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发布时间:2023-02-18 21:38:12

1. 求几部比较好看的英文电影的中英文故事简介。急用。谢谢了,要适合学生看的!越多越好!

《人生遥控器》 很好 就是讲一个人弄到了一个可以遥控人生的遥控器,然后临死时发现了家庭的温暖和重要。发现是一个梦 回到现实中。很感人 很启发。
《big fish》 大鱼 也很好 讲一个儿子对他爸爸的谅解。充满了有趣的故事。也很让人感觉不错。。

2. 中学生必看的经典英文电影

中学生必看的经典英文电影 篇1

一.《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)


二.《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900)




三.《风雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard)


四.《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)

麻省理工学院的数学教授蓝波公布了一道困难的数学题,却被年轻的清洁工威尔(马特·戴蒙 饰)解了出来。可是威尔却是个问题少年,成天和好朋友查克(本·阿弗莱特 饰)等人四处闲逛,打架滋事。


五.《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)


六.《美丽人生》( Life is Beautiful)

二次世界大战期间的意大利,由罗伯托·贝里尼(Roberto Benigni)饰演的小人物─基多,来到图斯坎尼小镇追求他的理想与爱情,全然不顾法西斯主义之下的政府管制,在这里他与小学老师桃拉坠入情网。几年后,他们拥有了一个小男孩─约书亚,而基多也开了一间书店。



七.《幸福终点站》(The Terminal)

故事发生在上个世纪80年代末,维克多(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)是一个斯洛文尼亚人,为了逃避祖国的战乱,他决定移民美国,带着简单的行李买了飞往美国的机票。


站在这个不属于自己的国家,看着来来往往陌生的人群,维克多不禁感到迷茫。无奈之下,他只能留在机场睡在大厅的椅子上,在卫生间里洗澡,靠为路过的乘客服务生活。他现在拥有的只有自己不自由的身体,以及一个小皮箱,里面装着换洗的衣服、一把剃须刀和已经作费的身份证明。 一次偶然的机会下,维克多认识了一名美丽空姐艾米丽娅(凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯 饰)。艾米丽娅开始很同情维克多的遭遇,帮他介绍些小工作和与机场交涉关系,慢慢的她爱上了这个细腻而憨厚的男人。


八.《死亡诗社》Dead Poets Society


John Keating 反传统的教育方法给学院带来了一丝生气:在他的课堂里,他鼓励学生站在课桌上,用一个崭新的视角去观察周围的世界;他向学生介绍了许多有思想的诗歌;他所提倡的自由发散式的思维哲学在学生中引起了巨大的反响。


九.《追风筝的人》 (The Kite Runner)

阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔(Zekeria Ebrahim饰演)与仆人哈桑(Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada饰演)情同手足。在阿米尔受别人欺负的时候总是哈桑站出来保护他,尽管哈桑比他还要瘦弱。

在一次盛大的风筝大会上,阿米尔和哈桑一路过关斩将取得了第一名的好成绩。两个少年都十分开心。 哈桑也兴奋的.朝最后一个“战利品”追去。但在途中哈桑却被一伙不良少年堵截在小巷中蹂躏强暴,尾随哈桑的阿米尔目睹了发生在哈桑身上的一切,却没有勇气站出来保护哈桑而眼睁睁的看着哈桑被他们强暴。



阿米尔意识到过去的从来都未曾过去。他始终无法摆脱对哈桑的歉疚。为了赎罪,为了哈桑,他再次踏上睽违二十多年的故 土。希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力。然而此行却让他发现了一个惊天的谎言......

中学生必看的经典英文电影 篇2

《大鱼》是哥伦比亚影业公司于2003年出品的一部美国奇幻片,故事改编自丹尼尔·华勒斯(Daniel Wallace)于1998年出版的《大鱼老爸》(Big Fish)。由蒂姆·伯顿执导,伊万·麦克格雷格、阿尔伯特·芬尼和杰西卡·兰格等联袂出演。






