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英文简介:"2012" is a big disaster film director Roland - Emmerich's latest work, about the end of the world came in 2012 that people struggle with the disaster. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other powerful effects will be presented in full in the film

Ⅲ 电影2012英文影评(按照我的中文翻译,要求不要太难)

2012 is an exciting American movie. It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2012, only a small percentage of human beings survived. After watching the movie, I ponder a lot about the end of the world everyday, because I am both afraid and curious about it. This is an excellent movie with a thrilling storyline. It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment, as well as all creatures on earth. 2012 teaches me a lot, I think everyone should go and see it. What a good movie it is!

Ⅳ 电影2012英文简介

2012 is a science fiction drama disaster film, directed by Roland Emmerich and released in 2009. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver. The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos. Ranging from Los Angeles falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, cataclysmic earthquakes wreaking havoc around the globe, and Megatsunamis surging across the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue. The film was promoted in a marketing campaign by a fictional organization, the "Institute for Human Continuity"; this entailed a fictitious book written by Jackson Curtis entitled Farewell Atlantis, and streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from the apocalyptic zealot Charlie Frost at his website entitled This Is The End. This campaign was subjected to numerous criticisms, and was regarded as a form of viral marketing. The film received mixed to negative reviews but topped the international box office in its first weekend with $450 million. It ultimately grossed 767,581,683 worldwide becoming Roland Emmerich's second highest grossing film behind Independence Day. Plot 情节 In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley learns from a colleague, Dr. Satnam Tsurtuani, at an underground copper mine in India that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are acting as microwave radiation, causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian informs White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and US President Thomas Wilson that this will trigger a catastrophic chain of natural disasters. At the G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They begin a massive, secret project intended to ensure the survival of humanity. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board a series of ships (called arks) to be constructed in the Himalayas. The majority of tickets aboard the ships are reserved for heads of state, government officials and selected indivials chosen for their skills, while additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector at the price of 1 billion euros per person. In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lilly live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a conspiracy theorist living as a hermit and hosting a radio show from the park. Charlie references a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge and a map of the secret ark project. The family returns home as cracks develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and large earthquakes occur in many places along the West Coast. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they narrowly escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean. As millions die in cataclysmic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. After retrieving the map, the group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to broadcast the eruption, is killed in the blast. Learning that the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure an Antonov 225 aircraft, fleeing just as Las Vegas is destroyed. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson chooses to remain in Washington D.C., and is soon killed by a mega tsunami that sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President also dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser takes over as acting president. Arriving in China in a crash-landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the ships. The Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, who do not have tickets, are picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk on his way to the arks. They stowaway aboard an ark with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, who has been working on the ark project. A mega tsunami approaches the site as tens of thousands are still attempting to board the final ark, and a large impact driver becomes lodged between the gears of the ark's hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Yuri, Gordon, and Tamara are killed, and the flooded ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah free the impact driver from the closing mechanism, and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest. When the global floodwater from the tsunamis eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa's elevation rose in relation to sea level, and the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu Natal are now the highest on the planet. The scientists are sure that the rest of the land on earth will soon rise above sea level, too. As three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth from space, showing a vastly different continental landscape. 希望帮到你啦~

