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发布时间:2023-01-31 14:41:42

⑴ 请推荐几部适合演话剧的经典英文电影,5到6个人,女生较多。难度可以大一些。最好不要关于爱情的。


⑵ 急需简单英文话剧或者简单英文电影配音 有五个人最好都是那种女性角色


⑶ 求简单英语五人小品剧本,请看清下面的补充要求。在线等,挺急的。

搞笑英语微电影剧本《Whose treat》(英语5人搞笑微电影剧本)
演员:A—— ,B—— ,C—— ,D—— ,旁白——
编剧: 摄影:
插曲:场景一《铃儿响叮当》场景二《雪绒花》场景三《泰坦尼克号主题曲》场景四《flash》场景五《never say goodbye》或者《字母歌》
(场景一:未定空地____5个人都到, 拍摄)
旁白:One day ,some yang people want to get takeout as their dinner
A: let’s get takeout ,please?(旁白念完直接开始)
B:why not? I like it .(开心,满足)
C:It's up to you .(看着A)
D:OK,but i have a good idea……(手托下巴,卖关子)
A:go on ,please(请求语气)
D:we always ”going Dutch “,.it‘s time to enjoy someone’s treat……我们总是AA制,这次找个人请客吧(扫一眼大家,继续卖关子)
C: but how should we drag the unfortunate? talk to us,please(请求)
D:(笑)OK,OK…….Each of us tell a joke, if not making others laugh, just pay !
A,B,C:good idea!(大家拍手,异口同声)
A:Let me tell a joke first .the title is” I'm Glad “.A school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. 我先讲吧,题目是“我很高兴”。一个老师正在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。现在,她说
(切到场景二,到一个教室,或有椅子的地方,把笑话表演出来,, 拍)
旁白:Now, she said现在,她说
赵雪:children ,has anyone of you ever made someone else glad?你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?
王鹏:teacher, I've made someone glad yesterday.昨天我就使别人高兴过。
赵雪:Well done. Who was that?做得好,是谁呢?
王鹏:My granny.我奶奶。
赵雪:Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grand mother glad.好孩子,现在告诉我们,你是怎样使你奶奶高兴的。
王鹏:Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, ‘Granny, I'm going home,’ and she said, ‘Well, I'm glad’!是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。然后我跟她说:‘奶奶,我要回家了。’她说:‘啊,我很高兴!’
A:oh, i got it !我做到了(很开心)
B:yeah,yeah, maybe you just tell your own story .(指着A说完捂嘴笑)
A: I……(要解释,被B拦下)
B:OK,now ,It's my turn .”a gentle reminder”is the title.Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. 婚后已久,我丈夫往往在一个特别事情上需要委婉的提醒。
(切换场景三,移至餐厅或有椅子的地方, 拍摄,)
B:On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, 在我们结婚35周年纪念的早上,我们正坐在早餐桌旁,我暗示道:(录旁白形式)
双:"Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?"“亲爱的,你意识到我们在这两个相同的座位上已坐了整整35年了吗?”
B:Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said,他放下报纸,眼睛直直地望着我:
田:"So, you want to switch seats?"“因此,你想交换座位吗?”
B:so, i got it,(对C)maybe you will like the man in the future (笑)it‘s your turn
C: oh,no ,he is stupid (不屑),my title is “girl,oh little girl”题目是“让人无奈的孩子”When they're together, my five-year-old daughter and her cousin tend to cause mayhem. (['meɪhem] )one Saturday, I put my foot down.我五岁的女儿和她的表妹在一起的时候,总要招来大乱。一个星期六,我开始抗议了。
(切至场景四,某空地, 拍摄)
: "All right, you two,"No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting."“好啦,你们两个,”我严厉地说,“不许叫喊,不许乱拿,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许扯淡,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架。” (转身要走),
双:“come on ,MengMeng, let's get dirty . "“来, ,我们来把自己弄脏吧。”
B:OK,we three all did it ,now,(对D)only you left
D:i’m very afraid now,maybe I’ll fail it . Let me try .it’s “A dollar per point”一分一块钱A professor was giving a big test one day to his students.一天,教授正在给学生们监考。
(切场景五,至 教室, 拍摄)
D(旁白形式):He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.他发下试卷,然后回到讲台前等待。( 轩演教授, 坐中间, 演学生,考试时, 左顾右盼很着急,交卷子时, 左看看右看看掏出100元夹在卷子里并且写了一句话A dollar per point.)Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. "考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷。教授发现一张试卷上别着一张百元钞票,还有一张纸条写着:“一分一块钱。”The next class the professor handed the tests back out. And walk up to the student ,said,第二堂课,教授把试卷都发回学生们手中。走到那个 旁,
田:”here are your test and $64 change“这是你的试卷还有64块钱的找零。(邱大囧)
D:well,my treat(很无奈)OK,you win……i’ll buy it right now(走开)
原网址 http://www.jiaoke.com/xiaopin/xiaopin_361488.html

