A. 急求《百万英镑》餐厅一段英文台词,英文字幕也好!
B. 《百万英镑》买衣服那段的英文版和中文翻译是什么
C. 百万英镑佳句中英对照(作业帮)
1. 百万英镑佳句
百万英镑佳句 1.《百万英镑》中的好段
我是只身混世界,除了自己的聪明才智和一身清白,就再也没什么可依靠的了;不过,这反倒让我脚踏实地,不做那没影儿的发财梦,死心塌地奔自己的前程。 好词: 饥肠辘辘,无处栖身,残羹剩饭,满腹狐疑,明目张胆,另眼相看,草率从事,举目无亲,一了百了,无影无踪。
文章对“金钱就是一切”“金钱是万能的”的想法进行了讽刺,揭穿了资本主义社会的丑恶面容。 《百万英镑》是讲一个贫穷、诚实的人,也就是这个故事的主人公收到了一对兄弟的信,信里面送给了他一百万英镑。
看到这儿,我很羡慕这位如此“幸运”的主人公,但同时我又想:人们之所以讨好他,不就是因为当时人们太看重金钱了吗?拜金主义是可耻的,不劳而获更不应该!金钱不是万能的,世界上还有许多比金钱更重要的东西…… Mark Twain's short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. The article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society. "One million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other people's doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that ring this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life. See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" the heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things 。 。
《百万英镑》的好句: 1)他们刚刚吃了早餐,看着那些残羹剩饭,我简直透不过气来。 2)这里刚刚发生过的事,我是过了好多天以后才明白的,不过现在我就马上说给你听。
3)你也许记得,英格兰银行曾经发行过两张一百万英镑的大钞,用于和某国公对公交易之类的特殊目的。 4}说真的,这时我对他们可是另眼相看喽!我急不可待地把信和钱往马甲兜里一塞,撒腿就朝最近的小吃店跑。
6)说来也不足为奇;我已经成了这个世界大都会的显赫人物,我的思想何止是一星半点,简直是彻头彻尾地改造了。 7)然而,争议就此开始了。
绍勒迪希公爵想出人头地,要坐首席,他说他的地位高过公使,因为公使只是一个国家、而不是一个王朝的代表;可是我坚持自己的权利,不肯让步。 8)在杂谈栏里,我的位置高过皇室成员以外的所有公爵,据此我要求坐那个位子。
9)我们各显神通争执了一番,解决不了问题;最后他不明智地想炫耀自己的出身和先人,我算清他的王牌是征服者威廉,就拿亚当来对付他,说我是亚当的直系后代,有姓为证; 10)而他只不过是旁支,不光有姓为证,还能从他并非悠久的诺曼人血统看得出来;于是我们大家又鱼贯回到客厅,在那儿站着吃——端着沙丁鱼碟子和草莓,自己凑对,就这样站着吃。 11)有一天我驶得远了点儿,漂到了茫茫大海上。
再往后的二十四个小时里,我就饥肠辘辘,无处栖身了。 14)每到周六午餐以后,时间便全由我本人支配,我喜欢在海湾中去里面的那些游艇上消磨这些时光。
马克·吐温(1835—1910),美国作家,真实姓名是塞缪尔·兰霍 。“马克·吐温”是他专家们和一般读者都认为,幽默和讽刺是他的写作特点。
我们谈那笔薪水;除了薪水和爱情一切免谈;有时谈谈爱情,有时谈谈薪水,有时候两者兼谈。 2、亨利,这不光让我明白了你到底有多阔;还让我彻头彻尾地明白了我自个儿到底有多穷——穷极了,惨透了,废物,没出路,没盼头了!
4、有一天我驶得远了点儿,漂到了茫茫大海上。正当夜幕降临,眼看就要没了盼头的时候,一艘开往伦敦的双桅帆船搭救了我。漫漫的旅途风狂雨暴,他们让我以工代票,干普通水手的活儿。到伦敦上岸的时候,我鹑衣百结,兜里只剩了一块钱。连吃带住,我用这一块钱顶了二十四个小时。再往后的二十四个小时里,我就饥肠辘辘,无处栖身了。 6、本来,我能把那个梨拣起来,明目张胆地吃进肚子去了,可现在那个梨已经无影无踪;就因为那倒霉的差事,把我的梨弄丢了。
D. 百万英镑经典英语段落
They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough; many that were intelligent, but not honest enough; many that were both, but the possessors were not poor enough, or, if poor enough, were not strangers. There was always a defect, until I came along; but they agreed that I filled the bill all around; so they elected me unanimously, and there I was now waiting to know why I was called in. They began to ask me questions about myself, and pretty soon they had my story. Finally they told me I would answer their purpose. I said I was sincerely glad, and asked what it was. Then one of them handed me an envelope, and said I would find the explanation inside. I was going to open it, but he said no; take it to my lodgings, and look it over carefully, and not be hasty or rash. I was puzzled, and wanted to discuss the matter a little further, but they didn't; so I took my leave, feeling hurt and insulted to be made the butt of what was apparently some kind of a practical joke, and yet obliged to put up with it, not being in circumstances to resent affronts from rich and strong folk.
