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发布时间:2023-11-10 14:59:17

⑴ 海绵宝宝历险记的剧情介绍

《棉球方块历险记》(The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie) 导 演: 史蒂芬·希伦博格 Stephen Hillenburg 主 演: 亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 克莱希·布朗 Clancy Brown 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 James Earl Jones 大卫·哈塞尔霍夫 David Hasselhoff 杰弗利·坦鲍 Jeffrey Tambor 汤姆斯·维尔森 Thomas F. Wilson Kristofor Brown Lori Alan 上 映: 2004年11月14日 ( 美国 ) 地 区: 美国 对 白: 英语 评 分: 6.5/10( 1344票 ) 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: DTS Dolby Digital 时 长: 90 分钟 类 型: 喜剧 冒险 动画 家庭 分 级: 阿根廷:Atp 英国:U 美国:PG 智利:TE 澳大利亚:G 加拿大:G 荷兰:AL 巴西:Livre 剧情简介: 没有人知道风光优美的比基尼岛的水下,有一个充满快乐的世界,在这个没有忧愁的地方住着一群快乐的海洋生物,其中就包括这只住在菠萝房子里的小海绵块,他们的朋友都叫它--“穿着方型短裤的绵块鲍伯”。 “绵块鲍伯”是个没心没肺的乐天派,他每天都和朋友沉浸在狂欢派对和美味的馅饼里,直到那个王冠盗贼的出现。这是只小小的,肮脏的臭虫,可是它却有着称霸世界的野心,它侵入了这个平静安宁的世界,盗走了海王星国王的王冠。 派对再也开不成了,因为海王星国王认为王冠失窃都是“绵块鲍伯”的责任,他必须在六天内将王冠找回来。但是永远别想打败这个无敌的乐天派,开着自己制造的汉堡包汽车,带上心爱的油炸点心,还有笨拙但心地善良的海星朋友派特里克,“绵块鲍伯”上路了。 目标贝壳城,出发! 网址:http://www.56.com/u79/v_Mjc5MzgzOTY.html

⑵ 海绵宝宝原版英语字幕在哪里看


⑶ 海绵宝宝英文版在哪里看

爱奇艺。根据查询《海绵宝宝》网络可知海绵宝宝英文版在爱奇艺进行观看看。《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob)这个在美国可是相当之有名,不过引进的时候改了名字,原名是《穿方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(SpongeBob Squarepants)。

⑷ 海绵宝宝英文介绍

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series and media franchise. It is currently one of Nickelodeon's and Nicktoons Network's most-watched show. In 2007, TIME named it one of the greatest television shows of all time. Although its original network is Nickelodeon, SpongeBob is now broadcast around the world. It was created by artist, animator and former marine biologist Stephen Hillenburg, and is proced through his proction company, United Plankton Pictures, Inc. It is the second longest-running Nicktoon, next to the Rugrats. The series is set in the Pacific Ocean, in the fictional city of Bikini Bottom and on the surrounding lagoon floor. The pilot episode first aired in the United States on Nickelodeon after the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on May 1, 1999. The "official" series premiere followed on July 17, 1999, with the second episode, "Bubblestand/Ripped Pants." The series star is a character who is a sea sponge, but in shape and color his body more closely resembles a kitchen sponge. 《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是一系列美国电视动画,1999年开播,推出在尼克卡通,比先前的尼克卡通(猫与狗)的集数还要多,创始者是一名海洋生物学家兼动画师史蒂芬??海伦伯格(Stephen Hillenburg),他同时也是动画制作公司United Plankton Pictures的老板。故事场景设定於太平洋中,一座称为比奇堡(Bikini Bottom)的城市。这部动画除了绘制的卡通场景与人物之外,也会穿插一些真实物件或是人物,例如曾经演出海滩游侠与霹雳游侠的大卫??霍索夫(David Hasselhoff),以本人的身份出演了几集。虽然定位为低龄动画,但由於剧情幽默而充满想像力,也同时吸引了许多成年人喜欢,成为风靡世界的作品。 最早播放的电视网是尼克国际儿童频道,在台湾则由东森幼幼台和东森综合台播出。

⑸ 海绵宝宝英文版影评 60词(带译文)

I'm ready. -- the classic lines SpongeBob SquarePants. A piece of soft and yellow sponges actually living in the seabed andas a pleasurable occupation..., it is incredible, and the square headboy wearing the iconic Square Pants it caused a big confusion in the underwater world, fish site has become its playground. A pair ofmaster itself look. SpongeBob SquarePants is enthusiastic, but often with good intentions, but anything in it there is not a problemwhether it is good or bad, it always treat every person and everything in a positive and optimistic attitude, so he and his friendsin their own world to live the same wonderful, pie star, octopusbrother, Mr. krabs, sandy, Mrs. puff and so on, each role has different features but they have one thing in common, that is, can not live without SpongeBob SquarePants, though it often brings them endless trouble. No matter how many times I would play funny plot uproarious,always wondered why Americans have such a good idea, why they do the things out can be swept the world? I think this is not only a technical problem, but a kind of attitude to life, a seemingly playdisrespectful is actually in the serious consideration of the attitude of life, not the eyes closed also can think out preaching, only in the most simple form the most accessible humor reveals the wisdom of life bit by bit, not what no taboo, taboo, who can bring ridicule whatcan be used to humor, assuming they would not violate the moral bottom line. In contrast to have a look of our country animation,needless to say what, but the so-called animation is the activity atextbook or encyclopedia and moral ones, with a slight movement is the crown of the name and violence is banned, but now the children are precocious are, not what they don't know, and secretivemysterious not openly at some affectation, less important than whatthe slogan. And friends around talking about SpongeBob SquarePants they are using a disdain tone, even more watching cartoons. I faint, watching cartoons will not age but a state of mind, who says the cartoonschildish?! Do not know do not talk nonsense. I just want to watch cartoons, look at the past, now, future also depends on! 自己删,神器做的

⑹ 哪个网站有英文版的《海绵宝宝》`并且有英文字幕的


⑺ 海绵宝宝中英字幕 英文版 最好全集

海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是一部由舍曼·科恩、沃特·杜赫、山姆·亨德森、保罗·蒂比特等导演,汤姆·肯尼、比尔·法格巴克、罗杰·布帕斯等配音的美国喜剧动画,于1999年7月17日在尼克国际儿童频道开播[1][2]。



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