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发布时间:2023-03-07 18:03:27

Ⅰ 求这个短片《三只小猪》的英文对白,谢谢大家,谢谢!

The Three Little Pigs
Remember when you use the script, the instructions in the parenthesis () are just to tell the puppets what to do, you do not say those words out loud. Go here to get some ideas for your props. Go here to read some helpful hints to help you create a sensational puppet show.

(Scene One)
Narrator: Once there were three very peculiar, little pigs. They were brothers. One brother loved to eat, one loved to sing and dance. The other brother was, well he was practical. On this particular day two of the pigs, Higgle and Niggle, were getting ready to build their new houses.

Higgle: (from off stage) Come on, Niggle, get away from that window. You've already eaten six bubble gum ice cream carrots, twenty chocolate covered corn cobs, and who knows how many potato peel malts! Now stop looking at that candy in the window and come along. We must get to the fields and build our new houses. Brother Walter has almost finished his brick house and we haven't even started yet.

Niggle: (Higgle and Niggle enter) Walter is a boar.

Higgle: It's true. Walter doesn't even know how to sing or dance the way his very talented brother does. (Higgle begins to sing and dance around the stage) It seems to me that all Walter ever thinks about is that mb old brick house of his. (Niggle nods) After all, Mother split her meager fortune so that we could go out into this cruel, hard world and live better lives than her own poor, undernourished, underfed, half-starved, famished...

Niggle: (ring last speech Niggle has begun to sob louder and louder until he finally interrupts Higgle) Ah, don't worry Mom, I'll eat a million peppermint parsnips just for you.

Higgle: There, there Niggle. I think the parsnips will have to wait. It's time to go build our houses. Now you go that way, (gestures toward one side of the stage) and I'll go this way. (gestures toward the other side of the stage) And I'll come visit you when you've finished your house.

Niggle: (begins to walk off his side of the stage) You know, thinking of Mom always makes me hungry. I'll start building as soon as I eat a little snack.

Higgle: (watches Niggle walk off stage) Good luck, Niggle. Now let's see, before a pig can find the right place to build a house, he must sing a song and dance a little dance. Build one, cha cha cha, build two, cha cha cha. (hums as he exits)

Hugo: (just as the pigs exit, Hugo pops up center stage and looks slowly from one side of the stage to the other. There you go Hugo, you very clever, masterful, marvelous, handsome and oh so hungry wolf, you. (looks at audience) Did you see those fat juicy little pigs? Um, um, um, um um! What tasty suppers they would make. (begins to pace) A plan, I must come up with a plan. (stops) I've got it! I'll use the old huff and puff trick. I bet with a little practice I'll be eating a fresh piggy for supper. (takes a loud breath and blows loudly, everything including stage shakes) Haven't lost the old touch. Well now, let's see, should I start with this pig? (starts off stage right) Or maybe that pig? (doubles back stage left) Hmmmm, oh it hardly matters, before the end of the night I'll serve them both (chuckles) to myself. (walks off same side of stage as Higgle) Here piggy, piggy. Here you cute little piggy you.
(end of scene one)

(Scene Two)
Narrator: Higgle and Niggle worked and worked on their houses. At least they worked as hard as Higgle and Niggle could.

Niggle: (from off stage, sounds of hammering and Niggle's shout as he hits and hurts his thumb. Niggle and the house rise on stage slowly) Ouch! Well now, that's what I call a house rising. (laughs) And that's what I call a pretty fine house. (Niggle begins inspecting house) Yep, best straw money can buy. You know, I think it's time to go inside to eat a well deserved snack. (Niggle walks around behind house so he is not visible to audience; then goes down stage.)

Hugo: (enters, sees the house, nods to audience, looks back at house) Hummm. The question is, how does a clever wolf get the pig out of the house? Ha! I've got it. (clears throat) Ding dong, ding dong... ice cream, real fresh ice cream. Come get your ice cream while it's good and cold. Come and get it.

Niggle: (peers out from around the house) Ice cream? (sees Hugo) Why that's a wolf, and he doesn't have any ice cream at all. He's just trying to get me out of my house so he can eat me for super. Well, I'll show him that I'm not any mb old pig. (yells to Hugo) Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. Mr. Wolf, I'm going to stay here in my safe little house until you go away!

Hugo: Safe little house? (laugh) Don't make me laugh. If you won't come out then I'll have to huff and puff and blow your house down. (takes a huge breath; Niggle should be right behind house on stage; Hugo blows and the house disappears in a very quick, straight downward motion; Niggle is left just standing there; he looks down, looks left then right; runs off stage) Hey, no one ever told me that pigs could run. (Hugo runs after Niggle) You big bundle of lard, you come back here right now!
(end scene 2)

(Scene Three)
Narriator: Well, it looks to me like Hugo may have a little bit harder time catching the pigs than he first thought. Let's check in on Higgle and see how he is coming along with his house.