⑷ 急需一个大一英语课堂搞笑话剧剧本,5人














旁白:Long time ago, there's a idiot.

His name is Billy. He is too

stupid, so he doesn't have any

friends. He is always a lone,

but he likes to go to the forest.

There are many animals there.

One day, the idiot goes to forest.
There are birds, deers, rabbits

beside him.

Suddenly, There's a genius,Pook

jumped to him.

傻子:Hi ! The music is great.

Would you please to teaching

M me?【傻子作恳求状】

精灵:Ok! No problem.

But I am hungry now.【精灵作饥饿状】

傻子:Wait a minute! Here you are!【傻子拿出面包】
精灵:ㄣ~~ delicious!

Thank you ! My name is Pook.

Nice to meet you.【精灵作好吃及满足状】【精灵脱帽示好】

傻子:My name is Billy.

Nice to meet you.本文转自:www.coffbar.com小品剧本,简历封面,免费电影

精灵:Do you like it?

精灵:Come on follow me. I will show you something.◎精灵开始教傻子吹笛
傻子:This tree?

精灵:Yes! Go on! Go on!

傻子:Wow! What a lovely ck.

精灵:You can have it.

This is a gift for you.

傻子:Thank you very much.【傻子取出鸦後十分惊喜】











御医)国王:Smile! Please smile.国王:Oh my poor little girl.

Why do you never smile

What’s matter with you?

皇后:Please don’t worry my dear.

I have a good idea.

Where is the doctor?

国王:Oh yes! Doctor! Doctor!

Hurry up!Hurry up!

西御医:Your Majesty!

Princess is very well.中御医:I’m sorry. Maybe

she is just unhappy.国王:Get away and never

come here again.

皇后:No! I don’t believe.

What shall we do?

国王:All right! All right! 字串6

Don’t cry.

Anyway I will do my best.











人物:(3个路人、侍卫、傻子、精灵)旁白:There are many people on this street,

is very noisy.侍卫:Pay attention please!

Pay attention please!

If anyone can make our princess


He can marry with her.

Our holy king will never regret!傻子:The princess is so beautiful.

She is my dream lover.

路人铮:Look him!

Such a dirty man.

He wants to married

Our princess.

路人雯:Don’t be silly.

It’s impossible.

傻子:Yes….they are right,

how can I get her?

It just a dream 字串9精灵:Don’t be sad my friend.

Trust me you can make it

路人潘:Oh the ck is so cute.

May I have a look?

Oh ~ The ck is stick on

my hands. I can’t put it down.

Somebody help me.

路人雯:Cool down! I’m coming!

路人铮:I’m coming! I’m coming!



※下音乐(森林狂想曲 )








国王: Its noise what’s happening.

公主:It’s very funny

皇后:Look! she is laughing

My child is laughing

国王:Thanks God!

Take the man in.

侍卫:Yes my lord

国王:You made my daughter


What do you want? 字串3

I can give everything you


傻子:well……I think….I mean…….

If you don’t mind………


精灵:Please keep your words

皇后:Wait a minute !

No I disagree.

He is poor and stupid.

国王:Let me see.

公主:My dear father!

If you regret

Maybe I will never

Laugh in my whole life.

国王:Ok! ok! Please don’t do it

again. My sweet heart.

傻子:Would you married me?.

公主:Yes I do

精灵:It is wonderful.

I told you : trust me you

Can make it

旁白:So they got married.

谢幕:Evrey body....Thank you very much!!!

