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发布时间:2024-02-24 12:53:22

⑴ 英语演讲稿关于电影

Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and puter special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie. 翻译 我最喜欢的电影是变形金刚.这个电影是在美国拍摄的,它用了大量的高科技手段和电脑特效.我非常喜欢.这部电影中有一些规模宏大的场景,还有著名的影星.除些之外,它故事情节非常吸引人,这部电影同时也告诉我要尊重保护我们的每一个人.它告诉我们要勇敢地与敌人进行斗争,同时也要有勇气在危险中生存.电影还随带有很多我喜欢的机器人玩具.这就是我最喜欢的电影. I like go to movie with my friend . I like action movies very much.becaues they are excaing.I also like edies ,they are relaxing. my favourite movie is transformer. this film was made in america. it used a lot of high-techs and puter special effects. i like it very much. this film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. this film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. it also have a lot of robot troys i like. this is my favourite movie. 翻译 我最喜欢的电影是变形金刚.这个电影是在美国拍摄的,它用了大量的高科技手段和电脑特效.我非常喜欢.这部电影中有一些规模宏大的场景,还有著名的影星.除些之外,它故事情节非常吸引人,这部电影同时也告诉我要尊重保护我们的每一个人.它告诉我们要勇敢地与敌人进行斗争,同时也要有勇气在危险中生存.电影还随带有很多我喜欢的机器人玩具.这就是我最喜欢的电影. 日本校园七大不可思议事件 世界上有鬼的证据 (1)在美国科学家们做过一个实验。 他们找来一个人,将他催眠,他竟能说出自己的前生的情况和今生死时的模样 (2)我的一个朋友就这么不幸死去。 她有一次在家无聊地用自己家电话拨通自己家电话,很多次后终于拨通了,她听到一个空洞洞的声音,好象一个回音谷并且还有水滴的声音。第二天她失踪了,三天后警察在一个回音谷的潭水边找到了我朋友的尸体。 (3)有一次晚上我十二点和朋友吃完饭一起回家,经过一个有坟墓的地方,朋友很害怕。结果第二天早上他精神时常,常常说这么几句话:坟墓有人爬出来。他们在笑。他们在流血。 (4)我家有一个晚上停电,结果找来找去就只有白色蜡烛了,点在床头后照照镜子睡觉,可是那天觉得胸闷,喘不上气,翻来覆去好象被什么东西压着,照找镜子后发现我正背着我奶奶的包!我明明没背上去的! 整个湖都变成红色的了(那是血),从湖里伸出一只手,抓住了女孩的脚,硬把她拉进湖中,随后,人们在离那片森林100公里远的地方找到了女孩的尸体还有衣服,只是她的头不见了,人们打开她的背包,吓坏了,包里就是她的头,她的表情十分痛苦,发现她的那些人把她的尸体丢弃在了那片森林,然后就离开了,从此,那片森林就再也没人敢去...... 如果你看了此帖,请立即回贴,回复“菩萨保佑”,然后将此贴在别吧转发三份,如果不发的话,那只手会在你洗澡时伸出来,你会和那个女孩是同样下场!要相信,一切是真的。 (不要怪偶,偶是迫于无奈

⑵ 用英语介绍一部电影的电影情节和电影主人公的演讲稿


Ed Malone, goes to his news editor, McArdle, to get a dangerous and
adventurous mission to impress the woman he loves. He is sent to interview
Professor Challenger, who has assaulted four or five other journalists, to
determine if his claims about his trip to South America are true. After
assaulting Malone, Challenger reveals his discovery of dinosaurs in South
America. After having been ridiculed for years, he invites Malone on a trip to
prove his story, along with Professor Summerlee, another scientist qualified to
examine any evidence, and Lord John Roxton, an adventurer who knows the Amazon
and several years previous to the action in the book helped end slavery by
rubber barons in South America. They reach the plateau with the aid of Indian
guides, who are superstitiously scared of the area. One of these Indians, Gomez,
is the brother of a man that Roxton killed the last time he was in South
America. When the expedition manages to get onto the plateau, Gomez destroys
their bridge, trapping them. Their "devoted negro" Zambo remains at the base,
but is unable to prevent the rest of the Indians from leaving.

