⑴ 汤姆指着一个橘子问李玲橘子用英语怎么说
Tom points at a orange and asks Li Lin :"How to say "orange" in English?"
谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y
另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)>
⑵ as a teenager,tom jones was shy
as a teenager,tom jones was shy
英 [ˈti:neɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈtinˌedʒɚ]
复数: teenagers
⑶ 《汤姆·琼斯(1963)》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源
链接: https://pan..com/s/1z9QHXHYN-p2euZJONqxygA
⑷ if i only knew 汤姆 琼斯的歌词翻译过来,我看了百度自动翻译的,不好,我要专业的
⑸ 求一篇弃婴汤姆琼斯的故事的英文故事梗概(就是讲故事)一百二十字左右
我正好在做这个作业诶。。 这是我的答案 。。。对了 这个同学是哪个学校的?1.昨天写错了 下午发
Can you give examples from the selected readings to illustrate Swift’s satires to human being?
He sarcastically tells the characteristics of the UK at the time: "greed, the party struggles, hypocrisy, cruelty, anger, madness, hate, jealousy, lust, sinister, and ambitions.
Tom Jones
In bookXⅡ chapter XⅣ : A stranger showed up and robbed the four people. Mr.Partridge lost his fearless showed on his face just a few minutes ago(“ I never was less afraid in my life; for we are four of us, and if we all stand by one another, the best man in England can’t rob us. Suppose…. but once. ”) then turned to not dare to look up , try to escape from the engagement.( who, endeavouring to make his escape from the engagement, had benn thrown from his horse, and lay flat on his face, not daring to look up, and expecting every minute to be shot. )
⑹ 求一篇菲尔丁《汤姆琼斯》(Tom Jones)的 SUMMARY,大约200字,英文~
The story tells of a gentleman named Allworthy who has a large fortune and is a healthy and decent man.One night he steps into bed and finds to his surprise a infant wrapped in linen between his sheets and with the help of his beloved sister Bridget sorts out the boy’s future.A maidservant,Jenny Jones,admits that it is her child and the boy is given the name Tom Jones.Bridget marries Captain Brifil and they agree at Allworthy’s request to bring up the child.After troubled years,Tom grows to a young man but seems doomed to be hanged since he has already been convicted of robbing an orchard,stealing a ck and picking Master Blifil’s pocket by the age of fourteen.His weaknesses are his spirit of animal instinct and his lusty nature,though he is also cursed with ill luck.Tom falls in love with the daughter of Western,an ignorant and unpleasant indivial.The boy’s life is made more difficult still by his enemies Thwackum and Square,and he ends up a wanderer.The novel centres upon these wandering times,and follows him as he ends up seced by his own mother although it turns out that his true mother was another woman entirely.Such are the tribulations faced by our eponymous hero in this second of Fielding’s ‘comic epics’ after Joseph Andrews.Fielding is largely interested in human behaviour and motives,though not in their psychologies and he tends to be explanatory rather than exploratory.He owes something of a debt to Cervantes,whose Don Quixote is a precursor to this novel.
⑺ 汤姆·琼斯
Tom Jones is Henry Fielding's masterpiece on the subject of human nature. It brings the author the name of "Prose Homer" .The panoramic view it provides of the 18th century English country ang city life with different places and about 40 characters is unsurpassed.The language is one of clarity and suppleness. And last of all, the plot construction is excellent. Its eighteen books of epic form are divided into three sections,6 books each, clearly marked out by change of scenes:in the country, on the highway and in London. By this Fielding has indeed achieved his goal of writing a "comic epic in prose".
In the novel, Tom Jones stands for a drifting Everyman who is expelled from the paradise and has to undergo hard experiences to gain some knowledge of himself to approach perfection.
⑻ 怎样翻译Tom Jones brings Henry Fielding the name of the Prose Homer.
⑼ 求一篇菲尔丁《汤姆琼斯》(Tom Jones)的 SUMMARY,大约200字,英文~谢谢!
The story tells of a gentleman named Allworthy who has a large fortune and is a healthy and decent man. One night he steps into bed and finds to his surprise a infant wrapped in linen between his sheets and with the help of his beloved sister Bridget sorts out the boy’s future. A maidservant, Jenny Jones, admits that it is her child and the boy is given the name Tom Jones. Bridget marries Captain Brifil and they agree at Allworthy’s request to bring up the child. After troubled years, Tom grows to a young man but seems doomed to be hanged since he has already been convicted of robbing an orchard, stealing a ck and picking Master Blifil’s pocket by the age of fourteen. His weaknesses are his spirit of animal instinct and his lusty nature, though he is also cursed with ill luck. Tom falls in love with the daughter of Western, an ignorant and unpleasant indivial. The boy’s life is made more difficult still by his enemies Thwackum and Square, and he ends up a wanderer. The novel centres upon these wandering times, and follows him as he ends up seced by his own mother although it turns out that his true mother was another woman entirely. Such are the tribulations faced by our eponymous hero in this second of Fielding’s ‘comic epics’ after Joseph Andrews. Fielding is largely interested in human behaviour and motives, though not in their psychologies and he tends to be explanatory rather than exploratory. He owes something of a debt to Cervantes, whose Don Quixote is a precursor to this novel.
⑽ 汤姆,去看谁在敲门翻译成英文,全句翻译一字不漏
Tom , go and see who is knocking at the door!