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发布时间:2022-12-12 03:22:38

Ⅰ 四人小组编英语对话,主题是最爱的电影,要包括喜欢的原因,该怎么编急!!

俩人在对话(oh yeah, I like that too,)这是又增加俩人(what are you guys talking about?/we are taling about our favoutite movies, what about you Jack/mike/daniel....)然后选4部电影,各自简短介绍一下,可以喜欢剧情故事很感人/很励志blabla,可以喜欢演员(很帅很漂亮)可以喜欢配乐可以喜欢导演的手法(the way the director put it, always make me feel curious about what is going to happen next )然后重点一部电影大家好像都很感兴趣,然后越好周五6点一起去电影院看,no girlfriends/boyfriendsO(∩_∩)O哈哈~

Ⅱ 四人英语情景对话 四分钟左右 电影对白最好 我期末考试用谢谢大家

旁白:One day Samantha Candy and Jujo are planing for their Summer holiday.

a:Where would you like to go ?

b:I want to swim.

c:But I can't swim and it is too crowded there .so I don't want to go there .How about going to Beijing ?

a:Can Beijing offer us a lot of fun ?

c:Yes .We can visit a lot of landmarks in Beijing , such as the Summer Palace and the Tian'anMen Square .They are all beautiful.

b:Ok,let's go to Beijing for our Summer holiday .

旁白:In Summer holiday ,Samantha ,Candy and Jujo were visiting Beijing together .They visited the Summer Palace ,the Great Wall and the Tian'anMen Square .But they weren't happy .Because they thought the air in Beijing wasn't clean and the air pollution was not good for their heath.One week later,they came back .)

a:Oh!The air in Beijing is very dirty.It's bad for our heath.

b:Yes.That's air pollution .How can we clean the air .

c:We can plant more trees.


b:Oh!I know. The trees take harmful gas from the air and release oxygen into the air.They can lelp us to clean the air .

c:Yes.That's true.Trees are useful .They an make streets more beautiful and less noisy. And the fruit and the nuts for cola,and the beas for the coffee alll come from trees.

a:Wow .The trees are great. Are the wood in our pencil and paper in our notebooks all from trees?

b,c:Yes,they are all from trees.

a:Trees are really useful.Why don't we plant a lot of trees in our city.And the air in our city will become clean or our city will also become more beautiful .

b:That's a good idea.Let's go and plant some trees now .

a,c:Ok,let's go.

旁白:Samantha Candy and Jujo are planting trees in their city .Their cities become more beautiful .We can also plant trees in our city .That's good for our heath.And the air in our city will become cleaner.

Ⅲ 求四人英文对话必须是电影或者电视剧对白的。

101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate
[ Time Lapse, Ross has entered.]
Ross: (mortified) Hi.
Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.
Monica: Are you okay, sweetie?
Ross: I just feel like someone reached downmy throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...
Chandler: Cookie?
Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today.
Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee.
Ross: Thanks.
Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)
Ross: No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay?
Phoebe: Fine! Be murky!
Ross: I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.
Monica: No you don't.
Ross: No I don't, to hell with her, she left me!
Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian...
Ross: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't know, how should I know?


Chandler: Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian... (They all stare at him.) Did I say that out loud?
Ross: I told mom and dad last night, they seemed to take it pretty well.
Monica: Oh really, so that hysterical phone call I got from a woman at sobbing 3:00 A.M.,
"I'llnever have grandchildren, I'll never have grandchildren." was what? A wrong number?
Ross: Sorry.
Joey: Alright Ross, look. You're feeling a lot of pain right now. You're angry. You're hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?
(Rossgestures his consent.)
Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones!
Ross: I don't want to be single, okay? I just... I just- I just wanna be married again!

