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发布时间:2023-08-30 21:58:42


Sergei at R26; M. Eisenstein (1898-1948) Film Theory and the rich literature is very difficult to find one of the most prominent or the most complete idea of his theory of self-cinema, and its richness and perfection of the other film directors difficult to challenge (at the end of this chapter we will refer to). However, in this system to extract the idea of a cross-cutting is not always so easy. The author would like to briefly address the "rational montage" (montage intellectuel) the concept, although the concept has worn-out cliches, it provides a comparison with the former two possibilities, because it provides the same question of another solution.

The first difference lies in the fact that Bresson and维尔托夫first consider the movies are filming process, and consider Eisenstein put focus on editing steps, that is, images of organizational processes. The last century 20's, his montage theory of the basic shape, the period of the theoretical writings he rarely talked about filming movies. His thinking and we are talking about two different directors, put him in film shooting as the author (or artist) to maximize the master and the proction of images, rather than shooting the scene, the scene scheling (he does not believe that movies are being video down the drama), in accordance with his own argument, are the framework of the art of cinema that has created a meaningful picture. His theory applies to some of the clip bearing the subjective meaning of the screen, and on his description of the activities of the clip view, Eisenstein's idea and we have previously introced the theory of several home movies The biggest difference is, he consider movies to be revealed are not the true significance.

The author at Eisenstein's theoretical system to extract the idea of him in 1929 appeared in a series of articles in [1] the main article include: published in the "beyond the stars" (Au � dela 'des e'toiles) on the " Prospects "(Perspectives, translated into French)," Movie Guide "(Cahiers cine'ma) No. 215 on the" outside the framework of meaning "(Hors � cadre, translated into French)," Movie Manual, "section 273 and 274 on the "movie of the fourth dimension of space" (La Quatrie'me dimensionau cine'ma translated into French), published in Lausanne in 1989, "Eisenstein and Russian structures to send" (Eisenstein et le constructivisme russe, F. albay pull (F. Albe 'ra) a) to include the "movie theater forms of study" (Dramaturgie de la forme filmique, translated into French). [1], which runs through the article and he summed up the five-year movie creation and theory (shortly after he left Moscow for Paris and Hollywood, from where he brought back a new idea). Montage, as he will make the fourth dimension of space, namely the time activities. At this as the title of an article, a montage of Eisenstein and classification methodology, based on different relationships and different levels from simple to complex is divided into five categories:

Metrical montage: purely in accordance with the precise length of time editing the lens, which is one of the most easy way to handle this is just a passing Eisenstein;

Rhythm of montage: the former is more advanced, it is not easy in the time interval as the standard, but consider the audience to experience the length of time, such as a close-up lens and a panoramic camera and so long gives the feeling on the length of time that is not the same as of; Eisenstein consider the rhythm of the clip should be the actual feeling of the people for the criteria for the classification, rather than in accordance with a stopwatch to calculate the abstract;

Rhythmic montage: more complex, in addition to the original tempo has increased (or replaced, this author did not explicitly) the nature of another kind, but also with music terminology analogy: continuous lens (Eisenstein called Movie the "fragment") at a clip after "emotional quality", these lenses have a unity, are presented in the same mood, with a "mood";

Tune montage: the same style are refined. Eisenstein continue to use music to describe, a very complex way of editing, need to consider the mobilization of all the emotional factors, even the most minimal visual details. This is like our music section of the feeling not only from its tempo and rhythm, there are hardly aware of but for the color contrast of the "overtone" and "chord."

Rational Montage: This is a way to harmonize the transfer from the emotional to the rational line, a combination of the above-mentioned construction of the way, considering all levels of a number of conditions: the length of time, rhythm, emotional delivery, tone and color details, as long as it is a variety of subtle meaning.

