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① 《小妇人》用两句英语概括带翻译简介

"Little women" by American author Louisa may Alcott, a civil war in the United States as the background,

in the 19th century the United States in New England an average family of four sisters,

is based on the life trivia between family ethics with autobiography color fiction.


Novels by at that time, the influence of the great thinkers of Emerson,

highlights the concept of personal dignity and independence of self-discipline;

Content plane but delicate, simple structure and fable, rich strong appeal.











② 电影小妇人演员



Jo March 由薇诺娜·瑞德饰演;

Beth March 由克莱尔·丹妮斯饰演;

Younger Amy March 由克尔斯滕·邓斯特饰演;

Older Amy March 由萨曼莎·玛西丝饰演;

Meg March 由翠尼·阿瓦拉多饰演;

Laurie 由克里斯蒂安·贝尔饰演;

Friedrich Bhaer 由加布里埃尔·伯恩饰演;

John Brooke 由艾瑞克·斯托罗兹饰演;

Mr. Laurence 由约翰·内威尔饰演;

Mrs. March 由苏珊·萨兰登饰演。


《小妇人》电影主要是以Jo March自述为主线,通过她的回忆介绍四姐妹不同的故事以及人生追求,就如四姐妹中年龄最大的梅格·马奇,尽管经常抱怨却是得体的人;年龄最小的艾米,看起来淘气却是家中唯一的艺术家,单纯的贝丝·马奇却经历黑暗而自强。


③ 求1994版电影《小妇人》下载链接!要英文字幕的!



④ 《小妇人》英文是什么

Little Women。








⑤ 小妇人的英语影评,加翻,30字左右,谢谢啦😘


"Little woman" is an ecational lesson for me. It's not a complete love story. Life is like this, occasionally meet all kinds of people, experience happiness and loss. And beauty is such a thing, which will accompany us for a long time.


望采纳 谢谢

⑥ 我能帮我找一篇1994年《小妇人》的观后感呢要英文的,1500词~啊,万分感谢

I’ll miss the little women
Pure from the movie this form to see, 94 version of "little woman" (not seen it in the original) can and 2005 edition "pride and prejudice" and shelves WeiNuoNa, rhett, Joe has become almost Keira version of Elizabeth past, see nearly novelist thought wall Keira from posters came down, I'm a little dizzy, some consistent tone, some similar atmosphere, think carefully, it is two different story
Beginning March home four sisters to neighbors Laurie are born yearning heart. Story progressed Meg married Laurie mentor, two people are truly in love, this is one of the first to happiness, should also be the most successful the perfect couple. Joe is the author of personal incarnate, for ideals, and resolutely abandoned knowable results of love Laurie, she know this isn't she wanted, he left home pursue the outside world, until destined to man appeared, but I was still smarting from professor yu uncle some age... The ultimate again around a circle returned home, because this origin of Bath of disease, Bath like ship under the anchor, only she will keep the ship, waiting for them, that a box of regression memories of the past days, is triggered Joe inspiration, I find myself sparks, The sentence "why do you want to leave", is a unanswered questions. Amy should be lucky a clearly defined objectives become beauties the lady, she got it, and your growth changes, eventually got Laurie love, my conclusion is never say that what matter is certainly not going to happen
WeiNuoNa, rhett's performance was excellent, see the surprised feeling before four hundred years "she is just a beautiful, here she and Joe directness, those abstruse black eyes, full of faith for a future life, know yourself, the firm faith to pursue Johnny Depp (to know and Damon had fell into this'm double eyes), As for the family, and sell long hair, with short hair cushite in, I was shock, this is a won the best actress Oscar nomination. Why not WeiNuoNa slightly regret now have bestseller, only the severe competition exclamation
Laurie Christian, bell then although still very young, but dedicated I think after into after the second good performance and from pure feeling to romantic, let me have to look again and again on him that he forgot the batman, he is the man, made a knockout. Just sino-italian little sister's speed too over it, Amy grew up actor is accord with the character itself is full of artistic breath, endowed with noble state, but in my opinion is not enough jing is colourful, once so deep love Joe...
Amy's exploratory wattenberg, DengSi te, knew she was child stars, meet here. See little spider female has star temperament, the literal lines listen from her mouth out is so natural, Assyria performance. Don't selous The relevant nose joke, should be out of plot considerations, and the very real appropriate her then that little nose
Now look at 94 movie, the picture is backward, but a layer have obscured rendering, again and conform to the entire movie atmosphere, this is a suitable for women to see the film.
In the 18th century England, America in the 19th century, Jane Austen, Louis sand, mei, Alcott, two from different countries outstanding female tandem nursing brought us two classic, for love, for the pursuit of truth, are fighting for freedom warriors.
Regret a bit so late see "little women" this film, congratulating ultimately have not missed


⑦ 《小妇人(1949)》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源


导演: 茂文·勒鲁瓦
编剧: 安德鲁·绍尔特、萨拉·Y·梅森、维克托·赫尔曼、路易莎·梅·奥尔科特、萨莉·本森
主演: 琼·阿利森、彼特·劳福德、玛格丽特·奥布赖恩、伊丽莎白·泰勒、珍妮特·利、罗萨诺·布拉齐、玛丽·阿斯特、露塞尔·沃特森、C.奥布雷·史密斯、伊丽莎白·帕特森、列昂埃姆斯、哈里·达文波特、理查德·怀勒、Connie Gilchrist、埃伦·科比、多萝西·阿伯特、Harlan Briggs、弗兰克·达里恩、丽萨戈尔姆、June Hedin、奥林·霍兰德、拉尔夫·彼得斯、Norman Rainey、Isabel Randolph、Marilyn Thorpe、亚瑟·沃尔什、威尔·赖特
类型: 剧情、爱情、家庭
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1949-03-10
片长: 122分钟
又名: 兰闺玉女
正值美国南北战争期间,居住在小镇的马其家的父亲上了前线打仗,马其家共有四个女儿,大女儿Meg温柔可人,偶尔去做家庭教师补贴家用,二女儿Joe热爱写作,且很有些天才,像个假小子,三女儿Beth文静乖巧,喜爱在家跟小猫玩,谈谈钢琴,四女儿Amy(伊丽莎白?泰勒 饰)还在上学,金发碧眼,活泼调皮。平日琐事不断,然而她们的母亲马其夫人一直给予她们勇敢生活面对战争面对生死未卜的父亲的力量,还带领她们多去关怀身边需要关心的人。一个圣诞节,马其家的四个小妇人出门去把食物送给了那些贫穷人家的孩子,当她们拖着疲累的身体回家时,却发现满桌的佳肴!原来是邻居家的劳伦斯爷爷为表扬她们的举动为她们准备的。当夏天到来,父亲也回来了。她们一家团聚。然而成长的道路还在继续。



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