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发布时间:2023-02-11 01:19:20

1. 《返老还童》的男主角什么

布拉德皮特 资料
2004-05-13 16:34:42南方网综合新浪娱乐

英文名:William Bradley Pitt 生日﹕1963年12月18日



最初,皮特在好莱坞做侍应生、司机,甚至在炸鸡店门口装扮成卡通人物--“鸡”的模样分发传单。他在打工的同时参加了几个演艺班,并幸运地成为著名的洛伊-伦敦的学生,学习了一年的表演课程。1983年,他从表演学校毕业,做起了临时演员。他是那种一进片场就浑身来劲的演员,所以很快就在电视界站住了脚,他以叛逆而迷茫的形象出现在许多电视剧中,得到了“詹姆斯-狄恩第二”的绰号。这是一段磨练演技的时期。由于对追求外在的好莱坞产生了厌倦,他离开了好莱坞前往欧洲游荡。这段游荡的生活增加了他的阅历,不久皮特再次回到好莱坞,踏上从影的道路。1987年皮特参加了他的第一部电影《无主地》(No Man’s Land)的拍摄(临时演员),1988年主演了第一部电影《下课后》(Cutting Class)。

1991年,皮特在女性题材影片《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis)中出演了一个搭便车的性感、阳刚青年的角色,露面不到15分钟,但充分展示了其性感的面孔和坚实的腹肌,“一炮而红”,引起了好莱坞和女性观众们的注意,他也从一个不名一文的杂务工变成了好莱坞炙手可热的性感偶像。从此,他一发而不可收地在影坛创造着辉煌。

1992年对布拉德-皮特来说是不平凡的一年。这一年他主演了由著名演员兼导演罗伯特-雷德福执导的影片《大河奔流》(A River Runs Through It)。这是一部浪漫而深情的影片,皮特富于青春激情和收放自如的表演,令影片增色不少。明星出身的导演罗伯特-雷德福演技高超,对皮特影响颇深。罗伯特曾被称为美国第一美男子,因此皮特的纯真笑容也使其“罗伯特-雷德福的接班人”的绰号不胫而走。从这位前辈身上,皮特学到了许多宝贵经验,也正是罗伯特将布拉德-皮特推进了好莱坞的大门,给了他成功的机会。皮特从偶像明星成长为真正的演员了。次年,在《加州杀手》(Kalifornia)一片中,皮特扮演的是一个邋遢而凶残的杀手,他凭此片而获得1993年威尼斯电影节影帝。

1994年,皮特相继主演了《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire)和《秋日传奇》(Legends of the Fall),迅速窜升为好莱坞最最炙手可热的头牌明星。在《夜访吸血鬼》一片中,皮特的表演与一号主角--如日中天的汤姆-克鲁斯相比,毫不逊色,几乎取代了克鲁斯的“情圣”地位,给观众留下深刻的印象。影评人对他的表现好评如潮,认为他有“超强的魅力吸引观众”。此片公演后,布拉德-皮特的冷酷俊美令许多女影迷痴狂,从而有了好莱坞“最性感演员”的称号。而《秋日传奇》几乎是为布拉德-皮特度身而作的,他那充满野性的外表和俊俏的动人魅力,令其他明星黯然失色。《秋》片上演后连续4周蝉联票房冠军,皮特本人也被《人物》杂志封为“世界上有史以来最性感的男人”,并因此获得金球奖最佳男演员奖提名。

2. 电影返老还童英语名是什么

是The Curious Case of Benjamin Button。












3. 《返老还童》电影的经典台词。(英文+翻译)

NGUNDA OTI:现在,你独自一人。您和我们一样,它会是这样的。但我要告诉你一个小秘密。胖的人,瘦的人,身材高大的人,白衣人...他们只是单独作为我们...但他们scaredshitless的...没有问题,孤单的事情...不,先生......



有时也没有,你可以像疯狗一样咆哮,怨天尤人,诅咒命运,悔不当初......但去到了最后一刻,还是不得不安静地放手。 ......
CAPT。 MIKE:你可以疯狂的事情温特沃斯作为一个疯狂的耶...你可以诅咒命运,你做过的一切感到后悔..但是,当涉及到年底...你必须让他走了......