Deciding to investigate the lost world, they are attacked by pterodactyls at
a swamp, and Roxton finds some blue clay to which he takes a great degree of
interest. After exploring the terrain and having a few misadventures in which
the expedition narrowly misses being killed by dinosaurs, Ce of the plateau who
the ape-men are constantly at war with. Roxton manages to escape and team up
with Malone to mount to a rescue. They arrive just in time to prevent the
executions of the Professors and several other humans, who take them to human
tribe. With their help, they defeat the ape-men, taking control of the whole

After witnessing the power of their guns, the human tribe does not want the
expedition to leave, and tries to keep them there. However, the team finally
discovers a tunnel that leads to the outside, where they meet up with Zambo and
a large rescue party. Upon returning to England, they present their report,
which many dismiss like they did Challenger's original story. Having planned
ahead, Challenger shows them a live Pterodactyl as proof, which then escapes and
flies out into the ocean. . Challenger opens a private museum, Sumerlee retires
to categorize fossils, and Roxton plans to go back to the lost world. Malone
returns to his love, Gladys, only to find out that she married a clerk while he
was away. With nothing keeping him in London, he volunteers to be part of
Roxton's second trip.


⑶ 谁能用英文介绍 印度电影 3 idiots (三傻大闹宝莱坞) 万分感谢,不要太长,4分钟左右 OK

3 Idiots is a 2009 Bollywood comedy film directed by Rajkumar Hirani, with a screenplay by Abhijat Joshi, and proced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It was loosely adapted from the novel Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. 3 Idiots stars Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Kareena Kapoor, Omi Vaidya, Parikshit Sahni and Boman Irani.

Upon release, the film broke all opening box office records in India. It was the highest-grossing film in its opening weekend in India and has the highest opening day collections for a Bollywood film. It also has the record for highest net collections in the first week for a Bollywood film. Within 10 days of its release, the film crossed the 1 billion mark in India and became the first film of 2009 to do so. The film also created a new box office record for a release in the last quarter of a year (October to December), breaking the previous record set by Ghajini. It is also the highest-grossing film to be released in the second half of the year (July to December), breaking the previous record also held by Ghajini.

3 Idiots has become the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time in India and is also the highest grossing Indian film ever breaking the previous record set by Ghajini which also starred Aamir Khan.The film set a box office record for the Indian film instry, grossing Rs 339 crore worldwide.It was expected to be the first Indian film to be officially released on YouTube, within 12 weeks of releasing in theaters on March 25, 2010, but never got released. The film also went on to win many awards, winning six Filmfare Awards including best film and best director, ten Star Screen Awards and sixteen IIFA awards.

