导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 他周末读书和看电影的英文


发布时间:2022-12-18 19:36:04

1. 在周末我和朋友常去电影院看电影与书店买书英文怎么说


I often go to movies and go to the bookstore to buy books with my friends on weekends.


2. 这个周未他打算读书和看电影用英语怎么说

He is going to read books and watch a film this weekend.


3. 我们两都喜欢看书和看电影.我们周末总是去千金影院看电影翻译成英语最高级和


We both like reading books and watching movies. We always go to the cinema daughter over the weekend

4. 他们周末常去看电影。怎么写成英文

They often go to the cinema this weekend

5. 用英文来翻译每个周日他都会去看电影

Every Sunday he went to the movies

6. 他经常在周末去图书馆读书的英语怎么说

He always goes to the library to read books at weekends

7. “在周末看电影”,用英语怎么说

watch moive in the weekend.

8. 他下个周末打算看电影,怎么翻译。

He plans to/is going to see a moive next weeken.

打算做某事:be going to do sth
plan to so sth

看电影:see a moive
下周末:next weekend

9. 他和他父母周末经常去看电影翻译成英文

He and his parents often go to the movies on weekends

后面三空填the movies on weekends

10. 他经常在周末去图书馆读书的英语怎么说

He often goes and does some reading in the library at weekends.



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