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发布时间:2023-05-14 08:11:28

① 如何评价《史密斯夫妇》这部电影


② 电影史密斯夫妇又叫什么名字

《史密斯夫妇》(Mr. and Mrs. Smith)道格·李曼作品,翻拍自希区柯克的旧作。影片被誉为《真实谎言》与《玫瑰战争》的混合版,一对各为其主的杀手夫妻各是厉害人物,但不知对方真正身分,最后竟发现自己要下手的对象就是对方。安吉丽娜·朱丽和布拉德·彼特这对魅力组合可说非常吸引,再加上故事桥段有趣,让影迷们十分期待。

③ Mr and Mrs Smith


叫做 Assassin's Tango


电影原声 -《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.&Mrs. Smith)[MP3!]
英文名称:Mr.&Mrs. Smith
user posted image


收录七○及八○年代摇滚大团The J. Geils Band与Poison的畅销代表作“Love Stinks”和“Nothing But A Good Time”、挪威灵性创作才子Magnet翻唱山中Bob Dylan经典作品“Lady Lady Lady”、情歌制造机Air Supply演唱的“Making Love Out Of Nothing At All”、流行女声Alana D翻唱流行福音创作才女Amy Grant冠军之作“Baby Baby”…等17首横跨各世代,耐听度满分的原声大碟。
搭配轻松、紧张、情爱、笑料等情节,选谱出17首最为贴切的乐章,横跨各世代、打破各音乐疆界、讨好各年龄层的口味,一张耐听度满分的原声大碟,是你今年夏天消暑解闷的最佳酌料!分别占据七○及八○年代摇滚乐坛之大团 The J. Geils Band与Poison,纷纷贡献出畅销代表经典曲 "Love Stinks" 和 "Nothing But A Good Time" ;才被工业摇滚魔头Marilyn Manson翻唱收在电影Not Another Teen Movie 当主打,而驱使唱片公司帮原唱团Soft Cell推出精选,并受到乐迷推崇瞩目之成名作 "Tainted Love" ;流行女声Alana D则翻唱流行福音创作才女Amy Grant跨界一鸣惊人冠军之作 "Baby Baby" ;庞克代表班霸乐团The Clash之创作核心Joe Strummer,带出中南美洲自在摇摆的拉丁曲式 "Mondo Bongo" ;深着灵性美感的Magnet (原名Even Johansen),偕同爱尔兰摇滚女伶Gemma Hayes美声助阵在Bob Dylan的经典作 "Lay Lady Lay" 佳作中;甜而不腻的精艳新乐团Nouvelle Vague,结合迷离电音、轻松Bossa Nova之爵士气息的韵味,请来甜美女声Silja带出Modern English之 "I Melt With You" 全配唯困新翻唱曲;一场夫妻俩争锋相对的精采对手戏场景,套入之探戈乐曲 "Assassin’s Tango" ,动听与询问度绝不亚于电影《女人香》探戈之音乐桥段;来自加州Ska-Punk乐团Voodoo Glow Skulls,轻松翻玩枪与玫瑰经典作之一 "Used To Love Her" ,其中吉他Solo还取样了 "Sweet Child O’ Mine" ;以第六感生死恋主题曲 "Unchained Melody" ,再次引起全球乐迷瞩目的美声二人组The Righteous Brothers,献上难以忘怀的 "You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling" ;情歌制造机Air Supply演唱之 "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" ,虽是首感人舒缓小品,却在戏中有着意想不到的「笑」果;还有超级推荐新生代独立硬培念蕊/庞克/金属新团Atreyu,正点翻玩Bon Jovi经典摇滚之作 "You Give Love A Bad Name ,绝对有让你大吃一惊的演出震撼!


01. Love Stinks – The J. Geils Band
02. Nothin’ But a Good Time – Poison
03. Tainted Love – Soft Cell
04. Baby, Baby – Alana D
05. Express Yourself (Mocean Worker Remix) – Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
06. Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
07. Lay Lady Lay – Magnet featuring Gemma Hayes
08. I’ll Melt With You – Nouvelle Vague
09. Nobody Does It Better – 8mm
10. Let’s Never Stop Falling in Love – Pink Martini
11. Assassin’s Tango – John Powell
12. Used to Love Her (But I Had To Kill Her) - Voodoo Glow Skulls
13. You Are My Sunshine – Stine J.
14. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ – Righteous Brothers
15. Making Love Out of Nothing at All - Air Supply
16. You Give Love a Bad Name – Atreyu
17. Love Will Keep Us Together – Captain & Tennille