中学生必看的经典英文电影 篇3

《魔法师的学徒》(The Sorcerer's Apprentice)又名《巫师学徒》,是由迪斯尼电影公司和制作人杰瑞·布鲁克海默联手奉献,根据小说《深蓝05670》改编的奇幻冒险片,影片由乔·德特杜巴执导,马特·洛佩兹编剧,并由华夏电影公司发行,2010年9月9日在中国上映。饰演魔法师巴萨泽·布雷克的是尼古拉斯·凯奇,他在片中调教的菜鸟学徒由阿帕图校园喜剧出身的杰伊·巴鲁切尔出演,而曾在《蜘蛛侠2》中扮演大反派“章鱼博士”的阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳也加盟本片。影片讲述在当代的纽约曼哈顿,一个魔法师训练一个新人以帮助他对抗邪恶黑势力的故事。

公元700年左右, 正义的魔法师默林(James A. Stephens 饰)带领徒弟巴尔萨泽(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)、维萝妮卡(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)、霍瓦斯与邪恶的女巫莫戛娜·洛菲(Alice Krige 饰)展开抗争。维萝妮卡为了封住女巫,而将莫戛娜的灵魂吞入自己的体内,并由巴尔萨泽将她们封印在玩偶中。默林死前,将一枚龙指环交给巴尔萨泽,嘱托他寻找默林英雄,将莫戛娜彻底消灭。此后的岁月里,巴尔萨泽走遍世界各地寻找默林英雄,却始终一无所获,直到他来到美国纽约。

公元2000年,四年级小学生戴夫在纽约一间魔法店宿命地邂逅了巴尔萨泽,并得到龙指环的肯定。期间,他无意中释放了邪恶的霍瓦斯,引发一场巨大的混乱,戴夫也被同学们认为精神错乱。转眼十年,戴夫(Jay Baruchel 饰)已成长为帅气青年。童年的遭遇恍如一场噩梦,却在十年后再次袭来,他不得不遵照命运的指引,与女巫展开最后的抗争。

3. 用简短的英语介绍两部英文电影

Manny, Sid Diego and open new adventure, Sid eccentric grandmother accidentally and three people drifted out to sea, this group of fellow sufferers were a pirate blocked, make their journey home, adding more beat all frenzy...
Three idiots 三傻大闹宝莱坞
Farhan, Raju, and Rancho are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering. Farhan is studying engineering to pursue his father's wishes over his own to become a wildlife photographer. Raju is studying to raise his family's fortunes while Rancho, driven by his passion for machines and devices, studies for joy of it. However, e to this different approach Rancho incurs the wrath of dean of college, Professor Viru "Virus". Virus labels Rancho and his friends as "idiots" and attempts on a number of occasions to break up their friendship. Meanwhile, Rancho falls in love with Virus' daughter Pia and infuriaes Virus.
Three idiots不知道这部电影你看过没,评价很高的,我也非常喜欢这部电影。

4. 介绍一部电影初中英语作文



Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free. Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too. Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical. This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

我喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。我非常喜欢英语,因此英语电影也是我喜欢看的。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez。他们要一起主演学校的音乐剧。在这个过程中,发生了一系列的故事,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影的原因是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分羡慕。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。


The Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen. The movie stars from mainland and Hong Kong co-star in this film, attracting many movie fans’ attraction. Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading roles. The movie focuses on the legend stories of mutual martial arts ring the Republic of China. In order to truly show the moves and spirits of the four Kung Fu branches, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagrams, Bachi and Ying Yie, the director Karwai Wong collected a large amount of precious materials in the period of Republic of China, visited more than one hundred descendants across the country in three years. Besides, the leading roles went to learn Kung Fu for many years. As a result, we can enjoy a beautifully proced and fantastic Kung Fu movie. I watched it in the cinema, feeling it’s so great that I couldn’t describe it in language. I desperately love this film.



I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.


I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.


5. 英文电影的英语介绍

我在英文赏析课上老师介绍的 非常适合高中生看
I don’t know for sure whether it is the cold or the movie that kept me tossing and turning in bed, but one thing is certain: many scattered fragments of the movie again and again flashed in my mind. My cell phone read 4:16 am at that time, but I was not sleepy at all. So I decided to get up and write something.
"The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked “happy,” “Why not me? “ Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father.
With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son’s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.
With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower.
Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person.

