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发布时间:2023-02-24 19:21:27

A. 真实的叶问的身高是多少厘米


B. 叶问英文介绍

Yip Man (1 October 1893 – 2 December 1972), also spelled as Ip Man,and also known as Yip Kai-man, was a Chinese martial artist and a famous Cantonese teacher in Guangdong. He had several students who later became martial arts teachers in their own right, including Bruce Lee

C. 叶问电影的英文名字什么

英文名: IP Man

导演: 叶伟信

监制: 黄百鸣

动作指导: 洪金宝

主演: 甄子丹 熊黛林

任达华 林家栋

樊少皇 池内博之

D. 电影叶文的英语介绍,回答好追加50分

一九三零年代,中国武术之都的佛山,武风顶盛,各门各派为广纳门徒,经常集体比斗以显实力。叶问(甄子丹饰)习得一身武艺但为人低调,故未有设馆授徒,只待在家中与友人闭门切磋、钻研武术。 以金山找(樊少皇饰)为首的北方武师,为了在佛山扬名立万,遂狠狠挫下各派馆主。金山找为搏得佛山市民的认同,决意挑战不问世事的叶问,且不惜一切逼叶问出手。叶问在妻子张永成(熊黛林饰)的鼓励下毅然出手,以熟练的咏春拳大胜金山找。经此一役,佛山掀起了炽盛的咏春热潮。好景不常,中日战争爆发,佛山沦陷,叶家大宅被日军强占,叶问被迫带着妻儿移居废屋。叶问一家生活艰苦,但叶问仍积极面对,一改阔少的态度,到煤炭厂当苦力,自力更生。众中国人默默耕耘之际,一批日军却前来生事,陪伴着日军主任佐腾旁边的翻译官,竟是昔日的佛山巡警李钊(林家栋饰)。日本将军三蒲(池内博之饰)是一名武痴,故以白米作奖赏,邀请中国人到打斗场与日军切磋,藉以观摩中国武术。叶问的好友武痴林(行宇饰)于打斗场内侮辱三蒲,被活生生击毙。叶问为寻找武痴林,到打斗场查看,甫一进场即见廖师傅被佐腾无理射杀。叶问遂把心中悲愤于打斗场上发泄出来,以一敌十,痛击日本人。三蒲对叶问的身手大为欣赏,并表示期待与叶问一战。叶问的挚友周清泉(任达华饰)被沦为山贼的金山找勒索。周清泉为养活一众工人,未有弃厂撤离,令叶问明白到每人都有其使命,遂留在棉花厂教众工人以咏春自卫。金山找再次来袭,一众工友在叶问带领下齐起以咏春反抗,一众卑微的工人竟能以自己的拳头击退山贼,大感振奋。三蒲带兵至棉花厂捉拿叶问,要求叶问向日军传授中国武术。叶问不甘作汉奸,且欲替中国人挽回尊严,遂公然挑战三蒲,要以双拳唤起中国人的团结心。三蒲自视甚高,为保名声毅然应战。佐腾为保三蒲胜出竟暗设埋伏,叶问虽已知已身陷危机,但仍为出中国人一口气,以咏春力战三蒲的空手道,二人在擂台上展开激烈生死决战。最后打败三浦,却被左腾从背后一枪将叶问打伤………