⑸ 求五人搞笑英语话剧剧本











quiet village is covered with white snow.
Birds are dancing in the cold.
man is walking along the street, step by step.
Wind is coming in silence.
Another mysterious man approaches.
The weather is dry and things are flammable, take care not catch the fire! I





Ohm, I’m
sorry to knock you!
Ha-ha, Never mind baby.
Excuse me, Could you tell me your name?



. Who are you?
): Ar, ximenchuixue?
es, what is wrong?
I heard that you are the best Martial Arts?
Great, you know me!

Please, please


t kill me! Let me go!
No, I must kill you!
want to be killed. Let me go!
No way! Y
ou know?


t force me!
):Milk, very good! I like drinking it.
Please drink it!
):Thanks, ha-ha
Do you still want to kill me?
Sure, must! Milk is milk.
ery good! V
ery good! I hope you will not forget what you said!?
sure I

I must give you a lesson! If I
beat you this time, I
never be having properly! 3-2-1-0

Ouch, Ouch!

Ha Ha

): Help! Help! Where is the washroom?
Y: What?
X: Toliet?
Y: What?
X: The

Y: Oh, I see, go along this street and turn right when you see a crossing road!
X: Thanks, bye-bye.
):This is genuine snow!
H: Stop! Protecting the environment is a basic obligation!
Y: Who are you?
H: Hua


-lou! Have you seen ximenchuixue?
Y: Yes, he was beaten by me and is in
“WC” now,


):Now you are the best in the world!
Y: Y
ou are right!
H: Teriffic! Y
ou are the one I

m looking for! Do you want to join in me?
Y: Yes,
very good.
H: Ok, follow me;
Y: Ok,
Let’s go!

(To be continued


⑹ 五人英语搞笑话剧剧本




人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主 旁白 经纪人

旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man.

A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, I’m so sleepy.(打哈欠)——边走边说 (趴在讲台上睡)


旁白:In her dream……


A:Oh, it’s a fine day. (假装看天) (然后突然不经意的拿起一本书翻看)

明星:(上台):Oh, it’s a fine day. (然后坐凳子)


A:Are you … are you that … super star?(激动地说不出话)

明星:(随意的回答) Yes, what’s wrong?

A: I’m your fan,super fan. Your photos are full of my bedroom, no, they are full of my house, including kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and… and toilet.



明星:You are too…enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik]. (有点嫌弃)

A: Can you give me your signature?


明星:Ok ,of course!

A:(大声喊)Oh ,I will have the Handsome______’s signature


B:Please ,please give me signature!!!!!!!

C: No, give it to me, to me!!!


A: Why the result is this ?(抱头痛哭,边走边哭,然后走到睡觉的那个地方,恢复原来的样子,还有点啜泣)

A: Er? Where is it? Oh,it’s just a dream , but ,it’s a bad dream.

It’s too early, I want sleep.(又趴下去)

旁白:In her second dream, the scene is at the crossroads.

A: Look at the tall buildings, they like the …like the …I don’t have any adjrectives to describe them.


A:Oh ,look at there, that man is like a star ! Oh ,Oh ,Oh ,(一次比一次激动)he is …..he is…..Handsome_______!I want his signature! But there is too much cars, What can I do? What can I do? I don’t care this any more, the signature is more important!


车主:Look out!

Aon’t come here, don’t come here!(闭着眼睛) (车主迅速下台)


A:A dream .too? Oh, my god, Why do I always can’t get the signature? No, I must get it, sleep again! Yes ,sleep! But ,why do I stand here? I should lie in the bed. Whether these, I must go to bed and get the signature!(趴着又睡)

旁白:In her third dream

(明星在签名,A前面有B, C)

经纪人:One by one,Don’t be wrought-up

A: Yeah,I can get it at last. Before me ,there are only two people.


B:I love you very much. My dreamlover.

明星:Thank you


C: Oh,I meet you ,can I hug with you ?




A: I can get your signature in the end! I’m so excited


明星:Sorry, can I go to the toilet for a moment? My stomach is hurt a lot.(难受)

A: Yes, make yourselfe at home.


A: Handsome_______ has gone to toilet for such a long time. Is he ok?

