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发布时间:2023-01-21 19:11:42

1. 求电影怪物史莱克(sherk)英文介绍

Shrek 1的:
Near a bubbly soupy swamp in a forest of strange creatures, lives the ogre Shrek (voiced by Mike Meyers of Saturday Night Live and Austin Powers fame). Feared and hunted by townspeople (all "normal" humans), the large ugly green being with horns for ears has grown accustomed to his solitary life... until the day when ruler of the land, Lord Farquaad (voiced by John Lithgow), decides to administer an ethnic cleansing of sorts. Rounding up the strange fairy tale characters living amongst the people, he orders them to reside in a designated area--Shrek's peaceful swamp.

Amongst the throng of things like a wooden doll with a growing nose and an old woman with scads of children living in a shoe, is a wisecracking non-stop talking donkey (voiced by Eddie Murphy) who anxiously wants to accompany Shrek to Farquaad's castle and assist in convincing the ruler to let the creatures roam freely again. Reluctantly, Shrek agrees to take Donkey (as he is simply named) to see the prince. But Farquaad will only agree to restore the swamp to its original splendor if the twosome can deliver Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron Diaz), who is imprisoned by a dragon in a far away castle. With purpose and haste, Shrek sets off on his quest with Donkey in tow.

This hybrid fairy tale contains enough irreverent humor to keep audiences--and parents--upright in their seats. Shrek is the type of guy who enjoys blowing flatulent bubbles in his swamp water, and Donkey--not surprisingly--resembles Eddie Murphy after he's been fitted with a crude humor muzzle. Then there's the princess. Let's just say she's not quite what you'd expect either.

Shrek does have its laughable moments, and strengthens its theme of racial tolerance in a humorous way. Yet the bathroom humor, double entendre sexual jokes (hopefully vague enough to pass by young children), occasional cartoon style violence, and handful of mild profanities (including a synonym for "donkey"), may leave some parents wondering if the good makes up for the bad and the ugly in this movie.

The lovably ugly green ogre returns with his green bride and furry, hooved friend in Shrek 2. The newlywed Shrek and Princess Fiona are invited to Fiona's former kingdom, Far Far Away, to have the marriage blessed by Fiona's parents--which Shrek thinks is a bad, bad idea, and he's proved right: the parents are horrified by their daughter's transformation into an ogress, a fairy godmother wants her son Prince Charming to win Fiona, and a feline assassin is hired to get Shrek out of the way. The computer animation is more detailed than ever, but it's the acting that make the comedy work--in addition to the return of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz, Shrek 2 features the flexible voices of Julie Andrews, John Cleese and Antonio Banderas, plus Jennifer Saunders as the gleefully wicked fairy godmother.

2. 求电影《怪兽大学》英语简介,80-100词左右。初一水平,请加翻译

In monster units, large blame mike Sullivan and MAO blame the two brothers are inseparable companions. But things are not right from the first. In monster university, mike and Sullivan from see the first side cannot tolerate each other. But after a series of things, two people finally solve their differences and accept each other, and to the best of friends.
The monster university of concept map, the big eye son mike Sullivan and MAO blame step into big moment of campus gate, the students around them is full of all kinds of monsters. "Monster university" is the first time in 2001, pixar villain as the leading role of animated sequel to "the monster power unit, two of the much-loved monsters will be on the screen, please in time, and will be entered the university as a ? reading


3. 怪物大学的英文电影名英文主角名英文台词及中文

怪物大学的英文电影名:Monsters University




4. 奇幻电影《怪物游戏》原名叫什么


5. 高分求英文翻译:怪物史莱克剧情介绍.

很久很久以前……史莱克和他拯救的费奥娜公主结婚了。Long long ago, Shrek married with Princess Fiona who he rescued. 夫妻俩甩下超级电灯泡加扩音机的驴子,去渡他们幸福浪漫的蜜月。After mped the super third wheel plus loud-speaker donkey, the couple spend their happy and romantic honeymoon.小两口卿卿我我,甚是甜蜜。They had a great, sweet time. 当他们返回沼泽地,收到一封来自“遥远国 ”的邀请函。When they went back to the wetland and received an invitation from "the distant country". 费奥娜的父母哈沃尔德国王和莉莲王后想请分别许久的女儿和从末谋面的乘龙快婿回娘家看看。Princess Fiona' parents,King Harold and Queen Lilian,wanted to see their long-separated daughter and son-in-law who they hadn't met yet. 于是这对怪物夫妻乘坐马车浩浩荡荡地赶往“遥远国”,当然还得带上他们最丢不起的驴子。So the monster couple hurried to the "distant country" on carriages, of cause with their donkey who they last wanted to leave behind.
“遥远国”举国欢庆的时刻到了,成千上万的国民开始到处张灯结彩、敲锣打鼓。The festivity of the whole "distant country" came. Thousands upon thousands people decorated everywhere with lanterns and streamers, sang and danced happily. 电视台也将盛况空前地直播这场“世纪回归”。The TV station was going to live broadcast this "century regression" with pomp they never had. 正当人群兴高采烈地准备迎接美丽的公主和帅气的驸马爷时,居然从马车上走出一对怪物来…… When the crowd were cheerly expecting their beautiful princess and handsome emperor's son-in-law, to everyone's surprise, they saw a couple of monster walk out the carriage.
国王和王后万万没想到美若天仙的掌上明珠也变成了胖乎乎的恐龙,姑爷更是打着灯笼也找不到的丑角。The king and the queen absolutely didn't expect that their fair-faced beloved daughter had become a fat dragon, and their son-in-law is the most ugliest monster they had never ever seen. 受到惊吓的二老发现灾难才刚刚开始……。What's worse, the scared old couple found this was just the beginning of disaster.
国王很早和仙女教母谈好了条件,要让费奥娜嫁给她的儿子白马王子。The king had a commitment with Fairy Godmother to let Fiona marry with her son Prince Charming. 白马王子出马,本应该是马到成功的,但是没想到半路杀出个程咬金抢先一步屠龙救美了。Charming was supposed to success immediately upon the action, but the dark horse was unexpectedly rescued and had the princess before Charming took his action.于是国王决定雇佣大名鼎鼎的怪物杀手穿靴子的猫,希望他能把他们的绊脚石给除掉。So the king decide to engage the famous monster killer-- a boot-wearing cat, hoping he can get rid of king's eyesore.


