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发布时间:2023-07-05 16:42:02

① 寂静岭的英文介绍

Plot of Silent Hill Rose (Radha Mitchell) and her husband Christopher Da Silva (Sean Bean) are concerned about their adopted daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) who has been experiencing nightmares and has begun sleepwalking. Their only clue to the girl's condition is her repetition of the name "Silent Hill". Desperate for answers, Rose takes Sharon to the town of Silent Hill, West Virginia. On her way there, she attracts the suspicions of police officer Cybil Bennett (Laurie Holden), who gives chase on her motorcycle. It is in the midst of this chase that Rose and Sharon arrive at Silent Hill: as they enter, Rose crashes the car in an attempt to avoid a mysterious child in the middle of the road, knocking herself unconscious. When she awakens, Sharon is nowhere to be seen, and strange mist has descended and ash is falling from the sky.Rose searches the empty streets of the town for her missing child. Instead, she encounters a series of monstrous creatures that appear after loud sirens are heard and a strange darkness occasionally falls on the town. Rose also finds a ragged woman named Dahlia Gillespie (Deborah Kara Unger) who speaks of terrible things done to her own daughter, Alessa, by the townspeople. She claims that Sharon is actually her own daughter, not Rose's. Rose later encounters Cybil, who immediately arrests her. Upon discovering that the road out of the town has mysteriously disappeared, they are attacked by a deformed creature which spits acid, and Rose escapes handcuffed while Cybil shoots at it. As events unfold, Cybil allows her to go free and the two work side-by-side to survive in the hellish town[4].Scenes of their search are interspersed with scenes of Christopher's seemingly simultaneous search of the town (which is shown to be abandoned but otherwise normal; no mist, no falling ash), with the reluctant assistance of Officer Thomas Gucci (Kim Coates), who admits to have grown up in Silent Hill. Christopher discovers documents showing the town was abandoned after a coal seam fire 30 years ago, along with a photo of Dahlia's daughter who bears a remarkable resemblance to Sharon. Christopher is arrested by Officer Gucci when he tries to question the nun at the Toluca County Orphanage about Sharon and Alessa, and is told to stop investigating Silent Hill under threat of incarceration. Additionally, Officer Gucci shows Christopher his badly scarred hands (hidden by leather gloves), which will later connect him to Alessa's story. Faced with this, Christopher very reluctantly gives up the search and heads home.Meanwhile, Rose and Cybil find refuge from Silent Hill's many monsters in the town church, where they discover the remaining townspeople, a religious cult, headed by Christabella (Alice Krige). After convincing Christabella that she wants to find "the demon" so feared by the townspeople, Rose (along with Cybil) is taken to a hospital in the town, where they are told the darkness resides. Here, Christabella discovers the likeness between Sharon and Alessa - via the photo of Sharon in Rose's locket - and condemns Rose and Cybil as witches. An attempt is made to catch them: Cybil sacrifices herself to enable Rose to escape and is captured and beaten with pipes by the townspeople while Rose descends into the basement of the hospital. Rose eventually encounters a badly burned figure - Alessa - in a hospital bed and a mysterious little girl who strongly resembles the missing Sharon.In an extended flashback, Rose discovers the truth: Silent Hill has a long history of ritual witch burnings, stemming from the Puritan-like fanaticism of the cult, which has a strong presence within the town. Thirty years before the start of the movie, Alessa, whose mother was a member of said cult, was heavily stigmatized as an incarnation of sin for having been born out of wedlock and having been abandoned by her father: her schoolmates bully and humiliate her, with alts doing no apparent effort to protect Alessa (making no move to help even when, after taking refuge from the jeering in a bathroom, locking herself in with an orderly named Colin, who is implied to have raped/hurt her: Dahlia is later shown trying to coax her out, alone). In her desperation, Dahlia agrees to Christabella's suggestions that she allow them to 'restore the innocence' in her daughter. The cult gathers at Silent Hill's Grand Hotel for this purpose. When not allowed to follow her daughter into the ritual, Dahlia guesses at the cult's ill intentions and runs for the police.In the meantime, Alessa is subjected to a hideous ritual burning: the conditions of her birth are seen by the cult as marks of sin, for which they must burn her or face the Apocalypse. However, in the midst of the ritual, the cage by which she is suspended directly above the red hot coals swings, mping the coal and setting fire to the hotel, then the city. When Dahlia returns to the still smoldering hotel with the police, Alessa is burnt beyond recognition but still alive. Notably, Alessa's rescue is performed by Officer Gucci (whose burns are revealed to have been caused by grabbing the still hot iron cage in an effort to open it).Rose is also told that Sharon is a manifestation of Alessa's remaining innocence and goodness, sent away to the orphanage, where she was subsequently adopted by Rose and Christopher. After the flashback, Rose is told that she must aid Alessa in her revenge by granting her entry to the church (which she cannot enter e to the 'blind faith' within it): she is also told that Christabella will soon find Sharon and attempt to burn her as well. Rose agrees to help Alessa get her revenge.Rose re-enters the church soon after Cybil is burned to death by the townspeople, and Sharon is about to suffer a similar fate. She confronts the townspeople and Christabella with what she knows, attempting to convince the cult that they are in denial of their own fate. Angered at what she believes to be heresy, Christabella stabs Rose. Rose's blood drips onto the church floor, opening the way for Alessa. The alt Alessa and her doppelganger rise out of the pit, and proceed to kill Christabella and the townspeople with huge tangles of barbed wire, leaving Dahlia the sole inhabitant of Silent Hill. As the carnage ensues, Rose rescues Sharon and protects her. Sharon looks up to see Alessa's dark double looking down on her. Before Rose and Sharon leave, Dahlia asks why Alessa did not kill her, too. Rose replies with the words that Cybil had told her in the church: "Mother is God in the eyes of a child". Rose and Sharon leave Silent Hill and return home. Nevertheless, although Rose and Sharon are in the same room as Christopher, they cannot see each other and this is because of general agreement that Rose, Sharon and Cybil died in the Car/Motorcycle accident at the start of the film, prior to their entrance of Silent Hill. This is much like the first Silent Hill game where one of the endings shows the protagonist Harry Mason dead, in the car he crashed prior to entering Silent Hill. This has sparked the belief that the 'Otherworld' of Silent Hill can only be entered when you are dead, or in your nightmares.超级完整的啦~

