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发布时间:2023-11-05 08:57:52

『壹』 电影人物介绍英语(80字)

In the movie Jenny's forrest gump from good friend, her life has certain tragedy color, she lost on the stoop, finally because drug infection AIDS (AIDS) and death (drug with many people share a syringe and infection). But her own also reflects a trend of the history of the United States.
First, Jenny's personality formation, decisive point is she young was drinking father abused experience. If you skim over Freud's books, to psychoanalysis understanding of words, will know, childhood experience is will become unconscious, and or so of the person subconscious. In fact, Jenny later in reverse to male movement, and is the cause.

『贰』 三步 热门 的 英文 电影 的 人物 主要 人物 介绍 和 故事 背景

1.【生死时速】岁岩枯 主角: Keanu Reeves
家人:父母外尚有两个妹妹(Karina and Kim)
2.【终结者III】 主角:克莉斯汀娜·罗肯 身高 179 厘米
体重 57 公斤
别名昵称 Kristanna Sommer Loken
3.【回到未来I】 主角:Michael J. Fox
中文名: 迈克尔·J.·福克斯
英文名: Michael J. Fox
性 别: 男
生 日: 1961-06-09
角 色:演员
4.【哥斯拉】 主角:玛丽亚·皮提罗 (Maria Pitillo ) 生于1965年 1月8日 ,美国纽约州Elmira
</p>5.【蜘蛛侠】 主角: Tobey Maguire 中文名: 托贝·马奎尔
英文名: Tobey Maguire
性 别: 男
生 日: 1975-06-27
角 色:演员

『叁』 急!~用英语讲一个电影角色

这个是电影becomes jane的一个人物 Jane Austen的介绍和描述 你可以截取一部分 但是还是都用上好 比较连贯
Jane is engaged to a wealthy gentleman Wisley, who she don’t love. Her feelings in her essaies. She stands there, reading her essaies. Eyes on her, people around the room is smiling. The scene is so warm and impressive. Talented as she is, she is very attractive. Tom is listening, and then falls asleep.

The two falls in love with each other, in spite of their great differences.

However, Jane’s family don’t agree their marriage, for Tom is not a wealthy gentleman that they want. Now they are facing choice. For love, Jane rejected the marriage with Wisley, and went to Tom’s home to get his uncle’s areement towards their marriage, but failed.They decide to run away, to follow their own dreams and their own happiness. But this time, Jane gives up. She knows that Tom’s family do need him and his incomes. She leaves, without a word.

Which moved me the most is their love, and Jane’s golden heart, and the choices she made.

She chose to be Jane.

We are facing choices alltime, and we must make decisions.

Chose to live a life without regrets.

『肆』 英语作文 写一部自己喜爱的电影 描写人物形象,对这部电影的评价

Home Alone plot summary
It's a day before the McAllisters,a large family,go on holiday in Paris.Kevin,the 8-year-old,is despised by everyone else.His mum sends him up to the attic bedroom the night before.The next morning,they leave,forgetting to take him with them,and they don't realise until they are halfway across the Atlantic!
When Kevin discovers he has the large house to himself,he has the time of his life,but he is afraid of the neighbour,an old bearded man.Also,two burglars are determined to break in.Kevin pretends to have a party to scare them away one night,another time he lets firecrackers off in the kitchen.Finally,the burglars do get into the house,but Kevin has filled it with booby traps,which see the crooks being burned and banged on the head,among other things.
point of view (观点)
The overwhelming success of 'Home Alone' (it spawned two sequels),is enough to guarantee that most people will love this story of a family that departs for Paris on the Christmas holidays,mistakenly leaving an eight-year old boy to fend for himself.And fend he does,when burglars threaten to break in unless he can rig enough booby-traps to keep them out.
That's the simple plot in a nutshell.Macaulay Culkin seems to have no problem carrying most of the film with a wide variety of looks,gestures and expressions--but for my money it's Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci who get the main laughs as the bumbling burglars intent on outwitting the kid's traps.
Others in the cast don't have as much to do but do well enough by their roles,particularly Catherine O'Hara and John Heard as the parents who only discover on the plane that Kevin is missing.The laughs are steady,the color photography is great and the slight story is probably every boy's fantasy of what it might be like to be left home alone.Add to that the holiday flavor of Christmas and a pleasant musical score by John Williams and you have the makings of a classic.
The proof is in the pudding--they must have done something right!

『伍』 英语作文80词左右写电影中的人物

Tom Sawyer doesn't like school.He doesn't like working,and he never wants to get out of bed in the morning.But he likes swimming and fishing,and having adventures with his friends.And he has a lot of adventures.
But Tom's adventures can be dangerous too.One night in the graveyard Tom brought a dead cat and wanted to call ghosts out of their graves.Three person moved quietly through the graveyard.Muff Potter was one of them.He killed one person in two.Tom watched very afraid.
Tom was courageous,to maintain justice,revealed Muff Potter's ugly face.Although he was naughty,he was helpful.In the face of difficulties,he's completely unafraid.Tom's shiny life tells us.If only have a dream,and work hard to pursue,dream can come true.

