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发布时间:2023-01-13 23:30:17

『壹』 僵尸新娘英文台词

Movie Script II
Emily: With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be...I will be...Your cup will never empty, for I will be...
Victor: I will be your wine.
Corpse 1: She's having a second thought.
Emily: I can't.
Victor: What's wrong?
Emily: This is wrong. I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now, now I've stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor. But you are not mine.
Victor: Victoria?
Barkis: Oh, how touching! I always cry at weddings. The young lovers together at last. Surely now they can live happily ever after. But you forget, she's still my wife. I will not leave here empty-handed!
Emily: You!
Barkis: Uhh, Emily?
Emily: You!
Barkis: But, but...I left you.
Emily: Left me dead.
Barkis: This woman is obviously delusional. Sorry to cut it short, but we must be on our way.
Victor: Take you hands off her.
Barkis: Do I have to kill you too?
Corpse 2: Victor, catch! Sorry.
Corpse 3: I say, play it fair, sir.
Barkis: Too shame, my dear.
Emily: Get out!
Barkis: Oh, I'm leaving. But first a toast to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break when it stops beating?
Maggot: Let me have him, let me have him, don't let him...
Corpse 4: Wait, we must abide by their rules. We are amongst the livings.
Barkis: Well said.
Maggot: Not any more.
Corpse 5: Yes, you're right. He's all yours.
Corpse 2: New arrival.
Victoria: Oh, Victor, I never thought I'd see you again.
Victor: Wait. I made the promise.
Emily: You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.
1. have a second thought,表示“另有想法,重新考虑”。
2. The young lovers together at last. 有情人终成眷属。

『贰』 僵尸新娘经典台词中英文


1、 "With this hand,I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty,for I will be your wine. With this candle,I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 执子之手,承汝之忧。 愿为甜酿,盈汝之杯。 但如明烛,为汝之光。 永佩此誓,与汝偕老。 《僵尸新娘》"

2、 "I was a bride (我曾经是个新娘)My dreams were taken from me(我的梦想被别人夺走了) Well, now... (但是,现在...) Now I've stolen them from someone else(现在我却夺走了别人的梦想) I love you, Victor(我爱你 维克特) But you're not mine(但你不属于我) 《僵尸新娘》"

3、 "With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.(但为明烛,为汝之光。) 《僵尸新娘》"

4、 蜡烛灼烧我不觉痛楚 利刃割过我也依然如故 听着她的心跳好象音符 而我的心儿早已入土 《僵尸新娘》

5、 "你的杯将永不干涸因为我将是你杯中的生命之泉 Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. 《僵尸新娘》"

6、 "Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.(愿为甜酿,盈汝之杯。) 《僵尸新娘》"

7、 如今它如此的痛苦 谁还来告诉我这只是虚无 我的生命之花早已干枯 只有我的.眼泪还是流个不住 《僵尸新娘》

8、 "蜡烛灼烧我感觉不到痛楚 酷热严寒也依然如故 我的心还是阵阵悸痛 早已粉碎,不再跳动 《僵尸新娘》"

9、 "现在我用这只戒指向你求婚你愿做我的妻子吗? With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 《僵尸新娘》"

10、 "我将用这支蜡烛在黑暗中照亮你的生命 With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. 《僵尸新娘》"

11、 "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.(执子之手,承汝之忧.) 《僵尸新娘》"

12、 I was a bride. (我曾经是个新娘)My dreams were taken from me.(我的梦想被别人夺走了) 《僵尸新娘》

13、 我要用这只手,抚平你的忧伤;你的酒杯将永远盈满,因为我即是你的美酒。我会用这支蜡烛,为你点亮黑暗,并以这枚婚戒,娶你为妻。 《僵尸新娘》

14、 "Victor Van Dort: With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 《Corpse Bride》"

