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发布时间:2023-03-05 07:21:53

❶ 寻找一部电影,一个博士发明了一种药,可以不自主变性.是哪部电影


【原 片 名】Jekyll & Hyde
【中 文 名】化身博士
【国 家】美国
【类 别】恐怖/惊秫
【导 演】尼克·斯提维尔 Nick Stillwell
编剧: [1]
Martyn Hesford ....(written by)
罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 Robert Louis Stevenson ....novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
【主 演】
布莱恩·费舍尔 Bryan Fisher .... Jay Jekyll/Hyde
布瑞·腾那 Bree Turner .... Martha Utterson
马瑞斯·马Maria Mar .... Professor Poole
制作人 Proced by:
Analisa Barreto ....co-procer
Murray Ferguson ....procer
约翰·汉纳 John Hannah ....executive procer
Gary Tuck ....line procer
Robertas Urbonas ....co-procer
Simon Wright ....executive procer
【影片长度】85 Mins
这又是一部改编自名著的音乐剧。原著《化身博士》(The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde)出自与狄更斯同时代的英国著名作家史帝文生的笔下,讲述受人尊敬的科学家杰克医生喝了一种试验用的药剂,在晚上化身成邪恶的海德先生四处作恶,他终日徘徊在善恶之间,其内心属灵的内疚和犯罪的快感不断冲突,令他饱受折磨。这种貌似荒诞无稽的故事其实蕴含了最深刻的人性命题:人,到底是是简简单单黑白分明一成不变的非善即恶,还是既善亦恶,时善时恶?“变身怪医”也是文学领域中众人皆知的艺术形象。
这部音乐剧最初是1990年在美国休士顿公演的,甫一推出便获巨大成功,曾在35个城市进行巡回演出,并于1997年4月登陆百老汇Plymouth剧院。此剧的荣誉除了四项东尼奖提名外,还有其主演罗伯特古齐奥尼(Robert Cuccioli)所获得的最佳戏剧男演员奖,最令人瞩目的当属本剧的当家女主演林达伊德(Linda Eder)获得的戏剧世界百老汇首演大奖。伊德是百老汇的当家花旦,在国内音响发烧友中的口碑极佳,她和“让阿冉”韦尔金森一起录制的音乐剧CD《变身怪医》是又一张广受推崇的人声试机天碟。
杰克与海德(化身博士)(Jekyll and Hyde)
作曲:弗兰克·维豪(Frank Wildhorn)
脚本:雷斯列·布里卡瑟(Leslie Bricusse)
《化身博士》是史帝文生得意的代表作之一,它是一部想像力相当丰富的作品,且因为书中人物杰奇和海德善恶截然不同的性格让人印象深刻,后来“Jekyll and Hyde”一词竟成为心理学「双重人格」的代称。本书乃心理小说的先驱,其生动鲜明的叙述笔调,紧凑刺激、扣人心悬的故事发展过程,读来更宛如一部紧张悬疑的电影侦探作品。
1883年出版的《金银岛》(Treasure Island)让史帝文生声名大噪,这是他首部长篇小说作品;1886年问世的《化身博士》(The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde)和《绑架》(Kidnapped),甫推出即跃升为最畅销书籍,更奠定了他往后屹立不摇的作家地位。他曾周游欧洲各国及美国等地,且於1876年在法国邂逅了年长他十岁的美籍妻子,而这些游历见闻也成为他创作旅行游记,以及包括《金银
◎译 名 化身博士
◎片 名 Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
◎年 代 2008
◎国 家 加拿大
◎类 别 恐怖/惊悚
◎语 言 英语
◎片 长 89 mins
◎导 演 Paolo Barzman
◎主 演 Dougray Scott ... Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde
Krista Bridges ... Claire Wheaton
Tom Skerritt ... Gabe Utterson
Danette Mackay ... Mrs. Poole
Cas Anvar ... D.A. McBride
