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发布时间:2023-02-21 00:48:14

A. 驯龙高手英文怎么说

How to Train Your Dragon(电影名)

B. 求 电影驯龙高手1百度网盘下载(英文版中文字幕)


C. 驯龙高手3是由哪本小说改写的,又可以在那里买到呢求解答。

驯龙高手系列电影都是由风靡一时英文书《how to train your dragon》改编的,这是一部很好的故事书,你可以到亚马逊搜看看有没有中文的,反正英文的我见过

D. 求电影 驯龙高手 英文简介和故事概述,英文的都是~


驯龙高手 How to Train Your Dragon
导演: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders
编剧: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders
主演: Jay Baruchel / Gerard Butler / America Ferrera / Craig Ferguson / Jonah Hill / Christopher Mintz-Plasse

E. 《驯龙高手》经典英语台词



Hiccup: I’m sorry, dad. I’m not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I’m not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I... don’t know...

小嗝嗝:对不起 爸。我没能成为你期望中的领袖,也没能像我想象中那样捍卫和平。我,不知道……

Hiccup: I, uh... I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How-how do you become someone... that great, that... brave, that... selfless? I guess you can only try. A chief protects his own. We’re going back.


Valka: You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. Oh, so frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn’t make it. But your father... he never doubted. He always said you’d become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That... is who you are, son.


Gobber: May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin’s great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know that you’ve taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend.








F. <<驯龙高手>>主要内容(英语)

A long time ago, when the world has not been poured into the steel jungle, when the technology has not yet made up invincible, Scandinavian masters of the land, based on hunting, fishing as the main livelihood of the nomadic Vikings. West down the sun rises in the east, strong, tall Viking and their wives and children, live a happy life comfortable. Just as people today can be flies, mosquitoes, rats, bugs, like those nasty guys disturb and threaten the Vikings have bothered the "pests" - Long. Those flying flame, the canine teeth of the dragon's violations, so Viking no peace. Thus, generation after generation of pirates with tribal chiefs subjects, and the dragon fight to the death battle.
If He Kapu (Jieyibulu Thatcher) father's father's father's father, Dragon heroes are each generation, then as a pirate guide (Gerard Butler) his son , it is no good did not inherit the family lineage. The hand can not blame the children put the shoulder does not challenge, even ants are not trampled to death, the upper and lower body strength of character to find any little pirates. By looking at his skinny little body, he dreams to become a great Viking's "lofty aspiration" was always in exchange for peer ridicule.
When puffing flames of animals again attacked the residence of the Vikings, with his help the blacksmith's master tried to persuade him to hide a bit further.
Small He Kapu partial afraid of evil. Not 6 the abdominal muscles, and his intelligent mind is the most powerful weapon! Build out their own catch a long rope, he secretly with equipment, ready to do the first one caught the "Night evil" people. Qiao was also said that he cat with three legs of the martial arts really caught a lucky hit with the night evil. But no one believed that he hit the most ferocious dragon legends - night ghosts. Disappointed him alone to the jungle to find the night evil figure, fell to the floor when he saw the night when evil, it almost did not wet his pants, he was scared. The courage to bring a knife, He Kapu Yingzhuoxinchang ready to end the knife by ropes tied the dragon only lives! Fear can be evil when you see the eyes of the night, he should not have the unwavering courage is lost. He cut the rope tied to the dragon, but also in fear fed fish, and it established a wonderful friendship, and discovered that in fact the nature of Chun-liang Long warm, perfectly tame. But when the father did not think so commanding, affable chefs do not think he likes the little girl 艾丝特蕾德 (Asia and the United States 莉卡费雷拉) do not think so. One long battle about to begin, in time to prevent the outbreak of small He Kapu absolutely no need to struggle Why?中文意思如下很久很久以前,当世界还没有被浇筑成钢铁丛林,当科技还没有发达到所向披靡,北欧大地上的主人,是以狩猎、捕鱼为主要生计的游牧维京人。太阳东升西落,强壮、高大的维京海盗和他们的妻子儿女,过着快乐惬意的生活。可就像现代人会被苍蝇、蚊子、老鼠、臭虫这些可恶的家伙打扰一样,威胁维京人的也有烦心的“害虫”——龙。那些飞天喷火、尖牙利齿的巨龙的侵犯,让维京海盗寝食难安。于是,一代又一代的海盗首领们带着部落子民,和飞龙誓死大战。

G. 驯龙高手英文简介


H. 驯龙高手1主要内容简单英文版

主要内容:The story tells a Viking teenager Shikap who lives on Bok Island. He must pass a dragon training test before he can officially become a Viking warrior. The Dragon Trainer Quiz is coming soon, and Hikap must seize this only opportunity to prove the value of his existence to the tribe and his father.

However, when Hikap meets a wounded dragon and becomes friends with this dragon, Hikap's world will completely change from then on.





I. 《驯龙高手3》的英文表达

《驯龙高手3》,How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, 2019, 英语对白中文字幕

Hiccup has been contantly pushed to tie the knot. As a chief, he has bigger fish to fry, that is, to settle Toothless down with a girlfriend. 

The pick is a Light Fury, the counterpart of Night Fury. Evidently, Toothless is head over heels in love with the chosen. The key is how to help him get the hang of courting.  

Hiccup is not qualifed as a tutor. It means that Toothless has no one to count on, except himself. 

1. guard the secret 保守秘密

2. You have the brains. 你有脑子

3. You are right on time. 来的时间刚刚好

4. knucklehead :a stupid person

5. There's no better gift than love. 没有比爱情更好的礼物

6. get the hang of it 掌握诀窍

7. Let's get to work. 开工啦

8. Easy, girl/boy. It's OK. 放松,没关系的

9. don't move a muscle 别动

10. Mark my word. 记住我的话

11. That's on me. 我来,归我管

12. It's where we belong. 归处

13. Don't thank me yet. 别急着道谢

14. pick a fight you can't win 打一场赢不起的仗

15. slip through your fingers 从指间溜走, 错失良机

16. Do we have a deal? 我们说定了?

17. tie the knot 结婚

18. You ask for it. 你自找的

19. Don't bother to wait for us. 不用特地等我们

20. be bad at pep talks 不会给人鼓劲

DreamWorks Animation's epic animated fantasy trilogy comes to a close with this release. I see the installment as the worst in the series.  

If I compare the companionship between Hiccup and Toothless with marital status, the process can be divided into three stages: dating, marriage, and divorce. This movie is all about divorce. 

Ben Franklin said, "We must all hang together or most assuredly we will all hang separately." The maxim serves the series well. Splitting up the et of Hiccup and Toothless, the dream of dragrons is reaching a dead end.  


J. 驯龙高手用英语怎么写

电影的英文名是How to Train Your Dragon
如果只是翻译“驯龙高手”,应该应该用Dragon Master更准确,直译是“控龙大师”



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