经纪人对A说:Sorry, the girl, Handsome_____ perhaps can’tcome here to give you signature, He is too hurt. He went home.

A: Ah? Why always me ? (伤心地离开,走到睡着的地方)


A :Why always me ? I only want a signature~~ ai~~ What time is it now ? (看了一下钟,表情惊讶) It’s near 8 o’clock .I can’t arrive at the school on time! Oh no ,hurry up hurry up!







⑺ 求5人英语话剧剧本(名著)


⑻ 适合五个人表演的英语电影

Three Little Pigs 三只小猪
Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈
their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起。丁丁和东东
Dong are brother pigs. They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他
Lazy. They eat and sleep all day. 们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是
Long-Long is the youngest pig. She 最小的,她整天帮着妈妈
works all day. She helps her mother 做家务。
to do the housework.
Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得
your own houses. 为自己盖间房。
Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。
Be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。
Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。
Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可
for dinner. Mmm. 以做我的美餐。
Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么
Ding-Ding: I’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。
Dong-Dong: I’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。
Sister pig: But leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不
And sticks aren’t strong. 牢固。
Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。
What are you doing, sister? 你在干什么?
Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。
Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。
Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。
Brother pigs: Oh, we’re finished. Let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打
a nap. 个盹吧。
Sister pig: My house is finished. My house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房
is strong. 很坚固。
Wolf: Little pigs. Little pigs. Open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门!
Brother pigs: No. No. Go away. 猪哥哥:不开,不开。快走开。
Wolf: This is very easy. Sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶
aren’t strong. 都不牢固。
Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down. 讲故事者:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东
Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong run 东跑到龙龙家。
to Long-Long’s house.
Brother pigs: Help! Help! 猪哥哥:救命! 救命!
Wolf: Stop, you two pigs. 狼: 站住,你这两只小猪。
Brother pigs: Open the door, sister. The wolf 猪哥哥:妹妹,快开门。狼来了,
is coming. Let me in. 让我们进去。
Long-Long: Come in, please. Don’t worry. 龙龙:快进来。别担心,我的
My house is strong. 房子很坚固。
Wolf: Where did they go? Oh they are 狼:他们跑哪儿了?噢,他们
Here. Little pigs. Little pigs. Open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打
the door! 开。
Three pigs: No. No. Go away. You bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。
Wolf: I’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。
Storyteller: The wolf blows and blows. He 讲故事者:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。
blows and blows. But the house 可是房子非常坚固。
is very strong.
Wolf: I’ll hit it. Oh. 狼:我要撞倒它。噢!
Long-Long: Let’s boil the water. 龙龙:我们把水烧开。
Brother pigs: OK. 猪哥哥:好的。
Wolf: Oh, oh! It’s hot. It’s hot. 狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。
Three pigs: Hooray! The wolf is dead. The 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。
wolf is dead
Storyteller: Since then, Ding-Ding and Dong- 讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东
Dong work hard with Long-Long. 和龙龙一起努力工作。
They work and play together. 他们一起工作,一起玩。

⑼ 急求适合五人演的英语电影


⑽ 5人英语话剧剧本有哪些

英语话剧剧本The Bus

A Story about Love and Stinky Feet


Female student A:,Female student B,Female student C,Boy A: Wang Chiang-rui

Boy B,Old woman,

Scene One

(Three female students are chatting on a bus. Because all the seats are taken, they are standing, holding onto some plastic rings hanging down from the bus roof. Two boys are sleeping in their seats. Then the bus arrives at a stop and an old woman gets on. She looks at the seats. Seeing no empty seats, she stands next to a female student and holds onto a plastic ring.)

Old woman: There're no empty seats. I guess I'll have to stand.

(The female students find the old woman not having a seat. They want to help her find one to sit in.)

Female student A: We should find a seat for her.

Female student B: Right. Those two bad boys did not give their seats to her.

(The two boys continue to sleep.)

Female student C: We should find a seat for her.

Female students A & B: Yes.

(Female student A goes to Boy A and taps on his shoulder.)

Female Student A: Excuse me, could you give your seat to that old lady?

(Boy A stretches and continues to sleep. Female students A and B look at each other. Female student B taps on Boy A's shoulder.)

Female Student B: Hey! Can you give your seat to that old lady?

