导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 你最近看电影了吗英文翻译


发布时间:2023-08-23 10:06:19

Ⅰ “看电影”用英语怎么说,4种

看电影的英语表达方式有:see a movie,watch a film,go to the cinema,go to a movie。




3、电影,汉译英有:film、movie、motion picture。


Ⅱ 看电影的英文怎么说

问题一:看电影 的英文是什么 有几种表达方法:
1、go to a movie
2、watc激 a movie
3、watch movies
4、go to the cinema
5、see a film

问题二:不用集线器(Hub),怎样用网卡和双绞线直接连接两台微机? 如果想用双绞线双机互连的话,需要做成交叉线,一头白橙,绩,白绿,蓝,白蓝,绿,白棕,棕,另一个头白绿,绿,白橙,蓝,白蓝,橙,白棕,棕,这样就可以了,也就是1,3和2,6对调

问题三:看电影用英语怎么说 see a film

问题四:(去看电影)用英语怎么说 go to the movies
go to see a movie
went to the movies
go to the pictures
go to 俯he cinema
see a film
watch a movie

问题五:“我正在看电影”用英语怎么说呀? I am watching movie
I am watching flim
I am in cinema

问题六:看电影的英语 看电影:
1. see a movie
2. see a film
3. go to the movie
4. watch movies
5. filmwatch
1. 我想看电影。
I would like to see a movie.
2. 朱迪像莎拉一样时常去看电影。
Judy goes to the movies as often as Sara does.
3. 换句话说,我们都不能去看电影。
In other words, none of us can go to the movie.
4. 大卫下星期不和海伦一起去看电影。
David won't go to the movies with Helen next week.
5. 他喜欢去看电影。
He likes to go to the movie.
6. 他们排著队等候看电影.
They'阀e queuing up to see a film.

问题七:我们去看电影了,用英语怎么说? we go to film

问题八:“看电影”用英语翻译过来有几种 看电影可以翻译成watch a film, watch a movie, see 穿 film, see a movie, go to the cinema, go to the movies.

问题九:看电影用英文怎么说,是see a film还是watch a film see a film watch a movie 固定搭配

Ⅲ 看电影的英语

see a movie;see a film

电影院:go to the movie theatre;go to the cinema

去电影院看电影:go to the cinema and watch a film;go to the cinema see a film

上次看的电影cant remember ; prison break ; Don't remember ; Kungfu Panda

我看我电影:I see it my way

看的电影:see the movies

看懂电影:Understanding Film

必看的电影:must-see film ; a must-see movie ; must see film

看完电影后:After the movie ; After after the movie ; After watching movies


去看部电影:go to a movie

看完电影:After the movie ; Watching movies



  1. 我们什么时候去看电影呢?When do we go to the movies?

  2. 我喜欢和丽莎一起去看电影。I like to go to the movies with Lisa.

  3. 我看电影的时候经常想起你。I often think of you when I watch movies.

  4. 你喜欢和我一起去电影院看电影吗?Do you like to go to the cinema with me?

Ⅳ did you see a film翻译

did you see a film翻译:你看电影了吗。



Ⅳ 你看完电影了吗 英语翻译

Have you finished the movie?

Ⅵ 今晚你去看电影吗的英文怎么写

will you go for a movie tonight

经常去看电影的人叫做movie goer,所以go for a movie是最简洁明了的说法

Ⅶ 看电影用英语怎么说


1、go to the theater

2、go to the movie/go to movies


4、see a movie/see a film

5、go to see a movie /go to see a film

6、watch a movie/watch movies



(1)Let'sgotothetheaterfor a movie.

走,中氏 我们去电影院看场电影。

(2)Helikestogotothemovieonce a while.


(3)Maybewecanseeamoviesome other time.


(4)By the way,wouldyoulike toseeafilmwithmetomorrow?Anewfilmis onatthe CapitalCinema.


(5)Theyjust want towatchamovie,as cheaplyandconvenientlyas possible.


(6)Would youliketogotothecinemawithus?


Ⅷ 翻译你昨天看电影了吗

Did you see a movie yesterday?

Ⅸ 最近我看了一部电影用英语怎么说

Recently I have seen a film called Avatar.It tells us that we should protect the environment.It is a film that is worth seeing.



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