When I was twenty-seven years old, I was a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco, and an expert in all the details of stock traffic. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to eventual fortune, and I was content with the prospect.
My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. It was a long and stormy voyage, and they made me work my passage without pay, as a common sailor. When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby, and I had only a dollar in my pocket. Thismoney fed and sheltered me twenty-four hours. During the next twenty-four I went without food and shelter.
You know, I even kept my old suit of rags, and every now and then appeared in them, so as to have the old pleasure of buying trifles, and being insulted, and then shooting the scoffer dead with the million-pound bill. But I couldn't keep that up. The illustrated papers made the outfit so familiar that when I went out in it I was at once recognized and followed by a crowd, and if I attempted a purchase the man would offer me his whole shop on credit before I could pull my note on him.
About the tenth day of my fame I went to fulfil my ty to my flag by paying my respects to the American minister. He received me with the enthusiasm proper in my case, upbraided me for being so tardy in my ty, and said that there was only one way to get his forgiveness, and that was to take the seat at his dinner-party that night made vacant by the illness of one of his guests. I said I would, and we got to talking. It turned out that he and my father had been schoolmates in boyhood, Yale students together later, and always warm friends up to my father's death. So then he required me to put in at his house all the odd time I might have to spare, and I was very willing, of course.
"Right, it was the What Cheer; went there at two in the morning, and had a chop and coffee after a hard six-hours grind over those Extension papers, and I tried to persuade you to come to London with me, and offered to get leave of absence for you and pay all your expenses, and give you something over if I succeeded in making the sale; and you would not listen to me, said I wouldn't succeed, and you couldn't afford to lose the run of business and be no end of time getting the hang of things again when you got back home. And yet here you are. How odd it all is! How did you happen to come, and whatever did give you thisincredible start?"
E. 急!百万英镑10个好句,英汉对照,先到先得
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am with you.
No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won't make you cry.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world .
Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.
The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart
Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.All of these are for sake of you. And I will never regret for it.
The more you wanna know whether you have forgotten something, the better you remember; I once heard that, the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.
F. 百万英镑电影男主说 她在我富有时离开我 在我贫穷时和我在一起 那一大段话的英文是什么
As soon as I tap on the window, I want the car to be stopped immediately
G. 求百万英镑的英文经典语录一条30字左右,英文的
最经典的当然要数亨利亚当斯 衣衫褴褛的 吃饭 不要钱 服务员 和店主 还鞠躬目送他出门的
因为 :百万英镑 全篇 讽刺的就是 赤裸裸的拜金主义
这段话 概括了全文 也是 文章的一个 亮点
原文:(电脑上没有这个 我把我高中时读过的书拿出来 找 还记得 这句经典)
OWNER:Kind,sir?No,it's kind of you.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour!As for the bill ,sir,please forget it.
HENRY:Forget it?Well ...thank you very much .That's very nice of you.
OWNER:Oh,it's for us to thank you ,sir and I do,sir,from the bottom of my heart.(The owner ,hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves.)
辛辛苦苦码的字 够累的
H. 百万英镑台词啊啊啊 要可以复制的
Can you offer us any kind of security? 你能提供任何形式担保吗?
Well, I've got a head on my shouldersand a good pair of hands.我的肩膀上有个脑袋,还有一双不错的手
Unless you don't trust me, that'ssecurity, isn't it? 如果你们信任我的话,这就是担保
The old tunes have so much moremelody.老曲调听起来是多么的悦耳
This modern stuff seems to be quitediscordant.这些新玩意感觉一点也不协调
The old tunes have so much moremelody.老曲调听起来是多么的悦耳
This modern stuff seems to be quitediscordant.这些新玩意感觉一点也不协调
It’s all gossip. Nothing but gossip.这都是道听徒说,跟本没有什么真凭实据!
What extraordinary creatures women are! 女人真是很难琢磨的动物啊!