叫做 Mondo Bongo


电影原声 -《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.&Mrs. Smith)[MP3!]
英文名称:Mr.&Mrs. Smith
user posted image


收录七○及八○年代摇滚大团The J. Geils Band与Poison的畅销代表作“Love Stinks”和“Nothing But A Good Time”、挪威灵性创作才子Magnet翻唱Bob Dylan经典作品“Lady Lady Lady”、情歌制造机Air Supply演唱的“Making Love Out Of Nothing At All”、流行女声Alana D翻唱流行福音创作才女Amy Grant冠军之作“Baby Baby”…等17首横跨各世代,耐听度满分的原声大碟。
搭配轻松、紧张、情爱、笑料等情节,选谱出17首最为贴切的乐章,横跨各世代、打破各音乐疆界、讨好各年龄层的口味,一张耐听度满分的原声大碟,是你今年夏天消暑解闷的最佳酌料!分别占据七○及八○年代摇滚乐坛之大团 The J. Geils Band与Poison,纷纷贡献出畅销代表经典曲 "Love Stinks" 和 "Nothing But A Good Time" ;才被工业摇滚魔头Marilyn Manson翻唱收在电影Not Another Teen Movie 当主打,而驱使唱片公司帮原唱团Soft Cell推出精选,并受到乐迷推崇瞩目之成名作 "Tainted Love" ;流行女声Alana D则翻唱流行福音创作才女Amy Grant跨界一鸣惊人冠军之作 "Baby Baby" ;庞克代表班霸乐团The Clash之创作核心Joe Strummer,带出中南美洲自在摇摆的拉丁曲式 "Mondo Bongo" ;深着灵性美感的Magnet (原名Even Johansen),偕同爱尔兰摇滚女伶Gemma Hayes美声助阵在Bob Dylan的经典作 "Lay Lady Lay" 佳作中;甜而不腻的精艳新乐团Nouvelle Vague,结合迷离电音、轻松Bossa Nova之爵士气息的韵味,请来甜美女声Silja带出Modern English之 "I Melt With You" 全新翻唱曲;一场夫妻俩争锋相对的精采对手戏场景,套入之探戈乐曲 "Assassin’s Tango" ,动听与询问度绝不亚于电影《女人香》探戈之音乐桥段;来自加州Ska-Punk乐团Voodoo Glow Skulls,轻松翻玩枪与玫瑰经典作之一 "Used To Love Her" ,其中吉他Solo还取样了 "Sweet Child O’ Mine" ;以第六感生死恋主题曲 "Unchained Melody" ,再次引起全球乐迷瞩目的美声二人组The Righteous Brothers,献上难以忘怀的 "You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling" ;情歌制造机Air Supply演唱之 "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" ,虽是首感人舒缓小品,却在戏中有着意想不到的「笑」果;还有超级推荐新生代独立硬蕊/庞克/金属新团Atreyu,正点翻玩Bon Jovi经典摇滚之作 "You Give Love A Bad Name ,绝对有让你大吃一惊的演出震撼!


01. Love Stinks – The J. Geils Band
02. Nothin’ But a Good Time – Poison
03. Tainted Love – Soft Cell
04. Baby, Baby – Alana D
05. Express Yourself (Mocean Worker Remix) – Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
06. Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
07. Lay Lady Lay – Magnet featuring Gemma Hayes
08. I’ll Melt With You – Nouvelle Vague
09. Nobody Does It Better – 8mm
10. Let’s Never Stop Falling in Love – Pink Martini
11. Assassin’s Tango – John Powell
12. Used to Love Her (But I Had To Kill Her) - Voodoo Glow Skulls
13. You Are My Sunshine – Stine J.
14. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ – Righteous Brothers
15. Making Love Out of Nothing at All - Air Supply
16. You Give Love a Bad Name – Atreyu
17. Love Will Keep Us Together – Captain & Tennille

④ 分别用中英文写出你知道的英文影片!谢谢

通天塔 (2006)(Babel)
透明人2 (2006)(Hollow Man II)
美国怪谈 (2006)(an american haunting)
超人归来 (2006)(Superman Returns)
人皮客栈 (2006)(Hostel)
寂静岭 (2006)(Silent Hill)
本能2:致命诱惑 (2006)(Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction)
美人鱼 (2006)(Aquamarine)
发射失败 (2006)(Failure to Launch)
生存游戏 (2006)(Stay Alive)
局内人 (2006)(Inside Man)
冰河世纪2:冰川融解 (2006)(Ice Age 2: The Meltdown)
海神号 (2006)(Poseidon)
达芬奇密码 (2006)(The Da Vinci Code)
夺宝奇兵4 (2006)(Indiana Jones 4)
吸血莱恩 (2005)(Bloodrayne)
惊声尖笑4 (2006)(Scary Movie 4)
魔法保姆麦克菲 (2005)(Nanny McPhee)
加勒比海盗2 (2006)(Pirates of the Caribbean 2)

