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发布时间:2023-11-20 12:28:56

❶ 当我看一部悲伤的电影时我哭了 英文

I saw a movie last night which is a sad movie,I have cried for hours that's why my eyes get swollen.
I saw a movie last night,it was a sad movie.I cried for hours,which is why my eyes get swollen.
have done是强调完成了,
I had cried for hours before going to bed,which is why .
I saw a movie last night which is a sad one.I cried for hours and that's why my eyes get swollen.
I have seen a movie which is a sad one.I wwas crying while watching it.That's why my eyes get swollen.
I saw a movie last night,which was a tragedy.I cried ring the watching time,Thats why my eyes get swollen now.
你看电影是过去式了,哭了很久也是last night 的事,而have done 是做过的事对现在的影响即眼睛肿了,哭的动作不能用have cried
I have done是强调你完成了某件事情.
I did是强调动作.
你可以直接说I watched a sad movie last night 不需要用which is.watch a movie not see a movie.
还有你应该说I cried when I was watching the movie.
I did 就是发生在过去的一件事对现在没有影响比如I did my homework last night.
I have done是过去发生的一件事对现在有影响比如I have done with my homework from yesterday so I got an "A" for today's grade.所谓对现在有影响就是在句子后面加上现在发生的事.

❷ 可以练英文又很好看的悲伤结局英文电影


❸ “悲伤的电影”的英文是什么

直译sad movie 。

❹ 我最喜欢看的电影是Shaolin Temple,它很令人兴奋的;不喜欢看悲伤的电影。用英语怎么写

My favorite movie is Shaolin Temple, which is exciting; I don't like to watch sad movies

❺ 你在高兴 悲伤 疲惫 伤心的时候看什么电影 英文作文

My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.


❻ 悲伤的电影怎么用英语表示

Sad Movie

❼ 悲伤的电影的歌词

Sue Thompson演唱的《Sad Movies》 英文歌词 Sad movies always make me cry. He said he had to work, So I went to the show alone. They turned down the lights And turned the projector on. And just as the news of the world started to begin, I saw my darling and my best friend walk in. Though I was sitting there, They didn't see, And so they sat right down in front of me. And when he kissed her lips, I almost died. And in the middle of the color cartoon, I started to cry. Oh, sad movies always make me cry. Oh, sad moives always make me cry. So I got up and slowly walked on home. And mama saw the tears And said“What's wrong?” And so to keep from telling her a lie, I just said, Sad movies make me cry. Woo…woo… Sad movies make me cry. 悲伤的电影 悲伤的电影总是让我哭。 他说不得不去工作,我只好独自观赏电影。 当灯光变暗,电影就要放映时, 那个尽人皆知的传说又在重现--- 我的好友与我的心爱相携而入。 他们并没有看见我坐在那里, 他们刚好坐在我前面, 他吻她时我几乎要死去, 在彩色卡通电影放映中我开始哭泣。 喔……悲伤电影总令我哭泣, 喔……悲伤电影总令我哭泣。 我起身离开慢慢走回家, 妈妈看见泪流满面的我,问发生了什么? 我用谎言来回避她--- 我仅仅说:是悲伤电影令我哭泣。 喔……悲伤电影总令我哭泣, 喔……悲伤电影总令我哭泣。 这是一首悲伤的心情歌曲,女主人公想和爱人去看场电影,但是她的爱人说,他必须去工作,所以女主人公只好非常孤独和失落地独自走进电影院,但就在关闭影院灯,开始播放电影的一刹那,她愕然看见自已心爱的爱人和她最好的朋友亲密地坐在了她的前面,她的心情无法自控,是那么悲伤,泪流满面,可当他吻她时,女主人公心碎的几乎要死去,I almost died.自已深爱的爱人偷偷地爱着另一个人,无敢相信地如此让人心碎的场面呈现在自已的眼前,本来如此好看的一部卡通片,却变成了一部悲伤的电影,Oh,Sad moives,Oh,Sad movies,面对妈妈的询问,谎言不停地,痛苦地不断重复,.....Oh,Sad movies,made me cry. 这首歌的词曲作者均为约翰·劳德密尔克。由于许多歌手的演唱及其富于戏剧性的内容,这首歌深受听众喜爱。Sue Thompson演唱的《Sad Movies》,1961年由Hickory Records发行。Sue Thompson原名Eva Sue McKee ,1925年7月19日出生于Nevada。她最早是参加电视演出,并获得了1954年的艾美奖。

❽ 电影的英文是什么

movie 或者 motion picture,电影
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images on a strip of plastic.



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