that you still could not enjoy the absolute freedom.The city belongs to you in the daytime,but belongs to ghost in the evening.(daytime always make men feel safe,and absolute freedom is not exist.)
At the same time,all the thing you get lost their meaning.The only thing you can do is searching others,others is the world.Your life and dreams based on this world.

㈡ 《我是传奇》电影 百度云





㈢ 《我是传奇》(I am Legend)电影两个结尾对整个影片的诠释有什么不同

只有第二个才解释的通,意思‘GOD STILL WITH US',希望还在!为什么希望还在呢?因为那些丧尸一直追着斯密斯,是为了救回那个女丧失,那个女丧尸脖子上有个蝴蝶。

它想突出的那个效果是显而易见的,就是即使僵尸也有僵尸之间的"感情"...跟前面那个僵尸不要命的"见光"场面是个很好的呼应,也对应了这片子想传达的东西: 如果世界未到终点,人类总是至上的,未见得尊重和珍惜人与人之外的感情。 但是当人类灭绝了,任何一种物种都和人平等了。人与狗,兽与兽,怪物与怪物,都是这个世界的主人。

㈣ 跪求电影我是传奇英文剧情介绍 谢谢了

无知的人类,往往是灾难性事件的始作俑者……人类医学发明了一种新的病毒可以治愈疾病的病毒,不料病毒变异后将受感染的人类变成活僵尸。一场大面积的病毒突然爆发,传播速度之快几乎无人能够阻止,没有人知道可怕的病毒之源开始于何处,只知道它是没办法停止的、不可逆转的、无法治愈的,最重要的是,它是人为创造出来的。 罗伯特·奈维尔是纽约市一个才华横溢的病原体学者,为美国军方服务。他作为政府投资研究抵抗流行性疾病的疫苗的先头部队,看着病毒在街道上如此肆虐,却也只有无能为力的份儿。这种通过空气就能传播的病毒最终以一种难以抵御速度笼罩了整个城市,使得总统只能下令封锁纽约市,未被感染的人才能出城。可想而知,这种做法造成了市民的极大恐慌,纽约城顿时乱作一团。罗伯特在焦急之中将妻子佐伊和7岁的女儿马莉送上出城的直升机,却目睹他们死在面前的惨剧……这种时候,死亡也许是最好的选择,因为那些被感染却没有死的人,身体发生了异变,成为一种可怕的生物,不再存在任何理智的思考,行尸走肉般地居住在城市地下的黑暗和阴影当中,躲避着阳光--他们对新鲜的血与肉,有着最为原始的渴望。 这场灾难所导致的后果,就是纽约变成了一座死城,而罗伯特就成了这里仅存的一个人类--不知何故,他的血液对这种病毒有着天生的免疫能力。罗伯特知道自己可以支配两种武器,那就是他在科学上的专业知识和自己的血液。曾经在军队里讨生活的经历,帮助他选择了在这座被废弃的城市中生活的方式,完全是高度系统化的,他每天都要坚持大量的体能训练,还要不间断地发出求救或寻找和自己一样的幸存者的无线电波……罗伯特是一个非常自律的人,否则在这种极端孤独的情况下,正常人都有可能发疯。唯一还在与罗伯特并肩作战的,就是他最为忠诚的伙伴萨姆,一只德国牧羊犬。白天,罗伯特带着萨姆外出寻找维持生命的供给,然后去实验室时做研究、发无线电波;到了晚上,他们把自己关在一个坚固得有如堡垒的建筑物中,观察那些怪物在城市的街头“觅食”。除了每天尽责尽职地做同样的事情,罗伯特在这座“空城”当中也享受到了完全的自由:他可以驾驶着他的跑车在街道上横冲直撞;在战斗机上打高尔夫;用无价的珠宝装饰他的堡垒等等,就连市中心最繁忙的商业街,如今也变成了罗伯特自家的“后花园”。作为人类最后的希望,罗伯特被唯一的一个残留下来的任务驱使着,那就是使用自己血液中的免疫系统,寻找逆转病毒的方法。虽然他知道自己面对的是一个庞大的天文数字,但是他没得选择,因为他的时间就快用光了。
影片有两种结局: 普通版:罗伯特牺牲自己,拯救了人类也拯救了身边的人。 加长版:罗伯特死里逃生,同救下的两个人继续踏上寻找幸存者的旅途,影片结尾说:我们并不孤独,似乎隐隐告诉观众,人类和“追暗者”也是可以一起生活在这个世界上的,突出了人性的美。 两个结局很难说哪个是悲剧,哪个是大团圆,都有悲有喜有得有失。两种结局都渗透着人性之美,而且都很自然而然,毫不牵强附会。似乎也预示着,未来是不确定的,人类的未来是由自己一手造成,生死存亡,一切取决于我们的一念之间。