参考 http://wenku..com/view/281a48d7c1c708a1284a4479.html

Ⅳ 求2篇4人的英语情景对话,分别关于发明和电影,每篇每人4句话左右,大学2年级的水平

CORINNE: I just saw "Something About Mary" last night. It was hilarious.
DOLLY: Darren took me to it last week. I thought it was a little sick.
CORINNE: What do you mean "sick"? It was really funny, don't you think?
DOLLY: It was entertaining in some ways. But in general I didn't like it.
CORINNE: Why not?
DOLLY: I just think the humor was too gross. There were too many disgusting things in it.
I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny.
CORINNE: It wasn't a dirty movie. There wasn't even any nudity.
DOLLY: No, you're right. But nudity doesn't bother me.
What bothered me were all the jokes about masturbation, stuff like that. It was too sick.
CORINNE: Oh, you are too conservative. That's all just realistic.
DOLLY: I don't think it's realistic.
You mean that scene where Mary puts the "hair gel" in her hair? You think that's realistic.
I thought it was sick. Why does a movie have to use that kind of humor?
CORINNE: People think it's funny.
补充:DOLLY: But it was the most disgusting comedy I've ever seen.
And it was a big budget movie too. It wasn't just a low-budget film you can see on cable TV.
I think America's values are screwed up if movies like that are popular.
CORINNE: See? I told you, you are conservative.
DOLLY: I'm not really conservative.
But at least I have a sense of propriety. Some new movies are just vulgar.
If they become popular, it proves that people are becoming more vulgar.
CORINNE: I'm really surprised at this. I didn't think you were like this.
DOLLY: I'm not what you think, Corinne. I'm not prudish at all.
Did you see the movie "Pleasantville"?
CORINNE: Yes. I thought it was good.
DOLLY: That was a movie about sex too.
It was about breaking away from hypocritical sexual values.
CORINNE: I agree. But what did you think of that one?
DOLLY: I thought it was excellent. Very imaginative and well-written. But it wasn't gross.
There are so many people that the tickets are all sold out! 人太多了,票都卖完了。
Luckily we got the last two. 幸好我们买了最后两张。
Look, Danny. The Four Great Inventions! 看,丹尼,四大发明!
Gunpowder, compass, the paper making, and the printing. 火药、指南针、造纸术和印刷术。
I really admire those who made such great inventions! 我真崇拜这些伟大的发明者。
May, I don't see why they are great. They are just simple things. 阿美,我不明白有什么伟大的。它们只是些很简单的东西啊。
They look simple today. But they were milestones in their times. 它们今天看起来很简单。但在它们那个时代却是里程碑。
Milestones? May, you must be kidding. 里程碑?阿美,你在开玩笑吧。
Just think Bill Gates, those inventions are as important as the windows system. 想想比尔?盖茨,那些发明的重要性不亚于Windows 操作系统。
Well, I suppose the ancient inventors made a lot of money out of them. 我想古代的发明家们肯定从它们身上赚了不少钱吧。
No, quite the contrary. 不,恰恰相反。
Why? Didn't you say that they were milestones? 为什么?你不是说它们是里程碑吗?
Yes, but they went to the public without any patent protection. 是啊,但是它们没有任何专利保护就进入市场了。
Daniel:Well, their inventors were not as clever as Bill Gates.哦,它们的发明者可没有比尔?盖茨那么聪明啊。

Ⅳ 谈论去电影院看电影四人英语对话

Ann:I wonder what's your favourite movie? Jane:Transformer.I like the splendid scene and the spirit of the transformer in the movie. Mary:James·Bond.You see both of the actors are charming.And the romance in it is very impr。

