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发布时间:2023-01-27 13:02:19

『壹』 查理卓别林英文简介



Charlie Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin), born on April 16, 1889 in London, the British film and television actor, director, screenwriter.

Charlie Chaplin's first film is "making a living". From 1915 began Chaplin began to self-directed, and even served as a procer and editor. Later he joined the company of Espian, and in 1917 proced "immigration" and "An Le Street", in 1918 he and his brother opened his own company in Los Angeles. And in 1919 summoned to Douglas Fairbanks and others. But until 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film "Paris a woman." After 1925 the "Gold Rush" and 1928 "circus" for Chaplin won the Academy Award.

In 1931 because of the "city light" premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 "modern era". Four years later he filmed the "big dictator". In 1952, his sound film "stage career" release, the same year he moved to Switzerland. In 1967 he photographed the last film "Hong Kong Piaget", 1977 Christmas died in Switzerland at the age of 88 years old.


Chaplin claimed to be born on April 16, 1889, under the London South Walker East Waldorf Streets, but the locality did not have his exact birth certificate. From June to 1896 to January 1898, juvenile Charlie was only one of the schools

Usually inhabitants. 1898 Christmas, also less than 10 years old Charlie became a professional stage actor. As a result of his father's career relationship, he joined the then a junior theater. After several weeks of training, Jackson quickly selected members of the troupe performing dance. Christmas in 1900, the name of Lancashire's troupe in the dance drama "Cinderella" in the performance of the animals in the kitchen of the opportunity. In this play, the young Chaplin dressed as a cat, and for the first time have the opportunity to introce to laughter.

In the spring of 1901, Charlie left the Lancashire Theater. In the same year on May 9, his father died, only 37 years old, can no longer continue to provide any kind of help to his youngest son. In the next two years, Charlie did a variety of work: selling flower girl, barber shop workers, doctors of small workers, as well as newsboy. But most of his time is working in a glass factory and a printing plant. He has also made a toy boat in a private enterprise. In 1903 May, his brother Sidney returned to the sea, intended to rely on his entertainment experience on board the stage. Under the encouragement of Sidney, Charlie, who was only 14 years old, had the courage to volunteer to the West End, and soon got the role of Billy Peggy in the repertoire of a tour troupe Sherlock Holmes. Before waiting for the tour to start, he played a newsboy in the stage "Romantic History of Jim, Happy Township". For more than two years he played Billy's role in the company's stage play, after the role of Billy in London's Princess Theater. After another round of "Sherry Holmes" tour, Charlie joined the comedy stage "repair" in Sidney. In May 1906, he joined another stage play "Casey's Palace Circus" and performed for the play for more than a year. At the age of 17, Charlie has begun to play a major role in the comedy repertoire.

February 21, 1908, Chaplin and the British juggling theater manager Fred Karno (Fred Karno) signed a contract, and in 1910 September lasted for three years. Charlie starred in the repertoire of Carnault, "Wearing a Masked Bird" and "Soccer Team and Bold Jimmy"


In September 1912, he was selected to participate in the tour of the Carnault Theater in the United States. The tour lasted from September 1910 to June of 1912. Along with his tour, there is also a young comedian Stanley Jefferson of the Lancashire Theater, which was later Stan Laurie. The troupe, after traveling from New York to California across the United States, returned to Europe for four months, and he welcomed the second chance to travel to the United States, October 1912. In the spring of 1913, Chaplin was asked to contact Kaiser and Bowman, the New York head office of Kai Si East Cinema. The two sides signed a one-year contract on September 23, 1913.

In 1914, Chaplin's virgin movie "made a living" was released. And then shoot "Twenty Minutes of Love" ("Twenty Minutes of Love" and "Mabel's Married Life" (Mabel's Married Life) and many other movies. At the end of 1914, Chaplin's one-year contract expired. At this time Essanay film company to 1250 US dollars a week wages and 10,000 US dollars signed fee to dig Chaplin.