It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ’s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ’s love to his son and Christ’s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.
这绝对是一部经典的电影 但是有点长 所以我把中文意思也给你 你可以依照自己的喜好节选
《阿甘正传》影评 英文中文对照版
<Forrest Gump> Film review
Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .
Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.
Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .
阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!

So what's your choice between being a common person or a hero with people's respects? Most people will choose the latter. But what will be your choice if the cost is laying your lover among the risks? What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl, who you love so much, that you love her? The spider man had this contradiction. But finally he still chose the latter, not in order to be a hero, but to make this word peaceful.
I was so moved by the words the Aunt Mary said:
You will never guess what he wants to be, the spider man. He knows the hero when he sees one, too a few characters out there, flying all around out there, saving old girls like me. Lord knows kids like Henry need hero courageous, sacrificing for people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People enthrone them, cheer them, scream their names and years later they will tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse the one who taught them to hold on to stand longer. I believe there is a hero in all of us. They keep us be honest, give us strength, make us noble, and finally allow us to die with proud. Ever though sometimes we have to initiatively give up the thing we want most, even our dreams. Spider man did that for Henry, so he wants to know where he is gone. He needs him.
The spider man got much from these words, so did I. And what about you? what's the hero lying in you?

Brave Heart, the winner of Oscar Prize, is about the war between England and Scotland.

But in the movie, the most important thing is not fighting. It is the pursuit of freedom that attract me most. In the age mentioned in the movie, England ruled Scotland in a cruel way. People in Scotland rebelled.

Wallace, leader of the rebellion, was a real hero. He fought bravely with his soldiers, for neither wealth nor power. What they want the most is that they could live a free life.

After long-time fighting, the rebellion was beaten down and Wallace was arrested. The ruler gave hime a last chance to confess and promised him if he did so, he might not be sentenced.

But what's Wallace's choice. At the last of his life, he abandoned the chance to survive and cried out, 'freedom'. This was the word that all people in Scotland wanted to say.

This movie is my favorite. It tells me that there is something named freedom which is more important than life

Story takes place in 1947, banker Andy because his wife was having an affair with guns to kill her and her lover, and he was accused of killing his wife and his lover, Andy Pipanwuqi resettlement sentence, which means that he will Shawn prison rest of their lives. Arie 1927 Beipanwuqi resettlement sentence for murder, were released on parole on several occasions without success. Shawn has become a prison, he is now the "authority figures", as long as you can afford to pay the money, he was almost there are ways to be made into anything you want: cigarettes, candy, wine, and even marijuana. Whenever a new prisoner comes, everyone who bet on the first night crying. Arie that the fragile, bookish Andy will cry when the foot a result, Andy's silence so that he lost a four-pack of cigarettes. But also to make Arui him a new light.

Since a long time, Andy is not, and any human contact, while everyone complained about the same time, he was in the yard is a leisurely stroll, as the same as in the park. A month later, Andy please Arui to help him carry out the first thing a small pickaxe, he explained that he would like carving some small things to while away the time, and said that he think of ways to escape the prison The routine inspection. Soon, Arie went on to play Andy carved chess. After Andy has carried out for a Rita. Haihua wire attached to a huge poster of the cell wall.

Time, Andy and the other prisoners out of several labor, he inadvertently heard the prison officer in the taxed talk about things. Andy said he had an approach could allow prison officials to legally remove to a large tax, as the exchange, he was a friend more than a dozen inmates each win two bottles of Tiger beer. Drinking beer, Arie said that over the years, he first felt the sense of freedom.

As Andy proficient in the knowledge of the financial system, and soon made him out of prison and heavy physical labor, and other abnormal prisoners harassment. Soon, Andy notorious for an increasing number of prison guards began to deal with tax issues, and even children's ecational problems came to him for advice. At the same time Andy has also graally become warden warden Shawn important tool for money laundering. As Andy wrote to the governor constantly, and finally to the prison for a small amount of money for the prison library building. Prison life is very flat to talk about, and always want their own to find some things to do. Andy heard the original Arie liked Chuikou Qin, she bought one given to him. After the dead of night, you can hear the melodious sound of the harmonica a slight echoed in prison.

The arrival of a young prisoner Andy broke the quiet life in prison: the inmates at another prison before, when heard Andy's case, he knew who the murderers! But when Andy request to the governor to re-try the case, they were met with refusal, and has been in solitary confinement for two months severely punished. Andy in order to prevent the release of the design at the prison killed an insider!