Ⅳ 电影《2012》什么剧情

《2012》 . 2012高清完整版在线观看 具体地址: http://www.mov10086.cn/html/57338.html . 2012高清完整版下载 具体地址: http://www.mov10086.cn/search.asp?keyword=2012&x=16&y=8 . 【片长】45分钟/集 【文件大小】10~600 MB 【播放形式】流畅版/高清版 【字幕】中文 【语言】国语 【视频尺寸】624 x 272/全屏 . 【主演】约翰·库萨克 阿曼达·皮特 桑迪·牛顿 【类型】科幻片 “2012年12月21日黑暗降临后,12月22日的黎明永远不会到来。”历史上从来没有一个日期,能如2012年12月21日这样对人类产生巨大影响;玛雅文明预言它是世界末日,而各个文化、种族,全球的科学家、政府,都无法预知这一天到底会发生什么;《2012》是一部关于全球毁灭的灾难电影,它讲述在2012年世界末日到来时,世界人民如何挣扎求生。 杰克·杰克逊(约翰·库萨克饰)带着孩子去黄石公园度假,却发现曾有美好回忆的湖泊已经干涸了,而这个地区也成为了禁区。充满疑惑的他在黄石附近的营地偶然认识了查理。查理告诉他由于自然环境和资源长期被人类掠夺性破坏,地球自身的平衡系统已经面临崩溃,人类即将面临空前的自然灾害。查理说有些国家已经在联合秘密研制并建造可以躲避这个灾难的方舟,杰克逊以为他是个疯子就一笑而过走开了。 第二天灾难发生了——强烈的地震伴随大量陨石的坠落,让眼前熟悉的家园变成了人间炼狱。在地球的其他地方,各种各样的自然灾害也以前所未有的规模爆发。杰克逊和众多家庭一样踏上了求生之路。面对全球性的自然灾害,不知何去何从的他突然想起查理提到过的方舟和地图,于是决定前往方舟基地寻找生存的机会。 在寻找和前往方舟基地的过程中,杰克逊一家在经历灾难的生死考验之后终于到达了方舟基地。然而已经制造完成的方舟数量远远不能满足从世界各地闻讯涌来的受灾人群。 谁去谁留已然成为挑战整个人类的道德抉择。面对灾难,来自不同国家的人类做出了最重要的抉择:“所有人都是平等的,都有平等的生存机会!”最后人类终于在方舟中度过了这一全球性的灾害,获得了继续繁衍和发展的希望。 [编辑本段]【精彩镜头】 1.当印度洋海啸越过喜马拉雅山峰向山顶寺庙扑来时,老喇嘛开始敲钟,神情自若,那种泰然有一种超越的美,涅盘寂静。 2.美国政界要人对着修建完善的方舟基地,赞叹道:“这么艰巨的项目交给中国没有错,别人不可能在这么短的时间内完成。” 3. 杰克逊驾驶着豪华车在下沉的洛杉矶中狂奔,摩天大厦在他们身边纷纷倒塌。 4.那位在火山口边对着陨石雨坚持现场直播的电台DJ太帅了。70年代的嬉皮装束,80年代的流行音乐,90年代的工作热情,加上21世纪的宅男驴友生活,这是最令人羡慕的组合方式。 5.当灾难发生后,活下来的“上帝选民”以高龄政客居多,没看见几名工人、运动员、选秀美女和网络小说家。 6.方舟因为故障启动不了,此时海啸马上就要来了,杰克逊和他的儿子在最后的紧要关头找出了故障,让方舟能够顺利启动。 7.杰克逊在解决故障后,尾随儿子回到液压舱,中途捡起障碍物,没有及时出现,方舟中的每一个人都屏住呼吸,等待奇迹的降临,当杰克逊从水中出现时,方舟的所有人,激动相拥,震撼心灵! 8.雨过天晴后,人们打开方舟,万籁俱寂,阳光灿烂,只不过这一次没有衔着橄榄枝飞来的鸽子,而是电脑上测算出的好望角位置。随着喜马拉雅陷裂,地球的最高峰挪到了南非——人类又开始和他们的祖先一样,重新做非洲人。 [编辑本段]【精彩对白】 中国解放军:这是一个绝好的机会,可以创造更多工作的机会,党和国家一定会帮助大家重建家园的。 杰克逊:(在电话里)他们告诉你不要惊慌的时候,你就该跑了! (拿到中国地图,正在坐飞机)看来我们应该找架大飞机。 (痛骂政府发言人——加州州长施瓦辛格)那家伙是个演员!他在念台词呢! (对孩子们)无论发生什么,我们都一直在一起! (书上写到)全世界人民应该亲如兄弟。 查理:无论你是谁——不分种族,不分国家,不分信仰!不论你是穷还是富,不论你身体是否健康!明天我们都没有区别!! 托尼:我打了,可是晚了。 美国总统:(对艾德里安)我将是美利坚合众国最后一位总统。 (对艾德里安)一个年轻的科学家抵得上二十个老政客。 (最后一次播报)美国同胞们,这是我最后一次对你们讲话,灾难将要降临。而我们的国家和整个世界将要灭亡,真希望我能告诉你们,我们有能力来抵御这场灾难,可是我们没有。今天,我们将一家人共同步入黑暗,虽然我们可能信仰不同,但我相信我的话能够代表所有人的想法,愿上天保佑我们。 (给女儿的电话)至少母亲可以安抚自己的孩子,父亲可以对自己的女儿说声抱歉。 艾德里安:(问杰克逊)在灾难面前,人类真的会无私么? 艾德里安的父亲:(在儿子的电话里)我不能丢下托尼。没有我,那老家伙唱歌老跑调。 诺亚(杰克逊的儿子,和爸爸关系并不好,从来只叫他爸的名字): (在爸爸掉进地缝的时候大叫)那是我爸爸!我们必须等他! 莉莉(杰克逊的女儿):(在洛杉矶地震时已经见到自家房子化为乌有,依然在方舟甲板上询问)爸爸,我们什么时候回家? 莉莉(杰克逊的女儿):(在她与爸爸所驾驶的查理车飞奔着逃命的时候)爸爸我怕! 杰克逊(莉莉的爸爸):(他指着自己的眼睛说)别担心,宝贝,看看我,看我害怕了吗? 莉莉(杰克逊的女儿):(不可否置的点了点头) 1、“题材撞车”:除了艾默里奇,大导演迈克尔·贝也将镜头对准了这个末日题材,这部《2012:灵魂战争》(2012: The War for the Soul),根据作家Whitley Strieber的科幻小说改编,定于2012年上映。 2、“2亿美元”:高达2亿美元的制作费用,使很多好莱坞制作公司对《2012》望而却步。最后索尼哥伦比亚不惜重金,将《2012》的剧本收入囊中。 3、影片原名英文为《再见亚特兰蒂斯》(Farewell Atlantis)。 4、《2012》投资2亿美元,是罗兰·艾默里奇执导电影里成本最高的一部。 5、《2012》的预告片制作时,影片的配乐尚未完成,所以使用了《闪灵》的原声音乐。 6、实际上,2012年的末世论是一种西方思想,并非玛雅人所创,相反,玛雅人只是认为在2012年之后,世界会进入一个新纪元,这与世界末日并无太大关联。 7、影片原计划是在2010年公映,但导演罗兰·艾默里奇于2008年的作品《史前一万年》票房和口碑均不理想,因而罗兰·艾默里奇加快了《2012》的制作速度,本片也得以提前一年问世。 8、有些影院在20:12分放映影片,以保持与影片的标题一致。 9、《2012》长158分钟,是罗兰·艾默里奇导演的第二长的影片。他最长的影片是2000年的《爱国者》,长度为165分钟。 10、影片中显示地球南极移动的了威斯康辛州的某处。如果这发生的话,地球的旋转方式将完全改变,而GPS由于地貌的变化也难以正常工作,人们也不可能把方舟的航向设定到非洲。 [编辑本段]【幕后制作】 即将来临的世界末日 若论当今好莱坞谁最热衷于灾难题材,罗兰·艾默里奇的名字必然首屈一指。这位曾经执导过《独立日》、《后天》等灾难大片的导演,历来作品皆以摧毁人类文明为乐趣。这次他选择了世界末日做噱头的《2012》,对于这部新作,罗兰·艾默里奇说:"这么多年来我一直在以拍摄灾难片为主,很多人都对我说过,他们很喜欢《后天》那样的电影,我问他们为什么,他们告诉我,看到熟悉的城市在银幕上毁灭,会感到一种不可思议的震撼。抱着这样的想法。我就开始琢磨2012年世界末日这个题材。其实拍摄独立日的时候我就已经有想法拍摄1999年的世界末日,可惜那时候时间已经赶不上,所以在2006年我就开始构思《2012》的故事,这次我们要赶在地球毁灭前拍摄好这部电影(笑)。"