② 急求寂静岭电影的英文简介,谢谢

After the continuous sleep walking episodes of Sharon, the young daughter of Rose Da Silva, the decision is made to take Sharon to the place only mentioned in her restless dreams- Silent Hill. However, the road to Silent Hill is anything but easy to access, and Rose creates a high speed chase between herself and a police officer only to end in a crash for them both. When she wakes up, Sharon has disappeared and Rose is at the entrance to the deserted, dream-like town of Silent Hill. As Rose begins the search for her daughter, she does not realize the terror and mystery surrounding her. Rose is led on a blind search for her beloved daughter, finding herself getting more and more entwined into disturbing past of Silent Hill.

③ 寂静岭2翻译



In my restless dreams,I see that town.Silent Hill.
You promise you'd take me there again someday.
But you never did.
Well,I'm alone there now...
In our "special place"...Waiting for you...

I got a letter.The name on the envelope said "Mary".My wife's name...
It's ridiculous,couldn't possibly be true...
That's what I keep telling my self...
A dead person can't write a letter.
Mary died of that damn disease three years ago.
So then why am I look for her?
Our "special place"...
What could she mean?
This whole town was our special place.
Does she mean the park on the lake?
We spent the whole day there.Just the two of us,staring at the water.
Could Mary really be there?
Is she really alive...waiting for me?

④ 寂静岭的剧情介绍

萝丝(Rose Da Silva)(拉妲·米契饰演)自小收养的女儿雪伦(Sharon Da Silva)患有梦游症且多次提及小镇‘寂静岭’。为寻求答案,萝丝不顾丈夫克里斯多夫(Christopher Da Silva)的反对于一天晚上带着雪伦前往寂静岭。

在接近小镇时,女警西碧儿(Cybil Bennett)因怀疑萝丝企图遗弃雪伦而作出追捕,萝丝驱车摆脱追捕时突然看见一女孩在路上出现,为闪避而撞上路边失去知觉。萝丝于醒来时发现雪伦已失踪,白雾笼罩着一切,灰烬从天上持续地飘落。

萝丝为寻回雪伦而在荒无一人的街上寻找,除首次经历寂静岭表世界(Fog world)和里世界(Otherworld)的交替,也遇到一名妇人妲丽亚(Dahlia Gillespie)。妲丽亚告诉萝丝其女儿亚莉莎(Alessa Gillespie)被村民虐待,并在看见雪伦的相片后认为她就是亚莉莎。萝丝摆脱妲丽亚后回到车子欲联络丈夫但遇上西碧儿,西碧儿发现雪伦失踪后拘捕萝丝带回警署,但在徒步回程时发现回程的路变成了断崖。二人只得继续在镇上寻找出路。

同时克里斯多夫在警长汤玛斯(Thomas Gucci)陪同下在寂静岭(真实世界)中寻找萝丝和雪伦,但三人因身处不同空间而无法相见。克里斯席瓦其后从警署资料室发现寂静岭在约三十年前因一场煤矿大火而被废弃,同时发现一张相片中的人长得与雪伦完全相同的女孩相片(亚莉莎),但在汤玛斯以监禁作威胁下只得放弃调查回家。








18世纪,一场奇怪的瘟疫使镇上的大量居民死亡,活着的人们纷纷逃离,小镇因此长时间无人居住。19世纪初,英国将此地作为海外流放地,在此开设了监狱和“溪港”医院(Brookhaven Hospital)。1840年前后,监狱关闭,小镇再一次被废弃。




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