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发布时间:2023-08-10 13:20:24

㈠ 求1994版电影《小妇人》下载链接!要英文字幕的!



㈡ 有什么电影是根据英语小说改编过来的


理查三世(英国导演Laurence Oliver根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
威尼斯商人(英国导演MICHAEL RADJORD根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
仲夏夜之梦(美国导演Michael Hoffman根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
罗密欧与茱丽叶(意大利导演Renato Castellani根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
罗密欧与茱丽叶(美国导演PHILP KAUFMAN根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名喜剧改编)
罗蜜欧与朱丽叶(澳大利亚导演Baz Luhrmann根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编
哈姆雷特(英国导演Laurence Oliver根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
君臣人子小命呜呼(英国导演TOM STOPPARD根据英国作家莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》改编)
德克萨斯旺(德国导演Uli Edel根据英国作家莎士比亚的戏剧《李尔王》改编)
麦克白(英国导演Jeremy Freeston根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
亨利五世(英国导演Laurence Olivier根据莎士比亚同名戏剧改编)
亨利五世(英国导演Kenneth Branagh根据英国作家莎士比亚的同名戏剧改编)
亨利八世和他的六个情人(英国导演Naomi Capon,John Glenister根据莎士比亚的戏剧《亨利八世》改编)
都是男人惹的祸(英国导演Kenneth Branagh根据英国作家莎士比亚的名剧《无事生非》改编)
鲁宾逊漂流记(美国作家GEORGE MILLER根据英国作家笛福的同名小说改编)
汤姆?琼斯(英国导演Tony Richardson根据英国作家菲尔丁的同名小说改编)
克拉丽莎(英国导演Robert Bierma根据英国作家理查森的同名小说改编)
小人国历险记(英国导演CHARLES STURRIDGE根据英国作家斯威夫特的小说《格列佛流记》改编)
傲慢与偏见(英国导演Simon Langton根据英国作家奥斯丁的同名小说改编)
傲慢与偏见(英国导演Joe Wright根据英国作家奥斯丁的同名小说改编)
傲慢与偏见(美国导演Robert Z. Leonard根据英国作家奥斯丁的同名小说改编)
爱玛(美国导演Douglas McGrath根据英国作家奥斯丁的同名小说改编)
劝导(英国导演ROGER MICHLL根据英国作家奥斯丁的同名小说改编)
曼斯菲尔庄园(英国导演Patricia Rozema根据英国作家奥斯丁的同名小说改编)
尼古拉斯?尼克尔贝(英国导演Stephen Whittaker根据英国作家家狄更斯的同名小说改编)
尼古拉斯?尼克尔贝(少爷返乡)(美国导演Douglas McGrath根据英国作家狄更斯的同名小说改编)
新圣诞颂歌(英国导演DAVID JONES根据英国作家狄更斯的小说《圣诞欢歌》改编)
我们共同的朋友(英国导演Julian Farino根据英国作家狄更斯的同名小说改编)
大卫?科波菲尔(英国导演Simon Curtis根据英国作家狄更斯的同名小说改编)
双城记(英国导演Jack Conway,Robert Z. Leonard根据英国作家狄更斯的同名小说改编)
化身博士(美国导演John S. Robertson根据英国作家斯蒂文生的同名小说改编)
简爱(美国导演Delbert Mann根据英国作家勃朗特的同名小说改编)
认真的重要性(英国导演Oliver Parker根据英国作家王尔德的同名小说改编)
贵在真诚(英国导演Anthony Asquith根据英国作家王尔德的小说《认真的重要性》改编)
理想丈夫(英国导演Oliver Parker根据英国作家王尔德的同名小说改编)
良家妇女(英国导演Mike Barker根据王尔德的戏剧《温夫人的扇子》改编)
小王子(美国导演Stanley Donen根据英国作家王尔德的童话改编)
新呼啸山庄(美国导演PETER KOSMINSKY根据英国作家艾米莉?勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》改编)
米德镇的春天(英国导演Anthony Page根据英国作家乔治?艾略特的小说《米德尔马契》改编)
动地惊天爱恋过(英国导演Mark Peploe根据英国作家康拉德的小说《胜利》改编)
三颗翼动的心(英国作家Iain Softley根据英国作家詹姆斯的小说《鸽之翼》改编)
查泰莱夫人的情人(法国导演Just Jaeckin根据英国作家劳伦斯的同名小说改编)
动物庄园(英国导演JOHN STEPHENSON根据英国作家奥威尔的同名小说改编)
隐形人(英国导演James Whale根据英国作家威尔斯的同名小说改编)
沉默的美国人(新西兰导演PHILLIP NOYCE根据英国作家格林的同名小说改编)
蝇王(英国导演PETER BROOK根据英国作家戈尔丁的同名小说改编)
蝇王(英国导演Harry Hook根据英国作家戈尔丁的同名小说改编)
无可救药爱上你(英国导演Neil LaBute根据英国作家拜厄特的小说《占有》改编)
纳尼亚传奇(新西兰导演Andrew Adamson 根据英国作家C.S. 刘易斯的同名小说改编)
小飞侠彼得?潘(美国导演P.J. Hogan根据英国作家J?M?巴里的童话《彼得?潘》改编)
哈利?波特:神秘的魔法石(美国导演克里斯-哥伦布根据英国童书作家J.K. 罗琳的同名小说改编)
哈利?波特与密室(美国导演克里斯-哥伦布根据英国童书作家J.K. 罗琳的同名小说改编)
哈利?波特3:阿兹卡班的囚徒(墨西哥导演阿方索?卡隆根据英国童书作家J.K. 罗琳的同名小说改编)
布卢姆(英国导演SEAN WALSH根据爱尔兰作家乔依斯的小说《尤利西斯》改编)