谈及为何如此钟情灾难题材,罗兰·艾默里奇说:"灾难电影是一种冲突会很强烈的电影,当观众在观看的时候可能会抛弃掉很多需要细细思考的元素,这是一种很极端的对决,关系着生命的存亡,是你死我活,力量悬殊的一种较量,大家很容易就被这种题材的电影所吸引。对我而言,我喜欢描述城市遭受虚拟的劫难,那样会让大家警醒,居安思危。《2012》讲述的是一种可能性,地球会不会在2012年迎来他的终点,如果是真的,人类文明何去如从,地球上的居民又该怎么办?电影着重表现了这些内容。"我很满意《2012》",罗兰·艾默里奇这样评价自己的新作,"这部电影有一个遗憾,那就是制作时间非常紧迫,我们必须赶在2009年的圣诞之前推出这部作品,这跟我原计划的拍摄完成的时间提前了很久。所以这就导致我们需要在有限的时间做完许多事情,尤其是电脑特效服装搭配,特效是这部作品的重中之重,这次的特效镜头非常多,我第一次[2]感到有这么大的压力。制作组需要在世界各地实地取景,然后大家一起探讨如何呈现这些城市的毁灭镜头,有一段时间,我们整个团队几乎天天开会,反复讨论着许许多多的细节。所幸的是这一切都按时保质保量的完成了。" 约翰·库萨克独挑大梁 在《2012》中约翰·库萨克扮演的主角戏份最多。为何要挑选约翰。罗兰·艾默里奇说:"很奇怪,当我开始构思故事的时候,在脑海里,男主角的样子就是约翰·库萨克。我看过他过去的一些作品,他对于惊悚题材把握得很到位,我喜欢捕捉他在片长一些即兴的演出,为这部电影增添了许多有趣的元素。" 而对于约翰·库萨克本人而言,接拍过大量独立电影[3],同时也有着《致命ID》、《1408幻影凶间》等口碑不错的作品的他,对于《2012》也发表了自己的看法:"我并不完全认为这部电影是我的独角戏。我的角色最重要的作用是联系着影片的各个角色,大家一起才构成了这部电影。在影片里我是一个学者,我喜欢这种高级知识分子的角色,因为拯救世界的总会是这种人(笑)。" 同时也担任本片编剧的罗兰·艾默里奇,详细阐述了他如何设计约翰·库萨克所扮演的角色:“所有这样的灾难电影都需要一个有着相对权威性,同时也有着某些弱点的角色。在迈克尔·贝的《世界末日》里,布鲁斯·威利斯的角色我觉得非常经典,他是一个非常真实也非常有个性的人,最后他所做出的牺牲决定也合情合理,一部优秀的灾难片,理应有这样充满人性的平凡人角色。基于这个想法,我创作了约翰·库萨克饰演的杰克逊·柯蒂斯,在影片里,杰克逊·[4]柯蒂斯面对了许多危难,同时还要拯救家人,这部电影描述了一个平凡人如何成为英雄。他的戏份很重,影片大部分时间都围绕着他展开,约翰·库萨克把这个角色演活了。” [编辑本段]【影片评论】 对世界末日的态度 影片《2012》中所谓的“世界末日”,我们既不必当真,也不必批判。 世界末日这件事情,纯粹站在科学的立场上说,这个可能性总是存在的。因为不可知的灾难什么时候都可能发生——也许下一个小时就是末日,这个可能性也存在,只不过它的概率非常小而已。况且按照我们的唯物主义理论,这个世界有始也有终,地球本身,太阳系本身,也都有生命周期,都有衰老死亡之日,那时候当然就是世界末日了。从这个意义上来说,世界末日当然是存在的。 但问题是,当我们现在讨论对于世界末日之说“相不相信”时,我们是另有暗含问题的。当我们谈论“相不相信”时,我们其实暗含着另外一个问题——那就是:如果你信了,你准备怎么生活下去?如果你不信,你又准备怎么生活下去? 比方说,如果你确信两年之后是世界末日了,和你确信两年之后世界还将是正常的,你此刻的生活态度就会不一样。在前面一种情形下,也许你觉得反正再过两年世界就完蛋了,从现在开始很多约束你都不愿意接受了,你想吃喝玩乐,你想醉生梦死,你想倒行逆施……。如[5]果你相信世界还是正常的,那你当然不会胡来了。