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发布时间:2023-07-09 16:34:25

㈠ 爱丽丝梦游仙境英语影评(中英对照)

I think the acting and affects are brilliant in the ALICE IN WODERLAND. It is a kids movie and I will recomend this movie for anyone. I like how anybody is legal to see it and it can be considered as a family movie.Alice is a brilliant role model for young tweens and teens. In the film she learns to have confidence in herself and her own decisions, despite family pressures and being unsure in a safe land. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and holds herself accountable for making things right that she herself feels she had a role in when the situations "went wrong". Brilliant film, a little dark, but when compared to what's on tv and in video games these days, the strong role model messages ride triumphantly into the sunset!!

我认为行动和影响是精采的.这是一个孩子的电影,我会推荐这对任何人的电影。我喜欢任何人 看是合法的.它可作为一个家庭 电影.Alice认为是一个十几岁的年轻充斥着和光辉的榜样。在这部影片中,她学会了在自己和她自己的决定有信心,尽管家庭的压力和被安全地不确定。她有一个正确和错误,并认为自己负责的事情作出强烈的权利,她自己觉得她有一个角色的情况时,“出了问题”。辉煌的胶片,有点黑暗,但是当比什么的在电视和视频游戏中的这些天,强作用骑胜利走向日落model messages!!

㈡ 爱丽丝梦游仙境的总结与评论(英文)

Summary and review of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Summary and review of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

㈢ 爱丽丝梦游仙境英语80字读后感!!!我很急!!拜托了

I found the new Alice to be a refreshing view of the original story, which we all know and are over-bored with. It was funny to see how they imagined Wonderland to evolve in time, yet keeping the same fictional characters. The visual effects give depth to the 'wonderland' feeling, and are remarkably well done.
This movie is a classical story of a girl adventuring in a fantasy world and discovering the courage inside her, which will help her deal with the issues in her real life. Even if the story is predictable, the movie is never boring. I really enjoyed watching it!



㈣ 电影爱丽丝梦游仙境英文简介

Alice in wonderland is a 1951 American Disney animated film.


Directed by Clyde jeronemi, Hamilton s. lusk and Wilfred Jackson.


Kathryn Beaumont, Ed wing and other voices, premiered in the United States on July 26, 1951.


The story is based on the fairy tale novel of the same name by Louis caro.


It depicts a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, "Alice", who is not interested in attending class.


See a Mr. Rabbit with a pocket watch and accidentally into the fantasy dreamland, get to know a group of good friends and a series of stories.








㈤ 求“爱丽丝梦游仙境”观后感(英文版)

华丽的19世纪,散发着工业时代气息的伦敦,影片的背景就是大导演Tim Burton最爱的场景;苍白、柔弱、不自信的长大了的爱丽丝,这也是Tim Burton影片里惯常的“缺陷美”主角;神神叨叨的疯帽子,他诡异的妆容、繁复的服装、疯疯癫癫的性格,也都是Tim Burton影片里热衷描述的边缘形象……而原著中只说真话的毛虫,到了Tim Burton影片中,立即换上一幅讲话拐弯抹角的政客嘴脸;还有缩小后的爱丽丝要穿过红皇后的护城河时,波顿安排她踩着河里漂浮着的一颗颗人头抵达彼岸,正点的“Tim Burton”式诡异气息扑面而来。

仙境中的人物与动物则更出彩。疯癫的疯帽子拥有别样的人格魅力,仁慈的白皇后做作得可爱,凶残的红皇后残忍暴躁,可其卡通而偏执的形象也难以让人心生恨意。而手执怀表,总是在赶时间的白兔先生,穿着马裤虚张声势却忠心耿耿的小睡鼠,好似患有焦虑症的三月兔……这些可爱的动物角色不但造型绝佳,而且性格也各有千秋,给人带来不少惊喜。当然,还有那神出鬼没,令人难以忘怀的妙妙猫,他总是带着平静、诱人而诡异的微笑,给处于危难中的主角带来帮助 而片末的一场大战,无论是爱丽丝孤身奋斗巨大凶猛的恶龙,还是红白皇后的士兵们短兵相接,3D效果都发挥出身临其境的优越性,让人沉醉于紧张的情节无法自拔。

女主角Mia Wasikowska虽然长得不够我心中的爱丽丝般漂亮,但她却用踏实、卓越的演技令观众在短短几分钟内肯定她就当之不愧的爱丽丝;

疯帽子Johnny Depp当然是片中最引人瞩目的演员,他出色的演技赋予了疯帽子以生命,以及令人着迷的怪异气息;

红皇后Helena Bonham Carter的演技超级棒,傲慢的语气,冷漠的眼神,颐指气使的神情与动作,都让红皇后这个反角深入人心;

白皇后Anne Hathaway的牺牲其实也不小,她虽然扮相绝美,但是一动起来,就需要表演得超级做作,程度甚至远超舞台剧……但就是这样的夸张言行,却给白皇后一角增添了别样的魅力;
英文版Magnificent 19th century instrial style that exudes London, the film director Tim Burton the background is the big favorite scenes; pale, weak, not assertive grown up Alice, this is Tim Burton film in the usual " defects in the United States "characters; God God complaining crazy hat, his strange makeup, complicated costumes, crazy personality, but also are enthusiastic about the film Tim Burton describes the edge of the image ... ... but only to tell the truth the original caterpillar to the Tim Burton film, immediately put on a speech obliquely politicians face; also reced after the Red Queen in Alice through the moat to the time, Bolton arranged for her to tread the river of many hearts filled with floating heads arrive the other side, on-time of "Tim Burton" type strange breath blowing.

Alice in even the color figures and animals. Madness has a different kind of crazy hats personal charm, kindness artificial lovely white queen, red queen brutal cruel temper, can the image of their cartoon and stubborn people may feel hard to hate. While armed with pocket watch, always in a rush of Mr. Bai Tu, dressed in breeches are loyal little Dormouse bluff, as if suffering from anxiety disorders the March Hare ... ... these cute animal characters not only excellent shape, but also great deal of diversity character , brings a lot of surprises. Of course, that elusive, unforgettable Miu Miu the cat, he always brought a calm, attractive and strange smile, to bring the main characters in distress to help the film at the end of a war, whether it is love Lisi great fierce dragon fight alone, or the Red Queen's soldiers close combat, 3D effects are the advantages of immersive play, people inlge in tense circumstances can not break away.

Although the actress Mia Wasikowska looks like Alice in my mind not pretty, but she has used practical, outstanding acting make sure the audience in just a few minutes when she deserved, Alice;

Johnny Depp is the Mad of course, the film's most compelling actor, given his excellent acting crazy hat to life, and fascinating strange breath;

Helena Bonham Carter the Red Queen's acting superb, arrogant tone, cold eyes, insufferably arrogant expression on the face and movements are so Red Queen enjoys popular support in this anti-angle;

White Queen Anne Hathaway's sacrifice in fact not small, although the appearance she was stunning, but a move up, you need to get super-contrived performance, the extent and even far beyond the theater ... ... but it is such an exaggerated words and deeds, gave the White Queen corner adds a different kind of charm;



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