15、 There's been a grave misunderstanding.(tagline) 《Corpse Bride》

16、 "婚礼誓言: With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.? Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.? With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 我将用这只手带你走出困苦与忧伤;你的酒杯将永不干涸,因为我会成为你的生命之酒;我将用这只蜡烛照耀你的 《僵尸新娘》"

17、 可如今它如此的痛苦 谁来告诉我这不过是虚无 为何我的眼泪还是流个不住 《僵尸新娘》

18、 我将用我的手带你走出忧伤困苦 With this hand I will lift your sorrows. 《僵尸新娘》

19、 "Well, now... (但是,现在...) Now I've stolen them from someone else.(现在我却夺走了别人的梦想) 《僵尸新娘》"

20、 "With this ring, I will ask you to be mine.(永佩此誓,与汝偕老。) 《僵尸新娘》"

21、 "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows; Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine; With this candle, I will light your way in darkness; With this ring, I ask you to be mine! 《Corpse Bride》"

22、 "With this ring, I will ask you to be mine. 《僵尸新娘》"

23、 "Victor Van Dort:Under different circumstances,well,who knows? 维克特·范·杜:换一个时间换一个地点,也许我们的结局就会不同。 《僵尸新娘》"

24、 "I love you, Victor.(我爱你,维克特) But you're not mine.(但你不属于我) 《僵尸新娘》"


『叁』 僵尸新娘台词




结婚誓言:With this hand,I can lift your sorrows。Your cup will never empty,for i will be your wine。With this candle,I can light your way in the darkness。With this ring,I ask you to be mine.正是这句誓言唤醒了地下的艾米丽~

2、艾米丽悲痛的独唱——If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain

If you cut me with a knife it's still the same

And I know her heart is beating

And I know that I am dead

Yet the pain here that I feel

Try and tell me it's not real

And it seems that I still have a tear to shed

If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain

In the ice or in the sun it's all the same

Yet I feel my heart is aching

Though it doesn't beat,it's breaking

And the pain here that I feel

Try and tell me it's not real

I know that I am dead

Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed

















3、当杀害艾米丽的巴克公爵得知亡灵不能伤害他的时候,他骄傲的说了一句——“Tell me darling,Can a heart still break after it's stopped beating?”一颗停止跳动的心脏还会心碎吗?














1、I love you,Victor我爱你维克特But you're not mine.但你不属于我

2、With this candle,I will light your way in darkness.但为明烛,为汝之光。

3、Well,now.可是,此刻。 Now I've stolen them from someone else.此刻我却夺走了别人的梦想

4、With this hand,I will lift your sorrows。执子之手,承汝之忧。

5、well,hello。what a pleasure。wele to our home。哈啰,很荣幸见到你们,欢迎光临寒舍。

6、I spent so long in the darkness I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is。我在阴间待得太久,我都快忘了这美丽的月光了。

7、Victor Van Dort:Under different circumstances,well,who knows?维克特·范·杜:换一个时光换一个地点,也许我们的结局就会不一样。

8、Barkis Bittern: [to the corpse bride] I'm leaving。 But first! A toast,to Emily。 Always the bridesmaid,never the bride! Tell me my dear,can a heart still break once it's stopped beating? Hm?巴克斯男爵:[对僵尸新娘说]我就走的。但这之前,我要敬你,爱米莉,祝你永远做伴娘,永跟新娘无缘!告诉我亲爱的,一颗停止跳动的心,还能心碎吗?

9、婚礼誓言:With this hand,I will lift your sorrows。Your cup will never empty,for I will be your wine。With this candle,I will light your way in darkness。 With this ring,I ask you to be mine。我将用这只手带你走出困苦与忧伤;你的酒杯将永不干涸,因为我会成为你的生命之酒;我将用这只蜡烛照耀你的。

10、I was a bride我以往是个新娘My dreams were taken from me.我的梦想被别人夺走了

11、With this hand I will lift your sorrows。我将用我的手带你走出忧伤困苦。

12、Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know.期望没有出乎我们预料外的事。

『肆』 《僵尸新娘》的全部台词~~

With this hand I will lift your sorrows.

Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.

With this candle, I will light your way into darkness.

With this ring, I ask you to be mine.

[维克多] 我曾经敏感,曾经脆弱,曾经羞涩,也许正是这些个性让我与这个拜金的、冷酷的世界显得格格不入,而也许正是因为这样,上帝才安排我经历了一场超越生死的爱恋,让我变得坚强,变得勇敢。
With this hand, I’ll lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty, for I’ll be your wine!


『伍』 僵尸新娘的英文翻译

"Corpse Bride" is not so publicized as the subject of terror, many people believe that it is actually more of a pass with a warm feeling.
"Corpse Bride" is Tim Burton in a given month animation works, it continues a unique style that the director has always been .
In this cartoon,it is full fill with gothic fairy tale, ghost-like puppet and gloomy face.Above that,we can difine it a strange but romantic fairy tale for alts.

『陆』 僵尸新娘的英文介绍

Corpse bride
the subtitles of this movie (Chinese and English version ):

Corpse Bride
又名: 僵尸新娘 / 怪诞尸新娘
导演: Tim Burton
主演: Johnny Depp
上映年度: 2005
官方网站: http://corpsebridemovie.warnerbros.com/
imdb链接: tt0121164
制片国家/地区: 英国

Who else but Tim Burton could make Corpse Bride, a necrophiliac's delight that's fun for the whole family? Returning to the richly imaginative realm of stop-motion animation (after previous successes with The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach), Burton, with codirector Mike Johnson, invites us to visit the dour, ashen, and drearily Victorian mansions of the living, where young Victor Van Dort (voiced by Johnny Depp) is bequeathed to wed the lovely Victoria (Emily Watson). But the wedding rehearsal goes sour and, in the kind of Goth-eerie forest that only exists in Burton-land, Victor suddenly finds himself accidentally married to the Corpse Bride (Helena Bonham Carter), a blue-tinted, half-skeletal beauty (how pleasantly full-bosomed she remains!) with a loquacious maggot installed behind one prone-to-popping eyeball. This being a Burton creation, the underworld of the dead is a lively and colorful place indeed, and Danny Elfman's songs and score make it even livelier, presenting Victor with quite a dilemma: Should he return above-ground to Victoria, or remain devoted to his corpse bride? At a brisk 76 minutes, Burton's graveyard whimsy (loosely based on a 19th century Russian folktale) never wears out its welcome, and the voice casting (which includes Tracey Ullman and Albert Finney) is superbly matched the film's gloriously amusing character design, guaranteed to yield a wealth of gruesome toys and action figures for many Halloweens to come. --Jeff Shannon

『柒』 电影《僵尸新娘》里面有句结婚时的誓词,“with this king,I.....”后面是什么

With this hand,
I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty,
for I will be your wine.

With this candle,
I'll light your way in darkness.

With this ring,
I ask you to be mine.

『捌』 僵尸新娘里面的两个新娘和一个男主角 分别叫什么名字 英文和中文的都要·

男主角维克多(victor)约翰尼-德普Johnny Depp 配音 维克多
新娘维多利亚(victoria)艾米丽-沃森Emily Watson 配音 维多利亚
僵尸新娘爱米莉(Emily)海伦娜-卡特Helena Carter 配音 僵尸新娘

『玖』 僵尸新娘英文内容

Name of movie:Corpse Bride

Translate:僵 Corpse bride

Director:The 蒂姆 -wave Tim Burton

Star:John 尼 -the virtuous 普 Johnny Depp b the 维 gram many

Helen 娜 -Carter's Helena Carter bs a 僵 corpse bride

The 艾 rice 丽 -the fertile 森 Emily Watson b a Victoria


The slice is long:76 minutes

Class:PG class

Issue:Warner's brothers

Be shown date:In 2005 September 23th

Official website:corpsebridemovie.warnerbros.com

IMDB grade point:8.0/10(563 votes)

