Ⅰ 电影院在左边,挨着邮局。 The movie theater is ___,next to the post office.
at left hand
Ⅱ 邮局紧临电影院英语怎么说
The post office is close to the cinema.
或者The post office is next to the cinema.
Ⅲ 邮局在哪里,在医院的旁边,英语翻译
1.邮局:Post office,读音[p?ust ??fis]国家专门从事邮政业务的部门,主要业务是传递信件和包裹、办理汇兑、发行报刊等详细解释邮电业务的一大部门。2.书店:bookshop,读音 ['b?k??p]古代的书店引叫书肆。书肆一词,最早始于汉代。此外各朝代还有书林、书铺、书棚、书堂、书屋、书籍铺、书经籍铺等名称,它既刻书又卖书,这些名号,除统称书肆外,宋代以后统称为书坊。3.电影院:Cinema,读[?s?n?m?]是为观众放映电影的场所。电影在产生初期,是在咖啡厅、茶馆等场所放映的。随着电影的进步与发展,出现了专门为放映电影而建造的电影院。4.医院:hospital,读[?h?sp?tl]医院按照法律法规和行业规范,为病员开展必要的医学检查、治疗措施、护理技术、接诊服务、康复设备、救治运输等服务,以救死扶伤为主要目的医疗机构。
Ⅳ mike和amy不知道电影院怎么去,policeman告诉他们电影院在邮局旁边。英语翻译这句话
Mile and Amy didn't know how to go to the cinema. The policeman told them that the cinema is next to the post office .
Ⅳ 邮局在电影院的东边的英文赶快搜索
The post office is located at the east of the movie theatre.
Ⅵ 电影院在邮局附近的英文怎么说
There is a cinema near a post office.
Ⅶ 在电影院隔壁(用英语翻译)
next to the cinema
Ⅷ 翻译成英语“在邮局的隔壁”“在学校和饭店之间”“在公共电话附近”“在公园后面”“在桥的对面”
1、在邮局的隔壁 next to the post office
2、在学校和饭店之间 in the middle of the school and restaurant/between the school and restaurant
3、在公共电话附近 near the public telephone
4、在公园后面 behind the park
5、在桥的对面 be opposite to the bridge
6、在教室的前面 in front of the classroom
7、在旅馆的前面 in front of the hotel
Ⅸ 用英语翻译过去邮局旁边有一家电影院
There used to be a cinema next to the post office.
如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!