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发布时间:2023-01-30 12:52:09

㈠ 电影驯龙高手(驯龙记)1、2英文简介

驯龙高手1Beijing island young little hiccup is tribal and great rick's son, he is very like his father personally slew a dragon, the dragon is the vikings herding sheep on the island's main natural enemies - but every time he appears in the tribal slew a dragon battle will only give you increase trouble. In a battle to fight the dragons, Mr Karp shot Long Qi wounded a secretly use only the most mysterious \"night fury\", and carry people released and captive, even to tame the dragon, giving it the name \"no teeth\". Karp's mysterious behavior caused a train slew a dragon skill girl astrid's suspicions. Astrid found Mr Karp's secret, but at the same time be yourselves riding a \"toothless\" ride on the great winds fly nice experience. Gray decision slew the alt ceremony to returning expedition stowe rick and people to speak the truth, convince people to abandon slew a dragon, but it happened that self-defeating, had \"no teeth\" captured, a greater disaster is just around the corner. 驯龙高手2
Young brave the Viking warriors little hiccup (Jay subaru cher Jay Baruchel) to tame the injured dragon, more to become friends with it. After five years, bork island residents thoroughly into the dragon's breath of life. Bok island has a Viking with dragon peaceful coexistence of heaven.
Growth, however, means that responsibility. In order to find the answer, the little hiccup and loyalty no teeth wang began their adventure, but the result is unexpected. On the one hand, a little hiccup found mysterious how to train your dragon knight, is missing years of mother wall card (Cate Blanchett Cate Blanchett); Addicted to power, on the other hand, DE reg (germaine · si su Djimon Hounsou) Mr Leite with dragon hunter (kitt harrington, Kit Harington) alliance, a threat to the blog on the island of people and the peace of the dragon.
In order to protect the dragon's beloved, o silk cui DE (America, ferreira America Ferrera), grace (Craig Ferguson Craig Ferguson), virgin companions: slug (Jonah Hill Jonah Hill), fish foot department (Christopher maze - prather Christopher Mintz - Plasse bbing), and twin nutter (Kristen Wiig Kristen Wiig), who Mr Nath (Todd T.J. Joseph Miller, Miller) help, add a little hiccup, the father of the chiefs of the tribes, many amraphel (Gerard Butler Gerard Butler) and mother's hands. During this time, little hiccup has been looking for the answer in imperceptible in unexpected ways appeared...

㈡ 求电影 驯龙高手 英文简介和故事概述,英文的都是~


驯龙高手 How to Train Your Dragon
导演: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders
编剧: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders
主演: Jay Baruchel / Gerard Butler / America Ferrera / Craig Ferguson / Jonah Hill / Christopher Mintz-Plasse

㈢ 训龙高手英语简介 100字

故事的主人翁是一个叫希卡普的维京少年,他住在博克岛,对抗巨龙是家常便饭的事。这个少年的思想很前卫,他另类的幽默感也不能讨好他的村落的村民和大家长。当希卡普被迫和其他的维京青少年——亚丝翠、鼻涕粗、鱼脚司,以及双胞胎暴芙那特和悍夫那特参加屠龙训练营,他就觉得这是他证明自己是个屠龙高手的好机会。但是当他遇到并结交了一只受伤的龙,他的人生就完全改变,而原本是希卡普证明自己的机会,却成为改变整个部落的未来的机会。片中另外一个重要角色是戈伯,他是村落的铁匠和驯龙训练营教官,只有他看出希卡普的潜力。The hero of the story is a Viking teenager named Shikap, who lived in the bok Island, against the dragon is homely food. The boy thought very avant-garde, his offbeat sense of humor can't please his village and parents. When Shikap was forced to and other Viking youth -- Diaz Cui, nose thick, fish foot division, and the twins, the men in the storm and in dragon training camp, he feels this is proof that he is a good opportunity to dragon master.
But when he met and made friends with a wounded dragon, his life changed completely, while the original is Shikap a chance to prove himself, but be changed the whole tribe of future opportunities. Another important role of the film is the Gerber, he is a village blacksmith and dragon training camp instructor, only he saw Shikap's potential.

㈣ 驯龙高手的感受.英语版50

It tells us about a moving friendship between people on Berk and lovely dragons which is built,started by a Viking boy Hiccup and a nightfury Toothless.The story has a happy ending.Vikings and dragons become good friends.