Recommendation index number: ★★★★

Plot brief introction

A village in 19 centuries Europe, a male youth that is called the 维 gram to have another, accompanies home town of return the oneself with friend together, because of over there have a bride of beauty is waiting for marrying with him over there, he even can imagine to oneself's wedding of luxurious, all the way up pleased of the feeling can't cover up.When two people run about in the gloomy forest, in the forest 阴 the cold bise canned obstruct the 维 gram to upsurge much still of motion with in the future for fine imagine, for let oneself will soon the wedding of the arrival is more perfect, he decides and does a drill.Hence, his single knee kneels on the ground, play trick is a tree branch in in front the wedding ring set, then read aloud to wish a phrase lightly, also spoke own newly married to vow.However see this time fantastic drill, but derivation a series of strange affairs, that tree branch unexpectedly suddenly become a putrefied finger, a woman that wears a wedding dress break ground but, she claim to be is murder of, make more person can't what to accept BE, she make sure oneself be in front this silly boy 维 gram have another of legal wife.

Which the 维 gram is many to saw this kind of power, at that moment his brain in in left to"escape" two words.However, face at present of this 僵 corpse New Year's Day, the 维 gram has another an ordinary people nature and run and drop.The final outcome is the 维 gram to have another is usher in another world in, and with this 僵 corpse the bride marry.This 僵 corpse bride not only look in the eyes the sad wedding dress is broken-down, and her creation process make the person feel unimaginable, more terrible is she to the 维 gram have another of devote and move.The 维 gram of the thin feet 伶仃 is many where withstand such molestation, but he still needs to choose to rush.Certainly, ghost the bride frighten not a fewly for him, also giving many feelings of his life with teach a benefit, he wants to face two misses that want to get married with oneself, Be just life and death two boundaries, such choice is painful, also is a happy ……

The director introce
The Hollywood has ever spread a parlance:The persons who like the 蒂姆 · wave the movie of all like a standing alone person, because the 蒂姆 · wave be a person with eccentric born nature, he pursues weird,advanced and dark state from cradle to the grave.But since the film of this year see, he is still weird with the vanguard, not dark, in the whole dark color adjust, he always tries to show people person shining edge.Sound to frighten a person very much 《the 僵 corpse bride 》let the person exclaim repeatedly, and then make many laughable mistakes.Still just was shown soon of 《check the reason and the chocolate factory 》BE also such, we how to can't also imagine a the kid who has innocent smiling face is a how can standing alone person?So so standpoint's saying on the certain meaning is to have already lost the one-sided.Special field view, with the special story, only a special purpose is to call the person is happy.His vanguard with weird not the 艰涩 , but look very comfortable of that kind of.

In the meantime, the movie let the place that we come in sight of the 蒂姆 · wave the craftiness of.Borrow 《the chocolate factory 》of delay effect, an animated cartoon release, the pole acquires bigger income by dinky cost probably.And puppet in the story person the 维 gram is many oneself have with John the 尼 · the virtuous 普 is similar to of some characteristics, he look is also fragile and have neurotic melancholy qualities.

Dark in harmony with the 幽 is blue is the main tone of this movie, this is also the 蒂姆 · wave the style is in a kind of body of the formality now.Still remember 12 year agos of 《Christmas the night is frightened 》 ?Wave dramatizes already of the identity displayed him toward us of animation remarkable talent.But this felling that makes lately to the person of now is more fresh and clear not the 浑 is muddy, each role the lines is clear, look pure deeply matchless.But the whole tone of the movie increased a kind of"degree of hardness" for movie, making the movie to the person's felling firmness and being filled with a hope.