At Essanay Cinema, Chaplin won a greater free space and also met his future wife, Edna Pavillion. "Rogue" let him start with comedy performance of the bottom of the people's lives, "work" in the strong irony let him get applause. After this "woman", "in the bank" and "police" let him in the public fame. After the end of the Essanay film company, the film "Charles Chaplin's Funny play" and "triple trouble" without Chaplin's consent, was unauthorized broadcast, Chaplin prosecution did not get legal Recognized.

On June 17, 1917, Chaplin signed a "$ 1 million contract" with First National Exhibitor Circuit, which would pay $ 125,000 per film for each of the eight films proced by Chaplin independently The The first completed film is "dog life", then launched in 1918, "from the military", 1919 "bright side" and "happy day". He also played two roles in the 1921 "leisure class", a boring rich man and a tramp who was his substitute. In 1922 the "wages of the day", he played a home wage earners. In the "Pseudo Pastor", he played a fugitive who was mistaken for a village pastor.

In 1918, Chaplin set up his own studio because of the great increase in independence. Chaplin also carried out a number of independent proction activities ring this period. He showed his new studio in the comedy documentary "How to Make a Movie". The issuing company refused to release the documentary, which was screened after 70 years of re-proction. "Bond" is Chaplin's film studio for the efforts of the war, is a call for people to buy war bonds comedy. "Professor" failed to finish, but some of the intense episodes survived. "Nice and Friendly" is a very short drama comedy, visiting friends of Chaplin made a guest performance in the play. By 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film "Paris a woman".

In 1923 the film "Paris a woman", Chaplin guest a station porter. 1925 "Gold Rush" and 1928 "circus" for Chaplin won the Academy Award.

In 1931 because of the "city light" premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 "modern era". Four years later he filmed the "great dictator", who played the Jewish barber and Hitler respectively in the film. In 1947 he photographed "Mr. van der Du".

『贰』 卓别林有哪些电影

查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin),1889年4月16日生于英国伦敦,英国影视演员、导演、编剧。

『叁』 谁知道下面这张图片是卓别林的那部电影

我可以很负责的告诉你,这部电影是卓别林的摩登时代,英文名字叫modern times,是查理卓别林导演并主演的一部喜剧电影,于1936年2月25日上映,短篇故事发生在美国20世纪30年代的经济萧条时期,工人查理在工厂干活,发疯进入精神病院,这一切都与当时的经济危机给人们带来的生存危机有着密切的联系,而在艰难的生活中,查理和宫女相濡以沫,场面温馨感人,焕发着人性的光辉,这部摩登时代被认为美国电影史上最伟大电影之一,也是查理卓别林最著名的作品之一剧情简介,影片的故事发生在20世纪30年代的美国,当时美国经济大萧条的高峰期,社会中每一个人都在自己的生活中苦苦挣扎,查理是一个普通工人,生活在社会的最底层,每天的生活就是日复一日的发疯的工作以及能够获得填饱肚子的可怜工资,虽然生活昏暗无比,但是查理还是努力的奋斗着,不过面对着时代的大萧条。茶里依然无法保证自己生活哪怕是最低的要求,而此时工厂的管理层们开始疯狂的压榨员工,昏天黑地的工作使人们开始麻木,查理自然成为了其中的一员,他成天挣扎在生产线流水线上,由于他的任务是明仅六角螺帽,结果他最后在他的眼里唯一能看到的东西就是一个个转瞬即逝的六角螺帽,结果在厂里的生活中,一切六角形的东西都着凉,因为只要看见六角形的东西,查理就会情不自禁的去扭在大街上一位裙子上带有六角星纽扣的女人就惨遭女人的,就惨遭查理的毒手,但是老板可不会停手,他认为工人吃饭的时间过长,于是美其名曰为了提高工人的工作效率,引进了全新的吃饭机,这种吃饭机可以在最短时间内为工人吃饱饭。这自然而然的就这样节省下了大量的时间,而查理很不幸的成为了适用品,谁知道在适应过程中机器出现了问题,不但无法停止,还开始发疯,结果搞得查理也几近疯狂,最终查理还是失业了。他极不情愿,但又无可奈何的成为了失业大军中的一员,随后无意中成为了示威运动的领导者,但依然无法改变自己的命运,卡里在痛定思痛的想过之后发现唯一不用担心饿死或者操心生计的地方就是监狱,于是他开始计划如何进入监狱,但是他想尽了一切办法,包括替人顶罪都无法使自己进入监狱,不过再艰难的生活都无法改变查理善良的本性,虽然他对自己的温饱都无法保证,但还是在街头大救了一个偷面包的流浪女子,并获得了这个女子的爱情,两人相依为命度过了这个摩登时代。