Higgle: (standing beside twig house) Figaro, figaro, figaro...home sweet home, home sweet home, home sweet home...

Niggle: (enters running) Higgle, oh Higgle! The wolf is after me! The wolf is after me! Where can we hide?

Higgle: Now don't you worry about a thing, little Niggle. I've built a fine, strong house. Just come on inside and relax. No one will get us here. (while delivering the last line the two pigs disappear into Higgle's house)

Hugo: (Pops up on stage, laughs) Clever, clever wolf. By letting the first one go, I've laid a trap to catch two in one blow. Piggies, piggies, don't be clowns. If you don't come out, I'll huff and puff and I'll blow your house down. (laughs)

H & N: Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.

Hugo: Okay kids, you asked for it. (huffs with great drama; same action as before with house disappearing in quick, clean action) You're not going to get away from me this time! (Niggle starts to run, Hugo follows; Higgle chases them both and bumps into Hugo from the back; Hugo stops and turns around) Oh, a wise guy, huh? (takes off after Higgle; Niggle repeats the bump in the back trick)

Niggle: Na na na na na. (Hugo chases Niggle off stage; Higgle follows them both; all three come running back; Hugo is in the lead and the pigs are chasing; Hugo keeps running off the stage)

Higgle: Whew! That was too close for comfort. Come on, Niggle. Walter will know what to do. (both pigs run off stage in the opposite direction from Hugo's exit)

Hugo: (returns on stage from the same side he exited) Now where did those pigs go? (follows pigs off stage running)
(end scene three)

Walter: (standing beside his house) Let's see. I'll put the garden in over here. And the garage in over there. And... (Higgle and Niggle enter running and out of breath)

Higgle: Oh Walter, you have to save us!



Niggle: Walter, he's big and ugly...and he's very hungry.

Walter: Hello Higgle, hello Nigggle. Fine weather we're having. You two seem a bit upset. Why don't you come inside and we'll talk it over. (Walter leads into the house; Higgle and Niggle follow)

Higgle: And he was saying naughty things about pickled pig's feet.

Niggle: And roasted pork ears. Walter, he is a very bad wolf.

Hugo: (enters laughing) Three little pigs. Count them--one, two, three. One for my appetizer, one for my main course and one just for dessert. Yum, yum, yum. (toward house) Okay, you in there. That's right, I'm talking to you pigs! Come on out. There's no reason to fight me any more. I'm too strong and powerful... not to mention hungry. So come on out right now.

All Pigs: Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins.

Hugo: (huffs and puffs with all his might)

All Pigs: (giggle loudly)

Hugo: (huffs and puffs with all his might again)

All Pigs: (giggle louder than the first time)

Hugo: (huffs and puffs with all his might one more time)

All Pigs: (giggle as loud as they can)

Hugo: (shaking with rage) Ohhh those pigs! (stops) But wait, I have an idea. (disappears off stage, sounds of grunting and groaning; he appears on top of the house from back) Hugo, you are so clever, so clever.. (goes over to chimney, looks in, looks at his own body, then back in chimney) You know, they just don't build chimneys the way they used to. Oh well, here goes. (falling sound, then ganging and chattering; wolf disappears behind house; the following chase scene takes place back stage; it can be as long and as loud as your imagination makes it)

Hugo: Come back here, you pig, you.

Higgle: Gotcha.

Hugo: Ouch, why you....

Walter: Hey, who turned out the lights?

Higgle: Gotcha.

Niggle: Let go of me, you nit wit.

Higgle: Oh, sorry.

Hugo: Here piggy, piggy, piggy.....piggy.

All Pigs: Ah Ha. We Gotcha! (they all come out of the house, pigs are all upright and proud; Hugo is slumped over..order is Walter, Hugo, Higgle Niggle)

Higgle: Well, what do we do with him now?

Niggle: Why don't we build a cage and keep him for a pet?

Walter: Hold it, hold it, hold it! The only things you two are going to build are houses. And this time your are going to build them right. Understand?

Higgle: Yes Walter.

Niggle: Yes Walter.

Walter: And as for the wolf, we are going to take him to the zoo where he can't do anyone else harm.

Hugo: (looks towards the audience) I wonder if they serve good lunches there!

Walter: Tut, tut, come along now. Let's go.

All Bow! Job Well Done!!!