Boy A: (wakes up) I lined up for twenty hours yesterday to buy A-Mei's new album. I'm very tired. I'm sorry I can't give my seat to the old lady. (continues to sleep)

Female student C: What should we do?

Female student B: Let's ask the other boy.

Boy B: (gets up suddenly) Ah!

All: (startled)Ah!

Female student B: What happened?

Female student C: Why did you scream?

Boy B: I had a nightmare. It was terrible.

Female student B: Excuse me, can you give your seat to that old lady?

(Boy B falls asleep.)

Female student A: Hello! Is it OK for you to make room for that old lady?

Boy B: Let me sleep, please. I read an English novel all night last night and didn't get any sleep. Can you let me sleep for a while?

Female student A: Well, we've tried.

Female student B: The young man is really brash.

Old woman: Thank you, young ladies! I'm OK! Don't think I'm an old woman. I am healthy. (makes a few kicks like a young man)

Female student C: Maybe we worry too much. The old lady's very healthy.

(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly and the old woman falls over. It makes Boy A wake up.)

Boy A: Oh! Are you OK?

Old woman: Oh! Oh! My waist!

Boy A: You can take my seat. (helps the old woman to the seat)

Female student C: Hmm. He just got his conscience.

Female student A: Yeah! I was just about to say they got no manners.

Female student B: Yeah. I thought he was a cold-blooded animal.

Boy A: Hey! Watch your own manners. I've given her my seat. I'm really very tired.

(At this time Boy B is embarrassed. He dares not continue to sleep.)

Old woman: Thank you, young man. I'm old and useless.

Boy B: Don't say that. If I'd given you my seat earlier, the accident wouldn't have happened.

(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly again. Boy A falls down.)

Scene Two

(The Old woman and Boy B sit in the seats. Boy A is standing behind the three girls and drowsing. The three girls continue to chat. Boy A is drowsing carelessly and bumps into Female student A's body.)

Female student A: Oh! Who touched me? (turns her head around and sees

Boy A standing behind her) It's you, right?

Boy A: What?

Female student B: Why? You did it intentionally, didn't you?

Boy A: Wait. I didn't do anything.

Female student C: You touched her intentionally, right?

Boy A: Hey, I'm not that kind of person. (looks at Boy B) Hey… Is it you?

Boy B: (confused and shakes his head) Not me. I was sleeping.

(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly again. Boy A bumps into Female student A again.)

Female student A: (angry) Still saying it wasn't you? You pig!

Boy A: I didn't mean it.

Old woman: Nowadays boys are not the same as those in the past. Boys in the past were all very polite. Now boys are reckless.

Female student C: Now what do you have to say? Apologize to her. Hurry!

Boy A: Alright! Alright! (to female student A) I'm sorry.

(Female student A ignores him and continues to chat with the other two girls.)

Boy A: It's not my day today.

Boy B: Gentlemen don't fight with women. And she's no nice woman.

Old woman: Nowadays girls don't have good temper. Time really changed.

Boy B: Older people know more than us.

Old woman: When I was a young student, I got love letters from many men every day. For the sake of manners, I went out with different men every day.

(Boys A and B don't know what to say. Suddenly the bus driver hits the brake. The old woman bumps into Female student C's hips.)

Female student C: (surprised) You.....

(The old woman looks at Female student C and says nothing.)

Old woman: You have nice hips.

Female student B: I can't believe the old woman is capable of sexual harassment.

Female student C: Maybe nowadays old people are not the same as those in the past.

Female student A: Maybe after losing her husband, she feels lonely.

Female student B: Ah! Here we are. Let's get off.

Female student C: We'd better stay away from those strange people.

(Female students get off the bus.)

Boy B: Who are those strange people? They're real strange. (helps the old woman

up) Are you O.K.? Those young girls have no sympathy.

Old woman: (feels Boy B's hand) You also have a pair of very fine hands.

Boy B: (startled) What?

Boy A: This old woman is also very strange.

Boy B: Let's go!

Old woman: Don't be shy, young man. I have held such kind of hand for a long time.

(Boy B frees himself from the old woman's hand and gets off.)

Old woman: (looks at Boy A) You're nice, too.

Boy A: Hmm, good-bye. (gets off)




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