『肆』 假扮卓别林的那个电影叫什么

更多中文片名:卓别林与他的情人 、卓别林传
更多外文片名: Charlot.....(Italy)
导演: 理查德·阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough
查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin ....(book My Autobiography)
David Robinson ....(book Chaplin His Life and Art)
Diana Hawkins ....(story)
William Boyd ....(screenplay) and
Bryan Forbes ....(screenplay) and
威廉姆·高德曼 William Goldman ....(screenplay)
小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. ....Charles Spencer Chaplin
杰拉丁·卓别林 Geraldine Chaplin ....Hannah Chaplin
安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins ....George Hayden
影片类型: 剧情 / 传记
片长:143 min
国家/地区: 英国 / 美国 / 法国 / 意大利
对白语言: 英语
色彩: 彩色 黑白
幅面: 35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统
混音: Dolby SR
版权所有:&; 1990 Carolco/Le Studio Canal + V.O.F.
摄影机: Panavision Cameras and Lenses
摄制格式: 35 mm
洗印格式: 35 mm
查利·卓别林的母亲是杂耍剧场的女歌手,他五岁就开始登台表演。1913 年查利被电影吸引住了,他加入了麦克· 塞纳特的影片公司。不久,卓别林塑造了脍炙人口的流浪汉形象,他证明他的即兴表演和喜剧天才。他说服塞纳特让他担任电影导演。1918 年,查利和女演员米尔德丽德·哈里斯正式结了婚。1920年,米尔德丽德离开查利。查利的新片《寻子遇仙记》 也被查封了。1921 年,查利回到英国伦敦,受到了热情的接待。查利回到好莱坞,并经历了他的第二次婚姻,娶了女演员丽塔·格雷。1932 年,他遇到宝莲·高黛,于是她成为卓别林的第三个妻子。查利拍了其著名代表作《 摩登时代》,但是他对工作的着迷使他和高黛感情疏远了。他的另一部著名影片《大独裁者》促使联邦调查局进一步对他实行监视。1942 年,他遇到青年女演员乌娜·奥尼尔。她成为他第四个妻子和终身伴侣。卓别林的新片《舞台生涯》举行首映,他遭到了讥笑。1952 年,正当非美活动委员会的审讯活动开始的时候,卓别林离开美国去英国访间。这时,他感到自己已经完全被驱逐出美国。1972 年,流亡中的卓别林获得殊荣,他被授予一个美国奥斯卡特别荣誉奖。

『伍』 有谁知道 卓别林 城市之光 英文简介,谢谢

《城市之光》影片简介: 本片为美国国家电影保护局指定典藏珍品。 这部影片描述了一个流浪汉爱上了一位双目失明的卖花姑娘,为了医好她的眼睛,流浪汉拼命赚钱,参加拳击比赛,在夜总会当打手等。 这是一部夹杂着闹闹吵吵的戏谑而最终抓住真爱的爱情喜剧。卓别林幽默的表演使他的形象更加深入人心。治好眼睛的卖花女,通过手的触摸而明白了流浪汉真面目的最后一幕,令人热泪盈眶。 本片也是查理·卓别林的最后一部默片作品,是他演艺事业中最高的艺术成就,片中充满了淡淡的哀愁,但是卓别林则细腻、直率又幽默的肢体语言,巧妙的将其平衡。片中,小流浪汉与一个百万富翁酒鬼之间的友谊,为此片增添了不少笑料,但是津津乐道的代表片段,还是片中的—场拳击赛,与在餐厅中的一场疯狂的舞蹈。 这部影片更被影迷们誉为“遗珠之憾”,因为当年的奥斯卡发现“沉默已不再是金”,默剧的时代已经过去,有声电影当道,但是卓别林在片中却始终一语不发,因此该片在奥斯卡上遭到冷遇。不过,如今的美国国家电影保护局已经将《城市之光》列入典藏电影目录中,但那些同一年出品并获得奥斯卡提名的影片,却没有一部列入典藏目录。这样子看来,小个子卓别林还是获得了最后的胜利!

