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发布时间:2023-02-16 16:21:49

『壹』 有关血腥电影对青少年的影响的英语作文


『贰』 《启示》:梅尔·吉普森写实暴力电影 ,鲜血淋淋的玛雅文明史







《时代周刊》说道:「Gibson seems certain that the film's "kinetic energy" will make Maya language and culture "cool" enough to attract a crowd.」(吉布森看来很确定这部电影的「活力」会让玛雅语和玛雅文化听起来够酷,酷到足以吸引观众入场)













电影一开始引用美国哲学家威尔·杜兰的话:「一个伟大的文明不是毁于外部的侵略,而是亡于自身的衰落。」(A Great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within.) 若依此理论解释,西班牙人不过是加速了原本就有问题的玛雅帝国的灭亡。






『叁』 急急急!!!有谁看过电影《邦妮和克莱德》(Bonnie and Clyde)





This is a crime film is not so much as it is road film.

When the "New York Times" Bosilike Lauther critics such as when he rebuked a brutal film, the director Arthur Penn retaliate, they said it was "mind a noble and looks rough." "Film is not a case of Bonnie and Clyde: We will not go any further. They are the criminals are perverts, they were abandoned outside the times of the current situation, but they are still the era what is left. "

The background is a fun, "that in their era, a unified national police force has not been established: the states have state police. Later, Ford proced V-8 model car, it is enough to make police cars far behind, when the gang also be shipped and birth. "They have cars as their home, which is Westerns turned to new types of crime films, or films with the integration of road, obviously, automobile replaced the horse.

Payne characters and the audience of this film is also the psychological interaction if the candle hole. Because of economic recession, the banks and the police working hand in glove to play the role of a vicious, Bonnie and Clyde of looting and violence becomes legitimate, even heroic. "I do not think that is very funny to see police officers were killed, although this does not mean that in a very terrible thing in a little ridiculous things have not. I experienced a protracted war, it is very frightening and laughable. There is no doubt, the humor of the hidden violence is a direct and constant correlative. They attendant, and almost equally divided between + This is my personal experience. we are seeking to re-create the movie of this. homicide less and less funny becoming more and more specific, because only those who murder became like a homicide. In this sense, we are beginning to understand the murder motive. So, the more a person's sexual homicide, the more it is not ridiculous. "" I think violence is the United States personality part of it. It originated in the Wild West and the era. The United States is a violent means of expressing their views of the nation, it lacks advised evil from good, strong tradition of enlightenment and the law. "

『肆』 求大神帮忙中英文各说明一下电影《暴力街区》的简介!谢谢!

Film "banlieue" is action film directed by Camille Delamare by David LaChapelle, West, Raffaelli, Tony Damaxiu starring. The film is the director Luc Besson directed action movie "banlieue 13" the upgrade version of strengthening tells the story of Chicago, a group of weapons of mass destruction was stealing a slum of drug traffickers, and played by Paul Walker and undercover detective (David LaChapelle) deep into the slums investigation and eventually uncovered a concealed for a blockbuster conspiracy.
Detroit, the United States, the crime ridden, in order to protect the public safety, the authorities will be the city
Isolation of the most dangerous criminals, they are placed in the box "red zone tremble with fear on hearing of sin" (Brick Mansions).
In the law of the jungle "red zone", cruel ruthless drug lord Tremayne (RZA ornaments) as the core of the evil, undercover member Damian (Paul Walker). Shebeginstofall always wanted to be him to justice. On the other hand, I hope to leave the area for a new life of lino (David Belque) because his girlfriend Lola were Tremaine abcted and worried. Have a common enemy, from different worlds, different backgrounds of Damian and lino decided to deal with tremaine. [1]
最危险的罪犯隔离,安置他们在令人闻风丧胆的罪恶禁区“红砖特区”(Brick Mansions)。

『伍』 大家对性暴力吸毒电影的看法一篇英语作文

Violent Film Is Harmful to Children
It is necessary to prevent cfiildren from seeing violent films. In recent years teenage criminals have increased alarmingly and this has happened at a time when more and more hours are being devoted to TV prngranms and films which show violent behaviour and violent solutions to all kinds of problems. Children are weak in judging right from wrong, and tend to admire film characters who solve problems by force. Then they apply what they have learned in the film to real life, which causes harmful effects on society. Therefore, violent films are harmful to children.
When I was young, I had never heard of the crime of kidnapping. But now crime like this is heard mad read frequently. Only a few days ago, I learned from newspaper that a boy who had kidnapped a two-year-old child for money was arrested. The boy said he learned about kidnapping in the film. I am not saying all crimes or even mast crimes can be attributed to violent films, but observations have shown that it is a major factor.