㈤ 求电影我是传奇 剧情简介 要中英文都有的

Robert Neville is the last man alive. He busies himself with preparing for a nightly attack from the rest of the world - all of which have transformed into blood-thirsty vampires.这个是华纳官方网站给的介绍,
这个是中文的介绍 2012年,人类被不知名病毒感染,纽约成为一座空城。Robert Neville(Will Smith 饰)是为军方服务的科学家,也是对病毒有免疫力的幸存者。白天,他带着狗Sam在街道上寻找食物,用广播寻找幸存者,在实验室里研究治愈病毒的方法;晚上,他只能躲在屋子里,因为那些感染病毒而没有死亡的人们,成为了“夜魔”只能夜晚出来活动,丧失理智,会攻击所有的人。
某天,Sam也感染病毒死去,Robert Neville陷入了前所未有的孤独。当他准备和“夜魔”们同归于尽的时候,另外一个幸存者Anna(Alice Braga 饰)救了他。Anna相信山上的隔离区还有幸存者,但是固执的Robert Neville却坚持守在纽约。
又一个晚上,“夜魔”攻击Robert Neville的住所,此时他的研究已经获得成功,但是只有坚持到天亮,人类才能得以延存。
Robert Neville is the last man alive. He busies himself with preparing for a nightly attack from the rest of the world - all of which have transformed into blood-thirsty vampires.这个是华纳官方网站给的介绍,
这个是中文的介绍 2012年,人类被不知名病毒感染,纽约成为一座空城。Robert Neville(Will Smith 饰)是为军方服务的科学家,也是对病毒有免疫力的幸存者。白天,他带着狗Sam在街道上寻找食物,用广播寻找幸存者,在实验室里研究治愈病毒的方法;晚上,他只能躲在屋子里,因为那些感染病毒而没有死亡的人们,成为了“夜魔”只能夜晚出来活动,丧失理智,会攻击所有的人。
某天,Sam也感染病毒死去,Robert Neville陷入了前所未有的孤独。当他准备和“夜魔”们同归于尽的时候,另外一个幸存者Anna(Alice Braga 饰)救了他。Anna相信山上的隔离区还有幸存者,但是固执的Robert Neville却坚持守在纽约。
又一个晚上,“夜魔”攻击Robert Neville的住所,此时他的研究已经获得成功,但是只有坚持到天亮,人类才能得以延存。

㈥ 求电影<我是传奇>的英文介绍!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and perhaps the world. For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. But he is not alone. Mutant victims of the plague -- The Infected -- lurk in the shadows... watching Neville's every move... waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But he knows he is outnumbered... and quickly running out of time. Written by Warner Bros. Pictures

It is the year 2012. In the ruins of New York city. Robert Neville who is a military scientist who is the lone survivor of a biochemical disease which was supposed to cure cancer 3 years previous. With only blood thirsty zombies as his neighbors and his trusty dog, Samantha, Robert is trying to discover a cure for this disease and to find out any other people who might have also survived. Written by John Wiggins

㈦ 求电影《我是传奇》中英文经典台词,好词,300词影评

Radio message from the President of the United States: …And make no mistake, My Fellow Americans, we are at war for our very survival. And so it is with great sadness but greater resolve that tonight I have signed an executive order quarantining New York City. God be with us…
Robert Neville: My name is Robert Neville. I am a survivor living in New York City. If there is
anybody out there…anybody. Please. You are not alone.
Robert Neville: I am a survivor living in New York City…I can provide food. I can provide shelter. I can provide security.
Robert Neville: I can help. I can fix this. Let me save you. I can save you; I can save everybody.
Robert Neville: Nothing happened the way it was supposed to happen. We are seeing mutations. Cannabalistic hunger. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.
Robert Neville: Six billion people on Earth when the infection hit.
Robert Neville: I will be at the South Street Seaport everyday, at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky.
Robert Neville: Good morning, Hank!
Robert Neville: God didn't do this. We did!
Robert Neville: Come on Sam, we gotta go.
Robert Neville: I haven't seen another person in three years. If there is anybody out there. Anybody. Please.
Robert Neville: Day one thousand and one. I am still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts.
Robert Neville: I'm not gonna let this happen.
Robert Neville: Light up the darkness.

㈧ 求电影<我是传奇>的英文介绍!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 1954 sci-fi/vampire novel "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson has now been filmed three times: as "The Last Man On Earth" in 1964 originally scripted by Matheson himself (which I have never seen), as "The Omega Man" in 1971 without the vampire elements (which I have viewed three times), and now with the original title and expensive sets and special effects. This time the seemingly sole survivor of the worldwide pandemic Robert Neville is played by Will Smith who is an actor with real charisma and charm and considerable box office appeal who has beefed himself up for the role.

