导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 今晚有场电影英文


发布时间:2023-04-05 23:29:12

『壹』 在晚上看见一场电影.英语句子怎么写

I saw a film/movie in the evening.
I see a film/movie in the evening.

『贰』 后天学校礼堂将要有一场电影 用英文翻译两种表达方式

1) There will be a movie show in the College Hall at the day after tomorrow.
2) It will have a movie show in the College Hall at the day after tomorrow.

『叁』 "今天晚上将会上映一场精彩的电影”怎样翻译为英语

. Tonight, there will be a wonderful movie on screen. A wonderful film is comming this evening.

『肆』 “今天晚上将有一场新电影上映”英语有几种翻译

There will be a new movie show on the screen tonight.
This evening a new movie will on.
A new movie is going to be shown tonight.
A new movie will be shown on the screen tonight.

『伍』 今晚我们去看电影吧。用英语怎么说

let‘s go to see a/the movie tonight.因为你就看一场电影 或某个电影所以用a/the,当然除非你要看好多电影要用复数,一般看电影都说let’s go to see a movie,楼上有人既用a又用movies的不知是何意

『陆』 今晚会有一部精彩的影片上映 用英语怎么说 今晚会有

There will be an exciting movie on show tonight.

『柒』 “今天晚上将有一场新电影上映”英语有几

There's going to be a new movie this evening.
There is a new film will be released this evening.

『捌』 晚上有一场电影 用英文怎么写

there`s a movie at someplace tonight.



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