导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 带些饮料进电影院的英文


发布时间:2023-02-06 23:13:04

A. 在电影院里不能吃东西,喝饮料的英文

No food or drinks allowed in theater / cinema
Eating and drinking are forbidden in theater / cinema

B. 请帮我翻译几句话, 1)影院内不可以带入食物和饮料 2)请将您的食物放进食品柜内 3)谢谢您的主动配合

Cannot bring foods and drinks into the cinema.

Please place your foods into the food cabinet.

Thank you for your active cooperation.

Wish you a pleasant viewing (of the movie).

5) 请记住放食品(饮料)的号码,出来时别忘记拿
Please remember the number where foods (and drinks) were put, do not forget to take them when leaving.

6) 第6排的观看效果比较好
The sixth row's viewing effects is better.

7) 请往中间坐,挨着坐,不要留空位置
Please sit towards the center, sit next to another, do not leave seat empty.

8) 请注意脚下台阶
Please watch foot going down the steps.

9) 影片放映已经结束
The movie play has already finished.

10) 请您携带好自己的随身物品从影院右后方(后方两侧)安全出口有序退场
Please carry your own belongings and exit orderly through the cinema's right rear (two rear sides') security exit.

11) 退场时请人手一副的将眼镜交给出口处的工作人员
When exiting, please give the pair of glasses in hand to the work staff.

12) 电影播放过程中,坐椅会前后摆动.
During the course of the movie play, seats will sway back and forth.

13) 谢谢您的观看
Thanks for your viewing.

14) 祝您接下来的参观愉快.
Wish that your following visit is pleasant.

C. 公共场所英文单词


1、station:英 [ˈsteɪʃn] ,美 [ˈsteʃən] 。车站,所,局,身份,电视台,配置,安置,驻扎。第三人称单数: stations 。复数: stations 。现在分词: stationing 。过去式: stationed 。过去分词: stationed。

2、square:英 [skweə(r)] ,美 [skwer] 。广场。第三人称单数: squares 。复数: squares 。现在分词: squaring 。过去式: squared 。过去分词: squared。

3、market:英 [ˈmɑ:kɪt],美 [ˈmɑ:rkɪt] 。市集。第三人称单数: markets 。复数: markets 。现在分词: marketing 。过去式: marketed 。过去分词: marketed。

4、park:英 [pɑ:k],美 [pɑ:rk]。公园,停车场。第三人称单数: parks 。复数: parks 。现在分词: parking 。过去式: parked 。过去分词: parked。

5、cinema:英 [ˈsɪnəmə],美 [ˈsɪnəmə] 。电影院。复数: cinemas。例句:Ican' .我记不得上次我们去看电影是什么时候了。

D. 禁止在电影院内吸烟。观看时请勿喧哗。请勿带入食品和饮料。请勿拍照。翻译成英语

观看时请勿喧哗:Do not smoke in the cinema.
观看时请勿喧哗:Please watch noise.
请勿带入食品和饮料:Don't bring food and drinks.
请勿拍照:No Photos .



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