纳尼亚传奇:魔衣橱 (2005)(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe)
X战警3 (2006)(X-Men 3)
格林兄弟 (2005)(The Brothers Grimm)
史密斯夫妇 (2005)(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
家有仙妻 (2005)(Bewitched)
千尸屋2 (2005)(The Devil's Rejects)
雷霆万钧 (2005)(A Sound of Thunder)
查理和巧克力工厂 (2005)(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
怪兽婆婆 (2005)(Monster-in-Law)
神奇四侠 (2005)(The Fantastic Four)
四眼天鸡 (2005)(Chicken Little)
撞车 (2005)(Crash)
天气预报员 (2005)(The Weather Man)
世界大战 (2005)(War of the Worlds)
吮拇指的人 (2005)(Thumbsucker)
僵尸新娘 (2005)(Corpse Bride)
鬼雾 (2005)(The Fog)
恐怖蜡像馆 (2005)(House of Wax)
金刚 (2005)(King Kong)
战争之王 (2005)(Lord of War)
魔力女战士 (2005)(Aeon Flux)
傲慢与偏见 (2005)(Pride and Prejudice)
艺妓回忆录 (2005)(Memoirs of a Geisha)
冰雪公主 (2005)(Ice Princess)
断背山 (2005)(Brokeback Mountain)
空中危机 (2005)(Flightplan)
黑暗侵袭 (2005)(The Descent)
黑夜传说2:进化 (2005)(Underworld: Evolution)

百万宝贝 (2004)(Million Dollar Baby)
杯酒人生 (2004)(Sideways)
双狙人3 (2004)(sinper 3)
威尼斯商人 (2004)(The Merchant of Venice)
BJ单身日记2 (2004)(Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason)
小姐好白 (2004)(White Chicks)
复制娇妻 (2004)(The Stepford Wives)
猫女 (2004)(Catwoman)
机械公敌 (2004)(I, Robot)
魔法灰姑娘 (2004)(Ella Enchanted)
驱魔人前传 (2004)(Exorcist: The Beginning)
秘窗 (2004)(Secret Window)
星河战队II (2004)(Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation)
机动杀人 (2004)(Taking Lives)
贱女孩 (2004)(Mean Girls)
女孩梦三十 (2004)(13 Going On 30)
西班牙女佣 (2004)(Spanglish)
生化危机2:启示录 (2004)(Resident Evil: Apocalypse)

太阳之泪 (2003)(Tears of the Sun)
记忆裂痕 (2003)(Paycheck)
神秘河 (2003)(Mystic River)
鬼影人 (2003)(Gothika)
最后的武士 (2003)(The Last Samurai)
魔戒3:王者归来 (2003)(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
天降奇兵 (2003)(The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
怒海争锋:极地远伐 (2003)(The Far Side of the World)
海底总动员 (2003)(Finding Nemo)
黑客帝国3:矩阵革命 (2003)(The Matrix Revolutions)
律政俏佳人2 (2003)(Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde)
圣诞坏公公 (2003)(Bad Santa)
迷失东京 (2003)(Lost in Translation)
大智若鱼 (2003)(Big Fish)
新婚告急 (2003)(Just Married)
抢钱袋鼠 (2003)(Kangaroo Jack)
蒙娜丽莎的微笑 (2003)(Mona Lisa Smile)
黑客帝国2:重装上阵 (2003)(The Matrix Reloaded)
女魔头 (2003)(Monster)
变种DNAIII (2003)(Mimic 3:Sentinel)
沉默羔羊前传:赤龙 (2002)(Red Dragon)

刀锋战士2 (2002)(Blade II)
魔戒2:双塔奇兵 (2002)(Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
间接伤害 (2002)(Collateral Damage)
双狙人2 (2002)(Sniper 2)
芝加哥 (2002)(Chicago)
蝎子王 (2002)(The Scorpion King)
火龙帝国 (2002)(Reign of Fire)
冰川时代 (2002)(Ice Age)
生化危机 (2002)(Resident Evil)
钢琴家 (2002)(The Pianist)