Face the harsh reality, Andy became very depressed ... ... One day, he Arie said: "If one day you will receive parole, be sure to go somewhere for me to complete a wish. It was the first time I and his wife dating place, to where the big oak tree g up under a box. that when a you know what it is. "That night, wind and rain, thunder rang out, has been the success of the soul salvation Andy Jailbreak .

The original two decades, Andy every day with that the little pickaxe to dig holes and then use the posters will cover the hole. Andy after his release, took the part of black money kept by the warden and the warden was denounced corruption of the truth. Governor kept a small account book in its own coffers to see is Andy left a Bible, placed inside the hollowed out part of the ground into a round that put nearly a mattock.

Arie was released, he found a box under the oak in cash, two old friends finally sunny beach in Mexico, a reunion.








大哥看我给你介绍的这么多的份上 您采纳我吧 感激不尽

6. 用英文介绍一部电影!

hello,everyone.i will introce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.


7. 适合给大学生看的英文电影有哪些






6,倒霉爱神 (林赛罗汉主演)





11,疯狂金龟车 (林赛罗汉主演)








19, 辣妹保镖



8. 十部最好练英语的电影 关于英语电影的介绍

1、Love Actually《真爱至上》圣诞节必备佳片,一部充满了惊喜时刻的感人电影。由十个发生在圣诞节前夕的独立小故事串联而成,讲述了“爱无处不在”。而且故事的情节简单,对话内容生活化,适合英语小白入门学习。

2、Dead Poets Society《死亡诗社》一个不同寻常的老师基汀带学生们在校史楼内聆听死亡的声音,反思生的意义 ;让男生们在绿茵场上宣读自己的理想;鼓励学生站在课桌上,用新的视角俯瞰世界。老师自由发散式的哲学思维让学生内心产生强烈的共鸣,他们渐渐学会自己思考与求索,勇敢的追问人生的路途,甚至违反门禁,成立死亡诗社,在山洞里击节而歌!

3、Room《房间》非常非常棒的一部电影,女主也凭借这部电影夺得奥斯卡最佳女主。电影讲述的是女主被当做性奴,被囚禁了7年,这期间生下了儿子小杰克,而杰克从未离开过这个铁皮房间,对整个世界的认知就是这个房间。最后母子被解救之后, 在重新融入社会中时,小杰克承担起了安抚妈妈的角色,帮助妈妈走出阴影。电影最感人的片段,就是最后杰克再一次回到这个铁皮小屋,看到自己“儿时的伙伴”——马桶,盆栽,洗手盆.... 小杰克一一和小伙伴告别的时候,真的眼泪止不住往下掉,因为这个大人们所恐惧的房间,却是杰克的整个童年,电影对白也非常简单易学,毕竟男主只是个5岁小孩啊,单词量也不多,哈哈。

4、The Big Short《大空头》这部电影讲述的是2008年华尔街金融危机时,在大家都在亏钱的时候,有一群人却提前看到了危机,赚得盆满钵满。这部电影也入围了奥斯卡,高晓松在晓松奇谈里也力荐这部电影。也非常推崇有一定英语基础的同学学这部电影,毕竟,现在金融和我们每个人息息相关。没有金融背景的同学不用怕,这部电影可以把金融知识用各种花哨的方式,给你讲明白,还是挺难得的。

5、Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这是一部大家都很熟悉的童话故事改编的电影,对白很简单,单词也不难,电影中所说的是英式英语,很好听。大家可以两部一起学习,可以更好的掌握里面的单词和句子。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是一部很经典的童话故事,改编的这部电影也很适合小白学英语,建议大家看完电影可以再去读一读英文原版书,对自己的英语也会有很大的提高。

6、Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》7岁的奥利芙,戴眼镜,小肚腩,却坚信自己有朝一日能当选美国小姐;热衷推销成功学的爸爸,一事无成还濒临破产;立志要当飞行员的哥哥,为表决心9个月不开口说话;舅舅是一个失恋兼失业,自杀又未遂的同性恋;爷爷,被养老院赶出来的老流氓,沉迷毒品和黄色杂志;妈妈,似乎是这个疯狂家庭唯一还正常的人。为了支持奥利芙参加“阳光小美女”选美比赛,大家决定开车900英里去加州。于是,这一家人踏上了集体寻梦的旅程,跌跌撞撞,滑稽惹笑地开着那辆破旧不堪的巴士驶向未知的前方……