顽童历险记(美国导演MICHAEL CURTIZ根据美国作家马克吐温的小说《哈克贝里?费恩历险记》改编)
小妇人(美国导演GEORGE CUKOR根据美国作家奥尔科特的同名小说改编)
小妇人(英国导演PADDY RUSSELL根据美国作家奥尔科特的同名小说改编)
乱世佳人(美国导演Victor Fleming根据美国作家米切尔的小说《飘》改编)
大地(美国导演SIDNEY FRANKLIN根据美国作家赛珍珠的同名小说改编)
大亨小传(英国导演Jack Clayton根据美国作家菲茨杰拉尔德的小说《了不起的盖茨比》改编)
老人与海(美国导演JUD TAYLOR根据美国作家海明威的同名小说改编)
战地春梦(美国导演Charles Vidor根据美国作家海明威的小说《永别了,武器》改编)
鼠与人(美国导演Gary Sinise根据美国作家斯坦贝克的同名小说改编)
马嘴(英国导演尼姆根据美国作家Joyce Cary的同名小说改编)
邮差总按两次铃(美国导演Tay Garnett根据美国作家詹姆斯?凯恩的同名小说改编)
朱门巧妇 (美国导演RICHARD BROOKS根据美国作家威廉斯的剧本《铁皮屋顶上的猫》改编)
激情年代/炼狱(美国导演NICHOLAS HYTNER根据美国作家阿瑟?米勒的戏剧《熔练》改编)
国王的全班人马(一代奸雄)(美国导演ROBERT ROSSEN根据美国作家沃伦的同名小说改编)
红粉佳人(美国导演 FRED ZINNEMANN根据美国作家琼斯的小说《从这里到永远》改编 )
圣路易斯雷大桥(爱尔兰导演Mary McGuckian根据美国作家桑顿?威尔德的同名小说改编)
蒂凡尼的早餐(美国导演Blake Edwards根据美国作家Truman Capote的同名小说改编)
第二十二条军规(美国导演MIKE NICHOLS根据美国作家海勒的同名小说改编)
冠军的早餐(美国导演Alan Rudolph根据美国作家冯尼格的同名小说改编)
母亲之夜(美国导演KEITH GORDON根据美国作家冯尼格的同名小说改编)
苏菲的抉择(美国导演ALAN J PAKULA根据美国作家威廉?斯泰伦的同小说改编)
大鱼(美国导演蒂姆?伯顿根据美国作家丹尼尔?华莱士的小说《Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions》改编)
人性的污点(美国导演ROBERT BENTON根据美国作家罗思的同名小说改编)
时时刻刻(英国导演Stephen Daldry根据美国作家坎宁安的同名小说改编)

