Ⅰ 《诺丁山》影评
昨晚熬夜看完了这部电影,有人说当你忘记了什么是爱情就去看看《诺丁山》吧。老实说,全程我没有落泪。无论是安娜站在廉萨克面前说出那句经典的"I'm also just a girl,standing in front of a boy,asking him to love her."时,亦或是在发布会上安娜再次面对记者关于她打算在英国待多久的提问时她满脸笑意地说无限期停留的时候。我的感动总会被安娜两次的突然翻脸打断,就像廉萨克说的那样,显然他对于这种突然的情况仍然无法很好地应对,当然他最终仍旧把自己的心奉上,我不予置评。我只是很心疼男主角,他是个普通人,他的生活虽然一成不变但有迹可循,他可以每天在同一个地方醒来然后走过熟悉的街道一路遇到熟悉的人,平稳安定。这也就意味着一旦有什么人出现打破这些既定的东西,那么他的生活很难回到过去的样子,因为一个普通人的生活根本经不起摧毁,作为普通人的我们需要稳定的工作稳定的交际圈稳定的生活节奏来面对生活中随时出现的不测,我们是在生存边缘试探的人,我们没有能力承受男主角口中的危险的爱情,因为对于我们而言第一步是生存,其次才是生活。所以他和女主的相爱也是顺理成章的,因为这是一件完全跳脱他掌控的事情,越危险越着迷,这是我能够接受的他们一见钟情的原因。身份地位的巨大悬殊带来的不同寻常的暧昧。一个人爱上另一个人有千万种千奇百怪的理由,在我眼中,安娜爱上廉萨克的理由离不开他温文尔雅的绅士气质和不相冲突的英式幽默,而廉萨克爱上安娜的原因应该包括安娜展现出的与公众印象并不一致的热情直接。这些中的任何一点都足够让人心动。写到这里我突然原谅了安娜,在发布会之前她给我的感觉是在这段感情中可以随时离开的潇洒决绝,因为她有足够的资本去寻找下一个人,体验她想体验的任何一种爱情,而廉萨克不同,客观现实让他在这段感情中不得不处于被动的位置,每一次的原谅与相爱对他而言都需要破釜沉舟的勇气。所以我一直心疼他,无论每一次被怎样狠狠伤害,在那个当下,或在那以后,他始终克制着自己的情绪,保持温和幽默,这种骨子里的绅士风度实在让我着迷,当然也更加心疼。但是发布会上安娜的再次挽留的确与过去不同,这次我看到了她破釜沉舟的勇气,放弃一切的决心,因为她在向世界宣布她爱这个男人。他们的付出终于对等,真心得到验证。我想这的确是一部值得反复回味的电影,否则我也不会在回忆具体情节的时候突然对主人公的行为释怀。演员的表演十分细腻,每个眼神包括每句话的语气,都在增强这种爱情的合理性,他让你相信这种爱情的存在,也许是在你第一次观看时,也许是像我一样后知后觉。最后我想说世间之爱的形态虽然不甚相似,但陷入其中的每个人其实没有什么不同,在这里除了爱本身其他一切都变得没有意义。爱很伟大,我想无论是选择继续还是中途放弃都值得鼓励。
Ⅱ 英语电影观后感格式
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
20XX - G - 113 Mins.
Director: _____________________
Procer: _____________________
Written By: _____________________
Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews,
Hector Elizondo, Callum Blue, Chris Pine
Review by: _____________________
NO:(班号) _____________________
I. Synopsis or summary of the plot:
II. Main characters:
III. Vocabulary: the words you have learnt chapter by chapter (be honest)
explanation in English
a sentence in English (not copied from the dictionary)
IV: Conclusion: What message is being told? (if it is any) What was the director’s purpose or intention or the theme of the film? Compare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event, other film from the same director or genre…) What’s your opinion?
The show
After watched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, we all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, still did not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is worthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, we want to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building powerful motherland, so, we should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness.
My feeling of the film Notting Hill
It’s an old film which showed us a romantic love story. After watching it, I have some feelings to share.
Firstly, I think it’s far away from our real world. At least, I never thought I can have such an opportunity to be with a famous star. It is just like a dream. Because they are in different classes. Maybe they cannot share common interests and topics. Their life styles and friends can be different as well. However, it just happened in the film, maybe it is the reason why this film is so attractive and popular. After all, art comes from our lives and higher than lives. But I still insist that equal status as well as perfect match is really significant. Secondly, that two guys, Anna and William, they fall in love at the first sight, which impressed me a lot. Nowadays, plenty of people talk about if they can fall in love at the first sight. It is really a hot topic. I am wondering that what they can figure out just rely on the first sight. But love is an amazing thing indeed. We cannot know what will happen when we fall in love with others. One more thing, William’s pride makes influence. But after struggling, he found that
he loved girl very much so he decided to strive for true love. To conclude, true love cannot be affected by time, space and any uncertain factors. Never give up.
Finally, William’s sister makes a deep impression on me. She is a brave girl. I like her personality. By the way, the music in the film is pretty good. From my point of view, if the plots would be compact, the film will be prefect.
;Ⅲ 诺丁山的影评
当一个平常人与一个super star相遇会发生什么事情,可能只是擦身而过,但是也有可能……
Ⅳ 电影《诺丁山》介绍