也就是说,你是不是打算按照两年后世界要毁灭来安排你现在的生活。理智告诉我们,绝大部分人都不可能这样安排生活,都不可能接受这个假设来安排生活。绝大部分人,只要还有理性,肯定会按照“两年后世界将是正常的”这一假定来安排自己的生活。 那么为什么大部分人在这种情形下都会相信世界将是正常的呢。因为根据现有的科学理论,我们可以知道两年后世界将是正常的,即使太阳系真会发生什么变化,那也是长周期的变化,几年的时间尺度之内当然感觉不到。 那么为什么我们相信科学,而不相信神秘主义的预言呢?那是因为,科学在以往这几百年里所取得的业绩,让我们相信这个理论是管用的,它对于大部分自然现象的解释是正确的。比方说,它对万有引力的理解是正确的,以至于我们可以发射一艘飞船飞向火星,居然就真能在火星上着陆,这说明我们计算的轨道是正确的,我们计算这个轨道所依据的整套理论也是正确的,如果它有一点不正确,飞船就飞不到那里去。从这个意义上说,科学的权威当然是最大的。大部分[6]人面临这个选择的时候,还是愿意选择科学。选择科学,我们当然假定两年后世界还将是正常的,我们当然也就不信末日预言了。 有人曾预言,影片《2012》上映之后,大家会更加热衷于谈论“世界末日”之类的神秘主义话题,现在看来倒是有点不幸而言中了。当然,作为谈资,看完电影后,沿着电影里神秘主义的话题继续讨论讨论,这很自然,也常能令人愉快,也不至于有多大害处。可是你不会因为这个而改变你对生活的预期和安排——你明天该上班还是要上班! “导演找了许多方法让地球毁灭” 影片也的确展示了这样的特色。影片中,几乎集中了电影史上所有灾难:洪水、地震、海啸、飓风、岩浆,大量体现人类文明的标志性建筑物像豆腐一样被自然的巨大力量碾碎,几乎是能想象到的人类灾难的极限。 而整部影片中让人印象最深刻的就是洛杉矶的消失。整个城市就像泰坦尼克号那样先断裂再倾斜,最后下沉到太平洋里。让中国观众印象深刻的是,滔天洪水跨过西藏的雪山,淹没了世界海拔最高的寺庙。 美式套路“单亲爸爸救小孩” 《2012》 . 2012高清完整版在线观看 具体地址: http://www.mov10086.cn/html/57338.html . 2012高清完整版下载 具体地址: http://www.mov10086.cn/search.asp?keyword=2012&x=16&y=8 . 【片长】45分钟/集 【文件大小】10~600 MB 【播放形式】流畅版/高清版 【字幕】中文 【语言】国语 【视频尺寸】624 x 272/全屏 . 【主演】约翰·库萨克 阿曼达·皮特 桑迪·牛顿 【类型】科幻片 . 该片主线依然是导演罗兰·艾默里奇最擅长的父子情。约翰·库萨克扮演的作家杰克逊婚姻破裂,前妻甚至有了新男朋友。当这场大灾难发生的时候,杰克逊刚从前妻家接走自己的一双儿女,准备前往黄石国家公园度假。在得知洛杉矶的灾难之后,杰克逊还是决定本着大无畏的精神返回市区救回前妻以及前妻的男友。 《2012》的故事主线很“美国大片”:学者杰克逊坐飞机前往被地震吞陷的洛杉矶拯救前妻和两个孩子,并冒险驱车去正面临火山大爆发的怀俄明州黄石公园找一名知晓灾难的广播电台主持人来得到飞船的地图,当然,灾难片发展到今天,当初《世界末日》中布鲁斯·威利斯独力救地球的....“英雄本色”已不能再糊弄观众,地球还是会遭受重创。但英雄起码能救自己的家人,而且这个英雄通常都是单亲爸爸。之前热映的《神秘代码》中,离异男尼古拉斯·凯奇就倾尽全力保全了自己的儿子,而自己却葬身灾难。 这次扮演单亲爸爸杰克逊的是约翰·库萨克,跟他多次合作的36岁女星阿曼达·皮特扮演其前妻。库萨克被业界评价为“最被低估的男演员”,为人颇有个性,从前只爱拍独立电影,不知该片是凭什么打动他第一次出演商业大片。而导演艾默里奇曾经表示,在构思故事时脑海中浮现出的男主角,就是库萨克。 “故事老套 足够煽情”

