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发布时间:2023-01-24 23:06:01

⑴ 几个关于爱国的电影用英语怎么说

正确翻译为:several films about patriotism
如果用several patriotic films,则容易被误解成“电影本身是爱国的”,不妥。

⑵ 爱国电影观后感 700字

这部电影还有个英文名字:《City of Life and Death》,“生死之城”的意思。相比之下,我更喜欢这个名字。毕竟,这是一部商业电影,而不是一部记录片。我也希望看完这个帖子后有可能对我破口大骂的同学们先抱着一种看电影的心态再看一遍这部影片再来骂。

⑶ 电影爱国者英文简介

The movie takes place in South Carolina in 1776. Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, is a patriot who wants no part in a war with Britian. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to go out and kill some Redcoats. When South Carolina decides to go to war with Britain, Gabriel immediatly signs up to fight...without his father's permission. But soon, Colonel Tavington, British solder infamous for his brutal tactiks, captures Gabriel and sentences him to be hanged. As Gabriel is taken away, Thomas tries to free him, only to be killed by Tavington, in front of Benjamin. Now, seeking revenge for his son's death, Benjamin leaves behind his 5 other children to bring independence to the 13 colonies.

Benjamin Martin is a South Carolina planter who is still haunted by his notoriously brutal past as a soldier in the French and Indian War. When the American Revolution comes, he chooses not to fight for the Continental Army because he wants to protect his family. But when the British Colonel Tavington threatens their welfare and kills one of his sons, he chooses to enlist. Martin becomes the leader of a makeshift militia, which consists of peasants, slaves, a minister, and assorted other irregulars. During the war Martin and his men discover that they will pay a steep personal price for their rebellion. But thanks to their courage and bravery, they are also destined to pay a pivotal role in turning the tide against the Redcoats.


⑷ 它就像是看一部电影。 英文翻译

It just see a film. just是仅仅的意思,It just see a film则翻译为只是看电影。。

⑸ 电影爱国者的英文观后感

THE PATRIOT Roland Emmerich, USA, 2000

Mel Gibson is a movie star. A really big one, even. He's got charisma and presence and lights up the screen and is pleasingly handsome in a rugged, non-pretty-boy kind of way. He's funny and charming on talkshows and makes lots of money for all of the above. This much we know. What remains a bit of a mystery is how he maintains such status. His star-power is firmly rooted in the seemingly ancient Lethal Weapon series and the quip-throwing, fast drawing, scene-chewing character he plays in it seems to have overtaken his public persona as well. Does anyone actually know anyone who even saw Lethal Weapon 4? The more appropriate question perhaps being: does anybody remember it? Does anybody care?

Since Mel Gibson is a movie star by trade, he is also tangentially an actor. And in his new film, The Patriot, he has a listless taciturnity that one could diplomatically describe as "understated" or, if so inclined, "Gary Cooper-ish." Ultimately, though, Gibson's performance just seems false -- hollow in an utterly competent, completely professional way. In the age of Jim Carrey and Fight Club, Being John Malkovich and Ben Stiller, Gibson's style of acting doesn't seem so much old school as plain inadequate. This is not to run roughshod over classical notions of subtlety or interiority, but merely to say that if he was once emblematic of his time, Gibson's moment has passed. Perhaps he is simply inching towards some exclusive hideaway of insignificance, where he can commiserate over the rising price of jet fuel with Kevin Costner and Harrison Ford.

It's not all his fault, either, The Patriot. And it's not even that it's a bad movie, it's just not good either; it just is. Created by the director/procer team of Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, The Patriot is caught in the double bind of wanting to be two semi-incompatible things at once. On the one hand, the project has the air of an important, high-style heritage picture about a simple farmer trying to escape his past sins and keep his family together ring trying times. But set against the backdrop of the Revolutionary War, the movie continually feels an alternate pull towards being a blood-and-guts actioner. Over the course of its 2 1/2 hours, the film often seems at war with itself -- every time it starts to move with a steady flow, building momentum, it suddenly finds itself in a little narrative eddy, taking time out for a funeral, or a wedding, or to reiterate how bad the bad guys are (as in not good) and how the good guys are simple folk just trying to get along and colonially do their thing.






⑹ 问题:跪求几部具有教育意义的英语电影,特别是爱国、搞笑的!!急!

《辛德勒的名单》《当幸福来敲门》《八月迷情》 《忠犬八公》
《返老还童》又名:本杰明·巴顿奇事 《遗愿清单》

⑺ 《长津湖》是爱国电影吗









⑻ 写一篇介绍电影的英语作文



Going to the movie is an affair of recreation, I like in the movie theater to go to the movie, because movie theater in of that kind of the atmosphere is what home can't own


but the condition of now, we usually will go to the movie in the home, few go to movie theater


usually see foreign movie at ordinary times, the really local movie still has a certain margin, the movie of now comes close the modern living method more, the thinking of now


classic movie many meeting bodies now traditional pleasant impression, however as long as is a good movie, I will like


If is a book change of movie, I feel this have no intentional viewpoint, if the movie draws on a person enough, I think the original book that may see the bottom movie, if is a good book


I certainly think it can clap movie, see the oneself like of the person image move a screen up, can the better comprehension appreciate


⑼ 关于电影《THE PATRIOT》爱国者的理解 帮忙回答下啊 感激不尽 答案请发到邮箱[email protected]


In this dramatization of the American Revolution, an ex-war hero (Gibson) is forced to fight and kill again when his family and home are threatened by the British.


The Patriot lacks originality and is mired by movie conventions, but still manages to be a well crafted film that is thoroughly entertaining.