Ellen David ... Detective Newcombe
Vlasta Vrana ... Judge Shoehan
一个多世纪以来, Jekyll和海德的传说倾倒了世界的想象。
在这变冷和恶魔般地聪明的重新发明下,邪恶再度滋生。 Henry・ Jekyll (Dougray Scott,绝望主妇),是一位令人注意的医师.晚上研究一种罕见神圣的亚马逊花,据说它能很有效地分离灵魂,并赋予人性的黑暗面生命。 然而分离出它能治疗精神病药性的强行实验意外带来了一连串残忍的谋杀案,恐惧笼罩着整个城市。 jekyll知道这绝非巧合。夜晚不再属于他自己了,他总是伴随着血淋淋的回忆和他的受害者的尖叫声惊醒。 他知道黑暗面的自已正在渐渐地占据他。 甚而给他一个名字: Edward Hyde先生。 忧心认罪,放弃试验,面对审判和脱离他的苦难,那样他就可以不再作孽, Jekyll恳求Claire Wheaton (Krista Bridges,死亡之地)的帮助,一位被异常离奇的起因而吸引的慈悲的律师。 同意代表Jekyll,她的极端精神不平衡状态的论点令人信服。 在收容所里, Jekyll意识到他已失去控制,Hyde正同时从肉体与灵魂上浮现,一会想着恐怖的杀戮,一会又放弃,反反复复。 Hyde也知道Claire试图压制他。 Hyde扼杀一切他不喜欢的东西。 并且,当Jekyll安全地被锁着时,Hyde却不是。
艾美奖共同得主Tom Skerritt (尖桩篱栅),Robert Louis Stevenson的哥特式经典之作现在巧妙地新编,以带给观众新的恐怖体验。
外文名称 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
导演: 维克多·弗莱明 Victor Fleming
罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 Robert Louis Stevenson ....(novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
John Lee Mahin
Percy Heath ....1931 screenplay (uncredited)
Samuel Hoffenstein ....1931 screenplay (uncredited)
斯宾塞·屈塞 Spencer Tracy ....Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman ....Ivy Peterson
拉娜·特纳 Lana Turner ....Beatrix Emery
制作人 Proced by:Victor Saville ....procer
影片类型: 剧情 / 科幻 / 恐怖
片长:113 min / Germany:90 min / Germany:108 min (VHS version)
国家/地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
色彩: 黑白
混音: 单声道
级别:Australia:PG / Finland:K-16 / Sweden:15 / USA:Approved
版权所有:Loew's Inc., 17 July 1941, LP10628
制作周期: 1941年2月4日 - 1941年4月8日
美国 USA 1941年8月12日......(New York City, New York) 美国 USA 1941年9月 芬兰 Finland 1943年1月10日 瑞典 Sweden 1943年4月27日 法国 France 1946年9月25日 丹麦 Denmark 1947年1月27日 德国 Germany 1949年5月 奥地利 Austria 1949年5月24日 美国 USA 1954年......(re-release) 芬兰 Finland 1956年6月1日......(re-release)摄制格式: 35 mm
洗印格式: 35 mm
胶片长度: 3480.82 m (13 reels)
Loew's Inc. [美国]
米高梅 [美国]
米高梅联美家庭娱乐 [美国] (1991) (USA) (video)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) [比利时] (Belgium) (theatrical)
华纳家庭视频公司 [美国] (2004) (USA) (DVD)
Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] (2004) (Brazil) (DVD)