The main strength of this version is the location shots in a deserted New York City (a move from the Los Angeles of the book and earlier films) and, although the filming of these scenes apparently caused traffic chaos and much anger for local residents, they chillingly set the tone for this dystopian thriller. To see the silent streets around Times Square or South Street Seaport or the lone scientist fishing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art or playing golf on the "USS Intrepid" is to view this heaving metropolis as we have never experienced it before. The German shepherd dog who is Neville's sole companion deserves an honourable mention for showing greater thespian skills than most of the extras and stunt men.

The principal weakness of the movie, however, is the realisation of the surviving victims of the virus. The CGI characters are almost as silly as they are scary but, above all, they are presented as more animalistic than human. "The Omega Man" handled these characters much better presenting them as sad as well as scary. The other serious fault is the lack of clarity in the narrative - at times, it is simply unclear what is happening and why and a longer director's cut would be welcome. Finally the references to Ground Zero and God may play well with American audiences but will not be so resonant to audiences elsewhere in the world.

㈨ 求电影《我是传奇》的英语简介,200字以内。

Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and perhaps the world. For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. But he is not alone. Mutant victims of the plague -- The Infected -- lurk in the shadows... watching Neville's every move... waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But he knows he is outnumbered... and quickly running out of time.

It is the year 2012. In the ruins of New York city. Robert Neville who is a military scientist who is the lone survivor of a biochemical disease which was supposed to cure cancer 3 years previous. With only blood thirsty zombies as his neighbors and his trusty dog, Samantha, Robert is trying to discover a cure for this disease and to find out any other people who might have also survived.

㈩ 电影《我是传奇》的英文简介

If you are fan of Matheson's book prepare to be disappointed as the film entirely misses the point, especially when it comes to the title itself. Having said that, taken on it's own merits the film is not all that bad. The opening half hour is well constructed and the lingering shots of a deserted NYC are quite effective. Will Smith reigns in his usual on-screen persona to deliver a good performance as Robert Neville, although at times it does seem as though he's playing to an audience which is at odds with the permeating sense of isolation (problems with the script rather than Smith himself). Aside from it's deviation from the book, the film's most glaring problem are the dark seekers themselves. They are entirely rendered in by today's standards unconvincing cgi and therefore never quite achieve the feeling of menace we're supposed to feel. Real actors in make-up with perhaps a little cgi augmentation would've been far better. Also the attempt to create an antagonist for Neville falls a little flat, as he comes across as nothing more than a slighter smarter creature with a grudge. What does work though is Neville's relationship with his dog, Sam. Considering they spend the majority of their screen time together it was important it felt like they had a genuine bond and they do. Also Neville's flashbacks to a time shortly before the worst of the outbreak are well-implemented, never interrupting the pace of the narrative. Ultimately it's the last predictable half hour of the film that falls flat and undoes most of the good work. It's worth seeing but for all Richard Matheson fans it will be frustrating at best. In fact, for anyone who read Mark Protosevich's script that leaked online a few years back you'll probably wish they made that film instead.

In the very near future a doctor creates what appears to be a cancer vaccine. I genetically engineered virus that when injected into 10,000 cancer patients, cured every single one of them. The problem is, when you play God, you may find out you’re not as good at as you might think. The virus mutates into a plauge that pretty much wipes out the entire human race, killing the vast majority of the population almost instantly, while leaving some survivors…. but most of those survivors are turned into Vampire/Zombie/Rage Virus type beings who lose their humanity and kill every survivor left uneffected. Will Smith is the last human being in New York, and maybe the world, who is also a military geneticist (what great luck) who works tirelessly to not only survive in this new nightmare world, but also struggles to find a cure for the rest of those who are infected.

Immediately after watching I Am Legend I went to a bookshop and bought myself a of Richard Matheson’s classic novel. Greater praise hath no man. It’s quite different from the film, mind, but not in a bad way.
New York City, 2012. Robert Neville (Smith) gets up every morning. Does his exercises. Eats breakfast. Listens to music. Takes his dog Sam out for walks, and to pick up supplies. Goes to work. Plays a little golf. Sends out a broadcast on the radio. Nothing so unusual about any of this, I hear you think. Well, no. Except that Robert Neville is, as far as he knows, the only living human being on the planet. He and Sam are entirely alone, and have been for three years.

In 2009, a scientist called, ironically, Dr Krippen (Emma Thompson, in an uncredited cameo), announces that she has discovered the cure for cancer – a retrofitted virus that is initially hailed as a breakthrough in modern medicine. But it isn’t long before the virus has mutated into a deadly airborne form, killing millions of people. Neville, a military scientist, is part of the team working to find a vaccine, but as the pandemic spreads, the government orders Manhattan locked down, with only the uninfected allowed to evacuate.