『陆』 查理卓别林英语简介



Charlie Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin), born on April 16, 1889 in London, the British film and television actor, director, screenwriter.

Charlie Chaplin's first film is "making a living". From 1915 began Chaplin began to self-directed, and even served as a procer and editor. Later he joined the company of Espian, and in 1917 proced "immigration" and "An Le Street", in 1918 he and his brother opened his own company in Los Angeles. And in 1919 summoned to Douglas Fairbanks and others. But until 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film "Paris a woman." After 1925 the "Gold Rush" and 1928 "circus" for Chaplin won the Academy Award.

In 1931 because of the "city light" premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 "modern era". Four years later he filmed the "big dictator". In 1952, his sound film "stage career" release, the same year he moved to Switzerland. In 1967 he photographed the last film "Hong Kong Piaget", 1977 Christmas died in Switzerland at the age of 88 years old.


In September 1912, he was selected to participate in the tour of the Carnault Theater in the United States. The tour lasted from September 1910 to June of 1912. Along with his tour, there is also a young comedian Stanley Jefferson of the Lancashire Theater, which was later Stan Laurie. The troupe, after traveling from New York to California across the United States, returned to Europe for four months, and he welcomed the second chance to travel to the United States, October 1912. In the spring of 1913, Chaplin was asked to contact Kaiser and Bowman, the New York head office of Kai Si East Cinema. The two sides signed a one-year contract on September 23, 1913.

In 1914, Chaplin's virgin movie "made a living" was released. And then shoot "Twenty Minutes of Love" ("Twenty Minutes of Love" and "Mabel's Married Life" (Mabel's Married Life) and many other movies. At the end of 1914, Chaplin's one-year contract expired. At this time Essanay film company to 1250 US dollars a week wages and 10,000 US dollars signed fee to dig Chaplin.

At Essanay Cinema, Chaplin won a greater free space and also met his future wife, Edna Pavillion. "Rogue" let him start with comedy performance of the bottom of the people's lives, "work" in the strong irony let him get applause. After this "woman", "in the bank" and "police" let him in the public fame. After the end of the Essanay film company, the film "Charles Chaplin's Funny play" and "triple trouble" without Chaplin's consent, was unauthorized broadcast, Chaplin prosecution did not get legal Recognized.

On June 17, 1917, Chaplin signed a "$ 1 million contract" with First National Exhibitor Circuit, which would pay $ 125,000 per film for each of the eight films proced by Chaplin independently The The first completed film is "dog life", then launched in 1918, "from the military", 1919 "bright side" and "happy day". He also played two roles in the 1921 "leisure class", a boring rich man and a tramp who was his substitute. In 1922 the "wages of the day", he played a home wage earners. In the "Pseudo Pastor", he played a fugitive who was mistaken for a village pastor.

In 1918, Chaplin set up his own studio because of the great increase in independence. Chaplin also carried out a number of independent proction activities ring this period. He showed his new studio in the comedy documentary "How to Make a Movie". The issuing company refused to release the documentary, which was screened after 70 years of re-proction. "Bond" is Chaplin's film studio for the efforts of the war, is a call for people to buy war bonds comedy. "Professor" failed to finish, but some of the intense episodes survived. "Nice and Friendly" is a very short drama comedy, visiting friends of Chaplin made a guest performance in the play. By 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film "Paris a woman".