㈢ 有没有薇诺娜瑞德电影版本小妇人的英文对白

精彩对白[Meg has twisted her ankle and Laurie took her home in his carriage]
Amy: He put snow on your ankle? With his own hands?
Marmee: I won't have my girls being silly about boys. To bed! Jo dear.
Amy: Everything lovely happens to Meg.
Meg: [Sarcastically] Oh yes, indeed.
Laurie: Hello! Jo! Come over here. You too, Meg. It's ll as tombs around here.
Amy: We bear our souls and tell the most appalling secrets.
Jo March: He's ll as powder, Meg. Can't you at least marry someone amusing?
Beth: I feel stronger with you close by.
Jo March: Well, of course Aunt March prefers Amy over me. Why shouldn't she? I'm ugly and awkward and I always say the wrong things. I fly around throwing away perfectly good marriage proposals. I love our home, but I'm just so fitful and I can't stand being here! I'm sorry, I'm sorry Marmee. There's just something really wrong with me. I want to change, but I - I can't. And I just know I'll never fit in anywhere.
Amy: We'll all grow up one day, Meg. We might as well know what we want.
Jo: If only I could be like father and crave violence and go to war and stand up to the lions of injustice.
Younger Amy March: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
Jo: Don't be silly! I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters.
Jo: If I weren't going to be a writer I'd go to New York and pursue the stage. Are you shocked?
Laurie: Very.
Jo: Now we are all family, as we always should have been.
Marmee: I am going to write this man a letter.
Jo: A letter. That'll show him.
Jo: I go around throwing away perfectly good marriage proposals!
Jo: What's going to happen?
Friedrich: The inevitable.
Marmee: Feminine weaknesses and fainting spells are the direct result of our confining young girls to the house, bent over their needlework, and restrictive corsets.
Dr. Bangs: There is nothing I can do. If I bleed her, it would finish her. Best to send for the mother.
Laurie: Forgive me. I have already done so. Mrs. March arrives on the train this night.
Jo: Will we never all be together again?
Amy: I don't wanna die. I've never even been kissed. I've waited my whole to be kissed, and what if I miss it?
Laurie: I tell you what. I promise to kiss you before you die.
Friedrich: Jo. Such a little name for... such a person.
Friedrich: But I have nothing to give you. My hands are empty.
[entwines her hands with his]
Jo: Not empty now.
Laurie: I have loved you since the moment I clamped eyes on you. What could be more reasonable than to marry you?
Jo March: We'd kill each other.
Laurie: Nonsense!
Jo March: Neither of us can keep our temper-...
Laurie: I can, unless provoked.
Jo March: We're both stupidly stubborn, especially you. We'd only quarrel!
Laurie: I wouldn't!
Jo March: You can't even propose without quarreling.
Marmee March: Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You're ready to go out and - and find a good use for your talent. Tho' I don't know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it.
Beth: I'm so full of happiness, that if Father was only here, I couldn't hold one drop more.
Amy: You don't need scores of suitors. You need only one... if he's the right one.
Laurie: I'm quite taken by that one.
Jo: That's Meg!
Laurie: Meg.
Jo: That's my sister. She's completely bald in front.
Friedrich Bhaer: You must write from the depths of your soul!
John Brooke: Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil best left undisturbed.
Laurie: Someday you'll find a man, a good man, and you'll love him, and marry him, and live and die for him. And I'll be hanged if I stand by and watch.
Beth: I know I shall be homesick for you even in Heaven.
Amy: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
Jo: Don't be silly! I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters.
Josephine 'Jo' March: I won't have a sister who is a lazy ignoramus.
Josephine 'Jo' March: You plastered yourself on him!
Meg March: It's proper to take a gentleman's arm if it's offered!
Josephine 'Jo' March: If lack of attention to personal finances is a mark of refinement, then I say the Marches must be the most elegant family in Concord!
Josephine 'Jo' March: Does he have a noble brow? If I were a boy I'd want to look just like that.
Jo March: I find it poor logic to say that women should vote because they are good. Men do not vote because they are good; they vote because they are male, and women should vote, not because we are angels and men are animals, but because we are human beings and citizens of this country.
Mr. Mayer: You should have been a lawyer, Miss March.
Jo March: I should have been a great many things, Mr. Mayer.
Friedrich: Your heart understood mine. In the depth of the fragrant night, I listened with ravished soul to your beloved voice. Your heart understood mine.
Jo: At night my mind would come alive with voices and stories as real to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation.
Jo: [as Jo and Laurie dance awkwardly at Belle Gardner's ball] I'm sorry! Meg always makes me take the gentleman's part at home! It's a shame you don't know the lady's part!
Younger Amy March: Butter! Oh isn't butter divinity? Oh god thank you for this breakfast.
Younger Amy March: We've been expectorating you for hours!
Younger Amy March: Well, it's not like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get. One does have a choice to whom one loves.
Younger Amy March: One periwinkle sash...
[clears throat]
Younger Amy March: Advertisements. One periwinkle sash belonging to Mr. N. Winkle has been abscondated from the wash line... which gentlemen desires any reports leading to its recovery.
Amy: Jo, how could you, your one beauty!
Jo: Imagine, giving up Italy to come live with that awful old man.
[Meg tsks]
Meg: Oh Jo, please don't say awful; it's slang.
Amy: Have you heard from Jo? She has befriended a German professor.
Laurie: I envy her happiness. I envy his happiness. I envy John Brooke for marrying Meg. I hate Fred Vaughn. And if Beth had a lover I would despise him too. Just as you have always known that you would never marry a pauper, I have always known that I belong to the March family.
Amy: I will not be loved for my family...
Beth: If God wants me with Him, there is none who will stop Him. I don't mind. I was never like the rest of you... making plans about the great things I'd do. I never saw myself as anything much. Not a great writer like you.
Jo: Beth, I'm not a great writer.
Beth: But you will be. Oh, Jo, I've missed you so. Why does everyone want to go away? I love being home. But I don't like being left behind. Now I am the one going ahead. I am not afraid. I can be brave like you.
Beth: [hearing Jo crying] Are you thinking about father?
Jo March: [whimpering] My hair!
Amy March: [after hearing of Jo's need to get away from Laurie] Aunt March is going to France.
Jo: FRANCE? Oh! That's ideal! I'd put up with anything to go!
Amy March: [hesitates] No, she has asked me to accompany her.
[Jo has been to visit Aunt March to try and get money for a train ticket]
Marmee: 25? Can Aunt March spare this much?
Jo: I couldn't bear to ask.
[she takes off her hat, everyone gasps - she's got short hair]
Jo: I sold my hair.
John Brooke: Mr. Laurence! One doesn't shout at ladies as if they were cattle. My apologies!
Jo: Teddy, please don't ask me.
Friedrich: [having read Jo's latest book] There is *nothing* in this of the woman I am privileged to know.
Younger Amy March: [Jo is curling Meg's hair] What's that smell? Smell's like feathers.
Jo: Aaahh!
Meg: You've ruined me!
Marmee: [reading a letter] "Aunt March is weak and would not survive a sea voyage. Amy must bide her time and return at a later date".
Marmee: Just as well.
[after Meg has given birth to twins]
Meg: Oh, Marmee, I can't believe you did this four times.
John Brooke: Yes, but never two at once, my darling.
Friedrich Bhaer: I am going to the west. They need teachers and they are not so concerned about the accent.
Jo March: I don't mind it either.