Ⅵ 求英文经典电影4人口语对话片段


Ⅶ 求四人英文电影对白,

灰姑娘剧本 ~自己挑吧 差不多都四个人 The first field Narrator: long long ago, there was a lovely girl, her name is Alice, her mother died, her dad loves her. Father (appearances, holding the gift) : dear daughter, this gift is for you, do you like it? Alice (do) surprise: oh! Thank you, dad! Dad: my dear daughter, I wish you happy forever! Alice: but dear daddy, I feel a bit hungry. Dad: I'm sorry, I'll give you cook Dad exits. Alice exits. Narrator: but the day of her father and find a new mom, look, her stepmother and her sister to the new. Stepmother lead two girls. Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, what a beautiful house! Helen: yes, there are many fruits, apples, bananas, mango, and litchi! Oh! I love them to death! Jenny (pointing to a pile of laundry) : mom, you see, and beautiful clothes, I like this!!!!!!!!!! Alice () : oh, can't play, that is me! It is the father bought my new clothes! Jenny: you are? Mom, she is??? Stepmother: she is your sister, fine, Alice, go, go to clean the house cook for us! Alice: why? I am not your servant! Stepmother: but from now on, you are our servants!!!!!!!! Alice injustice of the exits. Narrator: since then, Alice became servants of their work day, her, she has no house, no good to eat her clothes to wear, no more dirty, so she called the people around her Cinderella. The second game Knock on the door. Stepmother: what? Soldier: I am. I'm from the soldiers, good morning, madam! This is for you and your daughter. Stepmother: what is it? Jenny! Helen! Good news! Palace will have a huge party, the prince shall choose one from inside the girls do his princess! Jenny and Helen, Whoa! I will be the princess! Stepmother: daughters, hurry up! You must put on your most beautiful clothes, the beautiful dress! Jenny and Helen next, dress up. Alice: mom, I also want to go! Stepmother: will you? Look at yourself, so dirty so ugly! The daughters, ready? We go! Stepmother and sisters exits. Alice (crying) : oh, I really want to go, what should I do? The fairy The fairy: poor girl, let me help you! (to remove the apron, Alice, clothing, love Liz to dance and dance, but remember, you must come back before twelve o 'clock, everything will change back to the same. Alice: thank you fairy elder sister! The fairy: be careful, don't forget the time! Alice: oh, I won't forget! Alice exits. The fairy exits. The third field King: ladies and gentlemen, welcome to attend the party, I am your king of Kings. Tonight, we will choose a prince of the most beautiful girl became his most kind of princess Diana, now, young girls, please come to the dance. Some woman, sir. dance King: how do you like the girl? Prince: no, don't like. Cinderella King: wow! Look at that pretty girl, she! Prince: beautiful girl, could I ask you to dance? Alice: oh, yes, I would. Alice, prince dance. Twelve ZhongZhong ring Alice: oh, dear, it is time to go, I must go! Alice flurried exits. Drop slipper. Prince: wait! Wait! What's your name? The prince picked up slipper. The prince (at) : my slipper must find you! My soldiers? ! Soldier a, b: in! Prince: put