❷ 问一电影的名字 好像分PART ONE和PART TWO ,其中第二幕叫克莱尔,什么忧郁星撞了地球。。

Melancholia (2011)

❸ 电影的三幕四场具体是什么,麻烦解答下。谢谢





❹ 一部电影是由几个小的故事组成的,立面的第一幕 第二幕 第三幕分别用英文怎么说

应该是Act 1,Act 2,Act 3.指的是场,也就是若干场景的组合。


❺ 英语剧本

Boy and the wolf
Chapter I (第一幕)
一个男孩正在放羊,感到非常无聊,忽然,眼睛一转,计上心来,装作十分惊慌的样子大声叫:“Help,help, a wolf, a wolf comes!”
另一处,两个农夫正在耕田,听到喊声“Listen,the wolf comes,let’s go to help the boy.”“Ok, let’s。”
农夫带着工具气喘吁吁地赶到山上,却发现没有狼,奇怪地问男孩:“Where is the wolf?”
男孩捧腹大笑:“Ha ha,so funny,Ha ha,so funny!”
农夫生气地说:“You naughty boy.”
Chapter II (第二幕)
男孩放羊的时候,又感无趣,想再逗逗那两个农夫,故作慌张,又大声喊叫:“Help,help, a wolf, a wolf comes!”
农夫又一次赶到山上,发现仍然没有狼,非常生气地说:“If you tell the lies again,no one will help you”
男孩嘲笑农夫:“You are so funny”
Chapter III (第三幕)
男孩正在放羊,从背后真的走来一只狼,狼自言自语:“Look, so many sheep,wonderful.”
狼走过去拍拍男孩:“Hello,boy, how are you?”
男孩转过身,看见狼,大惊失色:“A,a,a wolf,a big wolf , help,help.”接着大声求救。
狼笑着说:“No one will help you, let me help you?”
山下的两个农夫又听到了求救声,相互说:“Listen, the boy tell lies again.” “Yes,don’t care him.” 可是,他们听到求救声越来越大,担心地说:“Maybe there are wolf comes,let’s help him.”
农夫赶到山上,看见真的有一只狼,就一棍将它打死,男孩愧疚地对农夫说:“Thank you very much,that’s my mistake.”
农夫与男孩同时对大家说:“Don’t tell the lie to the others, no one will help you if you tell lies.”

The rabbit and the tortoise
(Music begins. Birds and bees step onto the stage. They sing :《The More We Get Together》音乐声起,小鸟、蜜蜂等出场,演唱)

(Rabbit, tortoise, fox step onto the stage in turn 兔子、乌龟、狐狸等逐一出场)
Rabbit: What a sunny day! What am I going to do? Em…..
兔 子:多好的天气啊!我要干些什么呢?
Tortoise: Hello, Miss Rabbit!
乌 龟:你好,兔子小姐!
Rabbit: Oh, it's you, Mr Tortoise. What are you doing?
兔 子:哦,是你,乌龟先生,你在干什么?
Tortoise: I'm running.
乌 龟:我在练跑步。
Rabbit: Running? Haha! You can't run. Your legs are too short!
兔 子:跑步?哈哈!你不会跑,你的腿太短了!
Tortoise: Of course, I can. My legs are short but I can really run.
乌 龟:我当然会,我的腿虽短,但我确实能跑。
Rabbit: My legs are longer than yours. I'm sure I can run faster than you.
兔 子:我的腿比你的长,我相信我一定比你跑得快。
Tortoise: Don't be so sure!
乌 龟:别这么自信!
Rabbit: Then let's have a race.
兔 子:那么让我们比试比试。
Tortoise: Ok, let's do it. I'll try to win.
乌 龟:好,让我们来比比看。我要赢过你。
Fox: Go straight. See that long road? Get ready. Go!
狐 狸:往前,看见那条路了吗?预备!跑!

(The Rabbit is fast. The Tortoise tries to run fast.兔子跑得快,乌龟也努力往前跑。)
Goat: Hello, Mr. Tortoise, what are you doing?
山 羊:你好,乌龟先生,你在干什么?
Tortoise: I'm racing with Miss Rabbit.
乌 龟:我在和兔子小姐赛跑哩。
Goat: Good luck, Mr Tortoise.
山 羊:祝你好运,乌龟先生。
Tortoise: Thank you very much.
乌 龟:谢谢你。