㈣ 我能帮我找一篇1994年《小妇人》的观后感呢要英文的,1500词~啊,万分感谢

I’ll miss the little women
Pure from the movie this form to see, 94 version of "little woman" (not seen it in the original) can and 2005 edition "pride and prejudice" and shelves WeiNuoNa, rhett, Joe has become almost Keira version of Elizabeth past, see nearly novelist thought wall Keira from posters came down, I'm a little dizzy, some consistent tone, some similar atmosphere, think carefully, it is two different story
Beginning March home four sisters to neighbors Laurie are born yearning heart. Story progressed Meg married Laurie mentor, two people are truly in love, this is one of the first to happiness, should also be the most successful the perfect couple. Joe is the author of personal incarnate, for ideals, and resolutely abandoned knowable results of love Laurie, she know this isn't she wanted, he left home pursue the outside world, until destined to man appeared, but I was still smarting from professor yu uncle some age... The ultimate again around a circle returned home, because this origin of Bath of disease, Bath like ship under the anchor, only she will keep the ship, waiting for them, that a box of regression memories of the past days, is triggered Joe inspiration, I find myself sparks, The sentence "why do you want to leave", is a unanswered questions. Amy should be lucky a clearly defined objectives become beauties the lady, she got it, and your growth changes, eventually got Laurie love, my conclusion is never say that what matter is certainly not going to happen
WeiNuoNa, rhett's performance was excellent, see the surprised feeling before four hundred years "she is just a beautiful, here she and Joe directness, those abstruse black eyes, full of faith for a future life, know yourself, the firm faith to pursue Johnny Depp (to know and Damon had fell into this'm double eyes), As for the family, and sell long hair, with short hair cushite in, I was shock, this is a won the best actress Oscar nomination. Why not WeiNuoNa slightly regret now have bestseller, only the severe competition exclamation
Laurie Christian, bell then although still very young, but dedicated I think after into after the second good performance and from pure feeling to romantic, let me have to look again and again on him that he forgot the batman, he is the man, made a knockout. Just sino-italian little sister's speed too over it, Amy grew up actor is accord with the character itself is full of artistic breath, endowed with noble state, but in my opinion is not enough jing is colourful, once so deep love Joe...
Amy's exploratory wattenberg, DengSi te, knew she was child stars, meet here. See little spider female has star temperament, the literal lines listen from her mouth out is so natural, Assyria performance. Don't selous The relevant nose joke, should be out of plot considerations, and the very real appropriate her then that little nose
Now look at 94 movie, the picture is backward, but a layer have obscured rendering, again and conform to the entire movie atmosphere, this is a suitable for women to see the film.
In the 18th century England, America in the 19th century, Jane Austen, Louis sand, mei, Alcott, two from different countries outstanding female tandem nursing brought us two classic, for love, for the pursuit of truth, are fighting for freedom warriors.
Regret a bit so late see "little women" this film, congratulating ultimately have not missed


㈤ 《小妇人》英文是什么

Little Women。










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