the shoes to every family, you must find the girl! Soldier a, b: yes! Aye! The fourth field Stepmother: what's the matter? Big officer? Soldier a: respect, you young lady miss? Soldier b: a lovely girl at the ball off her shoes, the prince wants to find her, and she got married. Helen: let me try let me try! This is my shoes! Helen tried shoes. Soldier a: oh, I'm sorry, shoes are too small, not your shoes Jenny: I was I, let I to try! Soldier b: oh, it's not you, it's too big. Stepmother: hi! Maybe it's me! Let me try and! Soldier b: oh, my god! It is probably not for you. Your other young lady? Alice. Alice: hello, sir, may I try it on? Stepmother: you? Roll! Helen: look at you! Jenny: ugly and dirty! Soldier a: no, ladies, let her try. Here, miss, please put on it. Alice: thank you! Soldier a: b, too perfect, it is you! Soldier a telephone call, (out) : 5535240 The prince (call), in the corner appearance: hello! I am a prince Soldier a: your highness, news, we found this beautiful girl! Prince: really? Was really too good! I'll arrive at the moment! The prince arrived. Prince: oh, I love the girl, I love you! Leave it with me and be my wife, will you? Alice: oh, I like! Stepmother: why, my sister and will be like this? Narrator: this is the end of the story, Alice found her happiness, love Liz and prince have happiness of life together. 翻译: 第一场 旁白:很久很久以前,有一个可爱的姑娘,她的名字叫爱莉斯,她的妈妈死了,她的爸爸很爱她。 爸爸(出场、手捧礼物):亲爱的女儿,这个礼物是给你的,你喜欢它吗? 爱莉斯(做惊喜状):噢!谢谢你,爸爸! 爸爸:我亲爱的女儿,我愿你永远快乐! 爱莉斯:不过亲爱的爸爸,我肚子有些饿了。 爸爸:我很抱歉,我马上给你做饭 爸爸退场。爱丽丝退场。 旁白:可是一天她的父亲又找了一个新妈妈,看,她的后母和她的新姐姐们来了。 后母带领两个女孩出场。 后母:海伦,珍妮,看,多么漂亮的房子啊! 海伦:对,还有许多水果,苹果啊,香蕉啊,芒果啊,还有荔枝!喔!我爱死它们了! 珍妮(指向一堆衣物):妈妈,你看,还有漂亮的衣服,我喜欢这个!! 爱莉斯(出场):噢,不行,那是我的!那是爸爸买给我的新衣服! 珍妮:你是哪个?妈妈,她是哪个??? 后母:她是你们的妹妹,没事,爱莉斯,去,快去打扫屋子给我们做饭! 爱莉斯:为什么啊?我不是你们的仆人呀! 后母:但是从现在起,你就是我们的仆人了!! 爱丽丝委屈的退场。 旁白:从那以后,爱莉斯就变成了她们的仆人,她从早到晚的干活,她没有屋子住,她没有好东西吃,也没有衣服可穿,她越来越脏,所以周围的人都叫她灰姑娘。 第二场 敲门声响起。 后母:哪个啊? 士兵:是我,我是来自王宫的士兵,早上好,女士!这是给你和你女儿的。 后母:是什么啊?珍妮!海伦!好消息!王宫将会有个盛大的舞会,王子要从姑娘们里面选一位做他的王妃! 珍妮和海伦;哇噻!我将会是王妃! 后母:女儿们,快点!你们一定要穿上你们最最漂亮的衣服,打扮的漂亮点! 珍妮和海伦下场、打扮。 爱莉斯:妈妈,我也很想去! 后母:就你?看看你自己,这么脏这么丑! 女儿们,准备好了么?我们快走! 后母和姐姐们退场。 爱莉斯(哭泣):噢,我真的很想去,我该怎么办才好? 仙女出场 仙女:可怜的小姑娘,让我来帮助你! (给爱丽丝去掉围裙、套上衣物)爱莉斯,去舞会跳舞吧,不过要记住,你必须得在十二点钟前回来,否则一切将会变回原样。 爱莉斯:谢谢你仙女姐姐! 仙女:当心点,别忘记时间! 爱莉斯:噢,我不会忘记的! 爱丽丝退场。仙女退场。 第三场 国王:女士们,先生们,欢迎参加这次的王宫舞会,我是你们的国王。今晚,我们的王子将会选出一位最漂亮最善良的女孩成为他的王妃,现在,年轻的女孩们,请来到中央起舞吧。 若干名女士、先生出场。起舞 国王:怎么样,你喜欢哪个女孩? 王子:不,一个都不喜欢。 灰姑娘出场 国王:哇!看那个女孩,她好漂亮! 王子:美丽的姑娘,我可以请你跳舞吗? 爱莉斯:噢,是的,我愿意。 爱丽丝、王子起舞。 十二点钟钟响 爱莉斯:噢,天哪,是时候该回去了,我必须得走! 爱丽丝慌忙退场。掉落水晶鞋。 王子:等等!等等!你叫什么? 王子捡起水晶鞋。 王子(凝视水晶鞋):我一定要找到你!我的士兵呢?! 士兵甲、乙:在! 王子:把这只鞋子拿到每家每户,你们必须要找到这个女孩! 士兵甲、乙:是的!遵命! 第四场 后母:有什么事吗?官大爷? 士兵甲:尊敬的女士,你们家有年轻的小姐吗? 士兵乙:一位可爱的姑娘在舞会上掉了她的鞋子,王子想找到她和她结婚。 海伦:让我试让我试!这只鞋子是我的! 海伦试鞋。 士兵甲:哦,对不起,鞋子太小了,不是你的鞋 珍妮:是我的是我的,让我来试试! 士兵乙:哦它不是你的,它太大了。 后母:嗨!也许是我的呢!让我试试撒! 士兵乙:哦,我的老天!它不可能是你的。你家还有其他的小姐吗? 爱丽丝出场。 爱莉斯:你好,先生,我可以试一试吗? 后母:你?滚! 海伦:看看你自己! 珍妮:又丑又脏! 士兵甲:不,女士们,让她试试。过来,小姐,请穿上它。 爱莉斯:谢谢! 士兵甲、乙合:太完美了,它就是你的! 士兵甲(掏出电话、打电话):——⊙﹏⊙b汗谁编的~ 王子(在角落出场、打电话):你好!我是王子 士兵甲:殿下,好消息,我们找到了这位漂亮的女孩了! 王子:真的?真的是太好了!我会在第一时间内赶到! 王子赶到。 王子:噢,我最爱的姑娘,我爱你!和我一起离开这,做我的妻子,你愿意吗? 爱莉斯:噢,我愿意! 后母和姐姐们:为什么会这样? 旁白:这就是故事的结局,爱莉斯最终找到了她的幸福,爱莉斯和王子从此幸福的生活在一起.