⑵ 他们表现自然、真实、幽默风趣,为节目增光添彩,用英语怎么翻译

they were so natural , true and humorous in the show , which made the programme better.
你好,我没有直译后面这句话,增光添彩的意思是使……更好的意思,因此在这里我用了make sth better 来翻译,希望对你有用。

⑶ 有关电影的英文名言

1、In any case, there is little chance that the wish will come true.不管怎样,愿望能实现的机会都微乎其微。《罗马假日》

2、The endless city has everything, except the end, there is no end.连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头,没有尽头。《海上钢琴师》

3、No one's life is perfect, but every moment of life is beautiful.没有人的人生是完美的,碧察但生命的每一刻都是美丽的。《美丽人生》

4、I always thought that the opposite of love is not love, until now I understand that the opposite of love is forgetting. I won't forget you, because I always love you.我一直以为爱的反义词是不爱,直到现在我才明白,爱的反义词是遗忘。我不会忘了你,因为我一直爱着你。《寻梦环游记》

5、It takes a lot of courage to change people's minds.改变大众的想法,这需要很大的勇气。《绿皮书》

6、There is no need to forgive, but it should not be forgotten.可以不需要原谅,但不应该被遗忘。《樱瞎寻梦环游记》

7、I love you more than all the other things in the world combined.我爱你,超过了把世界上所有其他的东西全加在一起。《暮光之城》

8、Even if everyone hated him for it, it was his sacrifice. He doesn't want to be a hero. He's more important than a hero.即使所有人都因此恨他,这是他做出的牺牲。他不是要当英雄,他比英雄更重要。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

9、I stopped not because I saw, but because I didn't see. Do you understand? Because of what you can't see.我停下来,不是因为所见,是因为所不见。你明不明白?是因为看不见的东西。《海上钢琴师》

10、If everyone had no business, the earth would turn much faster than it is now.要是大家都不管闲事,那样地球就会转得比现在快得多。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

11、It is God's business to punish the wicked. We should learn to forgive.惩罚恶人是上帝的事,我们应该学会饶恕。《呼啸山庄》

12、Of course, you have to lose your way to reach a place that no one can find.当然要迷失方向,才能到达一个无人能找到的地方。《加勒比海盗》

13、Avoidance and distrust is because I was abandoned by someone who should love me.躲避和不信任,是因为曾经被应该爱我的人脊慧空遗弃。《心灵捕手》

14、There are all kinds of people in the world. It happens that we have become friends. This is not fate, but that we should have been friends.这世界上有各种各样的人,恰巧我们成为了朋友,这不是缘分,只仅仅是我们本就应该是朋友。《绿皮书》

15、I finally saw the funny side of things, so I'm always laughing now.我总算看到事情滑稽的一面了,所以我现在总是在笑。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

16、They don't have the right to choose whether to enter or not, but you do.他们没有选择是否进场的权利,但是你有。《绿皮书》

17、I hope I can be stronger, strong enough to make him a prisoner here forever.我希望我能更坚强一些,坚强到能让他永远成为我这里的囚徒。《暮光之城》

18、One day, you will meet an excellent man and get your perfect ending.总会有一天,你会遇到一个优秀的男人,得到属于你的完美结局。《其实他没那么喜欢你》

19、He will never know that I love him. I love him not because he is handsome, but because he is more like myself than me.他永远也不会知道我爱他,我爱他不是因为他长得英俊,而是因为他比我更像我自己。《呼啸山庄》

20、I used him as a crutch for a long time and couldn't walk with others.我把他当成拐杖拄了好久,没办法再和其他人同行。《暮光之城》

21、We need heroes, but we don't deserve heroes.我们需要英雄,但我们却不配拥有英雄。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

22、Whatever you do, do your best.不管你做什么,都要做到最好。《绿皮书》

23、In this world, it often happens that the most insignificant person, if he always pays attention, will always have the opportunity to avenge those arrogant people.在这个世界上,常常出现这样的情况:最微不足道的人,如果他时刻留意的话,总有机会向那些不可一世的人报仇雪恨。《教父》

24、I will hear your voice when I die, and my soul in the tomb is still happy.我死后还会听见你的声音,我在墓中的灵魂依然欢欣。《罗马假日》

25、Their morality, their principles, is a boring joke. They lose everything when they encounter trouble. They will be good people only when they are in peace.他们的道德,他们的准则,是个无聊的笑话,一碰上麻烦就全丢了,他们只有在太平的时候才会当好人。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

26、You don't understand the real loss, because you can realize it only by loving others better than yourself. I don't think you dare to love like this.你不了解真正的失去,因为唯有爱别人胜于自己才能体会,我想你还不敢这样爱人。《心灵捕手》

27、I told you, I am fate.我不开窗,我痛恨道别。《闻香识女人》

28、I don't know how to say goodbye to you. It's a thousand words.我不知道怎么样和你告别,真是千言万语。《罗马假日》