7、Big Fish《大鱼》爱德华生性热爱自由,成年之后,他选择离开家乡,踏上了环游世界的旅程。一路上,爱德华遇见了各种各样稀奇古怪的角色,经历了无数精彩绝伦的的冒险,而他日后最大的兴趣,就是向他人喋喋不休的重复讲述他的这一段奇幻旅程。威尔是爱德华的儿子,他并不相信父亲所讲述的那些光怪陆离的故事,甚至对此感到无比厌烦。婚后,他同父亲中断了联系,一晃眼就是数年过去。当再次得到爱德华的消息之时,威尔才知道父亲即将不久于人世,他决定去见爱德华最后一面。然而,这一次,威尔终于发现了隐藏在这些故事背后的奥秘和真相。


9、Pride & Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》是由简奥斯丁著名小说改编的影片,不得不说导演的选角真的很厉害,女主完全演出了故事里的样子,从一开始见面的互相看不顺眼,到达西先生的雨中告白,故事更加告诉女生不要因为别人的喜好和眼光放弃做真正的自己。该片也非常适合练习英语听力,除了部分因角色需要语速比较快,大部分角色语速适中。而且大部分是非常标准的英式发音,比较推荐。

10、The Intern?《实习生》影片中不乏对职场生态和规则的展现:朱尔斯的秘书每天工作14小时也没能得到上司的重任,在本面前崩溃流泪;朱尔斯将全部业余生活献给了事业,却面临董事会对其能力的质疑,和丈夫的背叛……本用自己的人生智慧开导着身边的人,我们也总能透过他的视角在影片中发现共鸣。是一部非常值得看的电影,也会对大家的职场有所启发。

9. 用英语介绍一部电影的电影情节和电影主人公的演讲稿


Ed Malone, goes to his news editor, McArdle, to get a dangerous and
adventurous mission to impress the woman he loves. He is sent to interview
Professor Challenger, who has assaulted four or five other journalists, to
determine if his claims about his trip to South America are true. After
assaulting Malone, Challenger reveals his discovery of dinosaurs in South
America. After having been ridiculed for years, he invites Malone on a trip to
prove his story, along with Professor Summerlee, another scientist qualified to
examine any evidence, and Lord John Roxton, an adventurer who knows the Amazon
and several years previous to the action in the book helped end slavery by
rubber barons in South America. They reach the plateau with the aid of Indian
guides, who are superstitiously scared of the area. One of these Indians, Gomez,
is the brother of a man that Roxton killed the last time he was in South
America. When the expedition manages to get onto the plateau, Gomez destroys
their bridge, trapping them. Their "devoted negro" Zambo remains at the base,
but is unable to prevent the rest of the Indians from leaving.

Deciding to investigate the lost world, they are attacked by pterodactyls at
a swamp, and Roxton finds some blue clay to which he takes a great degree of
interest. After exploring the terrain and having a few misadventures in which
the expedition narrowly misses being killed by dinosaurs, Ce of the plateau who
the ape-men are constantly at war with. Roxton manages to escape and team up
with Malone to mount to a rescue. They arrive just in time to prevent the
executions of the Professors and several other humans, who take them to human
tribe. With their help, they defeat the ape-men, taking control of the whole

After witnessing the power of their guns, the human tribe does not want the
expedition to leave, and tries to keep them there. However, the team finally
discovers a tunnel that leads to the outside, where they meet up with Zambo and
a large rescue party. Upon returning to England, they present their report,
which many dismiss like they did Challenger's original story. Having planned
ahead, Challenger shows them a live Pterodactyl as proof, which then escapes and
flies out into the ocean. . Challenger opens a private museum, Sumerlee retires
to categorize fossils, and Roxton plans to go back to the lost world. Malone
returns to his love, Gladys, only to find out that she married a clerk while he
was away. With nothing keeping him in London, he volunteers to be part of
Roxton's second trip.




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