193 0's, the Chinese martial arts capital of Foshan, Wind Top Sheng-wu, the door to take his disciples factions, often fighting to significantly more than the collective strength. Ye ask (Yen ornaments) acquisition of skills but being a low-key, so no setting up of apprentices, only to be at home in a closed-door discussions with friends, studying martial arts. Jinshan to find (Fan less imperial ornaments), led by Northern masters, in order to扬名立万in Foshan was hard down the main hall under the various factions. Jinshan looking for搏得Foshan people's identity, is determined to challenge do not care Ye ask, and ask at all to force the leaf hand. Ye ask his wife张永成(Bear黛林Berry) took the encouragement of the hand to the Wing Chun skilled Chinshan find victory. After this incident, setting off a flaming Foshan's Wing Chun fever. Good times never last, Sino-Japanese war broke out, Foshan fall, leaf家大宅the Japanese colonial rule, leaves question with his wife and children were forced to scrap housing resettlement. Living leaves a difficult question, but the question still leaves a positive face,阔少changed attitude to the coal plants when the coolies, self-reliance. Chinese people work quietly public occasion, a group of Japanese soldiers has come to make trouble, to accompany the Japanese army Sato, director of next Translate officer, was former patrolmen Foshan Li Zhao (林家栋ornaments). Three Japanese generals Po (Hiroyuki Ikeuchi Berry) is a武痴, so to rice for reward, the invitation of Chinese people to fight the market with the Japanese learn to watch the Chinese martial arts. Ye ask friends武痴forest (trip-yu decoration) was an insult to three fights inside Po, was the living dead. Ye ask for the search武痴forest, to fight the market view, the standard approach that is甫一see Liao master was shot and killed Sato unreasonable. Ye then included the question on the minds of anger vent field fights out of ten to one enemy, the Japanese blow. Po question on the three leaf greatly appreciate the skill and look forward to working with express leaves one question warfare. Ye ask friends周清泉(Simon Yam decoration) has been reced to looking for blackmail Chinshan brigands.周清泉for workers to feed the public one, has not abandoned factory withdrawal, so that leaves the question everyone has to understand its mission in the cotton plant遂留teach Wing Chun to the public workers in self-defense. Jinshan to find once again struck, the public workers in the leaves one question led to Yong Chun Qi from resistance, one could Worker humble people with their fists repulsed brigands, greatly excited. Po three to lead troops to the capture of cotton plant leaves question asking question leaves impart to the Japanese, Chinese martial arts. Ye unwilling to ask for a traitor, and want to help restore the dignity of Chinese people was a blatant challenge to three of Po, it is necessary to arouse the Chinese people in fists of solidarity. Three self-Po high reputation for security determinedly cool. Sato for the security of three蒲胜has set up an ambush dark, Ye ask, although known to have been caught in the crisis, but is still a Chinese person in one breath to Yong Chun Li Po's Karate war three, two in the ring fierce battle of life and death. Finally defeat the Miura, was shot from behind the left Proton will ask wounded leaf ... ... ...

E. 为啥叶问的电影英文名叫IP MAN

电影《叶问》英文名“IP MAN”对很多观众绝对是一头雾水,你说怎么能是“IP人”呢?太时尚了!!

但是对熟悉粤语的朋友来说,“IP MAN”就比较容易理解,“IP”就是“叶”(yip)字的粤语读音,“MAN”不用说了,“问”字的粤语读音,近似普通话“慢”字的读音。由于叶问活跃于广东佛山地区,后来去香港,希望电影的原音应是粤语!不懂粤语的朋友也希望能看看粤语版本,反正现在放映的电影基本都有中文字幕!广东地区的电影拷贝应该会是粤语版本的为主。

F. 英文介绍叶问!

Yip Man
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Yip Man

Young Yip Man
Born 1 October 1893(1893-10-01)
Foshan, Empire of Great Qing of China
Died 2 December 1972 (aged 79)
Hong Kong
Cause of death Throat cancer
Other names 叶继问, Yeji Q
Occupation Martial arts practitioner
Title Gung-Gung
Children Ip Ching & Ip Chun
"Ip Man" redirects here. For the film, see Ip Man (film).
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Yip (叶).
Yip Man (traditional Chinese: 叶问; simplified Chinese: 叶问; pinyin: yè wèn, Cantonese Jyutping: jip6 man6; main spelling Ip Man[1]; also known as 叶继问 1 October 1893-2 December 1972) was the first martial arts master (Chinese: Sifu) to teach the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun openly. He had several students who later became martial arts teachers in their own right, including Bruce Lee.