(The Rabbit runs fast. Suddenly she stops and looks around trying to find the Tortoise. 兔子跑得很快。突然,她停了下来,四处张望看看乌龟在哪? )
Rabbit: Where's Mr Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He's far behind me. How slow he is! I'm much faster. Mmm, what a hot day! Ahh, here's a tree. Let's me have a rest.
兔 子:乌龟先生在哪?啊哈!在哪儿,他远远落在我后头。他太慢了!我比他快多啦,嗯,天气多热啊!哈,那边有棵树。让我休息一下再跑。

(The Rabbit runs toward the tree, and she sees some carrots.兔子朝树那边跑,看见胡萝卜。)
Rabbit: Look! Carrots! They look good. Hmm… Let me eat some carrots. Great! Great!
兔 子:看,萝卜!多好的萝卜啊! 让我吃些萝卜。好吃!好吃!
Rabbit: I'm full! I'm so sleepy.
兔 子:我饱了!我真困!
(Here comes the Tortoise, and he sees the Rabbit.乌龟跑了过来,看见兔子在睡。)
Tortoise: Oh, Miss Rabbit. I will keep on going.
乌 龟:哦,兔子小姐在这,我再往前跑。
Rabbit: Ah, what a good sleep! Ouch! Oh, no! The race!
兔 子:啊,多美的一觉啊!哦,不!比赛!
Where's Mr. Tortoise? Where is he? I can't see him.
(The Rabbit wants to run a bit faster, but she is too full to run.兔子想快点跑,但太饱了跑不快。)
Rabbit: I'm so full. I'm going to lose.
兔 子:我太饱了,我要输了。

Tortoise: I'm almost there!
乌 龟:我快到终点了!
Animals: Come on, Tortoise! Come on, Rabbit! Go, Rabbit! Go, Tortoise!
Goat: Mr. Tortoise is the first! Mr. Tortoise won the race!
山 羊:乌龟第一!乌龟赢了!
(The Goat awards the Tortoise with a gold medal. All the animals cheer!山羊给乌龟挂上金牌,动物们高声欢呼!)
Rabbit: Oh, no! I lost. What a pity!
兔 子:哦,不!我输了,真倒霉!

(The Rabbit cries sadly, the animals see and go to condole her.兔子伤心地哭了,动物们见了,过去安慰她。)
Goat: Look! Miss Rabbit is crying.
山 羊:看,兔子小姐在哭。
Tortoise: Oh, Miss Rabbit, never mind! Let's try again.
乌 龟:哦,兔子小姐,不要紧!让我们再比一次。
Animals: Try again.
Rabbit: Good idea! Good idea!
兔 子:好主意!好主意!
Fox: Get ready! Go!
(The Rabbit and the Tortoise race again, the animals dance and sing the song:《Jump, Jump, Jump》.兔子和乌龟重新比试,动物啦啦队跳起了欢乐的舞--《Jump , Jump, Jump》)

Little Red Riding Hood
第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家
Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?
Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.
Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!
Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful.
Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.
Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.
(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)
Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.
Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)
Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.
Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby cks.
Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)
Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby cks,how are you?
Six Ducks:We’re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.
Six Ducks:Goodbye.
Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)
Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in.
Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.
Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)
Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.
Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.
Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!
Wolf:Come in, Come in.
Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!
Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.
Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!
Wolf:I can see you pretty face.
Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.
Wolf:I can hug you.
Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?
Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!
Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!
Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.
Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.
Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.
Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.
Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood, Give me some stones.
Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线)
Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.
Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)
Grandma: I'll thread it.
Hunter: (拿起枪)Woke up!
Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.
Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms!
Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!
Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!
Wolf: (应声倒下)
Hunter: The bad wolf is dead.
Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.
Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you