㈤ <<驯龙高手>>主要内容(英语)

A long time ago, when the world has not been poured into the steel jungle, when the technology has not yet made up invincible, Scandinavian masters of the land, based on hunting, fishing as the main livelihood of the nomadic Vikings. West down the sun rises in the east, strong, tall Viking and their wives and children, live a happy life comfortable. Just as people today can be flies, mosquitoes, rats, bugs, like those nasty guys disturb and threaten the Vikings have bothered the "pests" - Long. Those flying flame, the canine teeth of the dragon's violations, so Viking no peace. Thus, generation after generation of pirates with tribal chiefs subjects, and the dragon fight to the death battle.
If He Kapu (Jieyibulu Thatcher) father's father's father's father, Dragon heroes are each generation, then as a pirate guide (Gerard Butler) his son , it is no good did not inherit the family lineage. The hand can not blame the children put the shoulder does not challenge, even ants are not trampled to death, the upper and lower body strength of character to find any little pirates. By looking at his skinny little body, he dreams to become a great Viking's "lofty aspiration" was always in exchange for peer ridicule.
When puffing flames of animals again attacked the residence of the Vikings, with his help the blacksmith's master tried to persuade him to hide a bit further.
Small He Kapu partial afraid of evil. Not 6 the abdominal muscles, and his intelligent mind is the most powerful weapon! Build out their own catch a long rope, he secretly with equipment, ready to do the first one caught the "Night evil" people. Qiao was also said that he cat with three legs of the martial arts really caught a lucky hit with the night evil. But no one believed that he hit the most ferocious dragon legends - night ghosts. Disappointed him alone to the jungle to find the night evil figure, fell to the floor when he saw the night when evil, it almost did not wet his pants, he was scared. The courage to bring a knife, He Kapu Yingzhuoxinchang ready to end the knife by ropes tied the dragon only lives! Fear can be evil when you see the eyes of the night, he should not have the unwavering courage is lost. He cut the rope tied to the dragon, but also in fear fed fish, and it established a wonderful friendship, and discovered that in fact the nature of Chun-liang Long warm, perfectly tame. But when the father did not think so commanding, affable chefs do not think he likes the little girl 艾丝特蕾德 (Asia and the United States 莉卡费雷拉) do not think so. One long battle about to begin, in time to prevent the outbreak of small He Kapu absolutely no need to struggle Why?中文意思如下很久很久以前,当世界还没有被浇筑成钢铁丛林,当科技还没有发达到所向披靡,北欧大地上的主人,是以狩猎、捕鱼为主要生计的游牧维京人。太阳东升西落,强壮、高大的维京海盗和他们的妻子儿女,过着快乐惬意的生活。可就像现代人会被苍蝇、蚊子、老鼠、臭虫这些可恶的家伙打扰一样,威胁维京人的也有烦心的“害虫”——龙。那些飞天喷火、尖牙利齿的巨龙的侵犯,让维京海盗寝食难安。于是,一代又一代的海盗首领们带着部落子民,和飞龙誓死大战。

㈥ 有《驯龙高手》的梗概吗

故事发生的地点是在一个名为博克岛的小岛上。那里住着许多健壮的维京人。博克岛上最大的问题就是——龙。龙族经常来博克岛上抢维京人们的羊,千百年来,维京人与龙斗争着……而小嗝嗝是第一个杀不了龙的维京人。那天晚上,他用巨型弓弩打下了一只夜煞,但却没有人看见这一切,他也遭到了一只凶魇的追杀,也给村庄惹下了不小的麻烦。当他解释道:“But,I killed a night fury.”引来的,只不过是其他维京人的嘲笑罢了……他只好自己上山去寻找夜煞。但他却下不了手杀掉夜煞,而是为夜煞解开了绳子……

㈦ 驯龙高手1主要内容简单英文版

主要内容:The story tells a Viking teenager Shikap who lives on Bok Island. He must pass a dragon training test before he can officially become a Viking warrior. The Dragon Trainer Quiz is coming soon, and Hikap must seize this only opportunity to prove the value of his existence to the tribe and his father.

However, when Hikap meets a wounded dragon and becomes friends with this dragon, Hikap's world will completely change from then on.







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