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发布时间:2023-09-18 11:08:52

Ⅰ 博物馆奇妙夜第一部英文影评,200字左右,不要电影内容介绍,要直接评论的

"Night at the Museum" is not an awful film. It's targeted mainly at children, and from my experience the kids seem to love it. In that sense, I guess it's a success. On the other hand, it didn't grab me like some of its predecessors. For instance, it's certainly no "Jumanji" or "Jurassic Park." in fact, it's kind of a toned down, worse mixture of these two films.

"Night at the Museum" is the story of Larry Daley, a divorced father who is down on his luck. When Larry is offered a job as the night watchman at a museum, he takes it immediately. Of course, the first night he's there, the exhibits suddenly come to life and Larry realizes that it's not the job he thought it was. My favorite part of the film is when everything suddenly comes to life, but the novelty wears off quickly. Perhaps it would have been better if the exhibits slowly came to life. For instance, instead of walking down the hall in the midst of howling Indians and Huns, Larry could have been walking down the hall when he suddenly sees a hand pop out from one of the exhibits. This could have built suspense and allowed us to savor the effect. Instead, everything is sprung upon us at once.

The film doesn't really have a core plot, but is flooded with smaller sub-plots. Unfortunately, we've seen them all before. For instance, we get the typical father-son divorce situation, in which the dad really wants to impress his son and ex-wife, but is out-shined by the ex-wife's bumbling and successful boyfriend. Yawn. Other sub-plots involve a possible cliché romance with the ll and dorky Rebecca, a "war" between mini-cowboys and mini-Romans, the search for an eventually missing gold tablet, the unrequited love of Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt, and a mischievous monkey's practical jokes. These are all sub-plots from other films, and some are only very slightly modified. Ben Stiller is fine as Larry Daley, but he is not given enough funny lines and over-the-top dialogues. Robin Williams is his usual dried-up self, and he doesn't really add anything to the film. I liked the small roles by Dick Van Dyke, Mickey Rooney, and Bill Cobbs, though.

Overall, "Night at the museum" is a very average film that tries to disguise itself with a well-known cast and snazzy effects. Still, kids will like it and it's certainly not awful for anyone.

Ⅱ 中国电影博物馆的介绍

中国电影博物馆(China National Film Museum)是目前世界上最大的国家级电影专业博物馆,是纪念中国电影诞生100周年的标志性建筑,是展示中国电影百年发展历程、博览电影科技、传播电影文化和进行学术交流研究的艺术殿堂。2016年3月,中国电影博物馆为更有效地发挥国际先进电影技术展示功能,更好地为国内观众提供特效影片的观影服务,更充分地体现中国电影博物馆国家级、专业化、第一流的立馆定位,将IMAX 70毫米胶片放映系统改造升级为IMAX激光4K数字电影放映系统!

Ⅲ 上海电影博物馆详细资料大全








博物馆分为四大主题展区,1座艺术影厅、五号摄影棚等,是融展示与互动、参观与体验为一体的,涵盖了文物收藏、学术研究、社会教育、陈列展列等功能,是向参观者呈现百年上海电影的魅力,生动演绎电影人、电影事和电影背后故事的一座城市文化标志性场馆,是徐汇区打造的首个4A级都市旅游景区的重要文化景点之一。 4大展区介绍 一楼——荣誉殿堂 上海是中国电影的发祥地,是中国电影的半壁江山,也是华语电影的根脉所系。在中国电影百年发展史上,上海电影曾创造过辉煌的文化成就。本展厅从“百年辉煌”、“荣耀瞬间”、“国歌诞生”、“灿烂金杯”、“影史第一”等不同侧面,展示百年上海电影对中国社会发展、历史进步所做出的杰出贡献。 二楼——电影工场 电影这一独特文化形式,与生俱来具有梦幻特征。本展区为您揭示电影生产创作的神奇奥秘,开启制造梦幻的技术之窗。参观者可在此观摩影视作品的生产创作流程,感受电影作为梦幻工场的动人艺术魅力。 三楼—卜灶—影史长河 19世纪末,电影作为一项新的技术发明传入上海,从20世纪10年代至40年代,电影在这座远东的现代化都市中生根发芽、开花结果,成为中国文化的弘扬者与传播者。本展厅将沿着百年上海电影的发展线索,从“影海溯源”、“梦幻型袭扮工厂”、“光影长河”、“大开眼界”、“译制经典”、“动画长禅衡廊”六个不同侧面,为参观者介绍上海电影的各项成就。 四楼——光影记忆 主题为电影人、电影场景和电影放映,由“星光大道”、“星耀苍穹”、“大师风采”、“水银灯下的南京路”、“百年发行放映”五部分组成。“星光大道”上,闪光灯和欢呼声此起彼伏,让参观者体验红毯明星的荣耀;“星耀苍穹”、“大师风采”展区展示电影大师和杰出影人的生平事迹、文物文献及工作生活场景;“水银灯下的南京路”让参观者分享上海经典电影的拍摄场景;“百年发行放映”展区透过模型、广告及百余幅各个历史时期的海报,回顾发行放映的百年历史,展示上海电影长盛不衰的文化魅力。







乘坐公交42路、43路、50路、56路、122路、926路、927路、946路、957路漕溪北路裕德路站下;或乘坐703路至漕溪北路蒲汇塘路站下。 捷运

Ⅳ 《night at the museum》电影英文介绍!!!

Night At The Museum Film Review
Ben Stiller is Larry Daley, new nightwatchman at New York’s struggling Museum of Natural History, where, unbeknown to the outside world, the exhibits spring chaotically to life after sk. Larry’s first experience is being pursued by a the skeletal remains of a T-Rex, and at this point the film looks like it could be quite a hoot. But it all goes pear-shaped as soon as an Easter Island statue cracks an insipid joke and the Neanderthals start grunting. According to former security officers Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney, an ancient Egyptian tablet is to blame. So, with the help of Robin Williams’ waxwork Teddy Roosevelt, Owen Wilson’s miniaturised cowboy and his nemesis, Steve Coogan’s inch-high Octavius, Larry sets out to restore calm… The special effects for this ‘Jumanji’-esque fantasy must have cost a bomb. A shame, then, that the result is such an aimless and riotous mess.
This movie was definitely a surprise with other actors making their appearance (i.e. Owen Wilson). Ben Stiller was hilarious and the movie overall was great along with the special effects. Definitely a great movie that made my family laugh and totally enjoy every moment of this movie. This was one of those surprise movies that had great special effects and some great surprises and twists and the movie was definitely moving a great speed, not boring at all. Robin Williams was great as President Teddy Roosevelt. For those who think this movie was not that great have no imagination because each one of my sons ranging in age 12 - 21 loved it and that speaks for itself. I would go watch it again.

Ⅳ 中国著名博物馆的英文

National Museum of China
Palace Museum in Taibei
Nanjing Museum



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