6. 环太平洋英语简介加翻译

The film is set in the 2020s, when Earth is at war with the Kaijus,[a] colossal monsters which have emerged from an interdimensional portal on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. To combat the monsters, humanity unites to create the Jaegers:[b] gigantic humanoid mecha, each controlled by at least two pilots, whose minds are joined by a neural bridge. Focusing on the war's later days, the story follows Raleigh Becket, a washed-up Jaeger pilot called out of retirement and teamed with rookie pilot Mako Mori as part of a last-ditch effort to defeat the Kaijus.
2020年,地球正处于和一种名为kaijus的来自太平洋底部时空节点(时空隧道吧大概)的怪兽作战。为对抗怪兽,人类合作制造了Jaegers,一种由至少两名机师通过设备连接五感才能够驾驶的巨型机甲。故事着重讲述了战争末期名为Raleigh Becket的前机师与新生代机师Mako Mori合作执行的以彻底击溃Kaijus为目的的最后作战。

7. 求电影怪物史莱克(sherk)的英文介绍


很久很久以前,有一个愤世嫉俗、苟不言笑的绿色 巨人怪物史莱克,一个人孤零零地住在遥远的沼泽里,有一天一大堆惹人厌的童话故事人物突然打乱他平静的生活,他吃的食物有瞎了眼的小老鼠,床上躺了一只大野狼,家里来了三只房子被吹倒的小猪仔,这些童话人物通通都是被邪恶的法克大人给赶来。 他为了拯救这些童话人物,还有他自己的家,于是就和法克大人谈了一个条件,他必须把美丽的费欧娜公主救出来,嫁给法克大人,他在路上找到一个讲起话来喋喋不休、口若悬河的驴子,他什么都肯为史莱克做,就是不肯乖乖闭嘴。但是当他发现美丽的公主竟然深藏了一个可怕的秘密,事情就变得更复杂了


影片继续上一集的故事,怪物史莱克(迈克?梅尔斯 配音)和驴子唐基(艾迪?墨菲配音)在冒险后,他们先从喷火龙和暴军手中救出了奥菲娜公主(卡梅隆?迪亚兹配音),史莱克也有幸成为了她的丈夫。在他们度完蜜月之后,来自“遥远国”的钦差来到他们居住的沼泽地。原来,奥菲娜公主的父母、“遥远国”的国王和王后邀请女儿女婿回国,他们要见见久别的女儿和还末谋面的女婿。
公主从前的仙女教母(詹尼弗?桑德斯 配音),很早前就曾叫自己的儿子“魅力王子”(鲁帕特?艾弗瑞克配音)去城堡里屠龙救美,可惜让史莱克抢先了一步。她觉得公主变丑全是因为怪物史莱克搞怪。为了抢回她想要的儿媳,她警告国王这对怪物的到来,将会给他的国家带来更可怕的灾难。国王无法,只得同意了仙女教母去寻找怪物猎人,对付那只大怪物。
仙女教母来到童话世界的恶人谷“毒苹果酒吧”,打听能除掉怪物的人,有人告诉她,一只穿靴子的猫是有名的怪物猎手。于是,这只猫(安东尼奥?班德拉斯 配音)跟着仙女教母来到了遥远国,它要使出自己的佐罗剑术,与史莱克大打出手,却没料到自己反被这只大怪物弄得……


《怪物史莱克》第一集在2001年上映时,全球票房达到4亿5500万美元,并获得奥斯卡金像的第一座最佳动画长片奖。梦工厂决心趁胜追击,开拍令人期待的《怪物史莱克 2》,于是更精彩的故事内容,更多爆笑的桥段和更有趣的人物登场了。导演安德鲁·亚当森表示:“当我们拍完第一集,几乎把传统的童话故事颠覆到了极限,后来发现婚后的生活才是更棒的搞笑题材。”这次变本加厉的添油加醋,梦工厂将更多家喻户晓的童话故事甚至著名电影、建筑都拿来大作文章。最典型的就属“遥远国”,它完全就是贝佛利山庄的动画版。



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