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发布时间:2023-03-03 05:46:28

1. 求一篇400字左右的电影《刮痧》英文观后感,体现中西方文化差异,语法不用太准确,高中生水平即可



2. 关于电影文化差异的英语作文

there are large cultural differences in american and chinese film. for example, the concept of face which is very important in asian culture is almost always present in Chinese movies, and things which are said outright in american film are often supposed to be understood in Chinese film.

the portrayal of women is different. despite the fact that communism was supposed to bring equality of men and women to China there are still deeply ingrained gender stereotypes that are present in Chinese films. This is true in american film as well, but less so.

Family is often a much more fundamental part of life in China than it is in America therefore it often represents a much bigger part of chinese films. Though this is less true now, a lot of Chinese films seem, well corny to western viewers, the acting seems hammish.

there is a difference in that in China much film content is strictly regulated by the government making so what is portrayed is not always what would have been portrayed it if it was totally up to the film maker.

3. 英语作文 中国电影与好莱坞电影的区别


4. 我需要一个英文的小故事,只要反映各国间文化差异的就行

By the scrapping of between China and the United States about the cultural differences and exchange

Culture refers to a society is a unique belief, habits, system, disposition, thinking mode etc, the total model of a nation is a social way all activities. As the global economy integration and the social informatization development, communication is more and more frequent between countries, home to the survival of humans are becoming more and more like a "global village", but countries cultural differences still exist.

Sino-foreign cultural exchanges in class, the teacher in order to facilitate our understanding, has broadcast a sino-us cultural differences reflect the scrapping of film that I represented by America differences between Chinese and western culture of had a deeper understanding.

China is a country with 5,000 years of cultural and historical precipitation great nation, and America is a multi-national country, only 200 years of history. The cultural differences between China and the United States is great, it is the historical geography condition and traditional ideas caused by many factors such as the effect.

Chinese traditional culture is Confucianism as the core, has always advocated honour low are different, pecking order, and restricted by hierarchy. And American culture mainly carries on the Christian ideas, the protestant weak hierarchy. They pay more attention to indivial rights, the pursuit of everyone equal, no generational excessive etiquette. Between In the scrapping of datong their vows, after receiving the old father developed will take care of, this is a typical American, although the Chinese thinking to the new life can not adapt to the father, but the heart still very happy, and think that their father might take a good father.

Movies in another storyline is son Dennis and friend's son fight, xu datong to friends face public corporal punishment of their children, and insisted: "dozen is painful scold is love" and the public on the other side of the corporal punishment is respect. However, this idea is incomprehensible to americans, this also is caused by the scrapping later because the americans think xu datong debate has the tendency of a child abuse argument.

"The most important scrapping of sino-us cultural conflict is reflected in a traditional Chinese medicine treatments, scrapping. Dennis has a cold, Chinese family use, it was scrapping method to treat the child protection organization accused, because they this is an abuse of children, the misunderstanding finally although eliminated, but give a xu datong life with catastrophic consequences. In Chinese and western culture, and a major gap between mutual understanding of asymmetric makes americans can't understand acupuncture, cupping, scraping and so on a series of very traditional Chinese medicine treatment. As western countries represent the United States is developed economies, so oneself can proce a kind of cultural superiority, impossible active to understand other national cultural tradition. But as Chinese, we should promote cultural exchange, not only to be learning more about western culture, also should actively will this nation's culture spread to the world.

The scrapping of the Chinese people and American people performance differences, not only in sino-american laws and moral standards, etc., and touch legal theory, conceptions, even Chinese medicine theory and so on many issues. The cultural differences between China and the United States is revealed in many aspects, such as American is used to use body language to express embraced and kissed the friendly and close between people communicate with each other, when people watch each other, americans think the other's eyes nitriles is a very important piece of matter. However, in China, we are not good at this kind of body communication, and in many cases we still think look straight into the eyes of a man is not condescension or don't respect each other's performance. This reflected in thinking mode, customs, religious belief and non-verbal communication differences between Chinese and western sino-us and even in economic and cultural and political aspect to have the conflict of one of the important reasons should not be neglected.

Space-time of the difference in eastern and western culture, China - the different ideas, and then the conflict on performance for the behavior. Difference from on time for, mainly for countries the contradiction between traditional and modern; From the space for countries in the region, history, politics, economy and other reasons caused the differences between Chinese and western, expression is traditional spiritual background, cultural background, philosophical background, etc. Middle and west two civilizations exist cultural differences between is understandable, is inevitable, want to eliminate the culture gap, it is necessary to enhance mutual understanding, each other only so that it was possible to eliminate misunderstanding, as premier zhou said we demand with differences believe "whatever the cultural gap, as long as mutual exchanges can achieve understanding."

Chinese-american culture, but also has difference of cultural convergence, with a kind of cultural fusion longing. I will maintain cultural diversity at the same time, with fresh for mutual understanding, enhance strengthen exchanges and communication, hope in the near future, a "datong" world really will appear in front of us!




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