29、Everything we did led to this result.我们做过的每一件事导致了这样的结果。《加勒比海盗》

30、Every city has its own uniqueness and unforgettable. It's hard to say, Rome! No doubt, Rome.每一个城市都有其独特之处,令人难忘。这很难说,罗马!无疑的,就是罗马!《罗马假日》

31、You should write a letter to your brother; There are so many lonely people in the world because they don't have the courage to take the first step.你应该给你兄弟写一封信;世界上之所以有那么多孤单的人,是因为他们没有勇气迈出第一步。《绿皮书》

32、Truth is a beautiful and terrible thing that needs to be treated with extra caution.真相是一种美丽而可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。《哈利波特》

33、It's not enough to be a genius. It also takes courage to change people's hearts.成为天才是不够的,还需要勇气改变人们的心灵。《绿皮书》

34、Death is not really passing away, forgetting is the eternal death.死亡不是真的逝去,遗忘才是永恒的消亡。《寻梦环游记》

35、We'll catch him because he can bear it. Because he is not our hero, he is a silent guardian and vigilant protector.我们会抓他,因为他可以承受。因为他不是我们的英雄,他是沉默的守卫者,警惕的保护者。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

36、Don't hate your enemy, or you will make a wrong judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。《教父》

37、It's said that this is a compass. Of course, it doesn't point north.都说了这是指南针,当然不会指北。《加勒比海盗》

38、The only one who can beat me is myself. It's not that you won, but that my clown doesn't want to play.能打败我的只有我自己,不是你赢了,而是我小丑不想玩了。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

39、On the gallows, facing the muzzle of the execution gun, I was as safe as Thailand.走上绞刑台,面对行刑的枪口,我息安之如泰。《死亡诗社》

40、Another fool who regards an idiot as a hero is still old-fashioned.又来一个把白痴当英雄的笨蛋,还是过气的!《闻香识女人》

41、When your heart is broken, you will hear the voice from the bottom of your heart. The questioning of others is the direction of our efforts.心碎的时刻,定能听到心底的声音。别人的质疑,便是我们努力的方向。《疯狂动物城》

42、He wants to sing and go to a further stage. What I want is to take root in life. His daughter is more important than music.他一心想唱歌,想去更远的舞台,而我想的是在生活里好好扎根,女儿是比音乐更重要的事。《寻梦环游记》

43、You don't have to act, just be yourself.你用不着表演,只做你自己。《死亡诗社》

44、No matter what animal you are, change starts now.不管你是什么动物,改变从现在开始。《疯狂动物城》

45、What stopped me was not what I saw, but what I couldn't see. Do you understand? The ones I can't see. In that sprawling city, there is everything, but there is no end.阻止了我的脚步的,并不是我所看见的东西,而是我所无法看见的那些东西。你明白么?我看不见的那些。在那个无限蔓延的城市里,什么东西都有,可惟独没有尽头。《海上钢琴师》

46、When things go according to plan, no one will panic, even if the plan is very terrible.事情按计划走时,没人会恐慌,即使这个计划非常可怕。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

47、You can't believe how beautiful nature is, just as people describe it.你无法相信大自然有多美,就跟人们口中形容的一样。《绿皮书》

48、No matter how hard life is, I still have my guitar.人生再艰难,我还有我的吉他。《寻梦环游记》

49、I see many young people lack arms and legs, but this is not as terrible as the ugly soul, because the soul has no artificial limbs.我看到很多年轻人缺了胳膊,缺了腿,但这都不及丑陋的灵魂可怕,因为灵魂是没有义肢的。《闻香识女人》

50、The most humble people, as long as they keep their eyes open, will sooner or later seize the opportunity to revenge the most powerful people.最卑微的人,只要时刻擦亮眼睛,就迟早能抓住机会,报复最有权势的人。《教父》

51、When you love someone, everything is worth it, including the inevitable harm.爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。《暮光之城》

52、Our small shortcomings, let's find the right person.我们的小缺点,让我们找到对的人。《心灵捕手》

53、I like that. I can handle it.我喜欢那样,我应付得来。《海上钢琴师》

54、Either reading, or traveling, soul and body, there is always one on the road.要么在读书,要么在旅行,灵魂和身体,总有一个在路上才好。《罗马假日》

55、If you are good at doing something, you must do it in return.如果你擅长做什么,就一定得做了有回报。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

56、In the animal City, every animal has unlimited possibilities.在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。《疯狂动物城》