迷惑不解:“我弱衰减时代的一种守护者,让垂死的摩提默在这里休息一下。即使像男人一样,新的哈立德在机架上。因此,票价我的四肢长期监禁。而这些灰色的锁,pursuivants死亡内斯特 - 想在这样一个时代的护理岁,争论的埃德蒙·莫蒂默结束。 “

QUEENIE:每个人都对自己的一种方式或另一种感觉不同。我们都走向同一个方向,只是走的路不同,去那里...你是你自己的道路,本杰明。 BR />






您可以更改或保持不变。...... />有没有规则这件事。












4. 急求电影《返老还童》英文观后感~!!!

sometimes we're on a crazying course,and we just don't know it.Whatever it's by accident or by designed,there's none of things we can do about.A woman in Paris was on the way to go shopping,but she forgot her coat,went back to get it,when she got the coat the phone rang,so she stopped and answered it,and talked a couple of minutes,why the woman was on the phone,Daisy wsh rehearsing for the performance of the Paris opera house,and why she was rehearsing,the woman off the phone now and go outside to get a taxi.Now the taxi driver droped off earlier and stoped to get a cup of coffee ,and all the while Daisy was rehearsing,and this cap draiver who droped the Fiat and stoped to get the coffee,picked up the laddy who was going shopping.The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street blamed for work for five minuters later then he normaly dit,as he forgot to set the alarm clock.But the man,late for work who was crossing the street,Daisy had finished this rehearsed ,and was taking a shower,and while Daisy was showing in the taxi who was waiting for the woman to pick up the package.And the package which handing not yet because the girl who was supposed to rapid was broken up with her boyfriend the night before,and forgot.The package was warpped and the women was backing again and blocked by the lorry truck,all the while Daisy was getting dressed.The lorry truck got away and the taxi was able to move,when the Daisy ,the last to be dressed,waiting for one of her friend who broken her shoelace,when the taxi stopped,waiting for the traffic lights,Daisy and her friend came up the back of the theatre,and if only one thing can happen differently,if the shoelace has broken,or the lorry truck to leave up a monment earlier,and whatif the package wrapped ready as the girl hasn't broken with the boyfriend,whatif the man set his alarm at guard five minutes earlier
,whenif the taxi driver hasn't stopped for a cup of coffee,what if the woman had remembered her coat

5. 《返老还童》(《本杰明巴顿奇事》)英文经典台词

Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.

You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
you can swear and curse the fates,
but when it comes to the end,
you have to let go.

We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us?

You never know what's coming for you!


你永远也不清楚... 接下来会发生什么

Everyone to some extent, all have a different understanding, but we finally go the same place, but just a different path。

For what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case, too early, to be whoever you want to be.
There's no time limit, stop whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same.
There's no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it.
I hope you make the best of it.
I hope you see things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope you meet people with a different point of view.
I hope you live a life you're proud of.
If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

Death is a frequent visitor here, people come here and quietly leave, you can feel that it was left, when the house is always silent, this is a worthy growth in this wonderful place, in this place, people throw opened all the contradictions of life, left to discuss the day's weather, the temperature of bath water a day when the sun is drawing to a close, for a dead person's room, another person will be re-filled up。

Sometimes, I find it laughable that those in our memory occupy a small fraction of people are often left us with a most impressive。

Sometimes we live in the orbit of an imminent collision, the unaware, whether it is accident or a premeditated manner to which we are powerless。

Some people grow up in the river, some people have been struck by lightning, and some of the music has a remarkable talent, some people are artists, some people swim, some people know how to button, some people know Shakespeare, and some people are mothers, but also some people can dance ....

Benjamin Button:Good night , Daisy
Daisy: Good night , Benjamin

6. 返老还童的意思


7. 电影<返老还童>的英文翻译是怎样的

《The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button》直译就是《本杰明·巴顿奇事》

8. 电影"返老还童"的英语介绍.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American drama film, inspired by the 1921 short story of the same name written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film was directed by David Fincher, written by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord, and stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. The film was released in the United States on December 25, 2008.

The film received thirteen Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for Pitt, and Best Supporting Actress for Taraji P. Henson. It won three Oscars for Art Direction, Makeup, and Visual Effects, and has tied the record for the most nominated film not to win the Academy Award for Best Picture with The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

The elderly Daisy (Cate Blanchett) is on her deathbed with her daughter Caroline (Julia Ormond) in a New Orleans hospital as Hurricane Katrina approaches in August 2005. Daisy tells the story of a blind clockmaker named Gateau (Elias Koteas), who was commissioned to create a clock to hang in the New Orleans train station. After receiving news of his son's death in World War I, he continued work on his clock, but intentionally designed it to run backward, in the hope that it would bring back those who died in the war. After her cryptic story, Daisy asks Caroline to read aloud from a diary containing photographs and postcards written by Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt). Caroline begins to read as the story transitions to Benjamin's narration.