红磨坊 (2001)(Moulin Rouge!)
怪物史莱克 (2001)(Shrek)
木乃伊2 (2001)(The Mummy Returns)
公主的日记 (2001)(The Princess Diaries)
人工智能 (2001)(Artificial Intelligence: AI)
十三鬼叫门 (2001)(Thir13en Ghosts)
珍珠港 (2001)(Pearl Harbor)
美丽心灵 (2001)(A Beautiful Mind)
怪兽电力公司 (2001)(Monsters, Inc.)
穿越时空爱上你 (2001)(Kate & Leopold)
小岛惊魂 (2001)(The Others)
变种DNAⅡ (2001)(Mimic 2)
剑鱼行动 (2001)(Swordfish)
原罪 (2001)(Original Sin)
古墓丽影 (2001)(Lara Croft: Tomb Raider)
兄弟连 (2001)("Band of Brothers")


⑤ 电影<史密斯夫妇>美国的,拍过几部


片 名: Mr. & Mrs. Smith

译 名: 谍网情鸳 | 史密斯夫妇

导 演: ( 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克/阿弗莱德·希区柯克 Alfred Hit )

主 演: (卡洛尔·隆巴德 Carole Lombard) (罗伯特.蒙哥马利 Robert Montgomery) ( Gene Raymond) (杰克·卡森 Jack Carson) ( Philip Merivale) ( Lucile Watson)

上 映: 1941年01月31日


这部名为《Mr. and Mrs. Smith》的惊悚谍报片中,这对间谍夫妻各自效忠不同雇主,但两人分别接获的工作指示竟然都是暗杀配偶。


片 名: Mr. & Mrs. Smith

译 名: 史密斯夫妇 | 史密斯行动 | 史密夫决战史密妻

导 演: ( 道格·李曼 Doug Liman )

主 演: (布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt) (安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie) (文斯·沃恩 Vince Vaughn) (亚当·布罗迪 Adam Brody) (凯丽·华盛顿 Kerry Washington) (基思·大卫 Keith David)

上 映: 2005年06月10日



⑥ "史密斯夫妇" 用英语怎么说

Mr.&Mrs. Smith更贴切
用the Smiths就变成史密斯一家了,不能准确地表达出只有“夫妇”二人

⑦ 《史密斯夫妇》的 英文影评,最好还带有中文翻译。

影评 第1个版本
Smith Action episode!”Mr. & Mrs. Smith” film critic: a hail of bullets in the passion tango!
potential of its might murderous intention in marriage increase sex scandal star effect, labeled as "sexy" in the action thriller "Smith action" can not fire. Like a Sichuan cuisine, including raw materials in a variety of hot ingredients, including running the action scenes in the world, procing excellent special effects and breathtaking special effects scenes, plus some violent ingredients, such as sex hormone fusion occurs, the chemical fusion the film e for release, they tempt the appetite of the fans.

John. Smith (Brad. Peter ornaments) and Jane.Smith (Angelina. Jolie decoration) is a pair of ordinary traditional couples, marriage rigid lifeless. The surface, no problem at all, but have concealed their secret to each other strictly. The original Smith the couple are trained professional killer, but they were lucrative income effect on the organization of mutual hostility.

Smith couple finally found their marriage had stirred something exciting that they were to accept the task of killing each other, the two men to assassinate a broad surge in the game situation, constantly creating exquisite skill a magnificent epic battle, and their marriage is also going through final tests

影评 第2个版本的中文大意
这将大大骂名跌分裂的电影,布拉德和珍 - 假设,10年或20年后,现在人们仍然记得那个倒霉的皮特,安妮斯顿婚姻标题制作的遗产。
Unfortunately for gossip fiends, Mr.不幸的是,八卦恶魔先生 & Mrs. Smith doesn't really bear any mark of Angelina Jolie as homewrecker or of Brad Pitt as any more infatuated with the lippy screen queen than any normal, red-blooded man ought to be. 史密斯夫妇并没有真正承担homewrecker布拉德皮特或任何标记安吉丽娜朱莉一样再迷恋热血女王的lippy屏幕比任何正常的人应该。 And fortunately for moviegoers, Smith (wholly unrelated to the 1941 Hitchcock film of the same name) is a funny and wild ride, an impressive blend of black comedy, ultraviolence, and romance that we rarely get to see -- and which rarer still is any good.而幸运的观众, 史密斯 (全无关的1941年希区柯克电影的同名)是一个有趣的和野生骑,一个令人印象深刻的融合了黑色喜剧,ultraviolence和浪漫,我们很少能看到-仍然是罕见的,哪些任何好处。