S.w---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人
P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物
----音乐起,旁白(A long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen. The people loved them so much. The queen died while giving birth to a girl. Her name was Snow White. She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again. The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.)
S.w: My name is S.w. I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?
Q: I am the new queen. I’m very beautiful. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, it will tell me surely. Where is the Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!
Q: Hunter, go and kill S.w. I don’t want to see her any longer.
H: Yes, my queen.
S.w: Oh, so many flowers. How beautiful!
H: (举刀犹豫不决) Oh, my god. She is so lovely and pretty. I can’t. I can’t kill her.
S.w: What are you doing? What’s the matter? Why do you kill me?
H: I’m very sorry. The queen wants me to kill you.
S.w: My dear hunter, don’t kill me. I will run into the forest and never come back again.
H: OK. Run away, the poor child. The wild beasts will soon eat you.
S.w: Thank you, my dear hunter.
----旁白(After the hunter let S.w go, S.w came into a forest.)
S.w: I am tired and hungry. Oh, there is a little house. I will eat a little and lie down.
D1: Look, the lamp in our house is on.
D2: Who is it?
D3: Perhaps it’s the ghost.
D4: Let’s go into our house silently.
D5: Oh, somebody ate my food.
D6: Somebody drank my water.
D7: Someone is sleeping now.
D1: What a beautiful girl!
D2: How lovely!
D3: Who is she?
D4: Don’t wake her up.
D5: Why is she coming here?
S.w: What a nice sleep!
D6: How do you do?
S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w … Nice to meet you!
D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too.
D1: Welcome to our house!
D2: Would you like to live here?
S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!
----旁白(Snow White lived with seven dwarfs happily. One morning, the seven dwarfs said goodbye to S.w and went to dig on the hill.)
D3: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.w
Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!
Q: What? S.w is not dead? Hahaha, I got a good idea!
Q: S.w, ha! Good things, good things to sell!
S.w: (打开窗) Good morning, dear grandma! What do you sell?
Q: Silk braids. Very beautiful! I have many colours. Please open the door and I will show you.
S.w: She’s very kind. I can let her come in.(开门) Ah, how nice!
Q: Come here, let me put on for you.
----旁白(Suddenly, the old woman tied S.w’s neck. S.w fell in a faint.)
Q: Ha ha ha! Can’t you be the most beautiful girl in the world?
----旁白(Sometime later, the seven dwarfs came back.)
D1: Snow White! Snow White!
D2: Wake up!Wake up!
D3: Oh, please don’t die.
D4: God bless you!
D5: She’s alive.
D6: Drink some water.
D7: Here you are.
----旁白(Slowly, S.w woke up. They were all very happy. The second morning…)
D4: S.w, be careful!
D5: Don’t go out.
D6: Don’t let anyone come in.
S.w: I won’t. Be at ease.
Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!
Q: She’s still alive! She’s still alive! Er, I have a good idea.
Q: (敲门) Sell good things! Good things!
S.w: Please go. I can’t let you in.
Q: I won’t. Open the window, please. Have a look at my combs, nice combs.
S.w: (想了想) All right.(开窗) Ya, they’re very good.
Q: Yes, good girl. Please try by yourself.
----旁白(S.w took up a comb. As soon as it touched her head, she fell down.)
Q: Ha! You’re dead.
----旁白(Sometime later, the seven dwarfs came back.)
D1: Oh, the evil queen has just gone!
----旁白(They saved S.w again. The third day…)
Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
M: My queen, you’re the most beautiful woman here. But pass through the mountains and the forests, S.w is thousands times as beautiful as you.
Q: She must die! Must die! This poison apple took me two years. Anyone who bites it a little will die forever!
Q: Apple, apple. My apples are big and red.
S.w: Oh, I’m very thirsty. Somebody is selling apples.
Q: Apples, red apples. Pretty girl, would you like a bite?
S.w:(开窗)I can’t let you in, Aunt.
Q: I don’t care. My apples are not many. They’re delicious. Have a taste.
S.w: I can’t.
Q: Never mind. Let’s have it. Here you are. Eat, eat, it’s nice.
S.w: Oh, thank you, Aunt! (白雪公主咬一口后倒地)
Q: Ah, she is dead! Die forever! Hahaha…
----旁白(When the seven dwarfs returned, they all cried. S.w died.)
D1: S.w, you can’t die.
D2: Wake up, wake up!
D3: She’s asleep.
D4: Let’s take her into the crystal’s coffin.
D5: All right.
D6: What a pity.
D7: She’s living in our mind.
P: How beautiful she is! She shall be my queen!
S.w: Thank you for your help!
P: My pleasure.
S.w: My name is S.w. I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?
S.w: Oh, so many flowers. How beautiful!
S.w: What are you doing? What’s the matter? Why do you kill
S.w: My dear hunter, don’t kill me. I will run into the forest and never come back again.
S.w: Thank you, my dear hunter.
S.w: I am tired and hungry. Oh, there is a little house. I will eat a little and lie down.
S.w: What a nice sleep!
S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w … Nice to meet you!
S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!
S.w: Good morning, dear grandma! What do you sell?
S.w: She’s very kind. I can let her come in. Ah, how nice!
S.w: I won’t. Be at ease.
S.w: Please go. I can’t let you in.
S.w: All right. Ya, they’re very good.
S.w: Oh, I’m very thirsty. Somebody is selling apples.
S.w: I can’t let you in, Aunt.
S.w: I can’t.
S.w: Oh, thank you, Aunt!
S.w: Thank you for your help!