⑷ 介绍电影的演讲稿.docx

介绍电影的演讲稿篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节)hello,everyone.today,mytopici *** .,,liuyifei,jamescameronandhiswife,thedirectoroftitanic,liudehuaandl(来自:写论文网:介绍电影的演讲稿)ingling,zhangziyi.nextpart,iwillintrocesomewinnersofb.thebestfilmi *** ackto1942.nowyoucanwatchthetrailer..zhangguoli,.itisadisasterfilmthatring1942,chinawasfightinganti-japanesewar.atthattime,meandlookforfoodtosurvive..theyaregovernment,internationalreporter,priestanddroughtvictims..buttheydonothing,becausetheydon’thaveenoughtime,moneyandresources...however,thestrengthofapersonisalways *** all.maybetheycansavesomepeople,theycan’tsaveallpeople.asforthevictims,theycan’tprotecttheirproperty,dignityandevenlife.however,whennoonecanhelpthem,,solvetheproblems,.nextwinneriscateshortland..cateshortlandwa *** orninaustraliain1968.,badcop,,.inaddition,rmarion.chineseactressyanbingyanget *** .sorryidon’tknowhowtotranslate.thatisalliwanttosay.thanksforlistening.篇二:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片),ladiesandgentlemen!,?whatwouldyoudothen?don’tbeafraid.thisisahypothesis.inmodernsociety,actually,thefilminstrydoesn’tdisappear,,economyandculture.second,let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.settingupindowntown,.what’ *** ore,.therefore,.ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilminstrycaneffectpeople’ *** anner,cognitionandvalue.litics,economyandculture.,’.thankyou,thankyousomuch.speakingoutlineⅰ.introctionthefilminstryha *** .,(停顿)?whatwouldyoudothen?(停顿,扫视全场)don’tbeafraid.(停顿)thisisahypothesis.(过渡)inmodernsociety,actually,thefilminstrydoesn’tdisappear,,economyandculture.ⅱ.mainpointsa.let’slookatthesideofpolitics.b.let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.c.i’.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilminstrycaneffectpeople’ *** anner,cognitionandvalue.litics,economyandculture.(眼神交流),’.mainpointstopic:.generalpurpose:toinformspecificpurpose:,economyandculture.centralidea:.anditwilllearnwidelyfromother’.mainpoints:.篇三:英语演讲电影today,ibringyouthemovienamed“threeidiots”,inmyopinion,.,iguessyouwilllikeit.法兰、拉杜与兰乔是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。

在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”,质疑他的教学方法。他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。十年后他拥有100多项专利,拥有数百万资产,而兰乔只成为了其中一项专利的合作伙伴,兰乔认输了。rancho,.inthesameroom,threepeoplemake该电影告诉我们,学习不只是一味的死记硬背,而更多的是能与我们的日常生活相联系,将所学知识应用到我们的生活中,提高生活质量,总而言之,我们应该学以致用,知识是为了生活能变得更好而存在的。,moreover,itcanbelinkedtoourdailylife..inaword,weshouldputwhatwelearnedtouse,etter!aboveistodayiwanttosay.,youcangotoseethemovie.thankyou!hello,everyone.today,mytopici *** .ontheeveningofapril16,.thedirectoroftheopeningceremonyintegratechineselonghistorysince,,liuyifei,jamescameronandhiswife,thedirectoroftitanic,liudehuaandlingling,zhangpart,iwillintrocesomewinnersofb.thebestfilmi *** ackto1942.nowyoucanwatchthetrailer..zhangguoli,.itisadisasterfilmthatring1942,chinawasfightinganti-japanesewar.atthattime,meandlookforfoodtosurvive..theyaregovernment,internationalreporter,priestanddroughtvictims..buttheydonothing,becausetheydon’thaveenoughtime,moneyandresources...however,thestrengthofapersonisalways *** all.maybetheycansavesomepeople,theycan’tsaveallpeople.asforthevictims,theycan’tprotecttheirproperty,dignityandevenlife.however,whennoonecanhelpthem,,solvetheproblems,.nextwinneriscateshortland..cateshortlandwa *** orninaustraliain1968.,badcop,,.inaddition,rmarion.chineseactressyanbingyanget *** .sorryidon’tknowhowtoisalliwanttosay.thanksforlistening.篇二:日本影片《情书》英文演讲稿王猛loveletter--toonegirl,loveisuntrue,buttotheothergirlisunknown.inthelastofthemovie,-coveredmountain *** aleitsukifujiievercrashed,‘mr.itsukifujii,howareyoudoing?imissyou--imissyou--imissyou.’inthemeantime,.,omaleitsukifujii.,shelosesnothing.thanksforyourlistening.篇三:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片),ladiesandgentlemen!,?whatwouldyoudothen?don’tbeafraid.thisisahypothesis.inmodernsociety,actually,thefilminstrydoesn’tdisappear,,economyand,let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.settingupindowntown,.what’ *** ore,.therefore,,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilminstrycaneffectpeople’ *** anner,cognitionandvalue.litics,economyandculture.,’.thankyou,thankyousomuch.speakingoutlineⅰ.introctionthefilminstryha *** .,(停顿)?whatwouldyoudothen?(停顿,扫视全场)don’tbeafraid.(停顿)thisisahypothesis.(过渡)inmodernsociety,actually,thefilminstrydoesn’tdisappear,,economyandculture.ⅱ.mainpointsa.let’slookatthesideofpolitics.b.let’,.(眼神交流)what’ *** ore,.therefore,.c.i’.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilminstrycaneffectpeople’ *** anner,cognitionandvalue.litics,economyandculture.(眼神交流),’.mainpointstopic::toinformspecificpurpose:,economyandculture.centralidea:.anditwilllearnwidelyfromother’.mainpoints:.篇四:英语演讲电影today,ibringyouthemovienamed“threeidiots”,inmyopinion,.,iguessyouwilllikeit.法兰、拉杜与兰乔是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。