Ip Kai Man was the last Wing Chun student of Chan Wah-shun [2][3][4] when he was 70 years old. He was born to Ip Oi Dor and Ng Shui, and was the third of four children. He grew up in a very wealthy family in Foshan, Guangdong, and received an exceptional traditional Chinese ecation. His older brother was Ip Kai Gak. His older sister was Ip Wan Mei and his younger sister was Ip Wan Hum[5].

Contents [hide]
1 Biography
2 Quote
3 Films
4 Martial arts lineage
5 Ip Man's Legacy
6 External links
7 References

[edit] Biography
When Ip Man was thirteen years old he started learning Wing Chun from Chan Wah-shun (陈华顺). Because of his sifu's old age, Ip Man had to learn much of his skills and techniques from his master's second eldest disciple Ng Chung-sok (吴仲素). Three years into Ip Man’s training Chan Wah-shun died. One of his dying wishes was to have Ng continue training Ip. At the age of 15 Ip man moved to Hong Kong with help from Leung Fut Ting, a relative. At age sixteen, Yip Man attended school at St. Stephen's College in Hong Kong [6] . It was a secondary school for wealthy families and foreigners who lived in Hong Kong. According to Ip Man's two sons[7], while at St. Stephen's Ip Man intervened after seeing a foreign police officer beating a woman. The story goes that the Police officer tried to strike Ip Man who used his martial arts to strike the officer down, at which point Ip Man and his classmate ran to school. The classmate is said to have told an older man who lived in his apartment block. Ip Man was invited to see this man and the man asked Ip Man what martial art he studied. The man then asked Ip Man to show him his first 2 forms (Sil Lim Tao and Chun Kiu). The man then told Ip man that his forms were “not too great.” [8] . Ip Man was then invited to Chi Sau (a form of training that involves controlled attack and defence), Ip Man saw this as an opportunity to prove his Kung Fu was good, but he was beaten after just a few strikes. It turned out that the old man was his master's elder fellow-disciple (and so, by Chinese tradition Yip Man's martial uncle), Leung Bik (梁璧), son of his master's master Leung Jan (梁赞). After that encounter, Yip Man continued his training lessons from Leung Bik. By the age of 24, Yip Man had returned to Foshan, his Wing Chun skills tremendously improved. [9][10]

In Foshan, Yip Man became a policeman[11]. He did not formally run a Wing Chun school, but taught several of his subordinates, his friends and relatives. Amongst those informal students, Lok Yiu, Chow Kwong-yue (周光裕 (六仔)), Kwok Fu (郭富), Lun Kai (伦佳), Chan Chi-sun (陈志新) and Lui Ying (吕应) were amongst the most well-known. Chow Kwong-yue was said to be the best student among his peers, but eventually he went into commerce and dropped out of martial arts all together. Kwok Fu and Lun Kai went on to teach students of their own. Wing Chun in the Foshan and Guangdong area was mainly passed down from these two indivials. Chan Chi-sun died young, and Lui Ying went to Hong Kong. Neither of them took any students.

Yip Man went to Kwok Fu's village house ring the Japanese Occupation. He only returned to Foshan after the war, to once again take up the job of a police officer. At the end of 1949, after the Communist party won the Chinese civil war, being an officer of the Kuomintang, he decided to escape to Hong Kong without his family when the Communists had come to Foshan.

In Hong Kong, he opened a martial arts school. Initially, business was poor because his students typically stayed for only a couple of months. He moved his school twice, to Hoi Tan Street (海坛街) in Sham Shui Po, and then to Lee Tat Street (利达街) in Yau Ma Tei. By then, some of his students were skilled enough that they were able to start their own schools. Among the first were Leung Sheung, Lok Yiu, Chu Shong-tin, and Wong Shun Leung.

Some of Yip Man's students and descendants compared their skills with other martial artists in combat. Their victories over other martial artists helped to bolster Ip Man's reputation as a teacher.

In 1967, Ip Man and some of his students established the Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Association (香港咏春拳体育会). In 1972, Ip Man suffered throat cancer and subsequently died on the 2nd of December that same year.