In 1923 the film "Paris a woman", Chaplin guest a station porter. 1925 "Gold Rush" and 1928 "circus" for Chaplin won the Academy Award.

In 1931 because of the "city light" premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 "modern era". Four years later he filmed the "great dictator", who played the Jewish barber and Hitler respectively in the film. In 1947 he photographed "Mr. van der Du".

In 1952, his film "stage career" release, the same year he moved to Switzerland. 1957 "New York King" is considered a portrayal of this life. In 1967 he shot the last film "Hong Kong Girl Count". British Queen Elizabeth II in 1975 awarded the 86-year-old Chaplin Jazz title. December 25, 1977 Christmas morning, Chaplin died in his home when he died, at the age of 88 years old.



Chaplin's parents are professional singers. Mother Hannah Harriet Pedlingham Hill (Hannah Harriet Pedlingham Hill) was the status of the lower position of the bootsmith's daughter, she was 19 years old to Lili - Harry Lily Harley for the stage name Charles Chaplin Senior came from a butcher and tax collector family in Sarkord County, and began his career as a careerist in London at the age of 24.

Chaplin I and Hannah married in June 1885. When Charles I followed the troupe in the United States touring, Hannah and the theater of another actor Leo Deleiden had an affair and gave birth to a son Wheeler Leiden (Wheeler Dryden). Chaplin family of happy family life on the collapse of this. Charlie I became an alcoholic, died only 37 years old. Hannah raised two young sons in the life of extreme poverty until she had fallen for health reasons. Serious mental instability caused her physical condition to deteriorate from 1898 until she was finally admitted to a mental hospital. The young Sidney and Charlie were sent to the National Poor House after a long period of poverty and hunger. Later, Sidney was sent to a training ship called Exmouth, began to accept the sailor training. Later Sidney became a flight attendant to and from British and South African passenger ships.


Heidie Kelly, four years older than Chaplin, is a dancer and Chaplin's first girlfriend. When the two meet for the first time, Chaplin is 19 years old, Heidi Kelly is only 15 years old, when Kelly was in Chaplin stage before the show, and Chaplin she was love at first sight. Soon to marry her, but this time was rejected.

From 1916 to 1917, Edna Pleasant not only starred in Chaplin's many films, but also become Chaplin's lover. Their relationship ended in 1918, because at the end of 1918, Chaplin was married to Miller de Harris. But until 1923, Pvens has always been the heroine of the Chaplin film, including the business card "Wonderful", and until her death in 1958, Chaplin has given her wages.

October 23, 1918, 29-year-old Chaplin married a 16-year-old child star Mirder de Harris. Chaplin and Harris have a child named Norman Chaplin, but little Norman died at a very young age. By 1920, Chaplin and Harris divorced, the marriage was maintained for less than two years.

In 1921, Chaplin shot "looking for the case of cents" when the first encounter Rita Gray. Three years later, 35-year-old Chaplin in the preparation of shooting "gold rush" once again met Rita Gray, then she was 16 years old, the same year, that is, December 26, 1924, Chaplin pregnant in Gray After marriage with her. Two children born two children, one was born in 1925, directly contributed to this marriage, and later became the actor Charlie Chaplin, another late one year was born, called Sidney Earl Chaplin The By 1928, the two finally divorced, and Chaplin paid $ 825,000 for alimony.

From 1932 to 1940, Chaplin and actress Paulott Goddard maintained a special relationship, in life, the two are partners, at work, the two are partners. For most of the eight years, Paulott - Goddard lived in Chaplin's home in Hollywood Beverly Hills. In 1940, when the relationship between the two, only came out together to make a statement, said the two in 1936 has been secretly married. The factual marriage of two men ended in 1942 in friendly.

