⑴ 这部电影用英语怎么说
"Eye Porpoise" "Scorpion King Return" "Seabed Searches Densely"
“my good friend MYY approximately I go to the movie theater to look that on Sunday the movie "Eye Porpoise" "Scorpion King Return" and "Seabed Searches Densely", I am very happy, because I thought after this is the test, relaxes best way.
⑵ 如何用英语表达看130分钟的电影
watch a movie which lasts 130 minitues
⑶ 这部电影时长是多久 英语翻译。
1 这部电影时长是多久?
How long does the movie last?
2 这集电视剧时长是45分钟 / 这部电影时长2小时
This episode of TV series lasts for 45 minutes.
This movie lasts for 2 hours.
⑷ 在美国,问别人这部电影有多少分钟回答八十分钟,还是回答一小时二十分钟一百分钟英文又怎么说
one hundred minutes
⑸ 八佰这个电影用英语怎么说
电影《八佰》用英文直译可以翻译为The Eight Hundred.
电影网Rotten Tomatoes对这部电影的英语简介是:In 1937 a group of Chinese soldiers and draft dodgers puts up a four-day defense of a Shanghai warehouse complex just as Japanese forces are overwhelming China.
⑹ “这部电影片长158分钟。”的英语怎么说
The running time of the movie is 158 minutes.