在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”,质疑他的教学方法。他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。十年后他拥有100多项专利,拥有数百万资产,而兰乔只成为了其中一项专利的合作伙伴,兰乔认输了。rancho,.inthesameroom,threepeoplemakefriends.intheschool,whereisfamousforitsstrict,ranchoisaverydifferentstudent,heisnotlearningbyrote,,andquestionshisteachingmethod. *** ravely,butalsopersuadestheprincipals该电影告诉我们,学习不只是一味的死记硬背,而更多的是能与我们的日常生活相联系,将所学知识应用到我们的生活中,提高生活质量,总而言之,我们应该学以致用,知识是为了生活能变得更好而存在的。



⑸ 用英文讲述一部电影,越短越好,带翻译

My favourite movie is Transformers 3. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. I like it
very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.

⑹ 求一部经典的英文电影对白,要求是3至4分钟左右,两个男主角的对白,最好能说出是哪一段对白。急,急,急

The Shawshank Redemption
1.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another.
2.I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.
3.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies
4."some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright..."
5.These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institutionalized.
监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。 这就是体制化。
6.I find I`m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border, I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
7.There`s not a day goes by I don`t feel regret. Not because I`m in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can`t. That kid`s long gone and this old man is all that`s left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It`s just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sorry, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don`t give a shit.

《海上钢琴师》 经典英文对白

1900: Moonlight city. You just couldn’t see an end to it.
It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me ,Max.
It was what I didn’t see.
Take the piano.
Keys begin. Keys end.
You know there are 88 of them.
They’re not infinite. You’re infinite.
And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite.
I like that. That I can live by.
But you get me up on that gangway, and you roll them out
in front of me.
Keyboards have millions and billions of keys that never end.
That keyboard is infinite.
Then on that keyboard there’s no music you can play.
That’s God’s piano.

Did you see the streets?
There’re thousands of them.
How do you choose just one?
One woman, one house, one way to die…….
You don’t even know where it comes to an end.
Aren’t you ever just scared of breaking apart with the
thought of it?

I was born on this ship.
And the world passed me by.
But 2000 people at a time and there’re old wishes here .
But nevermore that fit between prow and stern..
You played out your happiness bit on a piano that was not
I learned to live that way.

Land is a ship too big for me,
It’s a woman too beautiful, a bridge too long, perfume to
strong, music I don’t know how to play.
I can never get off this ship.
At best, I didn’t step off my life.
After all, I don’t exist for anyone.






⑺ 英语演讲介绍喜欢的电影


I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student.

They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.

I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.


⑻ 求篇英语演讲稿 介绍电影《盗梦空间》的

Dominic Cobb is the foremost practitioner of the artistic science of extraction - inserting oneself into a subject's dreams to obtain hidden information without the subject knowing - a concept taught to him by his professor father-in-law, Dr. Stephen Miles. Dom's associates are Miles' former students, who Dom requires as he himself has given up being the dream architect for reasons he won't disclose. Dom's primary associate, Arthur, believes it has something to do with Dom's deceased wife, Mal, who often figures prominently and violently in those dreams, or Dom's want to "go home" i.e. get back to his own reality, which includes two young children. Dom's work is generally in corporate espionage. As the subjects don't want the information to get into the wrong hands, the clients have zero tolerance for failure. Dom is also a wanted man as many of his past subjects have learned what Dom has done to them. One of those subjects, Mr. Saito, offers Dom a job he can't refuse: to take the concept one step further into inception, namely planting thoughts into the subject's dreams without them knowing. Inception can fundamentally alter that person as a being. Saito's target is Robert Michael Fischer, the heir to an energy business empire, which has the potential to rule the world if continued on the current trajectory. Beyond the complex logistics of the dream architecture of the case and some unknowns concerning Fischer himself, the biggest obstacles in success for the team become worrying about one aspect of inception which Cobb fails to disclose to the other team members prior to the job, and Cobb's newest associate Ariadne's belief that Cobb's own subconscious, especially as it relates to Mal, may be taking over what happens in the dreams.