Chaplin and Joan Bairi became lovers in 1942, when Chaplin chose her as a starter in a film that she was about to shoot. Later, when Bairui serious psychological problems were more and more obvious, so Chaplin unbearable, after the two broke up. In 1943, Berry in the birth of a child, to the court to prosecute Chaplin. Although the blood test confirmed that it was not Chaplin's child, but at the time, the court did not regard the results of blood tests as valid evidence, and ultimately, the court sent Chaplin on the child's obligation to support. The second year, California passed a law that admitted blood tests could be used as evidence. The federal prosecutor accordingly withdrew allegations against Chaplin.

『柒』 谁知查理、卓别林所有的电影名字

1914 Making a Living
1914 Kid Auto Races at Venice (威尼斯儿童赛车)
1914 Mabel's Strange Predicament (梅伯的奇怪窘境)
1914 A Thief Catcher
1914 Between Showers (阵雨之间)
1914 A Film Johnnie (拍摄强尼)
1914 Tango Tangles
1914 His Favorite Pastime
1914 Cruel, Cruel Love (残酷的爱情)
1914 The Star Boarder (aka The Landlady's Pet/女房东的宠物)
1914 Mabel at the Wheel (完美结局
1914 Twenty Minutes of Love (二十分钟的爱情)
1914 Caught in a Cabaret
1914 Caught in the Rain
1914 A Busy Day (忙碌的一天)
1914 The Fatal Mallet (危险的长柄球杆)
1914 Her Friend the Bandit
1914 The Knockout (踢出去)
1914 Mabel's Busy Day (梅伯忙碌的一天)
1914 Mabel's Married Life (梅伯的婚后生活)
1914 Laughing Gas (笑气/奇怪的气体)
1914 The Property Man
1914 The Face on the Bar Room Floor
1914 Recreation (休养/娱乐/查理的消遣)
1914 The Masquerader
1914 His New Profession
1914 The Rounders (棒球游戏)
1914 The New Janitor
1914 Those Love Pangs
1914 Dough and Dynamite (面团与炸药)
1914 Gentlemen of Nerve
1914 His Trysting Place (幽会场所/查理的约会)
1914 Tillie's Punctured Romance (破灭的美梦)
1914 Getting Acquainted
1914 His Prehistoric Past (查理的过去)

1915 夏洛特花天酒地
1915 夏洛特崭露头角
1915 拳击师夏洛特
1915 夏洛特在公园里
1915 夏洛特结婚
1915 流浪者
1915 夏洛特在沙滩上
1915 学徒夏洛特
1915 夏洛特小姐
1915 夏洛特在银行
1915 海员夏洛特
1915 夏洛特在杂耍团

1916 卡门
1916 小偷夏洛特
1916 夏洛特的不幸
1916 柜台长夏洛特
1916 消防队员夏洛特
1916 小提琴手夏洛特
1916 夏洛特晚归
1916 夏洛特和伯爵
1916 高利贷者夏洛特
1916 置景工
1916 夏洛特溜冰

1917 警察夏洛特
1917 夏洛特疗养
1917 移民
1917 夏洛特越狱
1918 狗的生涯
1918 保证人
1918 士兵夏洛特
1919 田园牧歌
1919 愉快的一日
1921 寻子遇仙记
1921 夏洛特和铁面罩
1922 发薪日
1922 朝圣者
1923 巴黎女人
1925 淘金记
1928 马戏团
1931 城市之光
1936 摩登时代
1940 大独裁者
1946 凡尔杜先生
1952 舞台生涯
1957 一个国王在纽约
1967 香港女伯爵

『捌』 英语作文 喜剧演员卓别林

Charlie Chaplin was bron in a poor family in 1889. He learnt singing and dancing when he was a little boy. He was the best welcome little actor of Britain when he was ten.

Then Chaplin made the film. People have provided more applause of The Tramp which Chaplin acted. And he received Oscar Special Awards in 1972. After that, he lived in Switzerland and died on Christmas Day 1977.

Charlie Chaplin's comedies have been the classic films of the whole comedy, and his moustaches, huge pants or tail coats made every people can't forget him.


查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin,1889年4月16日—1977年12月25日),生于英国伦敦,英国影视男演员、导演、编剧。



『玖』 zcharlie chaplin(查理 卓别林)英文介绍




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