Within the three decades of his career in Hong Kong, he established a training system for Wing Chun that eventually spread across the world.

[edit] Quote
"徒弟选择一个好师傅, 固然困难, 但师傅选择一个好徒弟, 更加困难。" - It is difficult for a student to pick a good teacher, but it is even more difficult for a teacher to pick a good students.[citation needed]

[edit] Films
Main article: Ip Man (film)
A film loosely based on the life of Ip Man was released in 2008 and stars Donnie Yen as the martial artist. The film takes a number of liberties with Ip Man's life, often for dramatic effect. Ip Man's eldest son Ip Chun appears in the film and served as a consultant for the film. The film focuses on Ip's life ring the 1930s to the 1940s ring the Second Sino-Japanese War. The film is the first to be based on the life of Ip Man. A sequel to the film is in the works and will focus on Ip's disciples, which includes Bruce Lee.

Wong Kar-wai is reportedly working on his own biopic titled The Great Master. The film has been in development and will feature Tony Leung Chiu-Wai as Ip Man. However, it was revealed that Wong's five-year rights to make the Ip Man biopic had expired [1].

[edit] Martial arts lineage
See also: Branches of Wing Chun
Ip Man's Wing Chun Lineage [12]

Ng Mui (Shaolin Nun)
Yim Wing Chun (Was taught Wing Chun to defend herself[13])
Leung Bok Chau (Yim Wing Chun's husband)
Leung Lan Kwai
Wong Wah Bo (Was taught the pole form by Leung Yee Tei)
Leung Yee Tei (Added his the pole form to the system he learnt from Wah Bo)
Leung Jan (Also taught Leung Bik his son)
Chan Wah-shun (陈华顺)
Ip Man (叶问) also learned from second sihing Ng Chung-sok (吴仲素)
sibak Leung Bik (梁璧)
Known students: See Branches of Wing Chun

[edit] Ip Man's Legacy
Ip Man left a huge legacy of Wing Chun behind him, that now spans across the globe. Ip Man also left behind a written history of Wing Chun.[14][15][16] The factual accuracy of Ip Man's account has been debated; however, a translated of Ip Man's History is as follows:

"The founder of the Wing Chun Kung Fu System, Miss Yim Wing Chun was a native of Canton [Kwangtung Province] in China. She was an intelligent and athletic young girl, upstanding and forthright. Her mother died soon after her betrothal to Leung Bok Chau, a salt merchant of Fukien. Her father, Yim Yee, was wrongfully accused of a crime and, rather than risk jail, they slipped away and finally settled down at the foot of Tai Leung Mountain near the border between Yunan and Szechuan provinces. There they earned a living by running a shop that sold bean curd.

During the reign of Emperor K'anghsi of the Ching Dynasty (1662-1722) Kung Fu became very strong in the Siu Lam [Shaolin] Monastery of Mt. Sung, in Honan Province. This aroused the fear of the Manchu government [a non-Chinese people from Manchuria in the North, who ruled China at that time], which sent troops to attack the Monastery. Although they were unsuccessful, a man named Chan Man Wai, a recently appointed civil servant seeking favor with the government, suggested a plan.

He plotted with Siu Lam monk Ma Ning Yee and others who were persuaded to betray their companions by setting fire to the monastery while soldiers attacked it from the outside. Siu Lam was burned down, and the monks and disciples scattered. Buddhist Abbess Ng Mui, Abbot Chi Shin, Abbot Pak Mei, Master Fung To Tak and Master Miu Hin escaped and went their separate ways.

Ng Mui took refuge in the White Crane Temple on Mt. Tai Leung [also known as Mt. Chai Har]. It was there she met Yim Yee and his daughter Wing Chun from whom she often bought bean curd on her way home from the market. At fifteen, with her hair bound up in the custom of those days to show she was of an age to marry, Wing Chun's beauty attracted the attention of a local bully. He tried to force Wing Chun to marry him, and his continuous threats became a source of worry to her and her father. Ng Mui learned of this and took pity on Wing Chun. She agreed to teach Wing Chun fighting techniques so she could protect herself. Wing Chun followed Ng Mui into the mountains, and began to learn Kung Fu. She trained night and day, until she mastered the techniques. Then she challenged the bully to a fight and beat him.