Those who the virus didn’t kill, it changed…

And now Neville lives alone with Sam, surrounded by strange, primal creatures who dwell in darkness, only emerging at night to eat. But Neville is determined to find a cure. He knows he is immune to the virus, he just doesn’t know why. He has set up a lab in his basement, and is determined to find a cure, testing various strains and solutions of his blood on infected rats. And one day he has the breakthrough he has been hoping for, and can start testing on humans…

Will Smith might seem like an odd choice to play Robert Neville (in the novel, apart from anything else, he is blond and blue-eyed) but actually his performance is excellent and completely believable. It’s easy to forget that Smith is actually a fine actor, and that his range is not just limited to action films. That said, there is quite a lot of action in I Am Legend, escaping from the infected, hunting deer (and Smith has clearly been through a gruelling training regime – the man is buff) but its in the quiet moments that Smith really shines. His face is more drawn than usual, and he’s clearly fighting for his sanity everyday.

The design of the film is absolutely superb. Danny Boyle did it first, and I Am Legend surely owes him a debt, but the scenes of New York with grass growing up between the paving stones, the buildings rotting, herds of wild animals rampaging between the abandoned cars are incredibly impressive and the budget here stretches to helicopter shots which obviously Boyle’s did not. Neville harvests sweetcorn in Central Park and fishes for carp in a museum. But all the while he keeps an eye on the time, for darkness is coming.

Cleverly the infected are only revealed bit by bit. First just as howls and screams drifting across the city. When Neville is forced to venture into a building to save Sam, we see more, but only in flashes from his torch. Far, far more scary to only see them in bits, and this scene has some great jumpy moments. As usual, once we can see them properly, they’re less interesting, but by then the story has taken a new turn – Anna (Braga) and Ethan (Tahan), survivors, hear his broadcast and come to find him. Though he has been desperate for company, after three years of complete isolation Neville finds it hard to cope, but now he has something else to live for.

Like all the best science fiction, I Am Legend says a lot about the times we live in, from the dangers of genetic tampering to our fear of pandemic diseases, from scientific rationality to irrational, but very human faith. It’s a powerful and ultimately uplifting film, despite the weak last third, and a disappointingly cheesy ending; a superb central performance by Will Smith, and acting awards for an Alsatian called Abbey, who steals every scene she’s in.

Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, and Charlie Tahan

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable...and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City...and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by "the infected"--victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings that can only exist in the dark and that will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville's every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what the infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, and Charlie Tahan

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable...and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City...and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by "the infected"--victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings that can only exist in the dark and that will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville's every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what the infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

In I Am Legend, Will Smith, as a U.S. Army officer who may be the last man on earth, drives at top speeds through the concrete valleys of Manhattan, which have been deserted for so long that the cracks in the roads now sprout scruffy green weeds. For sheer eeriness, that effect — the metropolis as vacant lot — far outdoes the desolate Times Square of Vanilla Sky, and Smith is the perfect actor (maybe almost too perfect) to play a survivor who has no one to talk to but his dog and himself. Smith has always worn his self-sufficiency like a suit of armor, often treating costars as sounding boards; he brings that jaunty insularity to the abandoned canyons of a trashed Twilight Zone New York. Here, though, he also draws on the vulnerability he showed last year in The Pursuit of Happyness, suggesting a man whose sanity is beginning to fray.

Based on Richard Matheson's 1954 novel, I Am Legend is a spooky-hokey postapocalyptic thriller built around our fear of contagion (the premise is that a ''miracle'' cancer cure has wiped out the earth's population). It's a movie that might have fit snugly into the zeitgeist had it been made in the early '90s, or maybe 1971 — when, in fact, it was made as The Omega Man, a somber but colossally silly Charlton Heston thriller. Let's be honest: The peril of infectious disease, while quite real, is hardly the anxiety of the moment. In spirit, I Am Legend is caught in some abstractly doom-laden sci-fi past. For what it is, though, the film is well-done, a case of suspenseful competence trumping questionable relevance.

There's one scary sequence in which Smith follows his dog into a warehouse, but as soon as you see the prancing, gnashing, veiny mutant humanoids who have taken up refuge there, you think, ''Okay, it's a fake-demon CGI movie.'' And so it is, though at least it never becomes a soulless monster-hunt videogame like Resident Evil. Smith, who keeps the movie grounded, isn't just surviving — he's on a mission. In The Omega Man, Heston faced a cult of white-faced hippie mutants in sunglasses and medieval monks' robes. Sometimes, CGI really is an advance



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