导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 我和朋友去看电影英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-24 02:32:18

① 我通常和我的朋友去看电影,英语

I usually go to the movies with my friends.

② 今天晚上我要和一些朋友一起去看电影用英语怎么说

I'm going to see a movie with my friends tonight.
I'll go to see a movie with some of my friends tonight.
这两个句子都行。 至于词组可以互换着使用,无所谓

③ 我跟朋友一起去看电影了用英语怎么说

看电影的固定词组是go to the cinema
英美人地道的表达法是My friend and I went to the cinema.
如果是写作文可以在后面加上时间如yesterday或者last week,这个句子就完整
中国人一般会翻译成I watch a movie with my friend.这是典型的中国式英语,翻译的痕迹太明显了。以英语为母语的人不会这么说。

④ 我经常和朋友看电影(英语怎么说)

My friends and I often go to movies.我经常和朋友看电影.

⑤ 昨晚我和朋友们一起看电影用英语怎么说

I saw a movie with friends last night.

⑥ 我周末经常和朋友们一起去看电影怎么说

英文:I always go to cinema with my friends at weekends.

⑦ 我和我的朋友们在星期三去看电影的英语怎么说 我现在就要

My friends and I will go to the movies on Wednesday.
或: I am going to the movies with my friends on Wednesday.

⑧ 我经常和朋友去看电影用英语怎么说

I often go to the cinema with my friends.

⑨ 下周我要和朋友去看电影怎么翻译

翻译成英语:I want to go to the movies with my friends next week。

⑩ 我和我的两个好朋友一起去看电影用英文怎么说

I go to movies with my two good friends。



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