『陆』 了不起的盖茨比 英文版角色介绍


New York rich, young is a second lieutenant officer, and the beautiful young girl Daisy love each other, but ultimately did not go together.


Can be crazy for many years abnormal, even for Daisy and strive to become rich, but again with the former lover to meet, but it is different.




Daisy's distant cousin came to New York from her hometown in the Midwest.


Daisy's distant cousin came to New York from her hometown in the Midwest.


Gatsby's former lover, because of the outbreak of the World War, as a second lieutenant officer Gatsby was transferred to Europe, thus the two missed.


After many years, Gatsby in order to recapture her heart and become rich and moved to her next door.


But Daisy, who is no longer pure, just wants to socialize with Gatsby to seek stimulation.







『柒』 电影,放牛班的春天的名字用英文怎么读,还有电影中几个主人公的简短英文介绍

the chorus
马修Monsieau Clement, an assistant teacher, comes to a school for "difficult" boys.
莫朗Morhange ,a boy who had angel’s face, but devil’s heart was raised up by a beautiful single mother.The boy who had angel’s face, but devil’s heart was raised up by a beautiful single mother. Because of the teacher ,he became a famous musician eventually .
皮贝诺Maxence Perrin, a boy that expectd the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war.

『捌』 5句语介绍英语电影人物

1原文:“Life is like a box of chocolates:you never know what you’re gonna get.”
Tom Hanks,“Forrest Gump”



At the very first day at Harvard, a very professor quoted Aristotle, "the law is reason free from passion!" Well,no offence to Aristotle,but in my three years at Harvard.I have come to find: Passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life. it was for passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world. rembering the first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.

在到哈弗的第一天,一位特别的教授指出亚里士多德的话:法律是不容许含有激情的。我不是对亚里士多德的不敬,但是我在哈弗的三年里,我发现:激情是学好法律和实践的关键,也包括人生。也是拥有激情,勇气和强烈的自我意识,去进入社会。 记住,第一印象不一定总是对的,你必须一致保持自信,在人们之中保持自信,最重要的是,对你自己有信心。

3 蜘蛛侠:
With great power comes great responsibility。

Hilary:If you think being an ordinary person is any easier than being an extraordinary one, you're wrong.
Hilary: 如果你认为当个普通人比当天才更轻松,那么你错了。

I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

『玖』 列举美国电影中的英雄~~~~~如下~~

神奇女侠(英文名:WONDER WOMAN)



闪电侠(英文名:THE FLASH)



绿灯侠(英文名:Green Lantern)






美国上尉(英文名:Captain America)




介绍:又名超胆侠、无畏侠、雷达人(名字真多……)。童年时经历的放射线事故使马克?莫多克失去了视力,却赋予了他雷达般的超感觉。白天他装作一个普通的盲人(电影里是律师)混迹于人群,夜晚降临后,他便穿上红色紧身衣化身为“夜魔侠”, 在城市中代替法律打击犯罪,将法律无法伸张的恶徒就地正法。


神奇四侠(英文名:Fantastic Four)

介绍:Mr Fantastic、the Thing、the Invisible Girl及新Human Torch是神奇四侠的组成人员。在一次太空实验任务中,因为一个极小的错误估算,瑞德?理查德(也就是神奇先生)的太空船以及全体宇航员遭受宇宙风暴的重创,宇宙射线彻底改变了船员的基因构成,四个同伴从此具备了神奇的超能力。当然,同在船上的邪恶的Droom博士也具有了超能力,并从此成为神奇四侠的大敌。





忍者神龟 等...

『拾』 影视剧中的各种角色用英语怎么说

1.cross-gender acting

你猜对了,意思是“反串”。举个栗子哈,新白娘子传奇孙没里的许仙扮演者是叶童,地地道道的美女子一名,在则滑纳剧中演许官人,她的表演便是cross-gender acting啦!


Shakespare plays were well known for cross-gender acting.


2.lead 主演

男主角leading actor, 女主角leading actress,或者直接说lead一是是主演。

He is the lead.他是主角。

3. supporting actor/ actress 配角

4.bit part/extra

大家猜猜是啥演员?bit是一点点的意思,bit part一小小小小部分,extra意思是额外的,附加的,哈哈,对,这俩单词表示龙套演员,临时演员。

Extras aren't always professional actors.They usually get no lines(线,行,这里指台词)at all.

5. guest stars/cameo


A cameo appearance is a short appearance(出现) in a TV show or movie by someone famous.

6. stuntman 特技演员

   stunt double 特技替身

Stuntmen or stunt doubles usually appear in action movies(动作片).




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