⑼ 关于电影介绍的英文介绍作文怎么写作文

1. 求一篇英语介绍电影的作文

the lord of the rings 魔戒 With the help of a courageous fellowship of friends and allies, Frodo embarks on a perilous mission to destroy the legendary One Ring. Hunting Frodo are servants of the Dark Lord, Sauron, the Ring's evil creator. If Sauron reclaims the Ring, Middle-earth is doomed. When the final battle of middle-earth begins, Frodo and Sam, led by Gollum, continue their dangerous mission toward the fires of Mount Doom in order to destroy the One Ring, Aragorn struggles to fulfill his legacy as he leads his outnumbered followers against the growing power of the dark lord Sauron, So that the Ring-bearer may plete his quest. Winner of four Academy Award- Best pictures, Best Director, Best Art Direction and Best Visual Effects, this epic tale of good versus evil, friendship and sacrifice will transport you to a world beyond imagination.。

2. 求帮写一篇关于介绍电影的英语作文,急,在线等

but also an opportunity to fight for their own ---- close to the governor to help him money. The last 20 years through the efforts of the hands of Reid with a buy from a *** all hammer to dig out of a prison outside the channel. So that it can not think of one,也为自己争取到了机会----接近典狱长帮他洗黑钱。


很喜欢瑞德独白的那句话、面对残酷现实依然心怀 梦想的精神以及超人的聪明才智Today i saw a very shocking film ((Shawshank Redemption)), andy deeply by the strong conviction in the face of the cruel reality of the spirit is still harbor dreams, as well as superhuman intelligence and wisdom。身心受尽折磨,被监狱里其他人的骚扰和殴打,而更痛苦的是在高墙里的精神折磨,以及知道tom知道自己的案件的真相却不能翻案;Yes。

我觉得更神奇的是andy的精神号召力,他的做法总是能给他周围的人一点鼓舞,哪怕是暂时的一点精神自由,As he put in the governor',当它们飞走的时候,你会觉得把它们关起来欣赏是种罪恶。为工友争取啤酒, that is andy,它们的羽毛太漂亮了。

;s mental torture, as well as the tom know know the truth about the case can not reverse the verdict, even for the time being that the spirit of freedom, and later released from prison so that the re-Reid to find a life of hope. . . There are even more amazing is the creative director ----- has escaped through a story has brought us so much inspiration and shock。

但是他依然是那么充满希望。. 类似肖申克的救赎的观后感的文章中文翻译在下面 只能找到这样的了今天看了一部很震撼的电影((肖申克的救赎)),深深地被andy的坚定不移的信念,银行家andy被冤枉杀死了他的老婆及其情人,Prison others were harassed and beaten, and even more painful in the wall'. Sometimes reality is so cruel, bankers andy being wronged killed his wife and his lover. Had been tortured physically and mentally.有时候现实就是那么残酷。”

是的说的就是andy:“我不得不提醒自己有些鸟是不能关在笼子里的;s Office of the plate to the music people listen to the same prison. But he is still so full of hope. . . . Workers in their fight for the beer. I think magic is more the spirit of andy appeal, he can always practice, he is encouraged by the people around;I had to remind myself that some birds can not be locked up in cages, and their feathers are too beautiful, and when they fly away, you will find them locked up is an appreciation evil. ". Reid liked monologue of that sentence: ",像他在典狱长 的办公室放音乐碟子给监狱的人听一样,以及后来让出狱的瑞德重新找到生活的希望。 展开。

3. 求一篇关于电影简介的英语作文,thanks

Micro Movie is booming

Micro movie is a booming form of web films. It has such features as follows:

First, its broadcast time is very short, ranging beeen several minutes and half an hour. Second, its making cycle is short as well. It can be made in one day or at most a week. Third, it needs only a little budget, which is always below ten thousand yuan. Fourth, it has a wide range of themes and a plete story plot. Last but not least, it can be watched by different means including mobile phone and tablet PCs.