Since 2004, the 蒂姆 · wave the team that lead him start create this movie.Elder brother especially the environment of the type open spaces gloom, the fun of the eccentricity still is fine go to the appearance processing of the pole, become drawing on the person's place most in this film.Elder brother especially the movie have always been to come with weird atmosphere relentless with it convex and own now of character, but Be an animated cartoon to appear of 《the 僵 corpse bride 》seem to be more gentle on this foundation, but inheritted this type movie still of character.And its humor also is in the cold 峻 of pleasing, depict delicacy to the person and the appearance extremely.So, this movie also has been is expect by people.

《The 僵 corpse bride 》have no what this topic publicize then terror, the many people think, it is in fact more is deliver a sweet of felling.And story expressed with the animated cartoon, original there will be a lot of lovely chemical elements, although also is talk ghost a theory absolute being, destine to differ from the terrible slice on the traditional meaning.So this the type of the movie is an animation,comedy and fantasize, the terror is just a kind of thing of surface meaning, isn't a cinematic subject.And face what this movie people send out to exclaim a voice substantially also is owing to movie of praise highly, basic with heart of fear irrelevant.

Substantially, this is a movie of sweet, optimism,alacrity and very interesting, it carried out a kind of breakthrough, although it inheritted the 蒂姆 · wave the cloudiness of still.As a result this movie also is almost what owner expect, using an animated cartoon, even is the form of the puppet to express a difference usually of world.Beyond all doubt, it lets the old urchin of the purely imaginative reality find out to display the satge of the boxing feet lately, also letting the diversification that the audience starts re- knowing the 蒂姆 · wave the movie style of.

This publicizes to even like to clap the porn slice 蒂姆 · wave that combines to mean despise to child's slice publicly still a be not careful and then expose his 童 heart.So from 2005 later, we to the traditional evaluation of his old man's house whether have to have to change 1:00?

Backstage topic for gossip
The academic background of this story comes from Eastern Europe, the then radical anti- Judaism personage usually is in the Judaism the personage the matrimony the troops to start, kill can continue the family line for the Judaism of only one bride, not a few brides now the body wear the demitoilet inhumation in wayside, die ambiguous.
Certainly this kind of is legendary and gloomy and terrible, just providing a story material, and attentive the color of the religion, as a result also had the 维 gram many roads to meet the 僵 corpse bride's story, just the movie has already had no legendary and gloomy.But is take up the 蒂姆 · wave of personal print to record, and this kind of personal thing discriminate between former style again.

John's 尼 ·'s wearing 普 is a cinematic male host's male 维 gram to have another of b actor, the publicity of the medium is he frighten a person with the voice, but the substance is his this voice that frightens a person to send out because of being frighten, just think, facing a 僵 corpse a bride to insist on and marry to the oneself, who can also keep equanimity?

Company's house of the cleverness always doesn't pass any opportunity to gain a benefits, the movie urges to living the toy proction, this kind of way have the same result after each try, the spider 侠 , superman, transform a gold just and various type robot of the creation be the best certificate.But 《the 僵 corpse bride 》triggered the inspiration of company's house once again, and from here but stimulate the noodles comparison that the output proct involve wide, according to know what happened a person to reveal, these toy perhaps the list price of the gift and related proct wait from USD 1.99-149.99.This will accompany with movie to rush to flow out together since then.

『拾』 关于僵尸新娘的英文简介,麻烦翻译一下~~~

蒂姆波顿的《僵尸新娘》延续了其经典作品《剪刀手爱德华》和《圣诞夜惊魂》一贯基调,阴暗和浪漫。这是一部定格动画作品,讲述的故事发生在19世纪欧洲的一个村庄,以主人公维克多(由Johnny Depp约翰尼德普配音)的故事为叙事线索。维克多由于某些原因被带入了阴间并与神秘的僵尸新娘结了婚,与此同时,他在人间的真正新娘维多利亚,正在焦急地等待他的归来。虽然维克多感觉到自己在阴间的生活比在人世间残酷的生活精彩,但是他了解到,今生或来世,没有什么东西能够阻碍他与珍爱团聚。这是一个积极,浪漫且生动的故事,是蒂姆波顿的惯用叙事手法。



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