Ⅵ 《2012》这部电影为什么叫2012

《2012》是一部关于全球毁灭的灾难电影,它讲述在2012年世界末日到来时,主人公以及世界各国人民挣扎求生的经历;该片被称为《后天》的升级版,投资超过2亿美元,是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)的又一力作。

中文名: 2012
外文名: Farewell Atlantis
其它译名: 2012世界末日
制片地区: 美国
导演: 罗兰·艾默里奇 Roland Emmerich
编剧: 罗兰·艾默里奇、哈拉德·克卢瑟
类型: 动作,冒险,科幻,灾难
主演: 约翰·库萨克,桑迪·牛顿
片长: 158分钟
上映时间: 北美、中国首映:2009年11月13日
分级: USA:PG-13
对白语言: 英语
色彩: 彩色
imdb编码: tt1190080
主题曲: 奇迹之刻,演唱者:亚当·兰伯特
拍摄时间: 2008年7月~2009年1月



Ⅶ 2012英文电影影评











007 first episode, big villain Dr John Ure is a Chinese, the film released in 1962, October 5, after 15 days, the Sino-Indian border conflict broke out, four years after the Cultural Revolution in China to further its own closed, mystery The Red Storm from the East in general into the sky, swept the entire world, and those rages hoarsely roaring of the leftist students in fact did not know then what is taking place in China.

The Cultural Revolution in the past 33 years, the eyes of Westerners, China is like? This question has always been stirring up the hearts of all Chinese people, we would like a teenager, with people proud of the achievements, but also has shortcomings can not be ignored, edgy look forward, looking forward to all those who applaud achievements, and everyone put than those deficiencies. We look forward to every large in China's shadow, in every country there should be a big scene to find that a large red banner, and every wild notion of the disaster facing the world when they are looking forward to China's appears. We waited for the past what is it? Is worn the same brutal, such as concentration camps, prisons, the American-style Chinese panda journey to lose weight is a old-style military uniforms and the cold is a wealthy high-rolling gangsters, is simple but good enough to eat people. We are so concerned about the Western media's views on us, so "Reference News" sales of very high; we are so concerned about the lens inside the Hollywood kind of how China is, so we are angry after disappointing that we abuse, we are dismayed.

Like a teenager, wearing shoes with feet kicked street trash, vent plausible but in fact his anger does not matter: all these are just growing pains.

Why care about Hollywood lens, China is like? Do not need to pull before the meteorite hit the Earth in China also launched a nuclear bomb, we know that he can destroy the world; do not need to make Batman jumping in Hong Kong, we know that they have skyscrapers; do not need a foreign director moved, we know that in 2008 in May, Wenchuan, Yingxiu, Beichuan how brilliant shining, it is not bright enough to a long history in the human left bright point. No, in fact, we never need Hollywood's recognition and appreciation of the Western world, we have, "Southern Weekend", with Jane Kwangju, there is Lu Guang, there is × × ×, there is × × × (please feel free to fill in the blank, as long as may be 豆瓣remove the names are in line with conditions), we can find their own problems, we also have the courage to tell these brave fellow.