57、Please allow me to speak on behalf of my news agency. We believe that your Royal Highness's belief will not be betrayed. 请准许我代表我的通讯社发言,我们相信公主殿下的信念是不会被辜负的。《罗马假日》

58、We need superhuman courage to deal with the enemy, and it also takes great courage to stick to our position in front of our friends.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。《哈利波特》

59、Violence can never win. Only by maintaining dignity can we win the real victory.暴力永远不能取胜,保持尊严,才会赢得真正的胜利。《绿皮书》

60、It's fun to have a challenge, isn't it.有挑战才有意思,不是么。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

61、Don't pity the dead, but sympathize with the living.不要可怜那些死去的人,要多同情些活着的人。《哈利波特》

62、I wish I were outside, I wish I was a girl again, savage, tenacious and free. Any injury will only make me laugh and will not drive me crazy.但愿我在外面,但愿我重新是个女孩子,野蛮、顽强、自由,任何伤害只会使我大笑,不会压得我发疯。《呼啸山庄》

63、You're not bad, it's just pain.你不坏,只是痛苦而已。《闻香识女人》

64、You must understand that I have to perform my ties, just as the Royal Highness has her own responsibilities. 您必须理解我得履行自己的职责,正如公主殿下也有她自己的职责。《罗马假日》

65、Death is not the end of life, forgetting is; I'll remember you.死亡不是生命的终点,遗忘才是; 我会记得你 。《寻梦环游记》

66、When you really love someone, everything is so worth it, including the inevitable harm.真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。《暮光之城》

67、Take what you should take and never be soft hearted.拿自己应该拿的,绝不心慈手软。《加勒比海盗》

68、Nothing is more terrible than mental disability, because there is no prosthetic limb to install. A woman's strong spirit is more valuable than her appearance, because even if she is alone, she can shine.没有什么比精神残废更可怕,因为没有义肢可以装。一个女人的坚强精神,比她的外在更可贵,因为即便她独自一人,也能光芒四射。《闻香识女人》

69、Yes, this compass will not point north.朋友,原谅我。我不下船了。《海上钢琴师》

70、It never snowed here before he came, but then it snowed.在他来以前,这里从来没有下过雪,但后来下雪了。《剪刀手爱德华》

71、It's no use going back to yesterday, because I used to be different from today.回到昨天毫无用处,因为过去的我和今天有所不同。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

72、The only sensible way to live in the world is to have no principles.在世上生存唯一明智的方式,就是没有原则。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

73、Comedy painted black, laughter into emotion. Life is very beautiful, love a person, will shine.喜剧涂上了黑色,欢笑化为了感慨。人生很美丽,爱一个人,会发光。《美丽人生》

74、You don't have to understand what she says. You just have to believe her.你不用明白她说什么,你只要相信她。《加勒比海盗》

75、Compared with running to the unknown, how romantic it is to keep the annihilation of old dreams.比起奔向未知的茫然,守着旧梦湮灭是多么浪漫的事!《海上钢琴师》

76、All right, come to me. You rabbits just love to cry.好了,到我这来。你们兔子,就是爱哭。《疯狂动物城》

77、People say that the destination is not important. What matters is the process of travel.人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程嘛。《加勒比海盗》

78、Since I am much smarter than most people, my mistakes will be more serious accordingly.由于我比大多数人聪明的多,我的错误也就相应地会更严重。《哈利波特》

79、Whoever should come will come. Once he comes, we must accept him.该来的总归会来,一但来了,我们就必须接受他。《哈利波特》

80、Love is to make each other your biggest weakness, and then try your best to protect each other.爱就是让对方成为自己最大的弱点,然后再用尽全力守护彼此。《暮光之城》

81、The meaning of success lies not in what you want to get, but in how far you have gone from the starting point of that struggle.成功的含义不在于要得到什么,而在于你从那个奋斗的起点走了多远。《心灵捕手》

⑷ 英语翻译谢谢




“博物馆真的看上去很棒,”时髦的新近导演,艾琳福瑞琳,在电影播放的一些天数里面说道。“这样子的系列的节目,跟踪报道了,侦破孩子们的线索,是在事实上面,来找到的关于自然天气,生活的任务。” 福瑞琳开始做节目的时候,他是一个青少年,是专门做电影摄制者工作的一名员工,在接触当中,他对这方面发生了浓厚的兴趣爱好。



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