Ⅷ 急求英文电影经典对白 ,4人, 约10分钟,每个人的对白时间基本上一致。(急,答案好的话追加50分)

Tomorrow is another day.
Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.
"Bond. James Bond."
Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get."
Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.
Jenny: Are you stupid or something?
Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does.
"I'll be back!"
We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.
“My family first”
I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you.
Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it?
"There's no place like home."
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.
It’s not the men in your life that counts,it’s the life in your men.
Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?
I could dance with you’till the cows come home.On second thoughts,I’d rather dance with the cows’ till you came home.
Gimme a visky with ale on the side——and don’t be stinchy,baby.
The end ,is only the beginning.
16.《 Phenomenon》
“ Will you love me for the rest of my life?”
“ No, I'll love you for the rest of mine.”
If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone or sharing something。
--I thought you were gone.
--Without you,never
Never let anyone know what you are thinking.
Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you !
Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It's a dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to you.


Starsky:Nothing harder to solve than a floater. No prints, body usually bloated. It's next to impossible.
Hutchinson:All right, I say we push it out. Hope the current takes it to the next precinct.
Starsky:Hey, stop it.
Hutchinson:You gotta be very ginger.
Hutchinson:You point a gun at me? Okay. Fine, have it your way. Knock yourself out.
Starsky:All right, I'm just gonna call in the meat wagon.

Ⅸ 求3分钟的4人英语对话,最好是电影桥段

Tom:Hi,Which movie do you like best?
Peter:The Speed. Have you seen that?
Jack:Yeah,The movie Speed is the most exciting film I've ever seen.
John: I feel the same way.
Tom:In this movie,I like Jack,he is a resourceful man.
Peter:Anyway, Dennis Hopper's character is somewhat complex and his performance is excellent.
John:I heard he started in filmdom when he was 19 years old.
Jack:Yes,he is a good actor.

Ⅹ 4人英语短对话带翻译情景(2)

4人英语短对话带翻译:advantages and disadvantages of oral English test

C:I'm busy preparing for my spoken nglish exam. 我在忙着准备我的英语口语考试呢。 A:It? it must be tough. 是吗?那一定很辛苦吧。

C:Yes, speaking too hard, made me feel quite schizophrenic. don't know why did this. 是啊,口语太难了,搞得我晕头转向的。真不知道为什么要考这个。

D:I think it's a good chance of exercise. While in college i'm afraid the standard of spoken english tests are not many. 我倒是觉得这是一个锻炼的好机会。在大学期间恐怕参加正规的英语口语测试的机会并不是很多。

A:There has been in such a spoken english exam. you never know their english speaking ability, perhaps you would be nervous at that time, say that is not good, but doesn't matter, the most important are you prepared, to meet other similar ; oral test or the interview, you have accumulated.有过参加这样一次英语口语考试的经历,你会知道自己的英语口语水平怎样,也许你当时会紧张,会说的不够流利,但是都没有关系,最重要的是你准备了,经历了;以后再碰到别的类似的口语考试或面试,你都有了积累。

B:So is said that, but the accumulated is very important, and learning english is to spend a lot of time. 话是这么说,可是积累很重要啊,而且 学习英语 是要花费很多时间的。

D:Not pay, how can we return? 不付出辛苦,怎么能得到回报呢?

