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发布时间:2023-08-10 15:44:04

❶ 求一篇关于电影《快乐的大脚》的英文观后感 英文的 谢谢大家了 急用

The movie describes the emperor penguin's world by humanity's angle of view.In this world, the penguins all are the personifications, father's dignity, mother's gentleness, son lonely and rebel, young people love and sad, alts the common custom and the tradition are conservative, has imitated the human society carefully, therefore, we were looking the movie is very easy to enter the condition, the immersion enters the movie the story, the plot, even sentiment!
We unconscious can by small penguin graceful wave all sorts of bitter experiences when every action and every movement reveal the emotion is moved.He cannot sing only to be able exquisitely to dance joyfully, in the advocation song god protection penguin group is the base and low different races, when others when uses the resounding singing sound expression mind, stands in the one side his look is lonely no use to; When he persisted own viewpoint are hostile toward, when by population pursuit, when is going against the cold wind advance, his form is filled with grief and firm; When for beloved girl's safety and happy, he refuses with her to travel together the dangerous journey, the low and deep sound was at that time the helpless sad; When saw the humanity catches fish is intemperately creates the population non-food survival the reason, he exerts the body when jumps down the leap from the cliff to the alien race, that soaring posture unexpectedly is solemn and stirring; When ending, he used his joyful big foot to conquer the humanity, has conquered all penguins, that dance was happy joyful!
Some people said the movie the primary intention is positive pursues a goal with determination personally with the protection environment ecological equilibrium, this big subject promotion is accurate, but as it concerns me, truly most moves me, is actually this only small small penguin to unknown world dauntless inquiring about, but also has is the movie in the description penguin and the human these two different rank biology in time the contact and the understanding grief mood.Yes, in penguin's angle of view, humanity's real approaching was the deity which kept aloof, humanity's ability and the actions, were not each penguin all have the courage to shiver are attempting to contact, that fear was stems from to the unknown awe! In the movie lets my impression deepest one is in the zoo, the graceful wave and human vision looking at each other, with the dance exchange, the story narration transforms suddenly from penguin's angle of view to humanity's angle of view, I faint from fear I originally am not suddenly the penguin, I am the humanity! Is not said I fall into the penguin world too to be deep, but is felt suddenly the original humanity also is the penguin equally is likely frail micro inferior, we to unknown fear as before deep profoundly in moral nature.
Conceivable, if which one day, does let us with the universe in another kind of more higher life body meet, whether we can have the graceful wave such insistence and the courage, or said, penguin such luck! After all, the movie ending is bright. The unknown world fear is not fearful, but fearful is submits in the fear has not inquired about with the exchange courage!

❷ 英语强人请进,帮忙翻译英语电影名称!


❸ 快乐的大脚完整版电影






❹ 少年英语电影动画片推荐


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《快乐的大脚》Happy Feet


《狮子王》 The Lion King


❺ 推荐一些卡通片的英语电影


❻ 跪求一篇 快乐的大脚2这部电影的观后感 英文版 字数300左右 词语不用太高级太复杂

A few days ago, I saw a film called Happy Feet 2.This is a movie about a group of happy penguins live in Antarctica.The film told I should try to do every thing.We should keep ourselves happiness.If you haven't watch this film.You should watch it immediately.I'm sure you will enjoy it.

❼ 求电影《快乐的大脚》的英文观后感或影评

"Happy Feet" is about a very moving story, the story the main character is a cute penguins, wave No, he did not sound ethnic groups in the voice, but he kind of integrity and love of dance He's unique in his community have been left out in the cold, but he also recognized his true friends, but also become more courageous, he tap dance with his beautiful and attract more people infected, but also with his courage for the whole family greeted the victory, but also tell people that care for the environment, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals·········

❽ 欢乐的大脚的详细内容及主人公的英文名字

片名:Happy Feet
导演:乔治·米勒 George Miller
配音:伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood
妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman
休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman
布兰特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy
发行:华纳兄弟Warner Brothers




今年的动画片竞争激烈,花招迭出。然而,自皮克斯的《汽车总动员》大放异彩之后,任凭《篱笆墙外》、《冲走小老鼠》、《怪兽屋》和《疯狂农场》找来一大群动物怎么吆喝,始终不能战胜“人脸小汽车”。但《快乐的大脚》应该是《汽车总动员》最大的竞争对手。首先,以企鹅作为主角的动画片几乎屈指可数,而且在今年尚属独一份。自当年《帝企鹅日记》打动无数人心之后,帝企鹅不仅是企鹅品种中人气最高的,当然也盖过诸如畸形奶牛以及憨厚大熊之类的老面孔。其次,影片的配音简直就是八星级阵容,除去本片之外,各路配音演员在今年的其他作品中都有上佳表现,这无疑对本片的人气起到了很大的助长作用。第三,本片以时下最流行的街舞做为基础,集合了Rap, R&B, Rock等时尚音乐元素,把一部动画片生生拍成一部歌舞片。想想看,最可爱的帝企鹅随着节拍跳着街舞的负责舞步,有几个人不想去影院开心一回呢?




❾ 快乐的大脚1、2部电影英语百度云资源(免费的)



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