The End

Ⅱ 三只小猪英文版翻译

三只小猪 很久以前,有三只小猪和时间来找他们离开房屋,寻求他们的财富。 在离开之前,他们的母亲告诉他们“无论你做什么,都要最好的,你可以,因为那是世界上相处。 第一只小猪造了他的房子望的稻草,因为它是最容易的事要做。 第二只小猪把他的房子盖了树枝。这真有点比一根稻草房子。 第三只小猪把他的房子盖从砖。 一天晚上大坏狼,他深爱着吃肥胖的小小猪,来,第一次看见了只小猪在他的草房。他说:“让我进来,让我进来,小猪不然我就发怒和我会吹捧,我就吹你的房子!” “不是说,小猪”。 当然,狼的确吹在那座房子里,吃了第一只小猪。 狼然后进入那家。 “让我进来,让我进来小猪不然我就发怒和我会吹,我就吹你的房子了。但是那只狼吹那所房子也放进去,且吃了第二只小猪。 狼4年时间背着砖块的人。 “让我进来,让我在“哭了狼 我就发怒和我会让你的家,直到我吹” “不是的一绺头发下巴chinny下巴”之称的猪。 嗯,狼huffed和膨化但他不能被吹倒那个重击篮框的球的房子。 但是那只狼是一种狡猾的家伙,他爬上狼和上房顶去寻找变成了砖房里。 这只小猪看见狼爬上屋顶,点燃了一只咆哮的堆在壁炉里,并放在它大壶水。 狼终于找到了洞,烟囱爬下来,KERSPLASH的权利,到那壶水,那就是结束他的问题那只大坏狼。 第二天,小猪邀请他的母亲。她说:“你看不见它是我就告诉过你。相处的方式是世界上做事情,以及您可以。”幸运的是,对于这只小猪之中,他就学会了教训。然后他就从此过着幸福快乐的生活!

Ⅲ 三只小猪的故事英文版


In a remote mountain village, there lived a mother pig and her three lovely pigs. Mother worked very hard every day. The piglets grew up day by day, but they still did nothing. One night, after dinner, Mother Pig called the children to her face and said solemnly, "You have grown up, you should live independently. When you have built your own house, move out."

None of the three piglets wanted to move out, nor did they want to build their own houses, nor could they ignore their mother's words. So they began to think about what kind of house they wanted. The boss started first. First he carried a lot of straw, chose an open space, built a simple straw house in the middle, and then tied bundles with straw ropes. "Haha! I have my own house!" The eldest son was jumping with joy.

The next day the eldest moved into his new home, and the second and third came to visit curiously. The second said, "Lao San, look at the big brother's house, it's too simple. I want to build a beautiful and comfortable house!" The second runs up to the hill and chops down a lot of wood to come back, sawing into boards and strips, and knocking on and on. Soon, the second child built his own wooden house. Obviously this is much more beautiful and strong than the eldest.

Soon the second son moved to his new home, and the eldest and the third came to visit. The elder man praised it and felt that his house was too simple. The third man looked at it and said, "The house I built will be better." The third came home and thought about it. Finally, he decided to build a house made of bricks and stones, because the house is very strong and not afraid of the wind and rain, but it needs a lot of efforts.

Every day, the third child gets up early and greeds the darkness, moves back one stone by one, piles aside, and builds a wall one by one. Brothers laughed at him and said, "Only a fool can do this!" The younger brother ignored it and worked night and day. The brothers were resting, and he was still working. After three months, the old three's new house has been built. How happy he is!

One day a big wolf came. The old man hid in his straw house in panic. The wolf gave two sneers and blew down the straw house. The eldest had to run away. The elder brother ran straight to his second brother's house and shouted, "Second brother! Open the door! Help! The second brother opened the door and saw that a wolf came after him. He quickly let the elder brother in and closed the door.

The wolf came to the door and stopped, thinking, "Do you think a wooden house can hold me back?" He knocked down the door. With a "crash", the wooden house was knocked down. The brothers fled desperately to the old three's house and breathlessly told him what had happened. The third one closed the doors and windows first, and then said with confidence, "Don't be afraid! No problem!"

The wolf stood in front of the gate. He knew there were three pigs in the house, but he didn't know how to get in. He had to repeat his old tricks and breathe into the door, but it didn't help. The wolf was a little anxious, and he hit hard again. "Dang" sound, the wolf only feels two eyes straight out of Venus, and then look at the house, motionless. The wolf was really anxious and turned to look for a hammer.

The wolf choked his feet and struck down with a hammer. Unexpectedly, the hammer broke, and the hammer bounced back. It was hitting the wolf's head. "It hurts me!" The wolf shouted. He really has no skill. The wolf had to ask three piglets to go on an outing with a big smile on his face. The three piglets are very clever and united. They went to the suburbs ahead of time to pick many apples. Soon, the wolf came.

Three little pigs climbed up the apple tree as planned. The wolf asked puzzled, "What are you going to do in the tree?" The third replies, "We're eating apples! Would you like one? The wolf's mouth watered, and he promised. The third picked a big apple and threw it down. The Apple rolled down the hillside for a long time. The wolf chased after it and ran farther and farther. Three little pigs took the opportunity to run home.

The wolf returned angrily. He circled the house and finally climbed up the roof. He wanted to slip in through the chimney. When the third child found out from the window, he lit a fire immediately. The wolf fell into the stove and was sufficiently smoked to burn his whole tail. He screamed and ran away with his tail between his legs, never daring to trouble three piglets again.

















参考资料来源:网络—三只小猪 (英国童话)



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