It's an extremely high-concept setup, flirting with the point of absurdity and edging back from the brink: Pitt is John Smith, Jolie is his wife Jane.这是一个极高的概念设定,调情与荒谬的地步和边缘从边缘回:约翰史密斯皮特,朱莉是他的妻子简。 Both work as assassins, and both think their spouse is none the wiser.无论是作为杀手的工作,都认为他们的配偶是毫无收获。 It's a marriage of convenience so each can run off to kill someone then be back in time for dinner, but it's all based on lies (and secret stashes of guns, bombs, and throwing knives hidden throughout the house).这是一个让每个人都可以方便婚姻跑去杀人然后吃晚饭时间回来,但它的所有谎言(和枪支,炸弹秘密储物箱,并在整个房子隐藏飞刀)为基础。 Eventually, the scam unravels, and the Smiths find themselves tasked with offing each other.最后,骗局揭开,铁匠发现自己与对方负责近海。

Sure, you saw that twist coming, and Smith makes few apologies for being more about the killing than the writing, but underneath the gore (and there's plenty of it), you'll find a surprisingly witty film punctuated by some truly humorous bits, even if the jokes tend toward the obvious and the plot drifts into a familiar repetition of kill/kiss/laugh/kill/kiss/laugh.当然,你看到扭曲的到来,使写作和史密斯道歉几比被杀害有关,但骨子里的戈尔(和有充足的话),你会发现一个惊人的机智电影位穿插一些真正的幽默,即使对明显的笑话和情节漂移往往成为一个熟悉的重复击杀/吻/笑/杀/吻/笑。 If The Long Kiss Goodnight had been thought out a little more fully and with an ear for comedy, it might have ended up looking something like this.如果在长吻晚安已经想了一个小更充分,具有喜剧耳朵的话,那可能就喜欢看这种东西。 Director Doug Liman -- once associated with comedies like Swingers has now become the go-to director for the thinking man's action film (see also The Bourne Identity ).导演道格李曼-一旦与喜欢喜剧浪荡公子现已成为中间人也总监思想的人的动作片(见伯恩的身份 )。

Pitt and Jolie are both good-with-moments-of-greatness, acting very professional and having fun with the bone-dry humor of their roles.皮特和朱莉都是好的只能与矩-的-伟大,演戏很专业,有自己的角色与骨干幽默有趣。 But it is, as usual, Vince Vaughn who steals the show as a compatriot of Pitt's (don't waste too much energy trying to figure out if he's John's boss, who's 'good' and who's 'bad,' or much of anything else… the meta-information is never really unveiled and doesn't stand up to much scrutiny).但它是,像往常一样,文斯沃恩谁偷由于皮特的同胞表演(不要浪费太多的精力去搞清楚他是否约翰的老板,谁的'好',谁是'坏'或者别的什么太多...的元信息是从来没有真正推出,也经不起多少认真研究)。 Vaughn is mainly just playing Vaughn, but his interplay with Pitt and with his perpetually off-screen mother is priceless.沃恩主要只是在玩沃恩,但他的皮特和他的永久关闭屏幕母亲的相互作用是无价的。 It's worth the price of admission on its own.这是值得在其自己承认的价格。

Be advised that Smith is a deeply violent film, and fans expecting a lighthearted romance with a smattering of playful gunfire will be shocked to see Pitt kicking the living crap out of Jolie -- though rest assured she holds her own in the end.注意, 史密斯是一个非常暴力的电影,和球迷们期待一个轻松浪漫的俏皮炮火零星将与震撼看到皮特朱丽踢出来的生活垃圾-尽管放心,她认为她自己的最终研究。 (Jolie gets about three times as many punches in on Pitt than he gets on her. Double standard? You be the judge.) (朱莉获得尽可能多的出拳三倍左右,比他在皮特在她得到。双重标准?你是法官。)

If you're the kind of person that sees the humor in the Darwin Awards, videos of people falling over and breaking limbs, and a good old-fashioned kick to the nuts, Mr.如果你是那种人那看到达尔文奖的幽默中,人们对影片的下降和破坏的四肢,一个老式的踢在坚果先生 & Mrs. Smith is a film for you. 史密斯夫妇的是你的薄膜。 It certainly doesn't hurt if you think that Angelina Jolie is smokin' hot.它肯定不会伤害,如果你认为安吉丽娜朱莉是戒掉'热。

⑧ 电影什么夫妇,两个人打死很多人

主要演员:布拉德·皮特 安吉莉娜·朱莉

英文名:Mr. and Mrs. Smith
导演:道格·里曼 Doug Liman
主演:布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt
安吉莉娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie
文斯·沃恩 Vince Vaughn
亚当·布罗迪 Adam Brody
安吉拉·巴赛特 Angela Bassett
片长:120 min
级别:PG-13(暴力 火爆动作 性内容 少量粗口)
发行公司:20世纪福克斯 20th century Fox
制作成本:$110,000,000 (estimated)




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