Going into this movie, I knew I was in for a long, historical epic--and I generally hate long, drawn out dramas. I have also seen Mel Gibson fight for freedom in Braveheart and Chicken Run, so the prospect of him battling for independence yet again didn't seem all that interesting. But despite these early strikes against it, I have to admit that The Patriot was a solid movie that will easily be amongst the top films of the year.

The Patriot is a historical drama focused on the American Revolution. Mel Gibson plays legendary war veteran Benjamin Martin, a single father with a large family. He is tormented daily by the memories of what he did to the French ring the war, praying for forgiveness and trying to avoid conflict. But his intentions to lay down the sword are dashed when the British march through his hometown and kill members of the local militia who are fighting for freedom. In the process, the redcoats, led by the cruel and merciless Colonel Tavington (played with perfect villainy by Jason Isaacs), destroy his house and kill one of his sons.

At this point, some 30 minutes into the story, the single greatest action moment of the whole movie occurs. Mel Gibson, enraged by the death of his son, goes completely Mad Max. He salvages all the weapons from his house, takes two of his surviving sons, and tracks down the British squad responsible for the carnage. While he has his two kids lay down cover fire for him, he sneaks up on the soldiers and slaughters them all one by one. Watching Gibson's character take out twenty men is truly a sight to behold: he shoots them, he smashes them with the barrel of his gun, and he hacks them to bits with a tomahawk. It's absolutely grizzly, and may very well be the most graphically violent scene in mainstream movies this year.

For the action enthusiast, The Patriot has an abundance of fighting scenes that have an unnerving sense of realism attached, thanks to the primitive depiction of war. Guns of this era are short range weapons that must be reloaded after every shot, allowing for God-knows-what to happen before you can squeeze off a second blast. Cannonballs smash into people with brutal consequences, breaking off heads and limbs in the most gruesome manner.

The story, while hardly original, is engaging from beginning to end. Benjamin Martin is a man who doesn't want to go back to killing. He is an idealist who wants to resolve America's grievances with England through politics. He refuses to fight, and because of this, some of his sons believe him to be cowardly. His oldest son, Gabriel (Heath Ledger), enlists in the local militia, gung-ho at the prospect of shedding blood for his country. Benjamin knows the harsh realities of war, and doesn't want his son to follow in his footsteps, but despite all his pleas, Gabriel goes off to war. Eventually, the battle comes to their home and affects them firsthand, and it's at that point that Benjamin realizes he must take action. He joins the militia and fights alongside his oldest son.

Jason Isaacs turns in an excellent performance as the central villain: the ruthless English Colonel Tavington. To the dismay of his military superior, he violates the rules of warfare in favor of getting the job done. He shoots children without remorse, he has a church burned to the ground, and he revels in extreme cruelty. He is therefore an excellent on-screen villain--twisted, intimidating, and perfectly evil.

The "buxom wench" look (see also Sleepy Hollow) appears to be in fashion ring this era, as evidenced by Joely Richardson's cumbersome, never changing wardrobe.

By bringing the battles onto American soil in the midst of simple townfolk, The Patriot casts the birth of our nation into a harsh perspective, driving home the fact that America was not always the pristine sanctuary we sometimes think it to be. But in spite of its mission to recreate the American Revolution, history is not the movie's strong point. Instead, its strengths are the well-paced action sequences, the father-son relationships found throughout, the ghosts in Benjamin's past, and the examination of vengeance as a virtue. For these elements, this is a movie not to be missed. And even though it clocks in at two and a half hours, it never gives you the chance to get bored.


The Patriot shamelessly embraces every movie trick in the book to elicit emotions. For example, Mel Gibson has a little girl who refuses to speak throughout most of the movie. But when he is about to leave for war again and the story requires a tearjerker, the little girl starts crying, "Daddy, daddy, don't go, I'll say anything you want." Damn, if that isn't the cheapest shot! It felt like they were only one step away from drowning puppy dogs or shooting crippled orphans. Still, the scene was well done, so instead of appearing cliche and cheesy, it was only transparent and unoriginal.

Other attempts to milk sympathy didn't fly so well. Soon after the oldest son Gabriel gets married, Tavington has the wife and all her fellow townspeople killed. I understand that it's supposed to give Gabriel an additional reason to want to kill Tavington, but it struck me as unnecessary. After all, Tavington had killed Gabriel's younger brother in the beginning of the movie, and so had already given him a reason for vengeance early on. Another reason it didn't really work was because the wife--despite being "the prettiest girl in all of town"--wasn't a very interesting character. In fact, the scene in which she lays peer pressure and guilt on the town in order to get the men to sign up for the militia struck me as the most shallow moment of the entire story.

Still other subplots are just outright bad: there's the stereotypical black guy who has to prove himself worthy in the eyes of his stereotypically racist white colleagues (and of course, he does). In fact, when it comes to race relations, The Patriot is painfully self-aware that it's a year 2000 movie in how it apologizes for slavery--it depicts the Martins as having a whole plantation full of black servants, but forces the caveat that "they're not really slaves, because that would be wrong." Mel Gibson and his family are made out to be "good masters" for the sole purpose of avoiding a confrontation with the audience. Just because we don't agree with slavery today doesn't mean it didn't happen, and I think the writers would have done well to spare us the convoluted fairy tale cleanliness.

For the most part, though, The Patriot succeeds even when it's being formulaic. And that, perhaps, is the reason why so many people enjoy it--it is a movie that is easily liked, with a solid story and a good cast.

⑽ 看英语电影爱国者2000的观后感




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