『壹』 急求张艺谋的简介成就,要英文!!!!
From 1987 to 1999, he directed red sorghum and other films, which won film awards at home and abroad.
After 2002, the commercial film hero, which was turned into a director, broke the box office record of Chinese films twice.
In 2008, he was the chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games.
Won the 2008 world Chinese influence award and top 10 people moved by CCTV.
『贰』 如何用英语介绍一个现代名人
Yao ming is one of the most famous basketball players in the world.He began to play basketball at nine and revealed his natural gift for sport.At the age of 18,he became one of the members of the national basketball team.Four years later,he entered the NBA as the second Chinese player ever played in it.With 2.26 meters in height and excellent basketball skills,he plays a key role in the team and obtains numerous scores ring the matches.At spare time,he likes to play computer games for entertain.Despite his great achievements,he is not arrogant at all and can always be polite、friendly towards others.As a man who is versatile in sports and morality,Yao Ming is not only the idol of adolescents,but also the proud of China.
『叁』 刘德华火了这么多年,他的成就到底有多高娱乐圈有多少人能超越华仔
『肆』 票房超200亿,沈腾成“中国电影市场第一人”,他的实力有多强
『伍』 他的成就远远超越电影业,自2005年,他把大部分时间投入到慈善事业 翻译成英文
His achievements are far beyond the movie instry. Since 2005, he has been devoting most time to charities.
『陆』 成就远不仅限于电影业英语
Achievement is not only limited to the film instry
『柒』 李安是谁他有哪些成就
李安是著名导演,(Ang Lee),1954年10月23日出生于台湾省屏东县潮州镇,电影导演、编剧、制片人,毕业于伊利诺伊大学香槟分校、纽约大学。
2001 年《卧虎藏龙》获得 第73届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片奖
2006年《 断背山》 获得 第78届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖
2013年 《少年派的奇幻漂流》获得 第85届 奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖。
『捌』 他因此片获得了奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖的英文翻译是什么
With this film, he was honored as the best director in the Oscar Academy Award.
Academy Award (美)奥斯卡奖(美国电影艺术金像奖)