『陆』 电影《暴力史》的内容是什么

《暴力史》(A History of Violence)
英文名称:A History of Violence
电影导演:大卫·柯南伯格 David Cronenberg
电影演员:维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortenson
埃德·哈里斯 Ed Harris

英文名:A History of Violence
导演:大卫·柯南伯格 David Cronenberg
编剧:乔什·奥尔森 Josh Olson
主演:维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortenson
埃德·哈里斯 Ed Harris
玛利亚·贝洛 Maria Bello
威廉·赫特 William Hurt
艾什顿·霍姆斯 Ashton Holmes
苏米拉·凯 Sumela Kay
发行:新线 New Line Cinema

◇ 故事:遗忘的暴力过去?



◇ 看点:“阿拉贡”领衔“深度惊悚片第一导演”作品






维戈·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen .... Tom Stall
玛丽娅·贝罗 Maria Bello .... Edie Stall
埃德·哈里斯 Ed Harris ....
威廉·赫特 William Hurt ....
Ashton Holmes .... Jack Stall
Steve Arbuckle .... Jared
贾森·巴贝克 Jason Barbeck .... Thug 1
Greg Bryk .... William "Billy" Orser
Sumela Kay .... Judy
Morgan Kelly .... Bob's buddy
April Mullen .... Lisa
Connor Price .... Kid
Evan Rose .... 'Hulk' Boy
基尔·施密德 Kyle Schmid .... Bobby Jordan

『柒』 英语辩论 (题目:暴力电影,反方,不支持)急求!!!!200分

Although many people criticize violent movies, if there is a movie which does not contain sex and violence, who will go to see that movie? Most major movies, such as "Lethal Weapon", "Die Hard", and "Independence Day", were really popular in spite of the fact that the "good guy" killed more people than the "bad guy" did.

In my opinion, Hollywood tends to proce few kinds of movies--action, panic, love story, and comedy. Whenever I watch a movie or a video, there is at least one murder in each movie.

The biggest number of deaths are in the panic movies, in my opinion. Action movies with violence take heat from alts who blame them for real life violence because they are closer to reality than other movies. For example, in "Natural Born Killers" we can see around 50 deaths, whereas in "Independence Day" thousands of people die.

In both movies, tons of people are killed, though the ways to kill are different. The big difference between them is about reality.

Children might imitate behavior they see in the movies. I agree that movies, TV, and other media influence our lives, especially for kids; but not all children imitate violence. Most kids hate that and don't want to see it.

The question whether movie violence should be regulated or not is a difficult and complicated matter. Although this is just my experience, I have learned that it's best to keep away from violent movies and how it hurts if I get a punch.

Violence in movies might make some kids aggressive, but they can learn about the world from that. If there is no violence in the media, everyone would have to learn only from real experience. A really tough kid never understands how it hurts to get punched.

Many parents tend to blame media violence, but parents should teach their children that there are tons of good things and bad things, and they should help them to know what is wrong. I think government regulation is the last solution. Before that, parents can help their offspring to behave in a beautiful way.


『捌』 英文电影80字英文观后感

《The pursuit of happyness》当幸福来敲门

After watching it i learned that catch every chance what i meet and be activly to the life.And god will never miss us or give us upLike the actor, he can be such a life in the bottom of society commitment-phobe deced, at least, I was really touched. In order to pay the rent and looked at his son to send the kindergarten fees, looking at his envy ground to looking at a securities broker's figure, looked at him with a securities broker to win the opportunity to communicate with time, sit on the same car, looking at him and they are expecting to speak, he wants to become a securities broker. At last, he finally out of the crowd

『玖』 电影 暴力街区 英语简介 短一点

An undercover Detroit cop navigates a dangerous neighborhood that's surrounded by a containment wall with the help of an ex-con in order to bring down a crime lord and his plot to devastate the entire city.



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