On November 11, 1918, just as the people of New Orleans are celebrating the end of World War I, a baby boy is born with the appearance and physical maladies of an elderly man. The mother of the baby dies shortly after giving birth, and the father, Thomas Button (Jason Flemyng), takes the baby and abandons him on the porch of a nursing home. Queenie (Taraji P. Henson) and Tizzy (Mahershalalhashbaz Ali), a couple who work at the nursing home, find the baby. Queenie, who is unable to conceive, decides to take the baby in as her own, against Tizzy's wishes. She names the baby Benjamin.

Over the course of the story, Benjamin begins to biologically grow younger. In 1930, while still appearing to be in his seventies, he meets a young girl named Daisy (Elle Fanning), whose grandmother lives in the nursing home. The children play together and listen to Daisy's grandmother read from a storybook.

A few years later, Benjamin goes to work on a tugboat on the docks of New Orleans for Captain Mike (Jared Harris). In their free time, the captain takes him to brothels and bars. For the first time, Benjamin meets Thomas Button, who does not reveal that he is Benjamin's father. Later, Benjamin leaves New Orleans with the tugboat crew for a long-term work engagement; Daisy asks him to send her postcards from his travels, which Benjamin does.

During a stay in Russia, Benjamin meets a British woman named Elizabeth Abbott (Tilda Swinton) and falls in love with her; Daisy is visibly hurt to receive this news via postcard. Elizabeth is already married, but she has an affair with Benjamin. The fling ends the day after the Pearl Harbor attack, when Elizabeth abruptly departs.

Benjamin gets caught up in World War II when Captain Mike's boat and crew are enlisted by the United States Navy. After engaging a German U-boat in battle, Captain Mike and most of the sailors perish. After this, Benjamin, after seeing a hummingbird, sees death in a different way, as opposed to the retirement home where death seemed more natural.

Benjamin again meets Thomas Button, who is dying. Thomas reveals to Benjamin that he is his father and bequeaths all of his assets to Benjamin, including the house and the family button-making business. Benjamin eventually makes peace with his father before the elder Button dies.

In 1945, Benjamin returns to New Orleans, and learns that Daisy has become a successful dancer in New York City. When he travels there to meet Daisy at a performance, he finds Daisy has fallen in love with a fellow dancer, and tries to accept that their lives have separated.

Daisy's dance career is ended by a car accident in Paris. When Benjamin goes to see her, Daisy is amazed at his youthful appearance, but frustrated at her own injuries, she turns him away by telling Benjamin to stay out of her life.

In 1962, Daisy returns to New Orleans and meets Benjamin again. Now the same physical age, they fall in love and move in together. They experience the 1960s together, in large part blissfully but increasingly aware of Benjamin growing younger while Daisy grows older.

Daisy gives birth to a girl, Caroline. Benjamin, believing he cannot be a father to his daughter e to his reverse aging, and not wanting to burden Daisy with having to raise two children, sells his belongings, and leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline. He leaves them both and travels the world.

Reading this account in the hospital room of 2005, Caroline learns that Benjamin is her father. She is upset that Daisy took such a long time to inform her of this, but finds that Benjamin sent her a postcard from everywhere for each of her birthdays expressing his love for his daughter.

In 1980, Benjamin, now looking like a young man, returns to meet Daisy in her dance studio. The aging Daisy is now married to Robert Williams, a kind man who supports her well, to Benjamin's relief. Daisy introces Benjamin to Robert and the 12-year-old Caroline as a long-time family friend. Daisy and Benjamin then meet privately in Benjamin's hotel where they share their passion for each other, but they mutually realize that Daisy has become too old for Benjamin.

Benjamin departs again and continues to grow younger. One day Daisy receives a phone call from social workers. They inform her that they found Benjamin - now a young pre-teen just hitting puberty - living in a condemned building, and that they called her because they saw her name all over his diary. The social workers believe that he has dementia as he sometimes forgets that he had just eaten and cannot remember Daisy or much of his past. Daisy moves into the nursing home where Benjamin grew up and takes care of him as he becomes a confused 5-year-old boy with a growing temper.

In 2002, Mr. Gateau's old clock is removed from the train station. Shortly afterward, in the spring of 2003, the now-physically infant, 85-year-old Benjamin dies in Daisy's arms. At the moment before Benjamin dies, Daisy claims to have seen in his eyes that he still remembered her.

In the 2005 hospital room, the hurricane raging outside downs the electrical system. As Caroline briefly leaves the room, Daisy passes away, her wish of seeing Benjamin again seemingly answered by a hummingbird hovering outside the storm-drenched windows. Against the sounds of the city's emergency sirens and reports of breached levees, the backwards clock is shown in a basement, still working, as floodwaters envelope the storage room where it is kept.



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