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发布时间:2023-07-22 06:28:18

⑴ 天才眼镜狗的英文简介

Mr. Peabody is an anthropomorphic dog who is the smartest being in the world. As a pup, he was rejected by every potential owner, leading him to devote his life to science, athletics, and technological discoveries. One day, Peabody finds an orphaned infant and legally adopts him under the name of Sherman (age 7). He tutors Sherman through a series of adventures throughout history with the use of the WABAC, a time machine. After narrowly escaping the French Revolution, Sherman starts his first day at Susan B. Anthony School in New York City, and falls into conflict with classmate Penny Peterson, who he innocently shows up in history class with his first-hand knowledge of George Washington. Penny bullies and humiliates Sherman, insulting him by calling him a "dog" for being raised by one, which provokes Sherman into biting her. Peabody visits Principal Purdy about the matter, but is confronted by Ms. Grunion, a bigoted child and family services agent who threatens to remove Sherman from Peabody's custody if an upcoming home inspection is deemed unsatisfactory.
Peabody invites the Petersons over for a dinner party to mend fences between Sherman and Penny. While Peabody charms Paul and Patty, Sherman is left with Penny. Sherman reveals the WABAC to Penny after she calls him a liar about his first hand knowledge and they joyride in it, despite Peabody's warnings. Moments later, Sherman seeks Peabody's help to retrieve Penny, who refused to leave her engagement with King Tut in Ancient Egypt. Penny changes her mind when she learns Tut will die young and she will be executed and buried with him. For trying to stop the wedding, Peabody and Sherman are trapped in a tomb, but escape with Peabody's knowledge, rescuing Penny from the wedding and escaping in the WABAC.
With the WABAC low on energy, the three stop in Renaissance Florence to seek the aid of Mr. Peabody's old friend Leonardo da Vinci. While Peabody and Leonardo build a contraption to recharge the WABAC, Penny convinces Sherman to explore Leonardo's workshop with her and they bond by using Leonardo'sflying machine without permission. They crash-land and Leonardo is thrilled that the machine worked but Peabody is angered at Sherman. During the return trip to the present, Penny reveals Ms. Grunion's intention of reclaiming Sherman. An argument ensues between Peabody and Sherman while the WABAC draws near a black hole. They crash-land in the Trojan War where an upset Sherman runs away to join the armies of King Agamemnon. When Peabody and Penny come to retrieve him in the Trojan Horse, they find themselves in the battle and Penny becomes trapped in the Trojan Horse as it races towards a cliff. In a rescue attempt, Sherman and Penny are saved, but Peabody appears to have gone down with the Trojan Horse and is presumed dead.
Desperate to save Peabody, Sherman and Penny return to the present minutes before Sherman returned the first time to get Peabody to remedy the situation. However, the present copies of Peabody and Sherman show up along with Ms. Grunion. She attempts to reclaim both Shermans, which causes them along with the copies of Peabody to merge and disrupt the space-time continuum. Ms. Grunion makes another attempt at reclaiming Sherman, hurting him in the process which causes an enraged Peabody to revert to his natural instinct and bite her. As Ms. Grunion informs the police, Peabody, Sherman, and Penny flee to the WABAC. They are unable to travel back in time as several historic figures and monuments rain down into the present. The WABAC eventually crashes in the street as the police converge on the WABAC. Peabody is apprehended by Animal Control who plan on euthanizing him for assaulting Ms. Grunion. Sherman protests by explaining that everything that happened is his fault and declares that he would rather be a dog as good as Peabody than a person. Moved by his speech, every historical figure present, the Petersons, and even the police officers concur. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Bill Clintonsupport Peabody's legal custody of Sherman and award Peabody a presidential pardon while Sherman and Penny share a hug.
When a vortex in the space-time continuum rips open, Sherman pilots the WABAC while Peabody handles the computations intending to travel to the future by a few minutes and undo the damage with success. The historical figures and monuments return to their respective times with a smitten King Agamemnon dragging Ms. Grunion with him as she swears revenge on Peabody. Although it appears Peabody and Sherman are lost, they return spontaneously as the Petersons look on and celebrate. Sherman, closer to Peabody than ever, returns to Susan B. Anthony School where he has become good friends with Penny. In the final scene, the time periods are contaminated with modern traits while Ms. Grunion and King Agamemnon are engaged.


⑵ 天才眼镜狗英文版百度盘资源谢谢




⑶ 《天才眼镜狗》影评怎么样

《天才眼镜狗》是一部2014年3月底在中国大陆上映的美国3D电脑动画科幻电影。影片由美国梦工厂动画公司制作,20世纪福克斯电影公司发行。影片一经上映便受到好评,身边的朋友也一直推荐说值得一看,看完后感觉是很不错的一部电影,今天推荐给大家看完电影后除了被剧中幽默、风趣的故事情节和人物所吸引,更为父亲对孩子深深的爱而感动。皮博迪也映射了现实中的父母形象,对孩子爱可以,但是不能溺爱,孩子迟早要长大,应该要放手让他们自己去成长,只有经历了挫折与失败他们才能长大,才能成为有用的人。当然身为孩子的我们,也应该体会父母的不易,理解他们,爱他们。 片中也处处充满教育意义。首先,实践是检验真理的标准,只有自己动手做过才能取得成功,纸上谈兵与空谈理想只会让自己脱离现实。剧中的皮博迪说:就像人们说的,没有“特容易”的成功,不行就多试几次。舍曼也是在动手,付出努力后才慢慢长大,付出总会有回报的。

⑷ 天才眼镜狗的精彩内容用英文描述五十字

The story revolves around one of the world's "most intelligent dogs", Mr. Peabody, who has adopted a little boy, Sherman, and started a wonderful journey. In order to let his son wonderful better able to witness the world, he invented a time machine. Peabody and Sherman through time and space, and the adventure, and make a variety of jokes.

⑸ 电影《天才眼镜狗》在哪里可以看到高清完整版的

天才眼镜狗地址已上传到附件了,是2014年美国一部3D电脑动画科幻电影。影片中角色取自20世纪60年代的美国动画剧集"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show",并以全新故事加以动画特效制成电影。故事围绕一只世界上“最聪明狗狗”皮博迪先生收养了一个人类小男孩谢尔曼而展开了一段奇妙旅程。为了让他的养子能更好的见证世界的奇妙,他自己发明了一台时光穿梭机。皮博迪与舍曼一起穿越时空,四处冒险,并闹出各种笑话



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