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发布时间:2023-09-04 03:15:55

1. 歌词是“我不相信没有神魔”的一首英文歌,是漫威混剪的。谢谢

是自卑让人类 瞧不起别的人类
太愚昧太胆怯 太对不起老天爷
是魔鬼在作祟 点到怕死的死穴
排好队乖乖活受罪 人类趴成爬虫类
是谁贪杯不醉不归 谁轮回谁的宿醉
时也命也运也空空如也 谁也别怪谁
我不让冷血吸干我流的鲜血 喔~喔~
偏偏我偏偏我就不信邪 我不屑失败的败类
流星垂捶黑夜 捶出黑洞的包围
把思念变光纤 刺痛胸口野玫瑰
神不知鬼不觉 那年那月那一天
你素颜闯入我的天 点点点成生命线
昨是今非似是而非 往事如烟的烟圈
黑白默片瞬间 烧成了灰 谁也不欠谁
偏偏我偏偏打死不信邪 我不信宿命的和谐
我不让冷血吸干我流的鲜血 喔~喔~
偏偏我偏偏我就不信邪 我不屑失败的败类
昨是今非似是而非 往事如烟的烟圈
黑白默片瞬间 烧成了灰 爱与恨干杯 喔喔~喔喔~
偏偏我偏偏我就不信邪 我不屑失败的败类
我不想变成类似人类的异类 偏偏我偏偏我从不信邪
我姓我不姓谁谁谁 学不会认命的命我要怎么写
我不信邪亦正亦邪我不会 我不信我能信谁

2. 有哪些超级燃的英文歌要好听的。谢谢

3. 在45部爱情电影混剪《那些年逝去的爱情》里听到一首英文歌,是位女歌手唱的,歌词大概是you kno


4. 超凡蜘蛛侠超燃混剪,加菲和石头姐配 得一脸放的是什么英文歌

《Be Somebody》
歌手:Thousand Foot Krutch
所属专辑:The End Is Where We Begin

5. 视频 “爱情片吻戏混剪”的背景音乐和电影名称是什么


女钢琴家Anan Ryoko创作



《澳大利亚》 Australia 《蒂凡尼的早餐》 Breakfast At Tiffany’s《超市夜未眠》 Cashback《吸血鬼伯爵德古拉》 Dracula《剪刀手爱德华》 Edward Scissorhands《来自地狱》From the hell《人鬼情未了》 Ghost《哈利波特》 Harry Potter《属于你的我的初恋》 I give my first love to you《两小无猜》 Jeux.d enfants《美丽人生》 La vita è bella《红磨坊》 Moulin Rouge《挪威的森林》 Norwegian Wood《一天》 One day《傲慢与偏见》 Pride and Prejudice《寻找卡米洛城》 Quest for camelot《革命之路》 Revolutionary road《贫民窟的百万富翁》 Slumdog Millionaire《魔戒》 The lord of the rings《阿凡达》《天使之城》《大话西游》 Yut gwong bou haap《佐罗》 Zorro


6. 有哪些英文歌适合用来剪视频

很欢快的一首歌——《Call Me Maybe》(《有空叩我》或译作《有空打给我》)是加拿大女歌手Carly Rae Jepsen发行于2011年9月的一支单曲,单曲收录在其首张EP《Curiosity》(2012年)和第二张录音室专辑《Kiss》(2012年)中,歌曲上榜十五周后成为其首支冠军单曲,并在US Billboard Hot 100 冠军位置停留九周。

7. 哪首英文歌歌词有一句直到爱情消逝 最近公交车上播放好莱坞电影混剪片的音乐

[02:14.00]直到你想通 他早已经不再对你留恋

8. 有哪些适合为爱豆做混剪的bgm

我是一个电音爱好者,看到提问就来了,很高兴为你解答,适合做BGM的电音很多,我喜欢的有像intro,shotgunsenorita,Horizon,Star Sky,还有一些像战歌一样宏伟的音乐如victory,Dragon rider,for the win,go time等,适合在跑步时听的有life,Higher,spectre,sky.电音最有名的当属Tubu了,最后想听电音当然要去网易云了,听到你自嗨到爆,抖腿不停,有很多电音专题等着你。

9. 求一英文歌,整首歌贯穿拍手声。还用来做一个电影混剪的背景曲,急急急!

Leona Lewis
I just cant believe your gone'
still waitin for mornin to come'
when i see if the sun will rise'
in the way that your by my side'
oooo where we had so much in store'
tell me what is it all reaching for'
when were through building memories
il hold yesterday in my heart'
in my heart
they can take tomorrow and the plans we made'
they can take the music that wel never play'
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday'
they can take the future that wel never know
they can take the places that we said we will go'
all the broken dreams take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday
you always choose to stay'
i should be thankful for everyday'

heaven knows what the future holds'
or least where the story goes'
i never believed untill now'
i know il see you again im sure'
no its not selfish to ask for more'
one more night one more day
one more smile on your face
but they cant take yesterday'
they can take tomorrow and the plans we made'
they take the music that wel never play'
all the broken dreams take everythin'

just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday'
they can take the future that wel never know'
they can take the places that we said we will go'
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday.
i thought our days would last forever'
but it wasnt our destiny'
coz in my mind we had so much time'
but i was so wrong'
no i can believe me i can still find the strengh
in the moments we made
im lookin back on yesterday
they can take tomorrow and the plans we made'
they take the music that wel never play'
all the broken dreams take everythin'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday'
they can take the future that wel never know'
they can take the places that we said we will go'
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday.
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
but they can never have yesterday.



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