Ng Mui later traveled around the country, but before she left she told Wing Chun to strictly honor the Kung Fu traditions, to develop her Kung Fu after her marriage, and to help the people working to overthrow the Manchu government and restore the Ming Dynasty.

After her marriage Wing Chun taught Kung Fu to her husband Leung Bok Chau. He in turn passed these techniques on to Leung Lan Kwai. Leung Lan Kwai then passed them on to Wong Wah Bo. Wong Wah Bo was a member of an opera troupe on board a junk, known to Chinese as the Red Junk. Wong worked on the Red Junk with Leung Yee Tei. It so happened that Abbot Chi Shin, who fled from Siu Lam, had disguised himself as a cook and was then working on the Red Junk. Chi Shin taught the Six-and-a-half-point Long Pole techniques to Leung Yee Tei. Wong Wah Bo was close to Leung Yee Tei, and they shared what they knew about Kung Fu. Together they shared and improved their techniques, and thus the Six-and-a-half-point Long Pole was incorporated into Wing Chun Kung Fu. Leung Yee Tei passed his Kung Fu on to Leung Jan, a well known herbal Doctor in Fat Shan. Leung Jan grasped the innermost secrets of Wing Chun, attaining the highest level of proficiency. Many Kung Fu masters came to challenge him, but all were defeated. Leung Jan became very famous. Later he passed his Kung Fu on to Chan Wah Shan, who took me and my elder Kung Fu brothers, such as Ng Siu Lo, Ng Chung So, Chan Yu Min and Lui Yu Jai, as his students many decades ago.

It can thus be said that the Wing Chun System was passed on to us in a direct line of succession from its origin. I write this history of the Wing Chun System in respectful memory of my forerunners. I am eternally grateful to them for passing to me the skills I now possess. A man should always think of the source of the water as he drinks it; it is this shared feeling that keeps our Kung Fu brothers together.

Is this not the way to promote Kung Fu, and to project the image of our country?

Ip Man"

Ip Man also filmed three of the five Wing Chun forms before he died. This was because he was afraid that people were changing Wing Chun unnecessarily and so wanted to set a record of how Wing Chun should be performed. Copies of the footage are kept by Ip Man's two sons. The footage has recently been cleaned up e to degradation of the tape since 1972.[17]

Many other artifacts of Ip Mans life are on Display in the "Ip Man Tong" museum in Foushan, China.

G. 电影《叶问》的英文片名为什么叫IP Man

电影《叶问》英文名“IP MAN”对很多观众绝对是一头雾水,你说怎么能是“IP人”呢?太时尚了!!


所以在英语里,如果这个“王某某”是中国大陆人,他的英文名就要写成”Wang XX“,如果是香港人,就要写成”XX Wong“.以此类推。

对熟悉粤语的朋友来说,“IP MAN”就比较容易理解,“IP”就是“叶”(yip)字的粤语读音,“MAN”不用说了,“问”字的粤语读音,近似普通话“慢”字的读音。由于叶问活跃于广东佛山地区,后来去香港,希望电影的原音应是粤语!不懂粤语的朋友也希望能看看粤语版本,反正现在放映的电影基本都有中文字幕!广东地区的电影拷贝应该会是粤语版本的为主。希望这个回答对你有帮助

H. 为什么《叶问》要翻译成 IP Man

原因:IP Man是叶问的粤语谐音。

《叶问3》在欧美国家上映时用的译名不是YE WEN而是IP MAN。“IP MAN”是叶问的粤语谐音。另一方面,这种翻译还有更深层的意思,即为了体现IP Man(叶问)作为中国人自己的超级英雄,与Spider Man(蜘蛛侠)、Iron Man(钢铁侠)等舶来的美式超级英雄们在英文译名上的呼应。








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