If you are also interested, why not have a go at it?

这个是介绍微电影的 可以用

同意就采纳吧 谢谢

4. 有关介绍电影的英语作文

Movies have bee popular in modern world. They are one of the most important ponents of entertainment instry. Movies can satisfy most people's creation need and serve as meanful approach for learning more about the society. For instance, they can introce other culture by bringing movies into one country. Nowadays, movies play an important role in tran *** itting culture. The influnce of Hollywood is widespread all over the world. Movies are usually proced by professional pany and actors or actresses. Most of movies reflect certain culture or try to introce certain idea. Thus, they always ecate people to better understand both themselves and other people. In general, it is necessary to choose high quality movie to enlarge our horizion.不知道有生词没,太长的话自己删除一些。

5. 关于介绍电影发展的英语作文带翻译60字

i am not going to talk about the movie NO THIEF.

just now, i was told by one of my good friends that her electronic dictionary had gone. maybe someone BORROWED it PERMANENTLY. it just happened in the library of our XuHui campus.

several month ago, another clas *** ate of mine lost her cellphone at the crossroad of CaoBao and GuiLin Road. the last second she still used her cellohone to receive a call, but even before the traffic light turned from red to green, she suddenly found that the phone had gone! i was at present. maybe the thief even walked away pretending to be at leisure just under my eyelid! we called 110 at once. the police came but they still could do nothing except putting on records simply. one of the police said to us that it was much more important for us to take good care of our possession than to rely on the policeman to arrest all the rampant thieves! waht he had said was really with reason and unfotten!

no thief in the world! everybody hope so!

6. 写一篇介绍电影的英语作文

I have watched a film named Harry Potty,the famous movie around the world.It says that harry potter was a poor boy and he never saw his parents.he lived with his uncle .They were not good to him .Then he entered a magic school .he learned magic there and met his friends .some bad people wanted to kill him.he experienced a lot ,.but he finally defeated enimies.The writer created a wonderful and magical world,which is loved by all children in the world.I learned a lot from the film .you should have a good heart and not be afraid of any difficulties.we should be a brave and good person,and help the one who is in trouble.the people and the stories in that movie give me a deep depression.I hope that if you have a chance to watch it,you will love it like me。

7. 介绍电影的英语作文

The story happened ring the Second World War.Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency[1] in Paris. One day he met with Ilsa in Paris. They soon fell in love and planned to marry. However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. But just before the leaving by train, Rick received a letter from Ilsa, saying that she couldn't go with him. So he had to pass through many places to Casablanca and runs a Cafe[2] there. One night, he met Ilsa at his Cafe, who escaped with her hu *** and to Casablanca. They hoped to obtain exit visas here and escaped to the New World At first, Rick can't five that Ilsa's gone back on[3] her word. At first he refuses to help them get the exit visas. Learning this Ilsa determines to go alone to see Rick。

8. 介绍电影的英语作文带翻译

When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed.The main host-peter who is handsome and brave.He helped so many people who is need others help.

If we were him,whether we can sarcrified our love and friendship and even our study.In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people.For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will bee more and more warmth.People can make getting along well with each other.

9. 介绍电影的英语作文

Titanic Titanic is a love story about Jack and Rose.They were happy to be with each other on the ship celled Titanic.On the night of April 15 1912,the Titanic had a serious accident on the way to America.Jack and Rose fell into thr sea with many other people.They were very nervous and frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end,Rose was saved, but Jack died.Rose felt very sad.She was so lonely.。



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