But - yes - yes, like that young, we hope that the hypertrophy of Chen Chu their uniforms to a sudden jump high 8 cm tall; we hope that the monotony, and everyone can be a bit like hair changes; We hope to become the most attractive peers of that one - especially with the southwest corner compared to that dark and cousin;, of course, our best hope is that those predecessors were able to say: boy, yes!

Even though some of those predecessors extremely wealthy, and some Xuefu five cars, already Laoyanhunhua, keep up with the times, it can not crush the foam.

Young China ah, young Chinese, when I was sitting in the cinema can not escape convention to effortlessly find your shadow pm; when your name appears on the chart, I exclaimed out loud when the heart Anshuang; when I, like all the audience and saw the helicopter was 81 when the star emblem of a knowing smile, we are all a part of you - your young minds, you Guzuoshenchen, your immaturity, your precocious, your energy, you do not perfect, you have momentum, you are not confident, you are courageous.

Hollywood's lens will never have our eyes China, we are in the eyes of China will only appear in the Chinese film lens. Western media's pen will never have a real Chinese history, Chinese history, the record will always use the Chinese characters, which used to exist in the Chinese historian bosom of the bamboo and the ordinary people of the legend, today was sitting in front of the computer for each one You and I tap those Western journalists who miss each and every one laugh a misery, have been our loyal records.

So, no need to expend a tremendous amount to look for "China's Ark", and no need for that one, "Only China can do in a short time" and is good enough for infinity, Liang in "Young China, said that" that China "magnificent full-bodied, Innocent Steps masterpiece", is not it? In those white-skinned decrepit are already Pashanding time, waiting for their only down the road, but climbing is not half of the Young China, raised his head, the front is a long-hoped-300 years of utterly scenery.

Hollywood might as well forget the Chinese bar, improper major opponent, but also not intended to be a savior, even if you do not want the lens in the Russian oligarchs, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, India's science geeks be as profiling. How to schele your supporting by your own happy, but the real China, there is the Chinese people when the main character of the movie.

Well, kind-hearted Chinese people have agreed, after the film was a disaster An Men, but also give you the Americans stay in a boat. Oh, to lose weight.

Ⅷ 逆光飞翔电影简介英语版翻译

《逆光飞翔》(英语:Touch of the Light)是一部2012年的台湾电影,改编自真人真事,描述一名全盲钢琴家与梦想成为舞者的女孩,一段好友互相鼓励勇敢逐梦的历程。
Touch of the Light is a 2012 Taiwanese drama film directed by Chang Jung-Chi.[1] The film was selected as the Taiwanese entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards, but it did not make the final shortlist.
天生眼盲的裕翔,首次离家北上念书,他琴弹得好,却坚持不参加任何比赛,因为不想被同情,他只想跟大家过得一样。此时,他遇见爱跳舞的小洁,因故被迫放弃学舞,却交了个一跳街舞就闪耀着光芒的男友,暖阳般的裕翔走进她的世界,融化了小洁冰冷的心。裕翔的勇敢深深牵引小洁;而小洁带领裕翔经历不曾有过的冒险。他们填补彼此遗失的力量,就算梦想遥不可及,也不再是独自面对。 青春的他们,大声嘶吼着,现在的他们,朝着最初的梦想,迈开步伐,逆光而行。
Based on true events related to the life of Taiwanese piano prodigy Huang Yu-Siang (Siang played by himself), this is a story of inspiration, discovery and love. Born to a rural family in Taiwan unprepared for the birth of a blind son, Siang was a curious and precocious child. Touch and sound was everything to him. With the love of his mother and support of his family, he grew up with no barriers - that is until he had to face the real world as he left his family behind in order to attend university where he had to compete on the same playing field as the sighted students and to find his own way. He soon crossed paths with Jie (Sandrine Pinna), a beautiful but frustrated cold drinks vendor who dreams of being a dancer, but whose struggles against the harsh realities of her life render her helpless. However, when she witnesses Siang's fearless determination and understood his optimism and inner peace, she is inspired and determined to hold on to her dream. Touch of the Light - a story ...



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