Q: I am the new queen. I’m very beautiful. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, it will tell me surely. Where is the Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
Q: Hunter, go and kill S.w. I don’t want to see her any longer.
Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
Q: What? S.w is not dead? Hahaha, I got a good idea!
Q: S.w, ha! Good things, good things to sell!
Q: Silk braids. Very beautiful! I have many colours. Please open the door and I will show you.
Q: Come here, let me put on for you.
Q: Ha ha ha! Can’t you be the most beautiful girl in the world?
Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
Q: She’s still alive! She’s still alive! Er, I have a good idea.
Q: Sell good things! Good things!
Q: I won’t. Open the window, please. Have a look at my combs, nice combs.
Q: Yes, good girl. Please try by yourself.
Q: Ha! You’re dead.
Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?
Q: She must die! Must die! This poison apple took me two years. Anyone who bites it a little will die forever!
Q: Apple, apple. My apples are big and red.
Q: Apples, red apples. Pretty girl, would you like a bite?
Q: I don’t care. My apples are not many. They’re delicious. Have a taste.
Q: Never mind. Let’s have it. Here you are. Eat, eat, it’s nice.
Q: Ah, she is dead! Die forever! Hahaha…
D1: Look, the lamp in our house is on.
D2: Who is it?
D3: Perhaps it’s the ghost.
D4: Let’s go into our house silently.
D5: Oh, somebody ate my food.
D6: Somebody drank my water.
D7: Someone is sleeping now.
D1: What a beautiful girl!
D2: How lovely!
D3: Who is she?
D4: Don’t wake her up.
D5: Why is she coming here?
D6: How do you do?
D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too.
D1: Welcome to our house!
D2: Would you like to live here?
D3: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.w
D1: Snow White! Snow White!
D2: Wake up!Wake up!
D3: Oh, please don’t die.
D4: God bless you!
D5: She’s alive.
D6: Drink some water.
D7: Here you are.
D4: S.w, be careful!
D5: Don’t go out.
D6: Don’t let anyone come in.
D1: Oh, the evil queen has just gone!
D1: S.w, you can’t die.
D2: Wake up, wake up!
D3: She’s asleep.
D4: Let’s take her into the crystal’s coffin.
D5: All right.
D6: What a pity.
D7: She’s living in our mind.
H: Yes, my queen.
H: Oh, my god. She is so lovely and pretty. I can’t. I
can’t kill her.
H: I’m very sorry. The queen wants me to kill you.
H: OK. Run away, the poor child. The wild beasts will soon eat you.

P: How beautiful she is! She shall be my queen!
P: My pleasure.

❻ 第二部的英语




partes secunda

或:Second parts






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