C:I see, so to my oral english to a quality improvement, i have to pay very much. 我明白,所以为了我的英语口语能有一个质的提高,我已经付出很多了。

A:Yes, any word of the examination is not a surrender, we study English

and participate in the real business of language is communication, employment and international cooperation to force abstract force. 对,任何言语考试都不是一种伎俩,我们进修英语并参与考试的真正伎俩是提升言语沟通力、就业合作力以及国际抽象力。

B:Learn english well is so large? 学好英语有这么大的好处?

D:Of course, if you to the master test, usually when there is an english speaking the interview. therefore, conclusion, my spoken english exam is : exercises are also able to meet other with the examination, several friends who is good practice english, can enjoy. 那当然,如果你考研的话,一般在复试的时候也会有一个英语口语面试。所以,总结来说,参加口语口试的好处是:锻炼自己,另外还能认识别的一起考试的人,多几个朋友总是不错的啊,可以一起练口语。 B:Thank you for your reminding. 谢谢你的提醒。

A:Nothing of. 没什么。


B: in your opinion, which is more important, IQ or EQ? 你觉得智商和情商哪个更重要呢? C: why are you asking me the strange question? 你为什么问这个奇怪的问题呢?

B: I watched the movie Forrest Gump last night. And the question just lingered in my mind. 昨天晚上我看了电影阿甘正传,这个问题就一直在我的脑海里萦绕.

D: well, I think IQ matters more. But it won't work without EQ. 哦,我觉得智商更重要些,但是一个人也离不开情商.

A: why? You seem pretty sure about it. 为什么?你看起来很确定.

D: because an intelletual mind can only be a beneficial thing in life. 因为一个人的聪明才智才会令他终生受用.

C: but IQ is decided at birth. One can't expect to make a lot of improvement in it. 但是人的智商是生来就决定好的,不会有太大长进

B: that's why people's achievement varies greatly. 所以人们会有成败之分啊.

A: that's sure, but what if one comes across some difficulities? He must rely on his EQ to deal with them. 有道理,可是如果一个人遇到困难怎们办?他只能用情商来解决问题.

D: yes, jerry, can you share your understanding of EQ? 是啊,杰瑞,你能 说说 你对情商的看法吗? C: I think it is independent of IQ and plays a prominent role in deciding the way we lead our lives. 我觉得情商和智商是两码事,分别决定着我们的生活方式

A: quite right. Have you noticed that a high IQ is not a must for one's success? 是这样的.你有没有注意到一个人若想获得成功,并不一定要有高智商吗?

B: just as Forrest? 就像阿甘一样吗?

D: yes, his IQ is high enough for him to embrace the success as long as he can manage his EQ. 对啊,只要他能够很好地应用自己的情商,他的智商已经足以让他成功了.


C:Hey, baby, you looks in a sad mood . What's the matter?


D: I'm just facing a choice, a tough one, between my parents and my boyfriend. I have no idea on it. 我正面临一个艰难的选择,在我父母和男朋友之间。我感到束手无策。

B: Absolutely you're in a emotion trouble . But just take it easy ,there will be a way to deal with it . 你的确陷入情感麻烦中了。 但是不要着急,会有解决问题的 方法 的。

D:How can I get relaxed ? , I need both my parents and my boyfriend seriously, I won't separate with each one .Losing anyone will make me heartbroken.


A:I quite understand you . I think it will be a good way to get a happy endding. That is , your boyfriend tries his best to show your parents his capacity and charm, making your parents believe he can give you a bright life ,then he will be accepted by your parents. Usually parents won't refuse a eminent son-in law .


D:It sounds great . Althrough it is taugh , we will fight together for our future.


C:Wish lovers get married .




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